Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 132: Dorm Friendship League

When Ma Xiaobo saw what was on his arm, he completely froze in place.

Outside the bedroom, the shield girl immediately sensed something was wrong and raised her voice: "Ma Xiaobo?"

For the first time, the boys in the house did not respond quickly or move. Looking from her direction, I could only see the boy's trembling elbows covering his face.

Her heart sank and she immediately stepped inside. The other party seemed to have come to his senses just now, his arms drooped down, and a smile that was even uglier than crying appeared on his pale face.

"Big guy." He opened his mouth. "I think I'm going to die."

The girl's eyes fell on him.

The two originally intact arms were suddenly covered with sharp dark blue scales, spreading from the elbow socket to the wrist, spreading rapidly in all directions!

Holding the shield tightly, she rushed in and pulled the man out. As soon as she took hold of Ma Xiaobo's shoulder, the palm of her hand felt an extreme chill.

The girl's movements were imperceptibly stagnant.

At this moment, Ma Xiaobo's body feels exactly the same as the elf's body!

Even though the waves are turbulent in her head, she is not the type that is good at analysis, she can only bring people to the balcony first and then ask Tang Xinjue through spiritual connection.

However, in this brief period of time, the scales on Ma Xiaobo's body have spread to his face at an unimaginable speed, and all the exposed skin below the neck is completely overgrown, reflecting ominous Blurred line.

"Big brother...I...not...dorm..."

Ma Xiaobo strangled his throat in pain, his vocal cords became twisted and weird, and he couldn't make a complete sound.

On the nearby balcony, I noticed that all the candidates here were startled, and someone made a curt and asked in surprise: "Classmate, there is an elves in your dormitory?"

The shield girl gave him a cold look, and the man shivered and shrank his neck before he noticed something was wrong.

The head of this "elf" is clearly the head of a human candidate? !

The screams of shock and fear continued to sound, and more and more people were attracted to look at the 307 balcony. The shield girl turned a blind eye to this, she listened to Tang Xinjue's words seriously and attentively.

Tang Xinjue's voice was also cold: "The punishment of the rules begins, he has mutated, and there is no time."

As early as Ma Xiaobo had just entered the balcony of 307, she reminded the shield girls not to let the other party stay for too long.

It is now a prophecy.

Also part of the rules restrictions.

If you leave your bedroom, you will be punished.

The shield girl's face was expressionless, but her voice in the spiritual connection was very urgent: "Is there no way? I have a shield, I can scrape off the scales."

Tang Xinjue: "…"

Are you going to be Guan Yu scraping his bones to heal his wounds?

She used her mental power to look at the boy whose pupils had begun to dilate, and pursed her lips: "Two ways. One is to let him clear the level now, and he will automatically recover after leaving the dungeon. The other is to send him back to himself. dormitory, there is a 10% chance of surviving."

But in the other 90% of the probability, it is still impossible to reverse the dead end.

The shield girl didn't hesitate, "I'll send him down."

She lifted Ma Xiaobo on the guardrail, the boy drooped his arms obediently, even though the scales had covered most of his face, he never released the venom due to extreme pain and fear, and was always flat Sticking to the skin, until the mind also began to be confused.

He raised his head and looked at the shield girl, still uttering the same single syllable as before, as if he wanted to express something.

The shield girl didn't understand, but Tang Xinjue understood.

"He doesn't want to go back to his dorm."

The girl paused, her eyes sharp: "Why?"

Tang Xinjue looked at Ma Xiaobo's gradually extinguishing spiritual flame, and sighed silently: "He can't hold it anymore, when he becomes an elf, his roommate is not strong enough to control it. He will be killed by him instead."

"If you stay with you, you can put him in the cloak, and you can add one point."

She repeated Ma Xiaobo's last sentence:

"Just thank you for saving him earlier and keeping him here."

Ma Xiaobo lowered his head completely, his dyed golden hair withered and fell, and the monster's rugged and sharp tentacles grew.

The shield girl subconsciously grabbed him to prevent him from falling, but the head in front of him suddenly lifted in the next second. The green eyes were full of malice, the black lips cracked to the base of the ears, and there was a familiar hissing—

A long tongue full of mouthparts suddenly pierced out of the mouth!

"Totally mutated."

Tang Xinjue opened her eyes and rubbed the slightly tired between her brows after using her mental power.

The first time she saw Ma Xiaobo's mutant form, she shared her mental vision to the minds of the 606 four. Everyone's faces are quite serious now.

What they saw this time was different from the elves that appeared in the first three rounds.

No matter how big or small, with or without wings, the previous elves always maintained the shape of a "monster" body, which was very different from humans.

However, although the current "Ma Xiaobo" has completely turned into an elf, the limbs and torso still maintain the human form, not only the attack ability of monsters, but also the attack and action of human beings Way.

It's even trickier...

Zhang You brows like a knot: "It also has an IQ."


A sharp hiss came from the third floor, the long-haired girl threw off her bloodstained hair and inserted the shield into the elf's throat.

The human neck must have died on the spot, but the body of "Ma Xiaobo" was still trembling strangely.

In less than half a second, its hands and feet began to stretch like molten liquid, the claws under the scales became mouthparts, and the whole body seemed to differentiate into a core torso and five identical " Tongue" and continued to attack the shield girl.

The girl did not draw out the shield, but chanted a spell in a low voice, and four identical "shields" instantly appeared all over her body, blocking the attacking mouthparts at the same time.

This is the move she has been using to fight informers from a distance: the shield phantom.

Before this, there was only one phantom in front of all the candidates, but at this moment, several were summoned at the same time, and they moved and changed as if they were conscious, and there was no embarrassment on the face of the shield girl .

It turned out that she was also hiding before, and the real level of strength has not been shown until now.

A few steps away, I watched the battle scene leisurely, without any intention of helping, and no action to get in the way.

He is like an interested bystander, watching the show with relish, and making two comments:

"The mood swings have reached their peak... So that's the case. Companions kill each other. This is the opposite scale that you can't accept, right? Sure enough, stubborn behavior and logic must be accompanied by inner demons..."

"Shut up!"

Shield girls have never felt that a person's voice can be so loud, even surpassing the eloquent male voice of Wen Zou who always called himself "below".

Being splashed with blood, the shield girl calmed down a little. She pulled out her shield, ignoring the remaining four mouthparts that were still fluttering, and pulled out her cloak directly. The black cloak covered "Ma Xiaobo" with the girl's frosty expression.

People are dead, her anger is meaningless, it's time to end.

On the countless balconies of the two dormitory buildings, other candidates also watched this scene silently.

Among them, the candidate who had just escaped from the claws of the elves and was standing on the unfamiliar balcony of the other dormitory was pale and bloodless.

From the current Ma Xiaobo, they seemed to see the next self in a trance.

If it was really a match penalty, would they, too, become like this—


At this moment, something unexpected happened: the two mouthparts suddenly clamped the cloak under the hood and lifted it up!

The shield girl abruptly took a step back to catch the cloak, but fortunately, she did not escape from the fighting state, and blocked the elf's attack for the first time, and fell into a tangled battle again.

Above the third floor, Guo Guo opened his eyes from the perspective of spiritual power, and said in surprise, "The cloak can't be used anymore??"

"It's not that the cape has failed."

Tang Xinjue closed her eyes and said, "It's because part of it is still human."

Cloaks can only be used to "install" elves. If elves hide in human skins, the cloak will no longer have restraint power.


She expanded her mental power and probed deeply.

The shield girl rolled on the spot to avoid a blow, and her sharp eyes just fell on "Ma Xiaobo" when she heard Tang Xinjue's voice:

"The top-to-bottom third of its torso, cut there. That's its core!"

The voice fell into her mind, the girl raised her shield without hesitation, turned around and walked on the guardrail, inserted the metal that was as sharp as dirt into the torso of the monster, and dug it fiercely—

A piece of rotting heart, half scarlet and half dark blue, that had been glued to the chest cavity, rolled out.

With an expression that only humans can understand, she looked at the shield girl.

He seemed to want to say something, but only opened his mouth slightly, and there was no sound. Then it dimmed again, completely gone.

Its body collapsed suddenly, shrinking rapidly into a small lifeless mass, this time it was covered by the cloak without resistance and turned into a new Pokeball.

[Ding, a student has died, the stacking difficulty is 1%, and the current total stacking is 89%]

At the moment when Ma Xiaobo was completely declared dead, the mutant elves hovering in the sky seemed to have received some kind of summons, scattered and disappeared into the roof of the building where they could not be seen, and then disappeared.

"The third round is over." A candidate looked at the sky and murmured softly.

The end of a round means the beginning of the next round.

So where are the fourth-round elves now?

No one made a sound, and in the eerie silence, many people looked at several positions at the same time.

Located in different dormitories of the two buildings, there were ten candidates with extremely pale faces. They stood straight on the edge of the guardrail, staring at the direction of Ma Xiaobo's death.

"Classmate, classmate?"

On the balcony of Bedroom 612 in Building A, three short-haired girls were standing behind a fat boy tentatively, but they got no answer.

The fat man was hanged next to their bedroom when he was just thrown from the sky by the elves, and was pulled up by them for a while. But when they saw Ma Xiaobo's end, they couldn't help but start playing drums.

Besides the fat man was overly afraid, everything was normal. But in just a few tens of seconds, at the same time that the game prompted Ma Xiaobo's death, Fatty seemed to be attracted by something.

The three girls looked at each other, and a guess floated in their hearts at the same time.

Sure enough, in the next second, with a scream in the distance, the fat man suddenly twitched violently, and large pieces of skin fell off, as if it was cut from the inside, and a fat man was drilled out to replace it. Huge blue sprite!

"Quick, send them back to their dorm!"

"It's useless, it's too late."

Seeing ten candidates mutate at the same time, some people panic, and some people realize the reality with hindsight.

From the very beginning, the moment these candidates are caught by the elves, their end has been formed.

And there has never been a possibility of change.

"This is the fourth round."

Yue Qiong didn't know what to think, and his eyes curved again.

"Ten elves can only be allocated to ten lucky dormitories. There are too many monks and few porridges. It's a pity that if you saved a few more people at the beginning, there may be a few more elves now."

His tone was relaxed and pleasant, as if those who died were not real candidates, but goods that could be realised, making it hard for those who heard it not to feel chills down their spines.

"By the way, it's only ten minutes before the end of the capture time."

Yue Qiong spoke again, meaning: "If this link continues to drag on, are you sure you can complete your catch?"

Many people's expressions changed slightly.

They saw with their own eyes that the same kind they had just rescued mutated into monsters, even if they knew that the only way to get the Poké Ball was by killing the other party, it was inevitable that they could not bear to start.

But the time rhythm of the game does not allow them to be indecisive.

The first and second floors fell into dead silence. Just five minutes ago, these roaring "elves" were their roommates, but now they are monsters to be killed.

But they couldn't stop it, they could only keep themselves from looking up and watching the fierce battle above.

[Ding, a student has died, the stacking difficulty is 1%, and the current total stacking is 90%]

[Ding, a student has died...the current total stack is 91%]


Have the experience of watching the shield girls kill the humanoid elves, the candidates have the upper hand one after another. If there are those who can't be beaten, they don't force it, they just hide neatly, and then the other dormitories that want points will attract the elves.

Elves were successfully captured one after another, and the death prompts continued one after another. At first no one seemed to realize that it was wrong, and it was not until the end of the hunt that more and more people began to realize another serious problem.


"Over ninety..."

"How many are left? Wait..."


Before the last elf was pierced through the torso, someone finally shouted to try to stop it: "Don't kill it! The death toll has reached 99!"

—As long as the total number of dead students in the game is loaded to 100, the game will be judged lost by the game!

Who knows what the consequences of a failed judgment will be, in case it is a collective obliteration? Who can take this risk?

The machete stopped in front of the elf, and the boy with glasses holding the machete was panting, and the outside world was shouting in his ears, and his face showed a daze.


In the chaos, a steady girl's voice passed through the crowd and fell clearly in the ears of the candidates.

Looking up, Tang Xinjue was standing in front of the balcony on the highest floor, with both hands on the railing, quietly watching everything that happened.

She said calmly: "The stalemate is here, the elves will not catch it, the next round will not refresh, and all of us will be dragged to death."

"Let it go, it may hurt other candidates, and the number of deaths will increase, which is the same outcome."

In other words, from the very beginning, they could only move forward, and there was no room to stop halfway, no matter if anyone noticed it or not.

The crowd fell silent and the machete fell.

[Ding, a student has died...the current total stack is 99%]

The distance is 100, only the last person.

This fact is like an invisible mountain, pressing on everyone's heart.

Because it means that from now until the end of the game, they can't kill anyone, whether that person is a whistleblower or a good student.

Only if all members survive to the end, they will have the possibility to clear the level.

In this depressing atmosphere, the sudden laughter was especially abrupt.

Looking along the source of the sound, I saw a tall and thin boy wearing a black mask leaning on the balcony of Building B 308 and laughing back and forth.

Who is Yueqiong?

When an iron-clad whistleblower laughs at a moment like this, it's a dance on the shaky mentality of the crowd. Someone couldn't help roaring: "What are you laughing at?"

After more than ten seconds, Yueqiong straightened up and asked lazily: "The game is over, isn't it normal for me to be happy?"

"Are you crazy? If the game is over and we all lose, what's the joy?"

Yue Qiong raised his eyebrows: "Pay attention to the wording, [you] will fail. But what does your failure have to do with me?"

"The game never said that our mission is the same."

His voice was frivolous, but he fell like a death sentence.

"Your defeat was, in a way, a type of our victory—is that hard to guess?"

"It's better, you just don't dare to face it."

Sometimes a sentence can set off a raging fire, and before the candidate's mentality burst out of control, a calmer person hurriedly interrupted:

"Don't let him bring the rhythm. Don't forget, we are only 99 dead now, and the game is not over!"

Speaking of this, the man suddenly became alert, and quickly took two steps back to look at Yueqiong: "You won't attack us, will you? I advise you to give up, the rules will not allow it."

Yue Qiong opened his hands: "Don't worry, I don't have this kind of stupid idea of ​​breaking the rules."

"It's just..." He snapped his fingers, "Those who commit suicide shouldn't be affected by the rules, right?"

The voice fell, and the two boys standing behind him trembled strangely.

Under the eyes of the public, one of them took out the dagger and turned the blade over, and plunged into his chest with such force!

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