
Huaxing, an ordinary small road, is located in a quiet rural courtyard.

Flowers are blooming in the yard, and different kinds of flowers are divided into different areas. Various original flower planting tools are placed beside, some of which are still covered with soil.

A man in a black windbreaker slowly walked into this idyllic courtyard.

The owner of the yard hurried out when he heard the ringing of the doorbell.

After opening the door, I was shocked at first, then immediately put a smile on my face, turned my head, and shouted excitedly.

"Xiaomei, look who is here!",

Xiaomei. Yu Xiaomei.

Yu Xiaomei was Nie Cen's nominal wife, and she was also a senior researcher of the empire.

The two of them were sent here by the emperor to live in seclusion because they had participated in the secret experiment of the empire. Their main task was to supervise the No. 01 experimental body.

The child has grown up and can recognize people. In order not to arouse his suspicion, they naturally acted as the child's parents. After a long time, the two of them really felt a little bit like an old married couple, and had some confessions. .

Hearing Nie Cen's excited call, Yu Xiaomei, who was cooking, rubbed her hand on her apron. She thought it was some neighbor she hadn't seen for a long time, but she saw someone unexpected.

"Brother He?"

Yu Xiaomei and Empress Gu Nan were in the same class, so He Yunan was also her senior brother, she frowned slightly in surprise.

"How did you come here?"

He Yunan pointed to the optical brain on his wrist.

"Through the optical network."

"The style of Nie Cen's articles has not changed over the years. Even if he publishes an article under a different name, I can still see it."

"Search the mailing address and find it."

Nie Cen was not at all surprised that He Yunan could find him, and even helped to explain.

"Xiaomei, you don't need to ask about this kind of thing. Everyone in the researcher knows how high the IQ of our researcher at Heda is. If he hadn't taken the road of scientific research, he might have gone to work in the interstellar court. "

"Xiaomei, help me make a pot of tea for my brother, let's go in and sit on the sofa to talk."

Nie Cen supported Yu Xiaomei's shoulder and let her enter the kitchen.

Then she turned around and led He Yunan into her house, Yu Xiaomei had some disapproval on her face, but seeing that Nie Cen wanted to chat with He Yunan, she didn't say anything.

The two walked towards the living room and took a seat on one of the two sofas facing each other at right angles.

He Yunan sat upright with his back straight, with a somewhat pedantic air.

Nie Cen supported the soft armrest of the sofa, cocked one leg, turned his body, and asked He Yunan's current situation, as if he was a little curious about the outside world.

"I heard that Brother He, you have been transferred back to the capital star from the local area? You have also been appointed as the dean?"

He Yunan nodded lightly.

"Yes, the emperor personally went to find me."

Nie Cen hammered the sofa with one hand, probably opened and closed his mouth and cursed a few obscenities related to the emperor silently.

Don't hit the south wall and don't look back, right?

He had to wait until Gu Nan died before he began to think about his mistakes.

They dismissed those who did the experiment, and invited back He Yunan who hadn't done the experiment... What's the use of pretending to be awakened.

It is impossible for Gu Nan to come back from the dead.

"Your Majesty thinks highly of you, so you should do your best. He finally regained his senses, and he doesn't know how long he will be sober."

Nie Cen poured a cup of cold tea down his throat from the table.

"In any case, it is a height that many people want to reach and can't reach. I should congratulate you."

Put down the cup, this cold tea is really not good.

"Brother, if you want to go to the research institute, you should avoid the people in the Senate. They are too fierce to fight openly and covertly. It is not possible for pedants like us to fight. Even if you are really smart, don't provoke them. As long as you do your research well, they will have nothing to do with you.”

"I know. "

"The most troublesome thing is the Duke. I always feel that he has something bad in his stomach."

He Yunan was about to speak when Yu Xiaomei, who had just left to make tea, came over with a plate, several cups and a pot of tea.

There were several sugar cubes in a small saucer.

"I don't know if senior brother likes sweet drinks, I didn't put any sugar in it. Try it..." He said softly.

Ginger juice was probably melted in the sugar cube, and it had a bit of a bitter taste. I threw a few pieces into it, stirred it, and it melted.

He Yunan took a sip of tea lightly.

"What kind of tea is this? It's quite fragrant."

"Oh, there is no shortage of everything on this planet, but there is no shortage of flowers. Xiaomei picked some flowers a few days ago, dried them and put them in a jar. Today I took them out and soaked them for you."

The two of them raised a yard of flowers, and they were usually under semi-house arrest here, and they didn't have to go out to work. The living expenses were all paid by the Imperial Research Institute. .

I have to say, this little day is really very comfortable.

To live with life, with feelings and feelings, this is a fairy day that was unimaginable when I was in the laboratory every day a few years ago.

Raise flowers, raise children, and by the way, with Xiaomei, while raising children, fall in love.

If it wasn't for He Yunan's sudden appearance, he would have almost forgotten that he was still a researcher. A look of disappointment flashed across Nie Cen's eyes, but he hid it again.

"It seems that you are doing well." He Yunan glanced at Nie Cen's stomach.

Yu Xiaomei also saw where He Yunan was staring, combed the strands of hair that had fallen in front of her eyes, sat next to Nie Cen, and lightly pinched the soft flesh on Nie Cen's stomach.

"It's more than good. When he was in the research institute, he was wearing a white coat, and others would praise him as a handsome guy. He has only been here for a few years, and he even has a belly."

Eat well and drink well every day without worrying about anything.

Six-pack abs, step by step into a whole, and then bulge again.

The smile became more and more kind, and she couldn't see the vigor and resoluteness of the past at all, pestering her every day from asking what's for breakfast to what's for dinner.

Nie Cen sucked in embarrassment.

"The range of activities is too small, and I am getting old again, and my metabolism can't keep up."

"This yard is so big, how could it not be enough for you to move around? You're just making excuses."

"The average lifespan of an interstellar person is two hundred years old. You haven't reached forty yet. How old are you?"

Yu Xiaomei stared at her, and Nie Cen replied, "Okay, okay, what you said is right."

The atmosphere of the two of them made it impossible to talk.

He Yunan put down the tea in his hand, "It seems that my coming this time really bothered you two."

"Brother Shi, what are you talking about. We are very bored here, and we would love for someone to visit us, but there is nothing to entertain you. The specialties here are all related to flowers. Are you used to it?" Hearing what He Yunan said, Yu Xiaomei stopped messing with Nie Cen and smiled awkwardly.

He Yunan waved his hand, no need.

"I'm here to see Nie Cen today."

"I want to ask him about a research done a few years ago, whether he has continued. "

Yu Xiaomei frowned, and gave Nie Cen a warning look. Nie Cen nodded with a wry smile, and then she smiled and greeted He Yunan. "Then you talk, I'll cook first."

After Yu Xiaomei left.

Nie Cen picked up the teacup and fumbled for the rim.

"Brother He, you know the matter."

"It looks like life here is comfortable, but in fact, I live in shackles, not as free as before. I have long since given up my identity as a researcher, and I am not the original Nie Cen."

"What research I did before, those have returned to ashes, so don't mention it. Let's catch up and meet old people."

He Yunan put down the teacup in his hand, squeezed it with his palms together.

"If you really give up the experiment."

"I won't see your new articles on Guangwang again."

Nie Cen immediately retorted. "Gee, that's different."

"That was just for fun. I didn't expect that article to be published."

That article was written indiscriminately by him.

According to different breeding methods, the brightness of the flowers grown is different. He didn't expect that the work log written by himself while growing flowers on a whim could be selected and published by the optical network.

"That's because you still have the foundation for writing articles. After all, you used to be a senior researcher at the Imperial Research Institute."

Nie Cen didn't know why He Yunan insisted on bringing up his glorious "past days".

Looking back on those memories now, they are not good.

As long as there are experiments, there will be failures.

I don't know how many unformed children left his hands, because they were weird and failed, so he hastily ended their lives according to the regulations.

At that time, in an environment where everyone was doing that, I didn't think there was any problem.

Looking back now, it was a chill.

They did such an inhumane experiment before, do they really deserve to live such a comfortable life now?

Occasionally thinking about it this way keeps me awake all night.

Only by guarding Nie Chuan, hearing Nie Chuan's cry, feeding Nie Chuan, and playing with Nie Chuan, can the feeling of guilt be alleviated.

"In short, I really don't want to do any research now. I just want to raise that child and let him live his life in a normal way. It's best not to know his life experience forever."

"He is now the only experimental subject who is still alive in the entire experiment."

"Do not."

"He is not."

"Experimental question number zero, he is still alive."

As soon as He Yunan's words fell, he heard the sound of the plate falling in the kitchen and dining room. Yu Xiaomei held the door frame and looked towards this side in horror.

"Are you serious?"

He Yunan nodded.

"It's true. Subject zero has never died."

"It's suspended animation, right?"

Yu Xiaomei put her finger on her lips and walked over.

"I knew it."

"No matter how painful that child is, Anan can't let him die. It's not in line with his character, and he can't do it."

She would change her position, thinking that this was a completely wrong experiment because of Gu Nan.

Because of the impression she got in college, she felt that what Gu Nan did must be correct.

Since what he did was right, what she did must be wrong.

So when Gu Nan lurked in their research room and indirectly killed No. 0, she realized that what they sacrificed so many innocent lives may not be peace, but more crimes.

They have no reason to sacrifice other people's lives for the peace they want.

Even if their original intention was to destroy the Zerg.

"Where did that child go? Is he okay? His mental strength has long been beyond what humans can bear. How did he survive?"

Yu Xiaomei changed her previous style of being a bit defensive and unwilling to talk too much about serious matters, and asked questions endlessly.

Nie Cen fell silent instead, nestling on the sofa, covering his head.

"How is it possible, how is it possible, what to do..."

As the No. 01 experimental subject, Nie Chuan was much happier than No. 00.

As soon as Zero One was born, Queen Gu Nan committed suicide, and the Imperial Research Institute closed their laboratory immediately. Apart from being artificially cultivated at birth, Nie Chuan did not undergo any other experiments at all.

Number zero is different.

They conducted many experiments on Zero, and they could think of ideas for him to control the Zerg and let him live with the Zerg cubs.

Before Gu Nan came, the child had never even spoken, and had been very quiet.

They are also afraid that he will talk to them, because when he speaks, there will be communication, and when there is communication, there will be emotions, and emotions... are more like people.

Only by using him as a tool can they make their conscience pass for a short time.

"After I left Capital Star, Gu Nan contacted me."

"He told me that he sent Zero to an orphanage, but his condition was very unstable, and he hoped that I could take care of him."

"It turned out to be like this..."

Yu Xiaomei muttered, clasping her hands together.

"Then what happened to his mental power diffusion problem, didn't the Queen find a solution in the end?"

"found it."

"It's because I found it that I came here to look for Nie Cen."

"There is a way to save Number Zero in an article he posted before."

Yu Xiaomei turned to look at Nie Cen, who was also depressed, not knowing what He Yunan was talking about.

If he had a way to save No. 0, Queen Gu Nan would not have deliberately lurked in their lab just to save No. 0.

"Brother He, you are overestimating me. How could I possibly have researched something that Gu Nan specializes in providing mental strength talents that have not been researched."

Nie Cen waved his hand, seeing that He Yunan was still staring at him, he pursed the corners of his lips, and asked in a trembling voice. "Really?"


"Which one is it?"

His research is too much.

He Yunan took out a golden crystal from his bosom and put it in the palm of his hand.

"It's him, you know him."

Nie Cen stretched out his fingers tremblingly, and took the crystal from He Yunan's hand.

"You know this thing, right?"

"I know... this seems to be able to store mental power, but it can't be stored for a long time. I haven't figured out how to make this thing store mental power for a long time. I participated in the artificial human experiment. Later, this experimental article was written at the beginning. Dean He, have you researched it?"

Nie Cen involuntarily changed to a more respectful title.

"Yes. I found that with this spar, I can use this to store the mental power of No. 0. His mental power can control the Zerg and communicate with the Zerg Mother."

Nie Cen almost lost his grip on the spar in his hand and wobbled his left and right hands. Grab it in the palm of your hand.

Yu Xiaomei tightly covered her lips.

"So our experiment... was successful?"

She walked over and shook Nie Cen's shoulder.

"Did you hear that? Our experiment was a success."

He Yunan drank his tea with a silent expression.

"The experiment was successful, but the result may be a little different from His Majesty's plan."

"He doesn't want to help. "

Nie Cen tightly squeezed the golden crystal in his hand and sighed heavily. "it is as expected."

He was a little afraid of number zero.

That kind of fear still remains in his body until now, he is afraid of seeing his golden eyes... too cold, as if they are judging his crimes.

He is so good-looking, wearing a white lab coat, when you look at it this way, it looks like a doll has become a fairy.

"He's coming for revenge."

"He's still coming for revenge."

"I decided to stand by him and help him."

"You are the first to discover this crystal... I wonder if you would like to join us?"

Nie Cen smiled and suddenly burst into tears.

Yu Xiaomei didn't know why Nie Cen was so excited all of a sudden.

She reassured him, but did not reassure him.

Nie Cen's expression became a little crazy for some reason.

"Communication, how to communicate? Can you use his mental power to recruit a Zerg? If you can, I will trust you."

Yu Xiaomei wanted to stop Nie Cen.

But she couldn't stop it, she knew that he had been locked up a little madly these past few years, even if it couldn't be seen on the surface.

She was worried that Nie Chuan, who was only five or six years old, was woken up by the thunder outside. Nie Chuan was spoiled and coquettish when he was young.

Seeing the child leave, He Yunan thought about it carefully, and finally agreed to Nie Cen's request.

"I can. But you stay away from the Zerg I called. Watch out for danger."

Nie Cen stood up.

"Dean He, thank you, please."

He Yunan took out another crystal from his pocket and meditated for a while.

There was a sudden rumbling of thunder in the sky, and a sharp sound was hidden in the thunder. Nie Cen ran out with his eyes wide open. When he saw a Zerg that happened to be floating in the air, he murmured.

"Really, it's true."

"Zergs can really be exploited by humans."

No, it doesn't have to be human either.

"I saved him?"

"These years... I have done so much, just to cultivate a monster that can attract Zerg and destroy the empire?"

So many children died, and his friend Gu Nan also died. Few of the researchers who participated in the experiment had a good end.

including him.

Also detained in this small garden.

Everything is retribution... Nothing will get better, even if he lets Nie Chuan grow up peacefully and normally, he will not be able to atone for his sins.

He Yunan and Yu Xiaomei watched helplessly as Nie Cen approached the Zerg that suddenly appeared in Huaxing.

A Zerg stopped. From his appearance, it was impossible to tell whether he was a Zerg of the Bug Infestation period or a Zerg of the Incubation Period, but the most recent time happened to be the Bug Tide period.

It stands to reason that this should be a Zerg in the bug tide period, and the Zerg in the bug tide period all appear in groups.

So the appearance of this one can't be a coincidence.

Nie Cen had completely lost the will to live. He stared blankly at the Zerg with his **** mouth open, smiled lightly, and walked towards the Zerg with a relieved expression.

Seeing him walking towards the Zerg, Yu Xiaomei came out and yelled "Nie Cen!" and rushed over.


"Nie Cen committed suicide, and Yu Xiaomei wanted to pull him back, angering the Zerg that I recruited, so the two of them died together."

"You mean, my father committed suicide?"

"My mother died because of my father? "

"The Zerg don't want to kill them at all?"

After listening to He Yunan's story, Nie Chuan shook his head. "This is impossible."

"Since this is the case, why did you let me go?"

"You're not a murderer, why did you let me go?"

Nie Chuan felt that he caught a loophole in He Yunan's words.

"You recruited the Zerg and ordered him to kill them."

"No. That's because you came down from upstairs. I'm afraid you saw everything. That's why I wanted to kill you."

"After all, you are 5 or 6 years old."

"After all, our secret is not yet ready to be revealed."

"But then, you just remember that the Zerg killed your parents. "

Heard a kid keep talking about getting revenge on the Zerg.

Others didn't dare to provoke him anymore. After all, he just lost his parents and saw the most terrifying monster in the world.

So the police didn't ask too much questions, and they called a psychiatrist to control his emotions and give him psychological counseling.

Nie Chuan pursed his lips.

He Yunan continued to bewitch. "You are an artificial human."

"It's an artificial human like Gu Huan, you should stand by his side...don't you?"

"Come with us."

"There are two of your little friends over there."

"According to genes, you are relatives."

He Yunan stretched out both hands this time.

"As long as you want to go, I can take you away."

He Qixing and Nie Chuan looked at each other's outstretched hand, but neither moved.

"Xing Xing, does he think he's telling the truth?"

Nie Chuan asked while looking ahead.

He Qixing lowered his eyes slightly, finally raised them, and clenched his fingers.

"I also's all true."

"But there are things he lied about."

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