Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 817 Gold Finger Crazy King

He wrapped Manda's hand with silk thread. Manda moved her fingers and cut the silk thread into pieces.

He used the Liuyan to burn Manda's body again, and Manda summoned a gust of wind to blow the Liuyan back.

"You can also use the skills of the Lord of Divine Punishment. With such a body, you are really making a lot of money."

Odysseus was desperate. He knew that he would definitely not be able to get the bracelet back, but the bracelet was still in the bag. "That was the bag woven by the goddess of wisdom herself. Only I know how to open it."

"Are you kidding me?" Manda opened the bag with her golden fingers and took out the bracelet, several sacred objects and many olive leaves.

"That was given to me by the goddess!" Odysseus' eyes turned red.

Manda returned the bag to him, the fetish and the olive leaf, leaving only the bracelet.

Odysseus held the bag and cried. He was really crying, Manda could see it.

"You still can't let Him go in your heart."

Odysseus didn't answer. He put the bag into his arms, looked at Manda and said, "You have got what you want, can you let me live?"

"I said, I want to give you a home."

"You already got the bracelet, what use do you need from me?"

Manda shook her head at Odysseus: "I want your things, and I want your people too."

Odysseus' cheek twitched: "You are so domineering."

"You are so domineering! If you don't obey me, I will kill you immediately and take away your soul with the double snake staff!" Manda smiled ferociously, "Life is my person, death is my ghost, you accept your fate Bar."

Manda settled Odysseus on the right wing mountain and assigned him a special house.

It takes a lot of courage to dare to keep Odysseus by your side, which is no different from letting an ordinary person sleep with a tiger in his arms.

Fortunately, Manda knew where Odysseus's weakness was. One thing, Odysseus did not lie. Without this bracelet, he would lose his status and lose control of Madesa's body.

Can divine objects enhance one’s status?

This is the first time Manda has heard that something that can enhance one's status should be a divine weapon.

Odysseus is an eighth-level believer. Under the influence of the artifact, he can possess the status of a demigod. Only with a demigod status can he barely control the body of a true god.

From this point of view, this bracelet is an artifact, and it is an eighth-level artifact.

What about the other bracelet?

Manda took out two bracelets, one that could create a moving barrier and one that could create a stationary barrier. This pair of bracelets should form a complete set of artifacts, just like the Aegis and the Thunder Scepter.

Which god does this pair of artifacts belong to? Which god is known for building barriers?

In Manda's impression, there seems to be no authority for barriers. Barriers are not something that normally exists in the world.

It is impossible to judge in terms of authority, but the behavior of the gods is obvious.

Cleos, the god of celestial bodies, has such a strong obsession with the bracelet that it is almost certain that this bracelet is his artifact.

As the fourth-generation god king, Hermes is very unfamiliar with Odysseus's barrier, which proves that these artifacts are at a certain distance from the fourth-generation gods. As the first-generation Titan, the timeline of Cleos is also correct. .

The only problem lies in the personality of the artifact. The upper limit of the Titan's personality should be level six, but a bracelet can maintain the personality of Odysseus's eighth-level demigod. This is a bit illogical.

Perhaps Cleos is a special being, and his powerful strength has already exceeded the limitations of the Titans.

The two bracelets have exactly the same appearance. Manda has mastered the basics of using mobile barriers and knows nothing about fixed barriers.

Odysseus expressed his willingness to teach Manda the method on the condition that Manda let him wear the bracelet for at least three days a month to maintain his current status.

Manda rejected him for two reasons. First, it was impossible for Manda to give the ring to Odysseus. Second, Odysseus would not teach Manda the correct way to create a barrier.

Manda guessed it, and Odysseus' plan was as follows:

He first taught Manda how to make a barrier in exchange for Manda's trust.

Then let Manda practice it by herself.

Manda will then successfully create a barrier.

Then Manda will be trapped by his own barrier and unable to get out.

Then Odysseus took away the bracelet and humiliated Manda with vicious words.

Then Odysseus left triumphantly.

The whole plan was so perfect, the only flaw was that Manda wasn't fooled.

Not only was he not fooled, Manda also proposed another plan:

"If you are obedient and don't cause trouble, I will use the double snake staff to appease your soul every month. The double snake staff is an eighth-level artifact. If you keep in contact with the double snake staff, you can still keep your status.

If you disobey and mess up, you know the consequences. When I come with the double snake staff, you must be prepared. "

You’ve got everything, but you’re still worried about not having the instructions? No need to worry about such boring things.

In the middle of March, Manda checked the intentions of the lords in various places in offering sacrifices.

There are always some lords who think that men should not sacrifice to Aphrodite. They even think that decent people should not sacrifice to Aphrodite.

This attitude must be correct. Lords who refuse to participate in sacrifices should wear women's clothes, apply makeup and powder, and go to the temple to lead the dance.

There are also some lords who are very critical of Manda's actions and make a bustard a general. This is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world.

This attitude must also be correct. The lords of each region must consecrate at least one female general. The female general must have more than ten years of work experience.

There are also some lords who are practical types. They think that they should not spend a lot of energy on sacrifices. They think that they should do something practical.

These lords had good intentions, but their attitudes also needed to be correct. For the lords who had similar ideas, Manda killed most of them.

Leaving a small number of those who could be reformed, Manda patiently persuaded them: "Look at your people, they can still live without you, and live well. As long as you don't cause trouble, they can survive." Live a better life, you can perform sacrifices peacefully, it will be good for me, you, and everyone."

In this era, a lord who strives hard to govern can only do two things. One is to squeeze his people, increase taxes and recruit troops, and accumulate strength. The second is to threaten his king, support his own troops, and dominate one side.

The fewer such lords the better.

Through this series of initiatives, Manda's reputation spread throughout the continent.

In February, Manda received a lot of praise because he exempted farmers and craftsmen from paying taxes.

In March, Manda received a lot of slander, with the most common comment being "crazy."

As a king, he led his ministers to collectively sacrifice to Aphrodite, went to the Land of the Wind and Moon, and killed many wise lords. The most incredible thing is that he consecrated a group of prostitutes as generals.

"Crazy, he is absolutely crazy!" This was the common evaluation given to Manda by King Bayer, Blue Wolf King and the Pope.

The fame of Mad King Claude Sai spread throughout the continent.

Many kingdoms are looking forward to the destruction of the Romulu Kingdom at the hands of the mad king Claude Sai.

Manda sat on the roof of King Dir's palace, listening to the king's happy and proud laughter.

He also wanted to laugh a few times because he thought the king was quite cute.

If he had time, Manda would like to chat with the king in person, but the purpose of his coming to Dil Country this time was not to chat with the king, but to attend a mysterious gathering.

In a village outside King Dier's capital, a group of poor farmers and craftsmen gathered in a house every ten days to pray to a mysterious god.

The Romulu Kingdom exempted farmers and craftsmen from paying taxes for one year, but the poor people in the Dier Kingdom were not so lucky. King Dier levied additional taxes this year, and their lives were almost unbearable.

Under the guidance of a priest, these poor people became believers in a god.

There is a statue of a god placed in the main hall of the house. Judging from the appearance of the statue, this god is very young.

There was a weird smile on his face, the corners of his eyebrows were raised instead of drooping, and the corners of his mouth were not symmetrical, obviously leaning to the left.

A little playful, a little sinister, this smile makes people feel a little crazy after looking at it for a long time.

The statue of the statue leans forward slightly, as if looking down at everyone, with its arms slightly open and its fingers stretched out, clearly displayed in front of everyone.

A farmer walked up to the altar with a hen in his arms. The priest indicated that he did not need to offer any sacrifices, but only needed to pray devoutly.

The farmer was uneasy. He always felt that coming empty-handed was disrespectful to the gods. He insisted on placing the hen on the altar and silently recited a prayer in his heart:

Great golden-fingered mad king, please look here. I long for happiness, and I pray for your protection.

Salad wishes everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival

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