Ghoul: The Evil Spirit Is Coming

The Attack of the Ghouls Chapter 201

"Boom! "

Violent vibrations came from afar accompanied by deep sobs. Yeyue and the others who had just settled down turned their heads to look in surprise, but they couldn't see anything.

"Is this going to be an earthquake?" Shizuka asked doubtfully, holding on to the side of the boat to stabilize her figure.

"Impossible! This is at the foot of the Upside Down Mountain, at the entrance of the Great Airway. The geology here is absolutely impossible for earthquakes!"

Nami, who is a navigator, retorted without hesitation that navigators are usually proficient in geography!

"There's something in the sea!"

Yeyue's senses were the keenest, and she soon spotted the huge black shadow in the sea!


As soon as Yeyue finished speaking, the sea surface not far in front of them suddenly rolled, and amidst the surging waves, a huge whale broke through the waves!

The whale slammed into the Upside Down Mountain, its scarred head hit the red rock heavily, and the blood splashed into the sea, staining the sea slightly red.

Boom! ! Upside Down Mountain shook again. This time, Nami and the others finally understood what happened to the shock just now. It turned out that it was caused by this huge whale!

Crash! !

The huge whale finally fell back into the sea, and a large wave smashed into Yeyue and the others. The waves more than ten meters high were enough to overturn the Yekong, and even if they were not good enough, they could be drowned~

Looking at the fast-moving waves, Yeyue's eyes flashed, and Linhe pierced the air behind her instantly, and a bright red air blade shot out!

Pooh! !

Although Yeyue's random chopping looks very small compared to the huge waves, the small chopping contains amazing cutting power, and it is easy to sink into the waves, just like cutting a piece of white paper. The waves split in two!


The waves eventually fell to the left and right of the Night Sky, and although the undulating water made the Night Sky sway, the ship itself was not threatened in any way.

Of course, this was just a small episode. In order to prevent the whale that wanted to die from threatening the ship again, Nami hurriedly controlled the Night Sky to leave the foot of the mountain and lost towards the lighthouse not far away.


The cry of the whale sounded again, and Yeyue and the others, who had already faded away, looked back, only to see the whale crashing into the red land again, and they didn't care about the bleeding scars on their bodies at all!

"Brother Yeyue, what happened to that big whale? Why did it want to commit suicide? Is it because it got lost with its parents?"

Seeing the whale's self-mutilation behavior, all the girls couldn't bear it, and even Alice held Yeyue's hand in doubt.

"Little girl, Rab didn't want to commit suicide, he just wanted to smash the Red Earth Continent to find his companions who haven't returned yet!"

A white-haired old man walked out of the lighthouse next to him, looked at Alice kindly and said.

"Have you been separated from your companion? What a poor whale~" Alice watched with sympathy as Rab the whale hit the sea again, and the waves rolled.

"Yeah! Rab has been waiting here for fifty years, and his fellow pirates should never come back again! It's a pity that no matter how I persuade him, he won't listen, and he is still waiting stubbornly. "

The old man smiled helplessly and shook his head. This whale also made him very troubled, because he himself promised others to take care of it at the beginning, but now this whale hits the red earth continent twice in three days, causing scars all over his body, even if he is a doctor, he can't help but In a hurry.

"By the way, you are from all over the world, right? This place already belongs to the great route. When sailing on the great route, you can no longer judge by maps and routes alone. The record pointer is an indispensable navigation tool in the great route!"

After carefully looking at Yeyue and the others, the old man continued.

"Of course I know that I need to use record pointers on the great route, but there are no towns nearby, where should I buy them?"

As an excellent navigator, Nami naturally knows this necessary knowledge, but there is no record pointer in the East China Sea, so she can only wait to find a way to find it after entering the great route.

"I have them here! Some go to Abalastan, some go to Little Garden, and some go to Drum Country. Where do you want to go?"

The old man flipped his hands over and took out several recording pointers from behind to show off.

"Abrastan? The legendary desert kingdom? Captain, we..."

Nami hesitated for a moment, turned to Yeyue and was about to ask, but was interrupted by Yeyue waving her hand.

"You are the navigator, and the voyage is up to you!"

For Yeyue and the others, the great route is an unknown journey. Since there is no difference in where to go, why not leave it to professional navigators to decide?

Since she chose to let Nami board the ship and recognized her as her partner, Yeyue would naturally trust her choice.

That's what it means to perform their own duties. As the captain, Yeyue only needs to decide the general direction.

Sure enough, when she heard Yeyue's words, Nami was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that her face was full of joy. On the boat, she was only older than Alice, and she was just a newcomer in terms of seniority, so she cared most about The biggest problem is to get everyone's approval!

So after boarding the ship, Nami will do her best to show her talents, and her performance is also seen by Yeyue and the others, so they naturally agree with her, but at this time, she heard Yeyue, the captain, personally Saying it out, Nami was immediately moved in her heart.

"Okay! Then leave it to me! Little Garden and Magnetic Drum Island are not large islands, and there are few options to go to the next island. Abalastan is a very famous desert kingdom. If we go there first, then There will be more routes for us to choose from!"

"The first goal is the Kingdom of Abalastan, let's go!"

(The second update~~Today’s goal is the seventh update...but this rhythm seems not right~~I can only try my best hahaha~~)...

Chapter 050 The Giant Sea King (For Customization)

The sea breeze was blowing, and a medium-sized pirate ship sailed along the sea, and the pirate flag like a ghost mask was waving in the wind.

It has been five days since Yeyue and the others entered the great route. They thought that the situation would be much better than that of the East China Sea, where countless powerful people gathered on the great route. opponent?

However, this is not the case. Compared with the four seas, the area of ​​the great sea route is not small. Although most of the pirates are gathered here, they can't fill the sea. This caused Yeyue and the others to cross After turning the mountain upside down, except for the whale and the old man, I didn't even see a single ghost!

The cruel reality made Yeyue and others, who were originally enthusiastic, become listless during the boring voyage. Even Yeyue and Saeko couldn't bear this boring practice.

As the saying goes, you must relax and moderate in everything you do, and the same is true for cultivation! Yeyue and the others spend most of their time practicing every day, and the speed at which their strength improves is extremely astonishing, but relatively, they have almost no entertainment, except for eating and sleeping, they just practice, practice, practice!

Yeyue and Saeko were okay, but Shizuka and the others really couldn't stand the day-to-day practice. After persisting for several days, they finally went on strike, lying on the deck without any image at all, acting as dead body.

Sailing is like this. If you want to seek the excitement of adventure, you must endure the boring life of long-term sailing.

Yeyue and Saeko insisted on practicing with firm will, because both of them knew very well that their own strength is indispensable if they want to sail freely in this sea!

The weak will only become the targets of bullying, not to mention in this sea where pirates are everywhere!

Nami shuts herself in her room every day when she has nothing to do to study navigation knowledge and draw navigation charts. When she feels bored, she goes to the deck to practice the basic fighting that Yeyue gave her. With a combination of work and rest, she is the most suitable for sailing people.

Mami is fine, she just guesses her marksmanship when she has nothing to do, she just wants to improve her marksmanship apart from her talent, all she has to do is keep practicing, if she wants to greatly improve her marksmanship in a short period of time, maybe she can only find a way from the fruit ability up.

It's just that in a short period of time, the devil fruit is still a little far away for Yeyue and the others, so Mami can only continue to hone her basic marksmanship during this period of time.

Although Shizuka also intends to study the medical skills of this world, but helplessly, she has never met a doctor all the way, and there is no place to provide her with relevant books for reference, so that she is the only one among the people who cannot continue to enrich herself I can only honestly vent my depression on my practice, but my own strength is improving rapidly by leaps and bounds.

Alice walked the dog on the boat every day, and she had a lot of fun at first, but she was tired of repeating this action every day, and curiously began to learn martial arts from Yeyue and the others. In the case of continuous improvement, but also learn well~

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