Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 869 Error

Hermes saw the change in the handwriting and saw very clearly that it was not the result he wanted, nor was it the result Manda wanted to see.

Anyone who doesn't hate Manda doesn't want to see such a result. Fortunately, except for the three of them, no other gods noticed the cliff.

The ceremony was still going on, and Hermes gave Manda a wink, asking him to divert the attention of the gods as much as possible.

Manda thought for a moment, then suddenly hugged Aphrodite and said, "Mother, I like your gift better!"

Aphrodite stroked Manda's hair and smiled softly: "It's not in vain that I love you so much."

Athena was furious: "Manda Claudesay, you are so shameless, who do you call mother?"

Manda rubbed her nose and said, "You are a virgin, I cannot call you mother."

"You are presumptuous!" Athena rushed forward and wanted to attack Manda, but was stopped by Aphrodite.

"He said something wrong, didn't you..."

"Shut up! Shameless woman, you have no right to point fingers at me!"

Aphrodite gritted her teeth and said, "Who are you calling shameless?"

A dispute between Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite triggered the Trojan War.

Now, this thrilling battle is happening again.

The gods left the Manda God Ceremony behind and watched the direction of this war with excitement and nervousness.

Eventually things got so bad that the two goddesses forced Hermes to go to the public palace of the gods to make a decision.

After careful research and discussion, Hermes finally decided that Aphrodite had won. Athena had made rude remarks and must apologize to Aphrodite.

Athena was dissatisfied and refused to apologize to Aphrodite. Hermes comforted Aphrodite in private, saying that the closer the woman was, the more grievances she had to endure for her.

Athena accepted Hermes' comfort, but still refused to apologize. Unexpectedly, Aphrodite showed a generous side and did not continue to pester. The war ended with the disappointed sighs of the gods.

When the gods dispersed, Hercules warned Manda emphatically: "It is a very bad choice to offend the goddess of wisdom. You must think of a countermeasure as soon as possible, and it is best to have your father's help to calm the matter. "

Seeing Athena's sad eyes, Manda could feel her anger at the moment, but what she needed to worry about now was not this matter, but the writing on the cliff.

What kind of change happened to the writing on the cliff that made Hermes so nervous? Could it be that Manda's class was exposed?

Sanjila carved every deed of Manda on the stone slab. After killing the pseudo-theosophical angel, according to Sanjila's estimation, Manda's current status has exceeded the seventh level. Could it be said that there is no one on the cliff? Did this thing show up?

If this was really the case, how should I explain it to Hermes?

Late at night, Hermes really called Manda to the cliff. Manda was very nervous all the way and couldn't think of a suitable excuse. The only thing she could do was to refuse to admit it. As long as Hermes didn't find the stone slab, he would insist that it was Olympia. The system failure that occurred in Shan had nothing to do with him.

Hephaestus has stayed beside Manda's deeds, on the one hand to prevent other gods from approaching, and on the other hand to study the reasons for the changes in handwriting.

"Have you found out?" Hermes asked.

"I can only say that this is Olympia's own wish. I don't know the specific reasons and consequences, and I cannot modify these changes."

Hephaestus held up a torch and illuminated the deeds, pointing out the locations of several changes.

Seeing these changes, Manda felt a little more at ease. It was indeed a mistake in Olympia, a very obvious mistake.

The deeds did not show Manda's personality, but Manda's name changed.

The name of the true God did not appear, but there was an additional word after his original name - Manda Claude Sai Error.

The word "error" actually appeared after the name. Manda couldn't understand it, and Hephaestus couldn't understand it either. Hermes thought for a long time and seemed to understand the reason.

"Make a fake stone slab and cover it. It must leave no trace at all and ensure that the content on the stone slab is exactly the same as before."

Hephaestus said: "This is not difficult, but you should know that this does not solve the problem."

"I will solve the problem, so you don't have to worry."

Hermes took Manda back to his temple, expelled all the maids, and asked Manda: "Did you do anything wrong in the mortal world?"

Manda thought for a moment and said, "It's hard to say. What kind of thing is wrong?"

"Have you done anything to harm Olympia? Or have you done anything to offend Gaia?"

Manda shook her head: "I can't possibly harm Mount Olympia, and I don't have the guts to offend Gaia."

Hermes smacked his lips and said: "It seems that the problem does not lie in the mortal world, but in the mountains. This is my responsibility. I was too greedy, which caused trouble!"

Manda scratched her head and said, "Do you know the reason for this?"

"Speculations, just speculations. I raised your temple to the fifth level first and then made you a god. This is inconsistent with the normal order of becoming a god, which is why the mistake in Olympia was caused."

"But you said that Hercules also started from the fifth level."

"His situation is different from yours. He was born as a demigod. Besides..." Hermes gritted his teeth and said, "Father may have special methods. I am very worried now. This mistake will cause unimaginable consequences." Before I find a solution to the problem, I must not tell anyone the news, including Sanjila."

Manda returned to her temple, which was served by six nymphs.

Sangila got permission from Hermes to spend the night in Manda's temple tonight. While the two were entangled, Manda kept staring at Sangila's eyes and said softly: "I want to keep watching. you."

"Don't look," Sanjila said with a blush, "I'm so embarrassed."

"I'm going to look at you like this!"

Sanjila heard that this was a code word, and Manda wanted to see the slate.

"But I'm really shy. I'd better turn around. You won't be able to see my face from behind." (Clean up the nymphs around so they can't see it)

The nymphs were outside the window curtains, their faces red and their hearts beating. Originally, they were not sleepy at all, but for some unknown reason, when Sanjila said she wanted to turn around, a strong sense of tiredness suddenly surged over them.

After a while, they all fell asleep under the influence of witchcraft, and Sanjila took Manda to the temple hall.

She took out a stone slab from under the altar and read the deeds carved for Manda word by word.

The next scene shocked both of them.

After Manda Crowdersey's name, the word error appears, exactly as it was on the cliff.

The cliff has already connected with the temple, and this mistake seems to be very serious.

Is it because the seventh-level god only owns the fifth-level temple, which caused a system error?

Manda looked at Sanjila, who shook her head, and she didn't know the reason.

What consequences will follow?

Does this ceremony count?

Is Manda now a true god?

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