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The architectural style of the entire military academy is steady, and when standing in front of its gate, there is a sense of depression that rushes toward the face, which makes people converge with the frivolous expression on their faces, awe-inspiring.

It turned out to be among the highest-ranking military academies in the kingdom. Oncoming is a huge and magnificent monument, on which is carved a picture of the human coalition soldiers who did not flinch when facing those blue-eyed enemies, and in this relief Below is the shocking number.

The human coalition resisted the invasion of foreign ghosts and killed countless soldiers. They splattered their blood on the northern land, and at the same time kept their lives there forever.

This is the idea put forward by Veserys. Storytelling is always the best way to unite a nation and unite the unity of a country. Countless legendary stories are being told throughout the ages. They form various nations and form the history of mankind. .

And no story is more exciting than the one that resists foreign invasions, and is more capable of uniting countless nations and uniting them together.

The war between humans and ghosts is essentially a war between life and death. Since humans or other species living in this world are still alive, no one wants to die. However, death has to take them away forcibly, so people Had to unite to resist the disaster.

Tell the story well.

"In wars throughout the ages, not every war has been won by more powerful people."

"In this case, strategy occupies an important position."

"How to win the victory of the war?"

"How to fight a larger number of enemies with a small number of soldiers?"

"How to pay a smaller price to win the war?"

"These are the art of war and what you will learn next."

"My name is Matus, and I will accompany you as your mentor through these months."

A bald-headed middle-aged bachelor, wearing a gray robe, with an iron chain symbolizing military or warfare around his neck, stood talking on the podium.

In the classroom below, there are densely packed desks, but the atmosphere does not appear to be very warm.

Most of these students are big five and three rough men, some of them look like a ruthless person, some of them have long scars on their arms, and some of them cover one eye with a single eye.

The age of the students also fluctuates tremendously. The eldest person has already given birth to white hair on the sideburns, who is older than the Matus tutor on stage, and the young people seem to be only in their teens.

However, there is no exception among this group of people. They all have the only common feature, that is, their murderous aura. They are all soldiers or officers who have been on the battlefield and have made meritorious service.

After the construction of the new military academy, the first batch received the transfer order and was sent to study in King's Landing for a period of time. Only those who passed the study were allowed to return to the army, otherwise they would stay here forever to study.

What Viserys is here to inspect is how the first batch of students who participated in the pilot performed.

But it's a pity that these arrogant soldiers and heroes who have won the battle are naturally not good babies, and of course they won't sit here honestly to class.

"Hey, that **** named Matus."

A fierce-faced Golden Regiment officer stepped on a stool with one foot, and then said rudely.

"Do you know where Lao Tzu's scar comes from?"

He opened the clothes on his chest, and a shocking scar was revealed. Although it has grown now, it is still covered with dark red, like a twisted reptile.

On the podium, Bachelor Matus was talking to himself. He analyzed the war waged by Gales Gardener III of the River Bend kingdom before the conquering war.

He went to war on the Kingdom of Storms, and then led an army of knights to conquer all the land of the Kingdom of Storms to the north of the rainforest, except for Fortress of Wind, and then besieged Fortress of Wind for two years. King Lancer Lannister V of Kaiyan seized the opportunity to attack...

Matus is analyzing the pros and cons of this war and the mistakes made by the three kings and generals who participated in this war.

But at this moment, he was suddenly interrupted and slightly stunned, because this was the first time these disobedient ‘students’ had spoken to him.

Matus is a bachelor who has passed the assessment and independently won the link of military science. He is impeccable in the research of military strategy. He was once in the school city and was responsible for receiving new students who were recommended to join the school city.

However, most of the students are the second sons or illegitimate children in the family. They only promise to follow the arrangement of the tutor, do something within their capacity, and dare not neglect their academic problems.

If there are students who disrespect their tutors or are unable to complete their studies, Xuecheng has the right to expel them directly without giving them any face.

But now... times have changed.

Xuecheng no longer possesses the status that it once was, but was directly divided into several colleges. From now on, instead of being a close family, it has become an enemy competing for the education budget.

And the students in front of them are even more difficult to serve. They are all five big and three rough, and their faces are fierce. Just looking at his eyes makes the bald bachelor can't help but raise his **** slightly, let alone disciplining them.

"Sir Henrik."

Bachelor Matus glanced at the list and knew the other party's name. Although his face was slightly unsightly, he still bit his scalp and said.

"I don't know where your scars were caused, but we are in class now, please..."

"The scar on Lao Tzu's chest was caused by a **** Fair during the Battle of Tongmen City!"

"He slashed Lao Tzu from behind!"

The grassroots commander of the Golden Regiment is now rumbling in the voice of Sir Henry, who has been sealed in a certain village in the west. He also took off his shirt and turned around so that everyone could see the scars on his back.

At that time Henrik was serving in the Golden He was attacked from behind by a Fel family knight and fell to the ground. At the same time, the opponent rushed up to make up the knife, and finally left him in his chest. A shocking scar.

"But in the end I still bit his throat!"

"I broke a tooth in Lao Tzu."

There was a burst of laughter in the classroom. Sir Henryk's eloquence was very good, he was a good man, and caused the laughter of the rough guys present, followed by thunderous applause.

However, Henrik had a triumphant smile on his face, and he opened his arms without concealing the scars on his body. This was his merit as a man.

Then he turned his head and looked at Bachelor Matus on the podium with contempt, and asked a fatal question.

"So... what kind of bachelor Matus?"

"What is your greatest achievement on the battlefield?"

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