Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 922 Feast

King Dir said he desperately wanted to bring the Lord of Punishment back to life, and it was true.

Manda found it incomprehensible before, but now he understands.

In Manda's opinion, King Dir has betrayed the Lord of Divine Punishment, and it is impossible to expect the Lord of Divine Punishment to resurrect.

But looking back now, for King Dir, there is no contradiction between betraying the Lord of Divine Punishment and expecting the Lord of Divine Punishment to resurrect.

King Dire is an angel, and angels are gods in the actual sense, possessing the characteristics of gods. According to Circe, all gods have the authority to devour, and King Dire's authority has been awakened.

He wants to devour the Lord of Divine Punishment. From Girl Tianping’s description, Manda can judge that the newly resurrected Lord of Divine Punishment is not powerful. King Dill has the ability to devour him. Once the devourment is successful, King Dill will have the ability to become The strength of the new Lord of Divine Punishment.

But here comes the question, will Madesa allow King Dir to devour the Lord of Divine Punishment?

He didn't allow it, but there was nothing he could do.

King Dil's strength is above him, and resurrecting the Lord of Divine Punishment requires each of them to give half of their power, but even if they both leave half of their power, King Dil's strength is still higher than Madesa's, and Madesa cannot stop Dil. king.

He knew what King Dil was thinking, but he could only resurrect the Lord of Divine Punishment with the help of King Dil's power, so he put forward a harsh condition to put King Dil into deep sleep and complete the resurrection ceremony.

But King Dir rejected Madesa's request, and the two sides fell into a stalemate. Madesa lived in the palace and gave King Dir a deadline. Manda estimated that Madesa also tried to sneak attack King Dir. But it didn't work out.

King Dir remained unmoved. He neither expelled Madesa nor negotiated any conditions with Madesa. He slowly dealt with Madesa while ensuring his own safety.

In the end, the stalemate between the two was broken by Manda.

King Dir wanted to spread the news of the resurrection of the Lord of Divine Punishment through Manda. This was a dangerous move. Under the intimidation of Hermes and other gods, Madesa was forced to resurrect the Lord of Divine Punishment in advance. No longer able to make excessive demands, the initiative was handed over to King Dill, and King Dill was confident of devouring the Lord of Divine Punishment.

Is this what Tartarus said was coming?

King Dier devoured the Lord of Divine Punishment. Is it that simple?

I'm afraid it's not that simple.

Not only King Dir has the ability to devour the Lord of Divine Punishment, but Eros also has it.

Eros is indeed bound by the Lord of Divine Punishment, but does he really have no ability to untie it?

Even if He really didn't, why not let Manda try? The golden finger can hurt the Lord of Divine Punishment, but can it still cut through the clouds of the Lord of Divine Punishment?

It's not that he couldn't break the bonds, but he deliberately kept them, probably because he wanted to judge the state of the Lord of Divine Punishment.

What does He want to do then? Also want to devour the Lord of Divine Punishment?

But why did He force Manda to deliver a message to Hermes? Wouldn’t it be nice to have one less powerful competitor?

No, this thing was weird from the beginning.

Eros took the initiative to contact Hermes, as if he wanted to lead Hermes to Bucks City step by step.

What was His purpose in doing this?

Manda remembered the scene when fishing in Tartarus. The small fish ate the bait, and the big fish ate the small fish. The fish devoured each other repeatedly, forming a strange nesting doll situation.

This situation made the hair on the mandarin stand on end. Everyone wanted to be the biggest fish, but the biggest fish was still on the hook.

No wonder Hermes told me to leave immediately, no wonder Tartarus also told me to leave. What will follow is a war that I can't even imagine in the Dir Kingdom.

Manda wanted to continue to speculate on the changes in the situation, but suddenly Kunta shouted: "Oh no, God is out of control again, I can't comfort Him!"

Manda came to Miss Tian Ping: "Do you have to go?"

"I must go!" Miss Tian Ping replied very firmly.

"What would you do if you weren't allowed to go?"

"I will destroy everything here!"

Girl Tian Ping has this strength, but Manda also has ways to restrict her. The simplest way is to trap her in a screen tent.

But Manda hesitated again and again and changed her mind.

"I'll take you there, let's leave now."

He wanted to witness the war, he wanted to see who was the biggest fish, he wanted to see who was holding the fishing rod.

He wanted to see how many people would be hung on the hook, and he hoped that Hermes would not be among them.

A slightly invisible pinhole appeared on the barrier of Mount Olympia. A ray of light burst out from the pinhole, passed through the layers of clouds and barriers, and shot towards the mortal world.

The light passes through the forest and leaves a spot on the ground, which is no different from the spot left by the sun passing through the branches and leaves.

This forest is at the junction of the Dir Country and the Romalu Country. Because the forest is undeveloped, neither country has set up defenses here. Now the situation is getting increasingly tense. The Dir Country sent a team of soldiers to patrol the forest.

There are more than thirty sentries in this team, and the captain is a middle-aged man in his early fifties.

He has been a sentry for nearly forty years since he joined the army at the age of thirteen. He knows what is most important when patrolling.

If you are patrolling near the battlefield, discipline is the most important. Both warring parties will spare no effort to kill each other's sentries. All sentries must strictly implement the orders of the sentry commander. A slight negligence may become the enemy's first batch of trophies.

If you are patrolling near enemy towns, hiding your identity is the most important thing. Many young sentries did not die because of inquiring for information, but died in conflicts with civilians. As a foreigner, once there is a conflict with civilians, his identity will be exposed. As a sentinel, if his identity is exposed near a town, he will definitely die.

If you are patrolling in the wilderness, what should you pay attention to?

Pay attention to the sentry's mood.

Patrolling in the wilderness does not take too short a time. The sentry has to spend dozens of days or even months in a very difficult environment.

During these long days, without stable food supplies, no fixed residence, no alcohol, and no women, the sentries would not be in a good mood, but they were all very skilled and had strong individual combat capabilities, and He is very good at hiding his intentions. Once something unexpected happens, it will be difficult for the sentry commander to deal with it.

In this case, the best way to deal with it is to indulge appropriately.

When encountering passers-by, they must be allowed to rob. If there are women among the passers-by, they must be allowed to do other things.

No one cares about what happens in the wilderness. As long as no one is left alive, no news will leak out and no traces will be left.

Today was a good opportunity to indulge. The sentinels of the Dil Kingdom were used to lurking in the trees. They saw a woman appearing in the forest leading a white horse.

The woman was wearing a long dress, revealing two snow-white arms. Although they could not see her face clearly, the sentries could no longer hold back when they saw the dazzling white skin.

They looked at the whistle commander, who of course would not stop them.

Normally, the whistle commander would be too lazy to get involved in something like this, but it was different today. This woman was so charming. Her figure was irresistible at first, and when she saw her face clearly, the whistle commander felt like her breath had been taken away from her.

He was the first to jump down from the tree, and the other soldiers followed behind him with eyes shining.

"Beautiful girl, where are you going? The weather is so cold and your clothes are so thin. Come to us to drink hot soup and keep warm."

"Soup?" the woman frowned, "Just soup and no meat?"

A sentry smiled and said: "There is also meat. You can have as much as you want. I'm just afraid that you won't be able to eat it."

The sentries laughed wildly together, and the woman laughed too, but the sentry commander did not laugh.

Judging from the figure of this woman, she should have some martial arts skills. The white horse is very strong and strong. It is a high-quality war horse. There is a shield on the horse's back, which is a high-quality weapon.

He knew that this woman had some abilities. She might have fought in a war, or she might be a follower of a certain god. She might have one or two levels of strength.

In his forty years in the army, he has seen all kinds of sentry commanders. He will not forget to take precautions because of his primitive impulse. There are ten sentries who came to the ground with him, and more than twenty sentries guarding the trees. With.

A self-righteous woman like this, a madman like this who knows nothing about the sky and the earth after mastering some skills, must be taught what it is like to be a hell on earth.

But it would be a pity if such a beautiful face was injured.

The captain gave a kind reminder: "Don't do stupid things, don't resist, you can suffer less. As long as you are obedient, we will let you leave alive."

It is impossible to leave alive, but it is true to suffer less, at least to avoid unnecessary beatings.

The woman's eyes flickered as she looked up and down at the whistle commander: "Can you leave alive if you obey me?"

The captain nodded: "I will do what I say."

The woman shook her head and said, "Stop talking nonsense. Nothing is that cheap. If you meet me, no matter how obedient you are, you will never leave alive."

As soon as the words fell, the woman laughed loudly. The commander was dizzy and fell to the ground. The soldiers on the tree also fell to the ground.

Stand up and kneel down for me!

The majesty from the Queen of Heaven made the sentries lose control of their consciousness and they all knelt on the ground.

"Who should we start with?" Hera looked at the sentry commander and felt that he was too old, and then looked at a sentry and felt that he was not strong enough.

A voice came from the shield on the horse's back: "Look for anyone, I can't hold it anymore, I need it, I need it now..."

Hera grabbed a sentry and crushed his head. A black shadow emerged from the shield, greedily sucking the sentry's flesh and soul.

"Eat, don't worry, these are all yours!" Hera looked at the black figure with tenderness on her face.

The rest of the sentries were frightened to death, but they still knelt on the spot, not daring to shout or move.

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