Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 144 Father and son reunited

At the gate of the manor, the butler Silva was directing the work of the slave farmers. These slave farmers firmly believed in the Lord of Divine Punishment. In order to temper their will and test their piety, Manda left the most arduous and arduous work for them. Gave them.

It’s already August, the farming season has long passed, and there’s not much to do in the fields. But this is not the point. The point is not to let this group of people idle. Silva is very confident in this. Finding something to do when there is nothing to do is an essential talent for a qualified butler.

Catch the bugs first, and then classify them. Locusts are classified into one category, spiders are classified into another category, centipedes and millipedes are classified into another category, and caterpillars are also classified into another category.

The most important thing is the snail. All other bugs can be burned, but the snail has to be thrown into a copper shell. One snail can only be exchanged for one copper coin, but there are more than thirty hard workers here. If you work hard, you can almost save their wages. Earn it.

Silva held a whip and walked among the fields with murderous intent. If he saw anyone slacking off, he would hit them with a whip to let them know the majesty of the butler.

At noon, the fiery sun made everyone drowsy, and Silva also came to take a nap under the tree.

The sound of horse hooves awakened the chief steward from his deep sleep. He opened his eyes and saw three war horses standing in front of him, followed by a dozen infantrymen.

There were three people sitting on the horse. They were wearing armor and carrying swords at their waists, looking at him with cold expressions.

Silva stood blankly for a while with his eyes wide open and his mouth open. Then a war horse snorted suddenly, making him tremble in fright.

The two knights laughed, and Baron Claudesay in the middle said expressionlessly: "I want to see your master."

Silva was not that scared, but he just woke up and was a little bit unable to recover. He had seen the bandit Lonvaldo who killed without blinking an eye, and he had also seen Hannes the Punisher who killed with an artistic sense. He had seen crazy people. Milo had left blood and flesh all over the floor in the tavern, and he had also seen the unfathomable Earl being beaten and losing his troops and running away.

When Silva came to his senses, the majesty of the butler immediately returned to his face.

"My lord, I haven't asked you your name yet."

The two knights stopped laughing. They urged their horses to take two steps forward. One knight picked up his lance and pointed it at Silva: "Call your master out. You have no right to speak here."

"You are not qualified to stand here." Silva looked at the position of the two knights' horseshoes and said with a smile: "This is the manor of Mr. Krejci Monchik. If you want to see my master, first Tell me your names. If you are strangers who break in without permission, I can only treat you as robbers..."

Before he finished speaking, a knight suddenly swung his spear and knocked Silva to the ground. Silva lay on the ground coughing violently. Every cough brought heartbreaking pain, and his ribs were broken.

He tried to get up, but a knight swung his lance and hit him on his left leg.

There was a crisp sound, and his leg bone was broken. Silva bit the weeds on the ground desperately without making a sound.

The baron said solemnly: "Tell your master to get out, I want to see him now!"

Silva raised his face and looked directly at the Baron, forcing a smile from his face.

"It's the same thing, I'll say it again, tell me your name."

"You really don't know how painful it is!" A knight smiled, swung his lance and hit Silva again. Silva desperately moved his body back, dodged the lance, and grabbed the knife hidden in the grass. of hemp rope.

He should have grabbed this rope long ago, which is why he chose to sleep here. It was only because he had talked too much and missed the best opportunity.

The knight missed with one shot, raised his lance and fired again. Unexpectedly, the ground suddenly sunk, and the two knights screamed, and they fell into the pit together with their horses.

This is a trap left by the "poet". The superb construction techniques make it impossible for ordinary people to detect it. Manda didn't leave a guard at the door, but that didn't mean he was defenseless. There were many traps like this around.

The pit was dug very deep, and the two knights fell miserably. The baron's face turned red. He wanted to order the guards to kill Silva, but found that Silva had grabbed another piece of hemp rope.

The guards were a little scared and hesitated when they saw a figure walking towards them from a distance.

The baron recognized the figure at a glance. It was his son Manda. Even if he had never seen this son directly, he would never be mistaken.

"You should be Baron Claudesay," Manda said with a calm smile, "Yesterday I heard that you were going to summon me, so I rushed back overnight. I didn't expect you to come to my humble home in person. It really makes me extremely honored."

The Baron sneered and said, "Do you still recognize me?"

"To be honest, I don't recognize it," Manda pointed to the mark on Claude Sai's chest. "The Viscount showed me your family emblem."

The baron gritted his teeth and said, "You are indeed still alive."

Manda was startled: "How should I answer this question?"

"What methods did you use to occupy this manor?"

Manda shrugged and said: "The word "occupy" is a bit inappropriate. This is the intention of Lord Viscount."

"So you have become a liar. I really didn't see that you have such a talent. Is this why you can come out of the Valley of Resentment alive?"

"Lord Baron, I really don't understand what you are talking about. Since you are here, please come sit down in your humble apartment and let's have a drink together."

"I don't know what method you used to deceive Mr. Viscount, but don't forget that I am your father and you are my son. Don't forget how you should talk to me!"

Manda looked confused and said: "What you said is really puzzling. Why did you come to my manor to look for your son? Is your son lost? The Viscount just gave me some slaves. Is your son among them?"

The baron was shaking with anger: "Okay, little bastard, I haven't forgotten your origins, you are a bastard born of a slave!"

Manda frowned and said, "Lord Baron, why are your words so vulgar?"

The earl drew his sword and said: "Bastard, kneel down immediately, lick my horse's hooves clean, and then beg my forgiveness."

Manda shook his head and said, "You are considered a noble, why are you so uneducated?"

Claude Sai waved his sword and ordered the guards to charge.

It is not difficult for Manda to deal with these guards. The key lies in how far he can do it.

Killing them in broad daylight will definitely lead to chaos in the future. After all, there are a group of slave farmers around who are watching the fun.

Let each of them chop off one of their legs as compensation for Silva and to teach them a lesson.

Manda was ready, but the guards were still hesitant. They had seen Manda and knew that Manda was the illegitimate son of the baron. They knew that Manda was dead, but they didn't know why he appeared here.

Some of these guards had fought in battles and had the courage and courage to kill people, but they were used to dealing with people who were trembling with fear and had no power to resist, but they did not dare to deal with this ghost of unknown origin.

After a moment of stalemate, a guard suddenly came to the baron and whispered: "Baron Madsen is here with a team of guards."

Claude Sai hesitated for a moment, put away his sword and said: "I didn't expect you to be ready. You knew I would come today!"

Manda smiled bitterly and said, "Lord Baron, why do you think so highly of yourself?"

The baron ordered the guards to pull the two knights out of the pit, pointed the riding crop in Manda's face and said: "Remember what happened today, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

"Of course I will remember it," Manda nodded. "You injured my butler and humiliated me. One of us will definitely regret it."

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