Dongyang Satellite City.

China has twelve base cities and 47 satellite cities.

The population of the base city is over 100 million, and the population of the satellite city is at most 10 million.

Of the 47 satellite cities, half of them were cities that existed before the spiritual power was revived, and the remaining half were bases established for the suppression and development of different-dimensional space gates. Over time, cities were formed.

There is no guardian artifact in the satellite city, and tall city walls are unified around the city.

The tall city wall surrounds the city and extends to ten meters underground.

On the city wall, there are various weapons and guards patrolling. The high-strength cement is mixed with various sharp metal thorns, which can resist the tide of small and medium-sized monsters.

This city wall is also called Jubi.

The giant wall keeps monsters out of the city.

But above the city, there is no giant jade, and there is no protective barrier of the base city, so there are frequent incidents of flying monsters attacking humans.

The deaths and injuries of the residents of the base city are almost all caused by the appearance of new different-dimensional space gates and the attacks of monsters. The probability of occurrence is not high, and the number of people is not large. Dozens of people are considered serious, and generally no more than a hundred people.

As for the satellite city, there are also new space gates of different dimensions appearing, and they have to face the attacks of monsters all the time.

Every few days, people can see the pictures of which satellite city is being attacked by monsters on the TV.

Every one or two months, there will be big news that the giant wall has been breached and hundreds of thousands of people have been killed or injured.

It is impossible for monsters to invade the base city, but it often happens in satellite cities.

Because there is no supervision from the guardian artifact, the order in the satellite city is even more chaotic, and the crime rate is dozens of times that of the base city.

According to records, the birth population of satellite cities has been declining for 30 consecutive years.

There is no sense of security and happiness, which is why people in satellite cities are unwilling to get married, and even if they are married, they are unwilling to have children.

Dongyang Satellite City.

Merlin Garment Factory.

This is a suburb, a garment factory less than two kilometers away from Jubi.

Workers working in the factory can see the huge wall through the window,

From time to time, the roar of monsters could be clearly heard.

The workers didn't have much reaction to this, they were used to it, or numb to it.

Meilin Garment Factory is small in scale, with more than 500 employees.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the factory was already in full swing and busy.

Everyone is doing their own job in a position they are familiar with.

An average of more than 15 hours of work a day, day after day of work, people's faces have long been dull, but they are not depressed, habitual and numb. Only when chatting, the atmosphere will be more active.

"Last night outside Jubi, I don't know which monster was in heat, and it screamed all night, which made me sleepless last night, old lady."

"Hey, maybe it's because I smelled you and I'm in heat."

"Big man, are you looking for a slap in the face, kid?"

"Maybe her husband kept her up all night."

"Her husband doesn't have that strength, the old Wang next door is about the same."

As usual, chatting in the factory is always inseparable from yellow accents, accompanied by bursts of laughter. From time to time, someone gets on the car and speeds up.

"Did you watch the Rookie Challenge yesterday? It was really exciting."

"I was so sleepy after get off work yesterday, but I still stayed up late and finished watching."

"Zhan Tianyu's victory over Yun Tianqi is enough to make people surprised. I thought this was the climax, but who knew that Lin Feng was the one, haha, he is indeed the troublemaker recognized by the media, and the headline figure actually crippled Xie Yixiao. Xie Yixiao's right hand was almost crippled, and he had to miss more than ten games."

"Lin Feng is also ruthless enough, if he can't beat him, he just explodes himself."

"Ruthless people are not to be feared, what is to be feared are lunatics who are not afraid of death."

"Just ask your opponent if you are afraid, and even yourself will be blown up!"

"Xie Yixiao deserved it, Yun Kai was burned without seeing it, Lin Feng is avenging his brother."

Someone talked about the Rookie Challenge, and the atmosphere suddenly heated up.

This topic, whether it is a young girl who has just entered the factory, or an old man in his 60s or 70s, can come forward and say a few words.

And everyone has their own opinions.

Have an object of concern.

Although those favored ones have nothing to do with them, the distance is too far away, and they are not from the same world, but this does not prevent them from chasing stars and yearning.

"Today is the rematch of the National High School Glory League. It starts at 3:00 pm. Unfortunately, we have to work overtime and cannot watch the live broadcast."

"My kid will be eighteen next year. I don't know what level of demon spirits he can refine. The three major hero academies dare not think about it. It would be great if he can go to the nine elite joint schools."

A woman's expression showed a hint of expectation, which resonated with many parents.

No matter where, children are the hope of parents, especially in satellite cities.

In Twelve Base City, the wish of ordinary families is to move to the inner city.

That is the starting point of stepping into the upper class and the beginning of prosperity.

And the wish of almost all the families in the satellite city is to be able to enter the Twelve Base City, even if it is a slum, because it is safe and guaranteed.

In the eyes of the people in the satellite city, as long as they can live in the base city, it is the beginning of happiness.

The base city is already overcrowded, and it is difficult to accept new people.

The children of the satellite cities have the opportunity to stay in the base city only if they are admitted to a good university. For ordinary people, if they want to live in the base city, they need to pay five million Singapore dollars.

This amount of money is astronomical for ordinary families. For ordinary workers, they cannot save it for a hundred years without eating or drinking.

And this is just one person, if it is a family, it will be tens of millions.

Even if they are admitted to a good university and can stay and work in the base city, only some of them can rely on their own efforts to bring their parents and family members to the base city.

Therefore, very few people from satellite cities can enter the base city.

There are many ways to change your destiny.

Studying hard, getting into a good university, finding a good job after graduation, or doing business to make a lot of money can be done.

But the fastest, and the one with the highest status is undoubtedly the one who refines the demon spirits on the day of awakening and becomes a demon spirit master.

As long as you refine high-level demon spirits, you can change your own destiny, and even the destiny of your family.

After discussing Awakening Day, it was time to show off their children.

Their own children are talented, and they are not hesitant to talk about their children's achievements at this time. This is what they are most proud of, and it is also their greatest hope for their numb lives.

At this time, there are no children, or those whose grades are not good can only show envy, and are not qualified to express their opinions.

"So what if she got admitted to the Three Great Hero Academies, Zhang Aomei's daughter didn't get admitted to Magic Star University, she doesn't work here like us."

Suddenly, a fat woman said.

As soon as these words were said, everyone quieted down slightly, and immediately many people laughed at the same time, looking not far away.

There, steam lingers.

An old woman in her fifties or sixties, with graying hair and sagging skin, was holding an iron and ironing her clothes earnestly.

People were chatting just now, but the old woman didn't say a word. When it came to the topic of children, she even lowered her head and lowered her sense of existence, but no surprise, they still talked about themselves.

Seeing everyone's playful eyes, she did not refute, and she was not impatient when being questioned again and again, she just smiled, with a slight bitterness in her smile.

Such topics appear every two or three days.

From the unconvinced argument at the beginning, to bowing her head and being silent now, she is used to it.

"Why are you talking about this? Are you not tired after saying so many times? Her son is paralyzed and is still being treated in the hospital. Besides going to work every day, he also has to clean the factory. Is it easy to work eighteen hours a day?"

Some people didn't laugh, but frowned.

But this didn't make the fat woman restrain herself, instead she said even louder: "Isn't this curious? Zhang Aomei, your daughter is really in Magic Star University?"

Zhang Aomei lowered her head, did not respond, and ironed her clothes seriously.

Not answering, did not make the fat woman calm down, but laughed more unscrupulously:

"It must be a lie. You are the pride of heaven who can be admitted to the magic star university. I still use you to work. After so long, I have made money long ago. I will take you to the magic star."

Hearing these harsh words, Zhang Aomei wanted to refute.

Not only is her daughter in Magic Star University, but she was also specially recruited, which is much more difficult than getting in.

Two days ago, my daughter remitted 1.2 million back.

The workers in the factory earn only three or four thousand yuan a month, and after a year’s expenses, they don’t have a few thousand yuan left. Those who have two children at home can’t make ends meet, and have to borrow money to live on.

1.2 million, this is money that a fat woman can't earn in her entire life.

Zhang Aomei really wanted to refute, but in the end she didn't say anything.

1.2 million, so much money, will cause many people to be greedy.

The money is for the son's medical expenses.

She still has to work in the factory. Everyone is an ordinary person and earns a hard salary. If people are too envious, it is not a good thing.

If you don't fit in, you will be ostracized.

She has experienced this personally.

The fact that their daughter was specially recruited into Magic Star University really became their pride, the pride of the whole family at first.

But for more than a year, because of their son's accident, the couple both worked in the factory and worked hard to make money, which made them ridiculed instead.

The sadness in it can only be experienced by oneself.

Seeing that Zhang Aomei didn't dare to refute as usual, the fat woman raised her head and sneered triumphantly, and said, "I'm right, if it's true, why didn't she refute it?"

ding ding ding...

While everyone was chatting, a harsh bell rang suddenly. This was the sound of an emergency assembly in the factory, and it would only ring when there was a major event.

"Could it be that monsters attacked the city?"

Everyone stopped what they were doing, their bodies were tense and their expressions were worried. Some even trembled and looked terrified.

But judging by the appearance of the factory leaders, it seems that it is not the case.

"Run quickly, haven't everyone eaten? Go to the outside to gather, there are big people here."

The person who looked like a leader shouted.

"What big shot?"

It wasn't monsters attacking the city, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they didn't dare to ask questions, let alone complain.

There is no shortage of workers in the factory.

In the factory, the leaders are the local emperors. Although they are nothing in the outside world, here, with a simple word, they will lose their jobs.

In today's society, it is not so easy to find a job, even for factory workers with such low wages.

five minutes later.

More than 500 people from the whole factory gathered outside the factory building, led by more than a dozen leaders and managers, and they were also discussing, with puzzled faces, as if they didn't know who the big shots were?

Such a big man, how could he come to such a small garment factory like them?

This wait lasted for an hour, but the so-called big shot hadn't appeared yet.

The employees discussed in low voices. Although they were impatient, they watched the leaders obediently wait and did not dare to have any objections.


Suddenly, there was a slight commotion in the crowd, and everyone raised their heads one after another.

I saw a silver-white hovering car appearing in mid-air. The wing logo on the front of the car was the familiar 'two wings', a luxury car with a starting price of at least 10 million yuan.

Under the gaze of everyone, the luxury car descended slowly and landed on the ground.

A man and a woman opened the car door and got out.

The man was in his 40s or 50s, and his figure was already seriously fattened. All the employees were no strangers to this man.

Dongyang Satellite City is divided into seven districts. They are located in Anning District. The man's name is Xie Dafu, and he is the head of this district.

But why did the district chief come to a small garment factory like theirs?

This is for inspection?

What surprised them even more was that, in their eyes, the aloof Shangdu district chief was very polite to the woman beside him with a smile on his face.

The employees did not know the woman.

But the factory manager couldn't help but tremble in his heart at this moment.

Anyone who is in business will not fail to recognize the woman in front of him.

Huang Xintao, the spokesperson of the Huang Group in Dongyang, is one of the seven major families in Shanghai.

As a member of the Glory family, Huang Xintao is a real big shot, no wonder even the district chief has to be courteous.

Such a character, just a word, can make a region develop rapidly.

"Why did Huang Xintao come here?"

The factory manager's heart beats very fast. He has no place and no qualifications to curry favor with such a big shot.

Just as he was about to step forward, his footsteps stopped suddenly, and he saw that Huang Xintao came to the back of the car and opened the door.

Turned out to be a bigger person?

The factory manager felt his blood was boiling and his heart was about to beat out.

Under his gaze, a young man got out of the car.

The young man looked about twenty years old, not tall, less than 1.7 meters tall, not skinny, but extremely thin, his face was pale, and he seemed to be in a bad state of mind.

Huang Xintao stood behind the young man, slightly falling on half of the young man's body, as if to show respect.

Although the young man was in a bad state of mind, his expression was obviously agitated, and he seemed to be looking for someone in the crowd.

Among the employees, Zhang Aomei looked a little surprised and puzzled, and muttered to herself softly: "It seems to be Xiaojun?"

That young man and her daughter are really alike.

My daughter had such a crew cut two years ago, and she also said that her daughter did not look like a girl several times.

Although she has lost a lot of weight, as a mother, she still recognizes her daughter, but she dare not recognize each other.

Such a big man, a man who even the district chief wants to curry favor with, could it be his daughter?

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