Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 806 Believers in the Balance

In February, there was not only the carnival of the Vulcan, but also the blood sacrifice of the lords. Manda killed a total of thirteen lords before and after. Their heads were passed back and forth in various towns, which greatly shocked the lords everywhere, especially those The lords who still want to find gaps in the government decrees, if they see gaps in the decrees, Manda sees there are gaps in their necks.

Before March, these thirteen heads were spread to every corner of the kingdom according to the optimal route. The man in science and engineering was a little poor in poetry and song, but he still learned topology very well.

Of course, the shock to the lord is only an obvious effect, and the deeper effect is reflected in places that people can see but cannot see.

Especially in the north, after experiencing too many changes in the war situation, most civilians have long lost their faith. Believing in anything is wrong. Believing in any god may be regarded as a heresy. Instead of believing in gods, it is better to believe in their rice jars and purse.

But the rice vat and money bag are often empty because there are too many people reaching out. When someone protects their rice vat and money bag, that person becomes their belief.

A farmer entered the longhouse carrying a basket of broken charcoal. His wife scolded him: "There is still firewood, what did you do with all this?"

The farmer smiled and said: "I didn't buy it, it was given by the old blacksmith at the entrance of the village. I don't have to pay taxes this month, and I don't have to pay taxes this year. The old blacksmith's face broke with laughter."

"What does it mean to laugh so hard?" My wife couldn't understand this description.

"This is what His Majesty the King said. He was so happy that he burst out laughing!"

"Have you met the king?"

"I haven't seen it, but the old blacksmith has. He said that the king is very tall, as high as a mountain, his eyes are as big as the sun, and he can spit fire. He has two tusks in his mouth. As long as he sees those masters If we bully the poor, the king will rush up and bite their necks off, then hold their heads up and laugh with us until his face is broken with laughter!”

"Stop talking nonsense. The Viscount heard it and didn't even sew your mouth shut!" The wife had already prepared lunch.

"He dares!" The farmer cut off a piece of bacon and placed it next to the statue in the corner of the room.

He didn't know whose statue it was. It was given to him by the old carpenter. The old carpenter said that the statue looked very similar to their king.

"The great King of Kaoladsai..."

The wife said: "It's not Koala, it's King Claude Sai.

"Great King Claude Sai, please look here. I, I don't know what to say to you. My family can only eat meat twice a month. This piece of meat is given to you."

An important meeting was taking place in Manda's wooden house in Qixing Mountain.

"The purpose of convening this meeting is to summarize the work achievements of the previous period, identify problems and deficiencies, and clarify the goals and directions for the next stage! First, please say a few words from the original clone!"

Manda drilled his soul into the original clone. The original clone took a sip of water and said solemnly: "Achievements cannot be achieved without the correct guidance of the gods, the joint efforts of all colleagues, and the efforts of family members. Selfless dedication, but the most important thing is to be truly far-sighted and make correct work arrangements at critical moments..."

The original avatar's speech lasted for half an hour. Manda expressed that he was very satisfied and drilled his soul into the powerful avatar.

Dali's clone also took a sip of water: "I completely agree with the original clone's point of view. From now on, just follow the clone loyally and work hard!"

Manda bypassed the chaos clone and entered the body of the disassembled clone.

The dismantling clone can be disassembled into different parts and summoned separately. Since it rarely appears completely, it is a bit shy in front of everyone: "I think what everyone said is very reasonable, so I won't add anything more."

"That's it? That's it?" Manda returned to her true body and looked angrily at the dismantling of the clones, "Is this the correct attitude for giving advice and suggestions? Is this the correct understanding of brainstorming?"

He couldn't help but look at the chaos clone. He would definitely be able to make constructive suggestions, but constructive suggestions were often very harsh.

Manda felt that he was the one who could listen to the right advice. He mustered up the courage to enter the chaotic clone. The chaotic clone took a sip of water and sprayed it directly on the face of the real body: "Have you said enough to Che Gildan? Do you think anyone really likes hearing about your car? If you weren’t the real person, how many people would spit on you? Why don’t you do something serious as soon as possible?”

Manda returned to her true body, wiped the water on her face and said, "What do you mean by serious business?"

He returned to the chaotic clone: ​​"First calculate how much harvest we have, and then think about how to eat it! The original power is definitely the first choice, but we should also leave some as a reserve!"

Manda returned to his true body and spat at the chaotic clone: ​​"Do you even need to say this? At this level, you still dare to spit in my face?"

He opened the water jar Gaia gave him and used the method Gaia taught him to unseal the water jar.

There is a ball of mud in the water jar, which is the soil of his initial sequence.

There is a surging spring below the soil of the First Preface, which is the fountain of his faith.

With the fountain of faith, Manda no longer has to spit out the pearls of faith. Whether it is Mengda Baikuga or King Claude Sai, all faith is in the spring.

The moment the seal was released, the white pearls surged rapidly and soon piled up a hill in the wooden house.

Seven hundred and seventy-three pearls, this is a day's harvest. In the past ten days, the daily harvest has been around 700, and now ten thousand pearls have been saved.

Five thousand is left to pay rent and make strategic reserves. The remaining five thousand is converted into original power. According to a 20% conversion rate, it is equivalent to eating one thousand. According to this trend, Manda will soon It can quickly fill up the original power corresponding to the fourth-level god.

Manda came to Guatel's door with Pearl in her arms, but heard a quarrel coming from inside.

"Why do you touch my girl?"

"It was your girl who came to me on her own initiative."

"You are shameless!"

"You have no shame!"

It was Guatel and Quinta, and they had a quarrel.

If it were anyone else, Manda wouldn't be worried, and no one would dare to be rough with Kunta.

But Guatel was hard to tell, and it was difficult for normal people to distinguish between his joking and anger. In Manda's view, he was very angry in his current state.

He is a sixth-level disciple of Hephaestus, and Quinta is just a white duck. Once he makes a move, he can easily kill Quinta.

Manda quickly rushed into the wooden house. After calming down the emotions of both parties, she listened carefully to the two men describing the incident.

What happened was very simple. When Quinta was passing Guatel's wooden house, he heard the call of the girl Scales, so he came in to take a look.

Then he and the girl Tian Ping started chatting lively.

It seemed that the incident was ordinary, but Quinta violated Guatel's taboo.

When you get along with Guatel, you can make any kind of joke, but there is one thing you must not do, and that is to steal Guatel's things.

If you want to steal Guatel's things, you must be prepared to fight Guatel to your death, and even Manda is no exception.

Quinta knew Guatel's rules, but he didn't realize he was robbing Guatel.

"This girl and I have a special connection, like, like..."

"It's like a gold-skeleton scale!" Manda had already guessed the reason. Back then, the gold-skeleton balance could talk to Kunta. The girl was an imitation of the scale and probably had similar functions.

It’s just that before that, Guatel had been in the country of dispatched soldiers, and Kunta spent most of his time in Qixing Mountain, so the two had no chance to meet.

Now the Scales girl also likes to talk to Kunta, which proves that the Scales also has life and soul.

"As I see it, let Miss Tian Ping decide for herself," Manda looked at Guatel, "If she really wants to talk to Kunta, you shouldn't stop her, even if it's your wife, she There is also the right to speak to others.”

"Listen to his nonsense!" Guatel looked at Quinta unconvinced, "Miss Tianping can't speak at all."

Kunta said: "That's because she doesn't want to talk to you, and you can't hear her voice!"

"You made it all up. Do you think I'm so easy to deceive?"

"I didn't lie to you, why are you acting like a madman?"

Manda didn't know how to persuade her. He believed that what Kunta said was true and that others couldn't hear Girl Balance's voice. But how should he prove this to Guatel?

During the quarrel, Miss Tian Ping suddenly spoke.

"Get out, I only talk to my followers."

After saying that, the girl staggered over and took Quinta's hand.

Guatel cried: "How could you do this? I obviously made you..."

Girl Tian Ping turned to look at Guatel: "Don't talk nonsense, everything in the world was created by me!"

Guatel still wanted to argue, but Manda quickly blocked his mouth. This was the moment when information was exploding, not the time to argue about these boring topics.

"Who are you?" Manda asked the first question.

"I won't tell you!" Girl Tian Ping and Golden Skeleton Tian Ping gave exactly the same answer.

"Why is Kunta your disciple? He hasn't entered the level yet!"

"My followers don't need to enter the ranks, and they don't need any level at all!"

"Since when did he become your believer?"

Girl Tian Ping replied: "It started when he fell into confusion."

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