Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 825 Weird Thread

The god of wine came outside the royal capital and released the wine mist.

At the same time, the men in the royal capital stood ready, first locking the women at home with chains, and then locking the door of the house with chains. Finally, they all gathered under the statue of Hermes and jointly denounced Dionysus. Sri Lanka's crime.

"Is he really the main god? I don't think he is qualified to replace Hestia's position."

"Of course he is not qualified. Hestia took the initiative to give up her position to him."

"He is so crazy, how can he look like a god!"

"And he only leads women crazy. Look what has become of my wife and daughter. Last time, they ate my horse alive!"

"I don't care what He does today. If he dares to seduce a woman in our family again, I will smash His statue!"

"Not only will I smash his statue, I will also kill his priests!"

"If my woman dares to leave the house, I will break her legs immediately!"

"Why do you use Him when you call the women in your family?"

"I, I just made a mistake."

"Are you that scared?"

Manda sighed and said: "Poor people, they are too worried."

He knew how much the men in the royal capital hated the God of Bacchus, and he did not want this hatred to be further amplified, so he chose the venue for the carnival outside the city. The royal capital was on a windward slope and would not be affected by the alcohol mist.

The main target of the wine mist is the residents outside the royal capital city. The people here are not densely populated, but it should not be difficult to summon thousands of people.

Dionysus is the target of Cherubeus. The carnival of more than a thousand people should be enough to attract Cherubeus. Manda does not want the capital to collapse again.

But it turns out that the men in the royal capital didn't worry too much.

The carnival had just begun when the wind direction suddenly changed, blowing the wine mist from the west of the city into the city.

The women who were chained broke the chains and broke open the chained gate. Amid singing and cheering, they broke open the city gate and rushed out of the city.

The men in the capital did not dare to smash the statue of Dionysus, nor did they dare to kill the priests of Dionysus. They did not dare to break the legs of women. As long as they came close to their women, they might be torn into pieces.

They divided into two teams, one team trembled under the statue of Hermes, and the other team ran to the top of the city, looked at their woman angrily, and then trembled.

A man drew his longbow at the top of the city and shot an arrow at Dionysus in the procession.

Dionysus dodged the arrow and glanced at the city head without paying any attention. He would now concentrate on waiting for the Cherubim to appear.

Manda took a second look at the city. The city was at least three hundred meters away from the carnival team. This was not a distance that normal arrows could fly.

The archer was a follower of Apollo.

To be able to shoot an arrow so far, he must be of a high class.

Because the first-level skill conflicts with the peeling eye, Manda believes that the peeling eye is more useful, so the first-level skill is rarely used in recent times.

The skills are rusty, and the distance is still so far away, I can't say whether the first-level skills can still be effective.

As soon as Manda's pupils closed, the gold coins immediately jumped out. The first-level and second-level skills were Manda's favorite skills. They were available at any time and were very sensitive.

Judging from the value of the divine blood stone, it should be of sixth level.

Even this sixth-level hero doesn't have the guts to stop his own woman? This is definitely not a question of strength.

Tokar is only at the fifth level. After the parade is over, you need to have a good chat with this person and ask him about the method of promotion. Manda will not ask for it in vain, it will be an equal exchange.

Value is such a magical concept. It can establish a certain connection between two completely different things. For example, a clay pot and a piece of bread. One is a container and the other is food. There is no connection between the two, but as long as the value Quite literally, the craftsman can bring the clay pot to the farmer in exchange for bread at any time.

But the definition of value is a bit complicated. Things in the royal capital are more expensive. An ordinary clay pot can be sold for about fifteen copper coins. The same clay pot may not even be sold for five copper coins in Golden Light City.

But the value that Manda sees is always the same, a little more than that of Golden Light City, a little lower than that of Wangdu, almost around ten copper coins. Where does this value come from? Where do the standards for first-level skills come from?

Manda rarely thinks about similar issues. He believes that value itself is a characteristic of matter, that everything has value, and that first-level skills only present value.

For example, this person's sacred blood stone has three thin lines, and the yellow line is its value...

Wait, where did these three lines come from?

When Manda used the first-level skill before, he didn't remember seeing three lines.

Did you not remember it, or did it never happen?

Recall carefully, I used to see the golden light first and then the gold coins.

Before seeing the golden light, I seemed to have seen some golden threads.

Is it the same thing as this yellow line? Or is it an illusion caused by the golden light?

After ten years of entry, this was the first time Manda had doubts about the first-level skills.

Maybe there is something special about this person's body?

Manda quickly turned her attention elsewhere.

He looked at his gold wristband. It was not pure gold. It was worth about thirty gold coins. It had three lines of red, yellow and blue on it.

This one also has three lines?

Manda rubbed her eyes vigorously, and then looked at the sword in her hand.

He rarely uses the sword. This sword is purely decorative. Overall, the sword is worth two thousand gold coins and has three thin lines of red, yellow and blue.

Looking at the gems on the scabbard, each gem has a different value and has three thin lines.

Don’t look at the details and look at the whole. There are only three lines.

If you look carefully, you will see that there are densely packed lines in front of you.

What's going on? Are your eyes broken?

He released the first-level skill, and the thin threads disappeared. When the first-level skill was activated, the thin threads began to appear in patches again.

He released another level one skill, but the thin line did not disappear and was still dangling in front of his eyes.

Oops, there's something really wrong with my eyes.

Blood-red eyes appeared in the carnival team, and Hercules whistled to report to Manda.

Manda was rubbing her eyes at the moment and didn't hear the whistle.

Dionysus has already begun to fight with Cherubeus. This time, he was well prepared and was not knocked down by Cherubeus. Both sides used the same skills. Dionysus was obviously much more skillful than Cherubeus. He shuttled back and forth in the wine mist, and was unable to move at all. He didn't give Cherubim a chance to take action.

The angel suddenly transformed into a huge eye, spitting out flames and igniting the surrounding wine mist.

The women who were having a carnival were suddenly exposed to the sea of ​​​​fire and let out heart-rending wails.

There is only one way to save them, and that is for Dionysus to swallow the wine mist himself, but he is too lazy to care about the life and death of mortals, and only cares about chasing the angels.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Milo said to Manda: "I'm going."

"Go!" Manda was washing her eyes.

Milo jumped into the air and sucked in the wine mist. The wine mist gradually dissipated. The women were saved, but Dionysus lost the favorable combat environment.

The giant blood-red eyes changed back to the appearance of an ordinary man. Cherubeus suddenly appeared in front of Dionysus and kicked Dionysus in the face. Dionysus clearly saw his feet, but unfortunately he did not avoid them.

This is the result of being restricted in the mortal world, and this cherubim obviously not only knows how to use the skills of Dionysus, he is also very proficient in Ares's fighting skills. Using the tactical basis of street fighting, he first picked up a stone and threw it on On the head of the Dionysian, he then began to punch wildly.

This move was very effective. Dionysus was stunned, stunned, and anxious. He took out a wine jar from his arms and prepared to use his most powerful skill.

His wine jar contains ale brewed with the water of the Tianhe River. This jar of wine can turn the surrounding miles into a wine pond. All living things that fall into the wine, whether plants or animals, will immediately melt and become part of the wine.

This forms an extremely terrifying fatal cycle. The more lives that are incorporated, the greater the amount of wine, and the greater the amount of wine, the more lives that are incorporated.

Under normal circumstances, using this skill will spare no life within a hundred miles (except in the desert). The God of Dionysus opened the wine can and was about to pour it over when the sand suddenly surged under his feet, wrapping him in the soil. Rub.

He angered Gaia and was severely punished.

Cherubim evaded Gaia's attack and turned into six eyes, three eyes facing east and three eyes facing west, flying towards Hercules and Manda respectively.

Hercules was the architect of tactics. He was responsible for guarding the east side of the carnival team. No matter which angle the opponent attacked from, he was fully prepared to deal with it.

But Manda was not fully prepared and he was still washing his eyes.

The entire sight was covered with thin lines, and Manda was about to collapse.

What's worse is that everything Cherubim did before was just a feint attack and containment.

This time, his target is not Dionysus, but Manda.

Manda was still struggling with vision problems, but Cherubim had already arrived.

Hercules is haunted by three other eyes, and Dionysus is being sanctioned by Gaia.

A cloud of flames flew in, and no one could help Manda now.

There are even thin lines on Liu Yan's Mars. You can tell me how annoying this is.

But these little sparks are really special. There are not three thin lines on them, but two, and there is no red line.

Is now the time to think about this?

Mandala used his limited sight to avoid Liu Yan. In the process of avoiding, he always tried to avoid those ubiquitous thin lines intentionally or unintentionally. He didn't know why he had to hide. He had encountered many thin lines unintentionally. , those thin lines did not change at all, they seemed not to be entities, but just illusions in Manda's eyes. After being touched, they did not cause any serious consequences.

After escaping from the flowing flames, Cherubim activated the holy light again. In the gap of the holy light, Manda saw his face for the first time.

There was a thick mask on his face, and Manda wanted to use the Eye of Peeling to see his true face, but his eyes weren't very bright right now.

Cherubim stood on one foot, leaned to the right, and moved his right wrist up and down.

This is a very typical body posture, which is a preparatory action for sealing the divine sword. Next, he will use golden light to seal Manda's escape route, and then launch stone rain, leaving Manda to sit in the rubble and wait for death.

Manda will not sit still and wait for death. He has a barrier and can defeat all methods with one move.

But he didn't want to use the barrier easily. He could feel that he was being watched, and more than one god was watching him.

If the guess is correct, Hermes and the Lord of Divine Punishment are watching the battlefield, and it is best not to let them know about the barrier.

Having already predicted the opponent's actions, Manda can make a simpler response. Although the power of the divine sword seal is powerful, it takes a long time to activate, so Manda can make a series of preparations calmly.

He kicked off his legs and rushed to Cherubim's side in an instant, raising his golden finger and preparing to attack the opponent's knees.

The opponent has only two choices, either to escape, or to forcefully activate the divine sword seal.

If he recognizes the situation and escapes quickly, the two sides will fight each other and it will be settled. After all, Manda is here to paddle.

If he is ignorant and insists on activating the divine sword seal, Manda will cut off his legs without hesitation.

While waving her golden finger, Manda was still deliberately avoiding the threads on Cherubim's body, which was almost becoming a mental illness.

Golden Finger instantly came to Cherubim's knees. Unexpectedly, Cherubian suddenly changed his tactics. He neither activated the Divine Sword Seal nor tried to escape. He changed his skills and was about to activate the Holy Light.

Fake action! trap! What a careful trap!

Manda, who was careless and just wanted to paddle, was tricked by the angels.

This is troublesome, the holy light is much faster than the divine sword seal, and Manda has no time to dodge.

He struggled to twist every joint on his body, trying to avoid the opponent's attack range. Kezhi Angel was fully prepared for this attack, and his palms were always locked on Manda's throat.

The Holy Light is about to take action, and this blow can directly chop off Manda's head.

The joints were turned to the limit, and Manda lost the angle to dodge.

Flash past, must flash past, you can't die here, no matter what, you can't die here! It can't be me who dies!

Manda's head was filled with thoughts of survival, and divine power surged through her body in a strange way, forcing Manda's body to distort even more.

The surging divine power rushed out of the body from the forehead and rushed towards the angel.

Manda saw the blue line on Cherubeus' body tremble.

What happened next was something Manda would never forget.

Dionysus, who was punished in the dirt, was struggling.

During the struggle, a piece of soil was kicked up and a stone was rolled up.

The stone hit Cherubeus on the left cheek at an alarming speed.

Cherubian landed on one foot and tilted his body to the right. Under the impact of the stone, Cherubian's foot slipped and fell hard to the ground.

In the process of falling, Manda's twisted body was knocked down.

Manda lost control of her body balance and fell on Cherubeus.

Coincidentally, five golden fingers inserted into the chest of Cherubim without any bias.

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