
When I woke up, my left eye was no longer painful, but it was still dark and I couldn't see anything, but my right eye was still discernible. I should now be resting on Rong Qi's back.

"Miao Miao, are you awake? How are you feeling?"

Rong Qi's voice showed eagerness and joy.

I comforted: "No more pain, how long have I slept, here is..."

Trying to open my intact right eye, I found that I was still in Laobieshan, but I was walking down the mountain. It was just mysterious and treacherous, and the way back was much smoother.

And everywhere you can see, in the forest, the lone ghosts and wild ghosts that are running around, they seem to be eagerly rushing in one direction.

Some even hurried past us.

The faint ghost fire is constantly flowing under the dark night.

Like fireflies.

"What happened?"

I ask.

"Lao Bieshan's situation has broken, the ghost general has disappeared, and the souls bound for a hundred years have also been redeemed. They all hurried to reincarnate," Professor Chen explained with a smile.

Now he is also a wish.

As he said, he grabbed a large amount of paper money from his bag, hurryed, and threw it out in the wind.

Paper money was flying one after another, and we covered the mountain road we walked through. Immediately, lonely spirits and wild ghosts came to fight, counted as their tangles on Huangquan Road.

"everything is over."

I said lightly.

Rong Qi carried me back and walked step by step. He heard the words and said, "Yeah, everything is over."

"Right, Rong Qi, have you got the blood of General Ghost?" I asked suddenly.

Rong Qi only smiled and said, "Go back and talk."

Okay, go back and talk.

Let's go back and talk about the blindness in my left eye. I just want to lie on Rong Qi's back and listen quietly to the wind, the breeze, and the whisper of the lonely ghost.

Until we reached the foot of the mountain.

Far away, I can vaguely see that in front of the two small graves, a pair of young men and women stood side by side, looking at Professor Chen with a smile, they should be Li Tiedan and Shen Yu.

Professor Chen also looked at each other.

The difference is that the two are still young, but he is already a bad old man.

Decades hurriedly, flicked.

Unconsciously, his eyes were wet. Professor Chen sighed and threw the last paper money in his hand.

The white paper money will fall with the wind, like the passing years.

At this time, in the sky to the east, a red glow of the glow appeared, faintly, and the voice of the rooster of Niutou Village not far away could be heard.

Just remembered that it was dawn.

And after the situation of Laobieshan is broken, the ghost magnetic field that affects the signal of the mobile phone will naturally disappear. Everyone's mobile phone is a series of missed calls.

Especially Professor Chen.

Since we went to Laobieshan, we all thought outside that we couldn't get off.

In particular, Director Zheng even called the police, so when we entered the village, we were surrounded by the police.

"Oh, Lao Chen, you can count it. They all say this old turtle mountain is haunted. If you don't come down, the police comrades will contact the fire brigade and go up the mountain together," Director Zheng said anxiously.

After all, Professor Chen still invited him, and if something went wrong, he would not be able to explain it.

Fortunately, Li Mengtian also recovered safely.

At that moment, Professor Chen didn’t know where to go. He slowly took out a pair of thick spectacles and put them on the bridge of his nose. The original straight waist, slightly shrunk, collapsed a bit, the whole Human temperament.

It seems that the old-fashioned old-fashioned meaning is restored again.

Slowly waved his hand and said.

"Oh, Director Zheng, I told you that all the bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods are paper tigers, especially this old turtle mountain is just an ordinary mountain. Why is it so disliked, Xiao Tian is lost, we It’s easy to find all night and nothing happened. Let the police comrades go back to rest, ah, it’s troublesome.”

The old professor waved his hand, a pair of firm beliefs in scientific theories, and an attitude to combat superstition.

People who don't know really think this is the case.

But who would have thought that such an old-fashioned professor would be a master of Qiankun Dao, and that night the demon beheaded and demonized before going down the mountain.

Director Zheng saw nothing serious, but also squeezed the virtual sweat hard.

I went back to Aunt Wang's house again. Because I and Li Mengtian both fell into that Yinquan, the first thing after I came back was to burn a whole pot of hot water for us.

Take a good bath.

After the bubble was over, I felt that the whole person was much better.

"Right, did Li Mengtian wake up?"

I sat on the bed. Rong Qi wiped my hair with a towel first, then picked up the hair dryer and blew it for me.

Wen Yancai said: "Wake up, but the whole person is muddled. She is no better than you. She drank the spring water of Yinquan.

"What about then?"

I am a little worried.

Although I had just met Li Mengtian not long ago, but after last night's contact, in general, the girl felt good, and what a root cause is a pity.

But this time Rong Qi did not answer me.

Instead, he looked at my left eye without blinking, and then he stretched out a hand and slowly shook it in the position of my left eye. I didn't respond at first, but only later.

He is trying me.


"Are you blind?"

Rong Qi's face suddenly changed.

I originally thought that after we sat down, we would tell him about the left eye, but I didn't want to.

Helplessly nodded: "I don't know exactly what happened. Before, my left eye, somehow, suddenly became a night vision, like your night vision, strange, if it were not for this night vision, I am afraid that I also drank the water from the Yinquan at that time. Later, my left eye always hurts, and then I became blind."

I looked at Rong Qi.

Later, he mistakenly entered the cave with Li Mengtian and found the murals and the mysterious idol.

When I worshiped Vulcan before, and there were symbols, the gods that appeared in my mind all told Rong Qi.

Although I don't want to say these things subconsciously, because I trust Rong Qi too much, this kind of subconscious things can't stop me at all.

"Girl idol?"

Rong Qi apparently was also confused.

I had to stretch out a hand, put it on my cheek, and then rubbed my blind left eye with my heart with my heart.

Say: "I only know that apart from the gods who are in the fairy class, there are many loose repairs in this world. They are not known to the world, but they will find their descendants among the living beings, but this probability is generally Very small."

After listening to Rong Qi's words, I instantly felt like winning the first prize.

"Not so..."

In my mind, I kept imagining the look of that woman's idol.

Finally concluded: "If you really want to say what you said, if she chose me, wouldn't it hurt me?"

Rong Qi nodded, "Theoretically, but I am also guessing, but you can rest assured, Miao Miao, no matter what, I will find a way to cure your eyes, and will not keep you blind for so long."

Rong Qi's voice is always faint and full of magnetism.

The seemingly random words implied the tenacity in his character.

I smiled and nodded. In fact, I wanted to say that it doesn't matter if I blind myself, as long as you are by my side, take care of me.

"Oh, let's talk about your business."

I excitedly asked about my post-coma.

Rong Qi slowly raised a hand, and suddenly his palms were furious, and then slowly exposed below, a huge drop of blood.

This drop of eyebrows is very different from that of Xiaoheng, although it is also bright red, but there is a little dark gold hidden in it, which gives a very heavy feeling.

Of course, if you look at the surface, you can't see anything.

As I asked, I looked at Rong Qi. From his look, it was not difficult to see that he was very satisfied.

"It's already dark gold-level eyebrows, and with the qualification of General Ghost, I am afraid that it will not be a hundred years before it can form a corpse pill. As long as there is a corpse pill, it is only a matter of time."

But did not want to, at the last moment of the door, everything fell short.

Time is also fate.

But it seems that these are not what the ghost general cares about, he only cares about whether he can reunite the soul of his beloved person, see her from the next generation, even if it is between life and death.

Then I suddenly remembered that long dream when I was in a coma.

The elegant boy in the dream was basically certain that it was when the ghost general was young.

There is a saying that the world treats me like a dog, but I treat the world like this...

Who would have thought that the ghost general who took many evil actions and extracted the soul of a girl and regarded human life as nothing, when he was young, was a kind doctor who was kind to save people from fire and water.

Only then will the ghost general.

"Right, Rong Qi..."

With my only right eye, I looked at Rong Qi and asked, "Who is Rong Xi?"

I will not forget that the red girl clings to that crescent jade, crying like tears, and from the words she said, it is not difficult to hear that her birth father, the biological father, should be The man named Rong Xi.

Rong Xi, surname Rong, Crescent Moon, Rong Qi.

Although I am not very smart, Su Miao'er has never passed Shuangbai in the exam, but I still can understand the connection between these four words.


Rong Qi put away the eyebrows and looked at me with a weird expression before saying: "Well, there is indeed such a name on my family tree, but that is what happened to generations before, no matter what they do."

But I don't think so.

I squinted at Rong Qi.

Word by word: "Anyway, I know that a certain ancestor of your Rong family enlarged the belly of the red girl, and then ran away."

"Impossible, he must be unable to return."

Rong Qi stared at me, intending to defend his ancestor desperately.

"How do you know he can't come back?"

I ask.

"Because he is missing," Rong Qi said.

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