Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 884 Barbaric Memories

Just as Kunta was about to open the door and go in, he suddenly saw the door open by itself, and saw Miss Tian Ping walking out with a calm look on her face, without even a single strand of hair on her body.

Manda couldn't help but lament in the room that her actions were too childish. How could such a trivial thing threaten her? I have underestimated the God of Creation.

Quinta opened the last page of the scroll, this time with only a candle.

Manda said: "You can see paintings with just one candle? This is too simple."

"Simple is simple, but you can't look at it for too long."

"What happens if you look at it for too long?"

"You will get lost."

This is a bit scary. Can you tell that you are lost when you look at a painting?

Kunta measured the distance and placed the candle between the mandala and the scroll.

"Look at the candle, don't look at the scroll, let the scroll become the background of the candle, it's that simple."

This painting is different from the simple style of painting in the past. The lines in the painting are messy and dense, as if I had seen a three-dimensional painting in a previous life.

Manda stared at the candle for a while. The picture behind the candle began to move. The messy picture began to be further distorted. All the lines shattered and turned into small dots. Countless small dots appeared on the picture needlessly and randomly. Movement is like snowflakes on the TV screen, making people dizzy.

But after a while, the picture changed.

The speed of the dots slowed down, and they seemed to have lost power. After moving for a while with inertia, they began to gradually stop.

While still, Manda saw an extremely strange scene. Randomly moving dots stopped randomly.

But after stopping, the dots formed a neat queue.

Horizontally and vertically, it can be seen with Manda's strong observation power that the distances between all small points are exactly the same.

How could such a neat arrangement form after such disorderly and random movement?

Is this the natural law of the world, or is it the ideal and expectation of the author of this book?

Manda was fascinated by what he saw. Kunta quickly extinguished the candle, and the scroll returned to its original messy lines.

"You weren't looking at the candle at all just now. It's very dangerous for you to be looking at the scroll!"

Manda rubbed her sour eyes: "It's really hard to control. I'm attracted to the picture."

In Manda's view, the author of the Book of Wise Men must be Cronus, but what about the author of the Book of Giants?

Probably Cronus too.

Will He have the answer?

Late at night, Manda got into Cronus' bedroom. Cronus was lying quietly on the bed, still wearing a hood on his head.

Not awake?

It didn’t matter that he wasn’t awake, Manda was just trying to see His true face.

It seems that when he came to this world, the first god he met was not Hermes or Typhon, but this second-generation god-king pretending to be a ghost.

At the end of Huangquan Road, Manda had always wanted to see his true appearance.

Her heartbeat was racing, her breathing was rapid, and Manda's face turned red.

He gently pinched Cronus' hood and was about to lift it when Rhea suddenly walked in.

Manda quickly took her hand back, and Rhea opened her eyes wide and said, "What are you doing?"

Manda shook her head: "Do nothing."

Rhea's eyes opened wider and Manda's face turned redder.

Could she have any misunderstanding? Manda really just wanted to see Cronus' face and didn't want to take off his clothes.

"I just came to visit and see Him. He has given me a lot of help."

Rhea took a basin of water and squatted next to Cronus, carefully wiping his wounds: "He mentioned you to me many times. Your woman stole the slate. I know this. , but He told me not to pursue it, and there is still room for forgiveness, which He asked me to give to you."

Regardless of his purpose, Cronus's kindness to Manda is not small.

It's a pity that purpose can't be put aside, and Manda really can't show any gratitude to Cronus.

From the wooden house next door, Miss Tian Ping's voice came: "Riya, come here and take a bath for me!"

Hasn't she washed it? How many times a day do you need to wash?

Rhea didn't dare to ask any more questions and stood up to leave, but when she saw Manda here, she felt a little uneasy.

Manda stood up and said, "It's time for me to leave. Seeing that you are working hard, I'll call some people to help you take care of Him."

Rhea shook his head and said: "He is very wary. I don't want others to disturb him. I can take good care of him. He will definitely leave after he recovers. I don't have much time to take care of him."

Manda left Cronus' cabin and came to the border of Zuo Yuxing Mountain, where Cleos was still repairing the barrier.

His skills are really superb. When he encounters a place with dense holes, Manda will stick one barrier after another, as if hanging a large soap bubble.

But Cleos didn't know what method he used, and there would be almost no traces left on the barrier he had repaired.

Manda brought two cans of wine and two roast chickens, ate one chicken drumstick, and took a sip of wine. Cleos said, "If you want me to do anything, just tell me."

"Help me fix the barrier, that's almost it."

"Not even close," Cleos shook his head and said, "I will help you build another barrier, and then let Circe perform witchcraft between the two barriers, so that it will be difficult for others to find the Seven Star Mountain."

Manda took a sip of wine and said, "What is your relationship with Circe?"

"She is a believer of Cronus, and I am Cronus' brother. That's all."

"With this little connection, you created Aiyu Island for her?"

"Circe created a completely different kind of power, a power between order and disorder. Witchcraft is another interpretation of the world. I should protect witchcraft, and I should also protect the possession of witchcraft. A skilled person."

Manda smiled: "Is this what Cronus said, or is it something you said?"

"What's the difference? When we change the world together, our ambition is the same."

"Can you tell me about the world before it was changed? What was the disordered world like?"

"Tell me? I'm afraid it will take several days and nights. I'm too lazy to tell you, so I might as well show it to you. I haven't dug out these memories for a long time, and I don't know how many are left."

The God of Celestial Bodies waved his hand, and a picture scroll appeared in mid-air.

Manda was no stranger to a scene. Athena's first-level skill used such scenes to present what she had experienced.

A dense forest appeared in the picture, and a burly giant walked out of the forest.

"Is this a mortal or a god?"

"Mortal, she is a woman."

Manda really couldn't tell that this was a woman, she was too tall.

"Are all mortals of that era so tall? That woman is taller than the tree next to her."

"That's not a tree, just a wormwood. This woman is not tall either, not as tall as you."

"How is it possible..." Manda took a closer look and saw that it was really a piece of wormwood, but why did even the wormwood look so tall?

Manda realized one thing. This was from Cleos's perspective. From his perspective, wormwood was indeed not short.

The woman had no clothes on her body, and her dark skin was covered with mud. She shook her disheveled hair, raised a cloud of dust, walked up to a man, and slowly bowed down.

What is this for?

The man dances vigorously in front of the woman, showing off his size from time to time.

The woman used all four limbs, half walking and half crawling, to circle around the man, seeming to be very satisfied with the man's dance.

The next scene was familiar to Manda, and the courtship ceremony was a success.

The two got married and lived a life without shame.

Cleos said: "This is a mortal before the birth of order. You must be very surprised to see it."

There is nothing surprising, this is the normal lifestyle of primitive people, and Manda is also a highly educated person, so this is not surprising.

But the next scene was a bit shocking.

The woman is pregnant and about to give birth, and the man is lying in the cave, doing nothing.

It seems that the male primitives of this period did not have the instinct to support a family.

The woman is about to give birth to a child, and the man is asleep beside her.

The child was born. The woman held the child with a happy smile and stoned the man to death.

Then she started eating the man's flesh.

Manda trembled violently, and Cleos smiled and said: "To survive and reproduce, Gaia created mortals, but they are no different from other creatures, and are even more barbaric. We cannot say that they are wrong. If this woman does not Even if her husband eats her, she will not survive. Men who stay in the cave are also driven by instinct and become food for women. For them, food means more than anything else, and they are also other living beings. food."

The scene changed again, the woman's child had turned into a seven or eight-year-old boy, and the woman drove him out of the cave.

It seems that the boy must leave his mother's territory to survive alone.

The boy was gone, and the woman was not sad and continued to sleep in the cave.

A bipedal animal walked in, with short forelimbs, a long tail, and a pointed head.

Cleos smiled and said: "You have never seen such a creature, right? This is the legendary dragon. They really existed, and they still exist now. In the Bloodfall Continent, it is still their world, but it is just as you understand it. Dragons are different.”

It’s the same as Manda’s understanding.

This is a Coelophysis, and Manda is very familiar with it, because this guy is about the same size as a human, so it often becomes Manda's prey.

This Coelophysis was a bit strong, it should be an adult female dragon. It slowly approached the woman and bit off half of her body in one bite.

"You see, the disordered world is like this. Whether mortals exist or not has no impact on this world. They are just the most ordinary members of this world.

The same goes for gods, because gods don't get any faith. They don't think of themselves as ordinary, but in the eyes of living creatures, they are just powerful predators. "

Manda asked: "Why do you use Athena's skills?"

"This is my unique skill. I don't know who Athena learned it from later."

"Did you witness all this with your own eyes?"

"Well, actually, these things did not happen to the same person, but I can piece together the story I want to tell. After Cronus established the rules, he believed that seeing is believing and cannot be tampered with at will, so he stipulated this This skill can only present real pictures, and I don’t bother to pay attention to its rules. Order is a good thing, but not everything can be bound by order.”

In the last scene, the boy came back. Manda didn't know why he came back. Cleos was also very strange: "It stands to reason that he shouldn't come back, but this should be something I saw with my own eyes, but I can't remember clearly."

The boy returned to the cave and did not see his mother, but he was not sad. He squatted in the cave quietly in a daze, and the scene ended here.

Cleos took a sip of wine, stood up and said, "I've finished reading. It's time for me to do my thing."

He continued to repair the barrier, while Manda fell into deep thought.

Why would one person in the Jurassic live to be eighty-two years old?

Who gave birth to this person?

Is there really only one person in Jurassic?

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