Global Game: Comes with Portable Store

Chapter 203 1 On the verge of breaking out


The crisp sound of chains hitting each other slid past my ears.

Su Changxing used his domain to restrain Harris's movements, pulled out his pistol, and pulled the trigger continuously toward his face.

More chains appeared in the sky, and the bullets fired were also bound and stagnant by the chains.

This is also the realm, the realm called confinement.

The effect of the confinement field is similar to that of Su Changxing's Twilight Field. They both restrain others, but the fundamental principles are quite different.

Su Changxing's domain master is manipulating time with the purpose of slowing down time.

Harris's domain is to bind him with chains to achieve a true sense of imprisonment.

"It's really surprising that there are people as powerful as you in this world." The little girl stood up from the ground and said with a sneer. There was still blood in the blood hole in her abdomen, but she didn't seem to notice it.

"In this case, I will defeat you head-on and make you feel what despair is!"

As she spoke, the expression on her face gradually distorted, as if she was extremely emotional.

According to Su Changxing's observation, the emotions of powerful people tend to go to extremes, either to the extreme indifference or to being extremely emotional in a certain aspect.

This seems to be a natural drawback that cannot be avoided.

Power will radiate the mental state, and mental changes will affect the soul, and the soul will be refracted to the body.

Mysterious power naturally distorts people's minds.

In Su Changxing's understanding, wizards are a process from humans to monsters. The so-called wizard king is a monster in the true sense, but it still retains the human mind.

Their bodies will continue to alienate in this process, and they seem to have a similar transformation process to the new humans in the zombie world.

Those new human beings who reach the extreme are these wizards, as long as they can live long enough and reproduce from generation to generation.

Harris' field is more complete and powerful than his, and he will definitely suffer a loss if he meets head-on.

Su Changxing also has experience in this. He shrinks his own domain to prevent forced collisions, and then adapts to the rules of the other party's domain.

This is the only way he can get the better of his opponent.

In the space interspersed by countless chains, it is dark and silent, and the outside world cannot be seen.

Su Changxing was bound by dark chains one after another. He could not move or make any more movements. He could only watch the other party helplessly.

"You're quite interesting." Harris didn't expect Su Changxing to be so calm and composed. Most people would be frightened if they were suppressed.

Su Changxing smiled and said calmly: "In my understanding, the so-called domain is just the replacement of rules. The rules of your domain do not kill people directly, so I have nothing to be afraid of."

Areas as destructive as the White Mask are the scariest.

At that time, if it weren't for the fact that White Mask's own strength was only at the seventh level, and Su Changxing had extremely strong self-healing ability, he might have died there.

Just because Su Changxing can't move doesn't mean that Harris can move. Even if he is the master of the domain, he still has to abide by the rules of the domain.

Except for Su Changxing who obtained the domain directly from his position, the domain was generally established bit by bit by the owner of the domain, and it was very consistent with the owner's fighting style.

Su Changxing also guessed Harris's fighting method. In the field, when both sides were unable to move, he cast mental witchcraft on him for a long time.

What Harris is good at is spiritual wizardry.

Of course, others don't know much about it. Only those who have fought with him know it, and few people who have seen his field have survived.

In such a dark space, using mental witchcraft to torture the opponent bit by bit will gradually lead to collapse and death. No matter how firm the willpower is, no matter how strong the mental power is, the person will be defeated.

Being mentally strong does not necessarily mean you will win, just like a physically strong person will lose to a thin person in a fight. This is related to skills and experience.

Although Su Changxing's mental power is strong, he is not good at using mental power to fight. If it were not for the soul ring, he might have been defeated just now.

The soul ring takes his mental resistance to another level and allows him to have multiple self-awareness. Even if his mental power is partially damaged, it will not have much impact on him.

His only offensive psychic ability comes from the Dreamer, which causes those around him to fall asleep.

But this ability is relatively useless, and he generally doesn't use it.

Immediately afterwards, he felt another stabbing pain in his head, one after another, one after another.

In this situation, he had no choice but to defend passively. The soul ring made his spirit extremely stable, and he was like a hard shield facing Harris' attack.

Although the current situation seems to be that Su Changxing is at a great disadvantage, Harris needs to support the operation of the entire field, which consumes a lot of money.

She was unable to break through Su Changxing's mental defense in a short period of time. If the upper and lower positions were reversed, she would be at a greater disadvantage.

at the same time.

Zhou An also came over with a team of people and robot troops.

"Damn it! How come there are so many puppets, didn't you notice them the first time?"

Zhou An couldn't help but cursed.

The middle-aged man wearing camouflage uniforms on the side said calmly: "People disappear every day in the city, but this is a normal thing, so we didn't find it."

"And we don't have control of all the areas, and we don't have that many manpower."

He is the commander of the 17th garrison division, Xie Yun, who was stationed here before and took over the administrative power here after the end.

Zhou An did not dwell too much on this matter. The current problem was how to resolve this battle.

"Get ready to fight. Let your people cooperate with us. There are not only those flesh and blood puppets, but also no less than ten wizards." He glanced at Xie Yun and reminded.

This is probably going to be a tough battle. There is a huge gap in high-end combat power. Apart from him, there are no other eighth-level Extraordinaries in this city.

And it was even more impossible for him to deal with ten wizards.

Their only advantage is that they have more people.

Zhou An's expression was very serious. He thought that their team would eventually face a severe battle, but he did not expect it to be so soon.

Counting the garrison, there were four to five thousand of them. They quickly rushed to the battlefield and spread out in all directions.

It would be foolish to get together in the face of these wizards.

The bullets were caught in the artillery and fired like rain. Normal firearms did not have the corresponding ability to cooperate, and their lethality against these blood puppets and wizards was limited.

There are more than 100 members of one team, all equipped with W-100. They are all extraordinary, aiming to find opportunities to give the opponent's wizard a fatal blow at the critical moment.

It is difficult for this kind of laser cannon to hit those wizards, but once it hits, it can destroy their bodies to the greatest extent.


w100 is specially prepared for them.

Zhou An stood in the building and did not show up immediately. He wanted to wait for the wizards to disperse before taking action.

Only then can he defeat them one by one and maximize their effectiveness.

He was confident that he could kill an ordinary wizard with one blow in a sneak attack.

The battle was about to break out, and there was a steady stream of casualties from the beginning.

After the spirit of those flesh and blood puppets was extracted, although their movements became stiffer, their skin was rough and fleshy.

Several flesh puppets stopped an armored vehicle driving on the road. One of the hands turned into steel, and claw after claw broke open the armored vehicle.

The driver and several soldiers inside screamed and died after their chests were broken open.

Immediately afterwards.

With the sound of a countdown, the armored vehicle exploded from inside, and several flesh puppets were blown away along with it.

The most difficult ones are the wizards.

Their witchcraft is weird and changeable, and it comes from various factions, making it difficult for people to guard against.

An Extraordinary person, Huang Lei, who was carrying the W100, looked at the vines spreading around him, held the W100 in the direction of the wizard, and pulled the trigger.

The laser cannon blasted away the vines and blew the wizard away. It didn't hit it completely, but it still blew off one of the wizard's arms.

He stabilized his body, which was shaking due to the recoil, and in the next moment, he drew out the bronze sword from his waist and rushed towards the wizard.

This long sword is a mysterious item that can weaken people as long as it hits them.

His speed was very fast, with the sound of wind in his ears, and he was in front of the wizard in an instant, but his body suddenly stopped, and at the same time he felt severe pain.

He looked down and saw a green vine running through his heart.

At this moment, the sword was only half a meter away from the wizard.

I pushed forward hard, but I couldn't move.

Blood dripped down the tip of his thumb and wet the weeds on the ground.

His body was trembling. When he saw the wizard smiling at him, he wanted to say something, but his mouth moved and no sound came out.

His skin quickly turned green and then rotted.

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