Ghoul: The Evil Spirit Is Coming

The Attack of the Ghouls Chapter 532

Unlike Jun Ma Lu, Bai's comprehension is from another aspect.

"That is to say, if you want to accompany Master Yeyue forever, do you need to have enough strength? Otherwise, when Master Yeyue meets a powerful enemy, I can only watch by the side, waiting helplessly for the fate to come. Sentence?"

It seemed that she remembered the winter of that year again. She was hungry and cold, but she could do nothing except wait for the coming of death. Bai never wanted to experience that feeling of powerlessness again! Therefore, she also needs to become stronger! For herself, and for her Master Yeyue!

Seeing Bai and Junmalu's firm expressions, Yeyue also nodded in satisfaction, almost as expected, and made them understand the importance of strength.

Although Yeyue's words are not the absolute truth, but at least they are the truth of living in troubled times! So he is not afraid to lead the two of them astray, because there is nothing wrong with pursuing power, what is wrong is only the process and what you do after you have power.

While the two were meditating, Yeyue led them through the war-torn area and entered the safe area behind Tian Zhiguo. There were loud cries over there, but there was peace here, just like a dividing line. The two sides are divided into hell and heaven.

As she was walking, Yeyue stopped abruptly, with a look of surprise on her face.

"My lord? Huh? Red Cloud Black Robe? Is it the Akatsuki Organization?"

Bai, who was still in a daze, almost bumped into Yeyue's back, raised his head hastily, but saw two figures not far ahead at a glance.

"It should be right! Except for them, no one will use this outfit! It's really hard to find, it's so easy to get!"

Yeyue smiled a little pleasantly. After tracking down the Xiao organization for nearly half a year, she still didn't see half a shadow. She didn't expect to bump into the rightful owner when she just came to Tian Zhiguo. How could Yeyue be unhappy?

"Jun Malu, say hello to them!"

"Understood, Lord Yeyue! Ten fingers pierced!"

Under Yeyue's order, Jun Malu raised his palm without hesitation, and white bone bullets shot out from his five fingertips, piercing the air with a swoosh, and shot at the two people mercilessly.


As expected of the master of the Xiao organization, his reaction ability is relatively fast, and he can jump back in time to avoid Jun Malu's sneak attack in a hurry. One of them immediately locked on to Yeyue and the three shouted coldly.


Yeyue smiled slightly, but did not answer, but turned around and left first, followed by Bai and Junmalu, and the three quickly rushed to the open place outside the town, as if deliberately leading them there.

"Damn it! Someone dared to sneak up on me! Jiaodu, let's chase after him!"

The young man with the silver back yelled angrily, and rushed after him without waiting for his companion's answer. As for whether it was a conspiracy trap? This kind of thing is not in his consideration at all.

"This bastard!"

The man called Jiaodu looked quite old, but he was strong and strong. He caught up with the young man in front of him in two or three steps, and at the same time he did not forget to think about the identity of the attacker.

"The surprise attack just now was obviously intended to attract our attention, and now it's leading us outside. Who could it be?"

Kakuzu is also not very good at using his brain. All he can rely on is his decades of experience in walking the ninja world. He couldn't guess the purpose of Yeyue and the others for a while, so he had to follow his companions to see and see.

"Hey, I said you bastards! Why did you attack me? If you offend me, I will sacrifice you to Lord Evil God!"

The silver-haired young man who almost said that I was a brain-damaged man quickly chased to the open space, glared at the three of them and questioned them.

"Xiao organization?"

Yeyue ignored the brain-dead youth, and looked directly at Jiaodu, seemingly doubtful, but with an affirmative tone.

"Since you know, you still dare to attack us? What is the purpose!"

Jiao didn't even deny it, but immediately asked back.

Although he knew that the other party looked difficult to provoke, Jiaodu was not afraid at all. After all, the two of them were the undead duo organized by Akatsuki, and they possessed almost immortal bodies. Even if they couldn't beat them, couldn't they still run away?

I just don't know why, but based on years of intuition, Kakudo felt that the black-haired young man was dangerous, which gave him a creepy feeling, similar to the situation when he faced that god-like man back then.

"That's good! There is no purpose, I just want to say hello to you! Bai, Junma Lu!"

After hearing the answer she wanted, Yeyue showed a relaxed smile and waved her hands casually. Bai and Jun Malu understood what he meant, and took a step forward without thinking. Bing Qianben was shining coldly in Bai's hands, and Jun Malu Lu even pulled out a bone knife from his shoulder.

"Hey, isn't it? Are people so straightforward nowadays? Fighting at the slightest disagreement? Wait, wait! I have to complete the evil god ritual first! Otherwise, the evil god will be angry!"

As soon as Fei Duan, a mentally disabled young man, saw Jun Ma Lu's movements, he knew what was going to happen next, and immediately panicked. He had to perform a curse ceremony before fighting, otherwise he would violate his commandments, which he couldn't do. accepted!

(Third update~~)

Chapter 104 Confronting Undead Duo (Fourth)

"I said boy Fei Duan, the enemy will not give you time to complete the curse ceremony, I advise you to give up this idea!"

Seeing Shiro and Junmaro's actions, Kakuto also realized that a battle is inevitable. Although they still don't know the identity and purpose of each other, it doesn't matter, just kill them! Maybe their heads can be exchanged for bounties!

"No! Absolutely not! The Cthulhu ritual is a must! I will not disrespect the Cthulhu! Bastard!"

Hidan rejected Kakuzu's suggestion without hesitation, and looked at Junmaro with annoyed eyes, this guy, just attack him sneakily, won't he even be given time to complete the evil god ceremony?

However, Jun Ma Luhe didn't care about his anger. Yeyue's order was obviously more important to him. When he stepped down, he rushed towards Fei Duan like a gust of wind. The bone knife in his hand didn't mean to show mercy .

Although Yeyue's intention was simply to test the strength of the Xiao organization, not to kill people, but in Jun Malu's view, if even he could be easily killed, then such an organization would not need to care.

"Ah! Bastard, you are serious!"

Seeing this, Fei Duan immediately turned around and ran away without any hesitation!

Fleeing without a fight may seem embarrassing to many people, but for Fei Duan, a devout believer, the evil god ritual before the battle is the most important, otherwise he would rather die than blaspheme the evil god!

It's a pity, how can Hiduan's speed compare to Junmalu? Running away in embarrassment had no effect, Jun Malu easily stopped Fei Duan, the sharp bone knife flashed past, and a bloodstain was printed on Fei Duan's shoulder.

"Ah! It hurts! It hurts! You bastard!"

Fei Duan cursed angrily, but Jun Malu turned a deaf ear to it. The fierce offensive came like a storm, and Fei Duan immediately dodged in a hurry, but because he was too passive, his body suffered more and more injuries. His black robe has also turned into tattered clothes, and blood is sprayed as if he doesn't want money.

"You bastard! Do you listen to people? I'm angry, sir! The consequences are serious!"

Fei Duan tore off the shattered black robe, revealing his upper body full of scars, glaring at Jun Malu with fire-spitting eyes, and then... actually ignored Jun Malu, and put the blood on his body on the ground Draw a triangle, and then circle the triangle, a simple but weird figure!

"Great Lord Cthulhu, I will definitely use this guy's blood to pay homage to you!"

Fei Duan stood on the graph and prayed silently, and then slowly removed the three-stage blood scythe behind his back, his eyes became extraordinarily fierce!

Although he didn't know what Fei Duan was doing, Jun Malu didn't pay attention at all, and rushed in front of Fei Duan with a dodge, and stabbed Fei Duan's head and heart with two sharp bone blades at the same time!

"Hmph, go to hell! Damn bastard!"

A strange sneer appeared on Fei Duan's face, and he turned a blind eye to Jun Ma Lu's attack. Instead, he swung his sickle and slashed at Jun Ma Lu's waist, as if he planned to die with Jun Ma Lu!

clang! !

The bone blade turned slightly, and blocked the blood scythe that was coming at the waist in time. Jun Malu used his strength to retreat back, and looked at Fei Duan with a little more suspicion.

He couldn't figure out what was going on in the mind of this guy who had been thinking about it all the time, and it was a move to die together? Or is this guy up to some conspiracy?

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