Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 509 Midnight Song

Whether crab claws or sea clams, these are not Skylar's weapons, but part of her body, which grows on her arms.

Obviously, this sea monster is Skylar's friend, and you can imagine how he feels when he is allowed to eat this kind of food.

Manda didn't care about the Kraken's mood, he only cared about his growling stomach. They had lost all their food and had to find food supplies as soon as possible. Skira's broken arm was a ready supply.

Grilled crab claws, grilled squid, grilled clams, exquisite ingredients do not require more seasonings. The taste depends entirely on the control of the heat.

The first bite was reserved for the Siren because Manda was worried that Skylar's meat was poisonous and this guy looked too weird.

Medusa didn't understand Manda's intentions and thought he was deliberately torturing the Siren, which also made her change her view of Manda.

Tira opened the sea monster's mouth and took the first bite of crab meat. The sea monster vomited it out and burst into tears: "She is my friend, she is mine..."

It's not okay if he doesn't eat it, so Manda fed him another mouthful.

Tila covered his mouth, raised his neck, and forced him to swallow.

After finishing this piece, the Siren gritted his teeth and said, "You shouldn't have done this, it's too cruel..."

After eating another piece, the Siren sighed: "You forced me to eat my friend."

After eating another piece, the Siren shook his head and said, "This is the regret of my life."

After eating three pieces, Manda felt that it was almost done. The siren yelled: "Eat it, you will all be poisoned to death! The poison is about to take effect. If you don't believe me, let me take another bite!"

After it was confirmed that it was not poisonous, Manda and Tila began to feast. The crab shell, which was as tall as one person, was quickly hollowed out. Although she was disdainful of Manda's behavior, Medusa also ate a lot of crab meat.

Crabs are delicious, but it’s hard to be full. Next, it’s the turn of clams.

The tasting part is indispensable, but Siren still has some resistance to it:

"I have already eaten Skyla's body. Her body is not poisonous. Why do you come to torture me again? Believe it or not, I just need to call out and Skyla will appear again!"

Tila said with a ferocious look: "Are you threatening me?"

The Siren showed no fear and sneered: "I mean, her crab claws have grown out. Don't you want to..."

Manda really wanted to know that crab meat is much more delicious than clam meat, but Manda didn't want to take the risk. He felt that Skylar did not use her full strength, and that she was not repelled but scared away.

Unexpectedly, there was such a powerful monster on this island. Manda looked at Medusa lying on the ground and asked: "Skyla's strength is not inferior to yours, right?"

"It's a joke," Medusa sneered, "When I was alive, almost no one didn't know my name. Ask the people at that time, how many of them knew Skira?"

No need to ask people at that time, even now, Medusa's reputation is much greater than Skira's.

"But great reputation does not mean strong strength," Manda looked at the sleeping siren on the ground, "The siren has a great reputation, but it is weak and vulnerable."

"The original Sirens were very powerful. They were the daughters of the River God and servants of the Queen of the Underworld. Their songs could bring mortals directly to the underworld. It is impossible for you to resist the original Sirens, but their songs could Can’t confuse you.”

"The first siren?" Manda was stunned, "Isn't this siren..."

"Of course not. If you smell her scent, how can there be any breath of the underworld? The original sirens have died long ago. They are the descendants of the sirens and the gatekeepers of Poseidon. They rely on their faces and singing voices to change their appearance. Just a poor meat-eating creature.”

Manda looked at the grilled squid that had not been finished, and then asked: "The Skira we will meet today is not the original Skira?"

Medusa shook her head and said: "She is the original Skyra. There are countless sirens, but there is only one Skyra."

"How long did she live?"

"I forgot, probably more than 10,000 years ago."

"Is she immortal?"

Medusa shook her head and smiled: "Not old is not old, not dead is not dead. She is a little younger than me, but whether it is me or her, we will die once we suffer fatal injuries. Fatal injuries...I remembered again That shameless man!"

Medusa must have thought of Perseus. Manda was afraid that she would be too excited, so she quickly distracted her attention: "Why did Skira and the Sirens appear here at the same time?"

"Because this is the island of Diede, the territory of Poseidon."

Manda rubbed his eyebrows. Although he knew very little about the ocean, he still had basic common sense: "Diaide's Island is in the West Sea, and this is the East Sea."

Medusa smiled and said: "Ignorant little guy, there are more than a hundred islands of Didi in the world, each one is the territory of Poseidon, and there are sirens around each island. They are responsible for protecting the island. Except They also have Skira and Charybdis, these two banshees are also Poseidon's guards. As for why Skira appears here, it should be because you were lucky and happened to meet..."

Manda still had many questions to ask, but Medusa was already asleep.

After this tiring day, Manda's physical strength was also exhausted, and it took a lot of energy to maintain the clone. While everyone was asleep, Manda quietly took Medusa back into her stomach, but she heard a strange sound. laughter.

It's a siren.

He quietly raised his head, looked at Manda, and said with a charming smile: "I said that it is not uncommon for men to give birth to children. I didn't expect that you could stuff them back after you gave birth..."

Manda kicked the siren in the face; "You and I are two different things!"

Sleeping from dusk to midnight, Manda was awakened by a burst of singing.

Damn Siren, it's you again!

Manda opened her eyes and prepared to chop up the sea monster, but found that he had been sleeping soundly, his deep breathing mixed with snoring, and the singing did not come from him.

Is it his companion?

Manda looked around, feeling like she could see a certain figure, but she didn't see it clearly.

He picked up a piece of firewood to use as a torch, but under the light of the fire, everything around him became more blurry.

The unknown liquid appeared in sight, like oil paint with too much water, flowing freely on the canvas, flowing on Tila's face. His cheeks were sunken, his nose disappeared, and his red lips continued to Spreads, covering half of the cheek.

Manda rubbed his eyes and looked at the surrounding trees. The branches were sunken from the middle until they broke off. However, they did not fall to the ground, but slowly slid down the trunk. All the trees were sunken starting from the crown, with straight trunks. Swaying from side to side, as if dancing a sultry dance.

Manda was stunned, he suspected it was an illusion.

Chuitt had taught him how to break the illusion. The simplest way was to take the powder prepared by Chuitt.

Don't even think about this trick. If the backpack is lost in the sea, the Styx Island cannot be opened.

Another method is physical dissolution. The person who has been affected by the illusion will have part of his consciousness removed, and this part of his consciousness will be concentrated on a certain part of the body and become a hard knot.

Manda touched her body for a long time but couldn't find any hard knots.

Another trick is to use blood to draw the totem of the god of deception, Apata, on the face, and pray to the god of deception in pain.

This might be a try. Manda used his golden finger to make an opening in the palm of his left hand. The pain did not wake him up, but made him even more irritated, because his left hand also began to twist, and his thumb slipped directly to his elbow. superior.

Stained with blood and with her eyes closed, Manda began to draw Apatite's totem on her face. After just one stroke, Manda gave up.

His fingers became hard, and he had the urge to exert force. If the golden fingers were activated on his face, his face would probably be ripped off the bones.

Why is this happening? Goldfinger is out of control?

No, it was not the fingers that were out of control, but Manda himself. He forgot an important link. The first step to get rid of the illusion is to get rid of the source of the illusion.

What is the origin of illusion? Is it oil paint?

No, that is the illusion itself, and the source of illusion is singing.

According to the record in the theogony, Odysseus's men sealed their ears with wax to avoid the sirens' singing.

Manda couldn't find the wax, so he tore his clothes to pieces and stuffed strips of cloth into his ears, but to no avail.

It's all my fault that my hearing is so good, but why did the siren's singing become so powerful? It didn't seem to have any impact on Manda while on the boat.

Could this be the original siren that Medusa spoke of?

It's still wrong. There is no underworld breath, but a strange fragrance, as if I have smelled it somewhere.

Moreover, this song is different from what I heard on the boat. It is not so charming, not so melodious, the rhythm is fast, and the voice is very thin, as if a girl is whispering in my ear, and I can clearly hear every lyric.

"Listen quietly, don't feel it, I'm here, don't look at it, prostrate yourself in worship, wait to be swallowed up, you are in my world, don't struggle, don't resist, don't look up, don't open your eyes, You will get lost."

A warm current appeared in my ears.

The singer is behind Manda, and the sound penetrates from the left ear to the right ear.

"Smart boy, don't open your eyes and let me taste your fear."

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