Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 122 The last look

Stanley easily captured the Viscount's castle. Seeing Manda return empty-handed, the fat knight showed a sinister smile.

"Mr. Nidali, it seems that something unexpected happened again."

The young non-commissioned officers beat their chests and felt that they had missed a rare opportunity in life.

The older non-commissioned officers breathed a sigh of relief. A qualified scapegoat was right in front of them.

"Dilloan has a magical object on his body. Our weapons can't hurt him, and even our skills can't hurt him." Manda thought of a pretty good excuse, but was laughed at by everyone.

"Listen to what this kid is talking about?"

"He said the old guy was invulnerable!"

"Could he be any stupider?"

"How many stupid things has he done? I guess he is a spy sent by Diloan!"

Stanley sighed and said, "What do you want me to do? Mr. Nidali, how can I excuse you?"

Manda shook his head and said, "I didn't do anything wrong. I really can't deal with Di Luoan."

"So you came back unscathed like this?"

A young noncommissioned officer laughed and said: "At least leave some scars on yourself, and you should act like one!"

Another sergeant said: "He is a spy. We should hang him. Otherwise, the brothers who died in the battle will not be able to live in peace in the underworld."

This sentence ignited everyone's anger, and everyone shouted: "Hang him, hang him, hang him!"

Manda was at a loss, and Eudora stepped forward and said, "How dare you! We are the earl's people!"

Stanley sneered: "But this is not the count's valley, this is my military camp."

The sergeants echoed: "That's right, the military camp has military camp rules!"

Eudora gritted her teeth and said, "I wonder which of you has the guts to touch us!"

Stanley said in shock: "Ms. Eudora said we have no courage. Ms. Nadia, what do you think of this?"

Nadia stood far away, keeping as far away from Manda and others as possible: "Sir Knight, this matter has nothing to do with me. I was beaten by them and tied up in the tent."

"It seems that you are the one who is truly loyal to the earl," Stanley nodded to Nadia and turned to Manda, "As for you, I will put you in the dungeon. At this time tomorrow, I will show you Hang you in front of all the soldiers!"

The soldiers surrounded Manda, who tried to resist, but suddenly heard Stanley say in a deep voice: "Darkness!"

In the darkness, I heard Stanley say again: "Pain!"

After a burst of severe pain, the three people rolled their eyes, fainted on the ground, and were thrown into the dungeon by the soldiers.

Manda slept in the dungeon until late at night before waking up. He moved his body and felt that every piece of flesh was in sharp pain like needle pricks.

I really didn’t expect Stanley to be serious. I really didn’t expect his skills to be so terrifying. No wonder Campora immediately chose to beg for mercy after being hit by the skills.

Manda was about to complain, but she didn't expect that there were other people in the dungeon, and the sergeant who betrayed Stanley was also imprisoned in the same cage.

The noncommissioned officer sat in the corner with a dull expression and murmured: "The execution will be tomorrow, right?"

Manda nodded and said, "I heard that's the case."

The sergeant shook his head and said, "I don't want to die."

Manda said: "I don't want to either."

Pluto also woke up. He rubbed his neck and cursed: "Damn Stanley..."

Manda kicked Pluto and said, "Do you want to die?"

Pluto saw the sergeant in the corner, frowned and whispered: "I can't die with this guy."

Nadia received the count's order and came to the dungeon with food and wine to visit her former companions. The earl wanted to see how they behaved before they died to confirm whether there was any other secret behind it.

The moment he saw Nadia, Manda was a little at a loss. He knew the other party's intentions, but he didn't know how to deal with it.

How should you behave when you are about to die?

"Go away, bitch! Don't let me see your disgusting face again!"

Eudora was cursing loudly, as was in keeping with her temperament.

"Come closer, my baby, let me see you again. In fact, I have been thinking about you in my heart." Pluto is luring Nadia closer, maybe he wants to have a final lingering with her, or he may use the dragon His breath kills her, and his intentions are always unpredictable, which is in line with Pluto's temperament.

The acting skills of these two guys have obviously improved a lot, but Manda is embarrassed, what should he do?

Seeing Manda who had been in a daze through Nadia's eyes, the count became suspicious. He suspected that Manda was planning something.

After careful consideration, Manda finally had an idea.

"Come here, good girl, come closer. I have something to tell you. I know you have reached the second level. You don't have to be afraid of me. I can't hurt you. I asked Pluto to stand farther away. Further away, don't worry. , I won’t hurt you.”

Nadia approached the cage, and Manda whispered: "The two guards at the door are blind ducks. You can easily kill them. Take the key and take us away. Let's get out of here and go back to the valley."

Nadia frowned and looked at Manda without making any sign.

"We are companions, and we are all loyal to the count," Manda pointed to the outside of the cage, "Take us out of here. This is the count's order. I received the count's order. Please trust me!"

The earl in the castle smiled and played the harp at hand. When he reached the emotional point, he lightly tapped the neck of the harp.

He remembered the way Manda looked when he first saw her. She was willing to do anything to survive and never said a word of truth. This is indeed how Manda should be.

Nadia received the message from the Count. He was very satisfied with the situation. She put down the food box and quietly left the dungeon.

"We are all going to die," the sergeant sitting in the corner cried, "I don't want to die."

He cried for a long time, and suddenly he heard Manda whisper: "Shut your mouth if you don't want to die."

He saw Manda cut the iron chain on the door with her fingers, and quietly left the cage with Pluto and Eudora.

"You can't escape, you can't escape..." Seeing their disappearing figures, the sergeant cried again. After crying for a moment, he quickly got up and ran out of the cage, stumbling towards the exit of the dungeon.

There must be a lot of guards there. Where did the three of them go? Was he killed by the guards?

He pushed open the heavy iron door and found the dungeon guard sitting motionless on the ground. He didn't know whether he was dead or asleep.

Did they escape? Did you really escape?

The sergeant looked around and saw three figures in the night. He chased them desperately.

Nadia returned to the room, took a deep breath, and was about to lie down on the bed when she suddenly saw Stanley pushing open the door and breaking in, grabbing her hair.

"Where did you just go?" Stanley asked with a ferocious expression.

Nadia did not dare to resist, and replied tremblingly: "I went to the dungeon, I just gave them some food."

"Didn't you do anything else?"

"They tried to escape and I didn't do anything."

"Very good," Stanley smiled, "I'll take you to see them again, for the last time!"

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