Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 734 Battle of Claude Sai

Late at night, Stanley knelt in the temple of Hades and prayed devoutly.

Sweat fell down one by one on his round cheeks, not from heat, but from fear.

Stanley is not afraid of things like war, even if the opponent is a god. Death on the battlefield is the destiny of a warrior, and defending the family is the glorious mission of a man. Supported by these two beliefs, Stanley believes that he has the ability to face Athena. courage.

But the rest of the journey made him panic. He had never been to the underworld in a sober state.

As a believer of Hades, only those who have reached the sixth level are eligible to enter the underworld. This is not a discrimination against lower-class believers, but a protection. Manda had never entered the underworld before the sixth level. For those with a lower level than the sixth level, it is likely that they would never come out again after entering the underworld.

Stanley didn't know if Hades could hear his prayers. He knew that he had never been the favorite of the gods. He just wanted to calm himself down through prayer.

There was a horse neighing outside the door, and what was supposed to come finally came.

Stanley walked out of the temple, kissed Lulian at the door, turned around and was about to leave, but was hugged from behind by Lulian.

"Don't go, I beg you, I will listen to you in everything from now on, you can find as many girls as you want, I beg you, don't go!"

Stanley smiled and said, "It's impossible if we don't go. If we can't save Manda, our family will be doomed."

"Then I'll go with you. We'll be together no matter what."

Stanley gently touched Lulian's belly: "Don't say such silly things. Before I come back, you have to give this little guy a good name."

The sound of the horse's neighing came again, and Stanley left the crying Lulian behind and walked into the dark wilderness alone.

There was a carriage parked in the field. Akira held the reins and smiled at Stanley: "We meet again, little brother."

Stanley leaned over and saluted: "You may have to wait a little longer, my people are not ready yet."

Akira frowned and said, "Did you not prepare your luggage or your courage?"

"The bags and courage are ready, but they haven't taken the powder yet, the powder that puts them to sleep. It's quick. You just have to wait a little."

"Throw away those powders. They don't have to sleep in my carriage."

Stanley looked at the size of the carriage. It should be able to accommodate three or four people.

"Is this the only carriage? I brought ten people with me."

"You dare to go to Athena with ten people? I thought you brought a thousand people," Akira smiled, "Let them come over, the car is spacious."

Everyone followed Stanley onto the carriage. There was a door behind the door curtain. When the door was opened, there was a spacious hall with black stone slabs, black walls, and black candlesticks flickering with dim candlelight.

This hall can easily accommodate a thousand people. There is a staircase near the wall. The light is too dark to see where this staircase leads.

Are there other rooms here? Could this be a castle?

Everyone was in shock when they suddenly heard Akira shout: "Tell your friends, don't move or run around!"

"Please rest assured that I will keep an eye on them at all times."

"You don't have to look, just a reminder. If you're stuck in this house and can't get out, I'll be your companion. Come and sit next to me."

Come to you? Wouldn’t that mean it would be exposed to the outside world?

Stanley didn't understand the meaning of this, and the trip seemed not to be that enjoyable.

"This is Pluto's order, come here quickly!" Akira became impatient.

Stanley sat next to Akira and followed him into the entrance of the underworld.

"This is the dark valley, with tens of thousands of years of innocent souls piled up on both sides. These innocent souls cannot cross the River Styx for various reasons. When I have the opportunity, I will tell you their stories."

Seeing Stanley breathing rapidly and saying nothing, Akira frowned and said, "What's wrong with you?"

Stanley shook his head, indicating that he didn't want to talk.

Akira smiled and said: "Aversion to cold? Bitter mouth? Want to vomit? This is normal, but I remind you, don't vomit. These innocent souls haven't eaten hot food for a long time, so leave your vomit in You might attract something terrible here, I don’t care, but there are some things you can’t bear.”

Hearing this, Stanley swallowed back what was rising in his throat.

Akira waved his riding whip, urging the armor-covered horse. Stanley wondered if it was a horse under the armor. He could only hear the horse's neighing, but not the sound of hoofbeats.

"You have to learn to get used to the air here. This is our home. No matter whether you can still be promoted or not, one day you will come here, take a deep breath, forget your attachment to warmth, and let the cold completely fill your body. It feels very good, much better than the feeling in the mortal world.”

Akira patted Stanley hard on the back, helping to calm his soul.

"You have to stay awake, otherwise His Majesty Pluto will lose his temper. If something unexpected happens during this trip, you must bear witness for me. This matter has nothing to do with me or the underworld."

In Pan's temple, Mandamo sat at the door, his hands dripping with blood.

I really didn’t expect that there are things in this world that gold fingers can’t cut. In the past two days, he has been trying to use gold fingers to cut through the stone door at the entrance. The stone door was cut into pieces, but there was a strange force that kept breaking it. The stones stick together firmly.

There was no food, not even water, in the temple. The hungry Manda ate a flower, but found that the flower was harder to swallow than soil. She didn't know what material it was made of, but it was not a plant anyway.

Seeing the huge Athena still standing on the ruins of the temple in her original posture, Manda didn't know when she would wake up.

He was still holding his chaotic clone in his hand. This troublesome clone had been consuming Manda's divine power.

Take him back?

Manda didn't dare to do this yet, not because she was worried that the clone would become a spirit again, but because she was worried that once the clone was taken back, Athena would wake up immediately.

He licked the blood on his fingers, stood up again, looked at the scarred stone door, and gritted his teeth.

What cannot be cut is not the stone door, but the mysterious power blocked behind the stone door.

This power is not unbreakable, Manda has felt a little loose before.

No matter what, you have to tear it apart!

Manda inserted his fingers into the stone again and endured the severe pain to tear it apart. When his physical strength was about to be exhausted, he felt the loosening of the power again. This time the loosening was very obvious. He could even smell the dampness outside the temple. air.

Strange, why is there the smell of alcohol in the air?

Abigail, a seventh-level believer in Zeus, wiped her sweat and said, "This kid can't restless for a moment."

Batman, a seventh-level believer in Apollo, said: "I really don't understand why the goddess wastes so much time on him. She might as well hand him over to us. I guarantee that he will speak within a day."

Kissin, a seventh-level disciple of Poseidon, said: "Don't point fingers at the goddess of wisdom. You don't have such qualifications."

"Is this considered a pointer? You are such a loyal subordinate," Batman said with a smile, "I'm not as loyal as you, and I don't expect Him to take me to the eighth level. I just need to get the artifact."

"What's the use of getting the artifact? Are you waiting to be corroded?"

"I have been waiting for more than a hundred years, always looking forward to the day when I can defeat Putala, but I never thought that Putala would be defeated by him. This is God's will, it must be God's will, it is light God asked me to take over His artifact, and after I get the silver bow, I will always guard it, even if I get lost for it, I am willing to do so."

Kissing said: "Which of you has alcohol on you?"

Abigail smiled: "Are you in the mood for a drink?"

"I smell alcohol!"

"I also smelled it. There is a desperate Dionysian believer nearby," Batman licked his lips and said, "Fifth level? Sixth level? Why doesn't he come out? After waiting here for so many days, I still can't. Really want to have some fun.”

"Not only are there believers of Dionysus, but there is also a believer of Hades," Abigail breathed out, "Smelling this smell, he actually sent a living corpse first. Young people today are too ignorant of the rules. .”

At the entrance of the cave, several living corpses flashed back and forth, seemingly very fast. In the eyes of these three seventh-level believers, they were not much different from toddlers.

A ball of lightning burst out of Abigail's palm: "Leave it to me!"

Batman shook his head and said: "Be careful my friend, don't you smell the heat under the cold? There is the fire of the underworld in their bodies."

After saying that, Batman opened his long bow and shot a living corpse with an arrow.

The body of the living corpse began to swell, and a dazzling light flashed through the cracked skin.

"Great God of Light, please allow me to use your power to cleanse away all corruption and evil hidden in the darkness!"

The living corpse exploded, and bright light illuminated the dark night.

This arrow was combined with multiple skills. The fire of the underworld in the living corpse had just begun to burn, but was extinguished by the dazzling light.

Not far away, Stanley covered his eyes, blood seeping from his fingers. Just looking through the sight of the living corpse caused such serious damage to his eyes.

He endured the severe pain, took a branch, and drew three circles on the ground.

Kunta looked at the three circles and silently exclaimed: "What an ancient magic circle!"

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