Obtained an edict of pardon written by Veserys, and stamped with the coat of arms of the Targaryen family leader.

When the messenger brought this edict back to Valantis, there was an uproar within the Golden Group.

Some people think that they are living here and don't want to return to Westeros, and the commanders of the more golden regiments couldn't help crying with joy.

Because returning to their hometown has always been a wish passed down from generation to generation from their parents.

However, many people's wishes have become last wishes and have not yet been fulfilled, and can only be passed on to their descendants again.

Now this wish has finally come true.

They want to fight back to Westeros as the vanguard!

At the same time, Veserys pardoned them for their guilt, which meant that they could return to their hometown after retaking the Iron Throne in the future, and they could also obtain the title through meritorious deeds.

Although they are forgiven for their guilt, these workers can also give it to them.

But the Golden Group is still more inclined to the Targaryen family.

After all, the Black Fire Rebellion is still the family affair of the Targaryen family. What is the usurper?

Robert only relied on the meager blood of his grandmother Leilei Targaryen to sit on the Iron Throne. There was the most orthodox Targaryen heir, and the better choice was first. The Golden Group naturally looked down on Robert.

Regardless of red or black, a dragon is a dragon.

Some contracts are written in ink, while others are written in blood.

The Golden Regiment with tens of thousands of soldiers joined the Targaryen family and became the fourth legion of the kingdom.

The first legion was composed of the Andal fighters who first followed Viserys, the second legion was dominated by the later conquered Loyna, and the third legion consisted of 20,000 Dothrakis who directly took orders from Viselis. Kago is now in charge.

The Fourth Legion is the Golden Regiment. These wanderings on the Essos Continent, composed of exiled nobles and soldiers from the Seven Kingdoms, are still led by the ‘black heart’ Mies Toin.

Although he is called a ‘black heart’, and Mis Toyn’s appearance is also very ugly, not as dark and handsome as his distant ancestor Terence Toyn, he has pot-like ears with a crooked jaw.

However, Mies Toyn is not cruel, he is a fair and determined knight in his bones, otherwise he would not have become friends with Jon Clinton.

His nickname is only because his family crest is like a black heart.

At this time, the city of Pantos is holding a grand ceremony to celebrate the New Year, and at the same time welcoming the arrival of the Golden Group.

Visiris sat on the throne at the highest point of the hall, with a crown on his head, and accepted the allegiance of Mith Toin and many commanders of the Golden Regiment.

Harry Strickland, Bened Berein, Dick Cole, Golis Edoin, etc...

The hall was full of noise. There was a large area of ​​the Golden Regiment’s commander, Jon Clinton and Bessie Joyce, the Prince of Tattered Clothes, and the Sand Snake Sisters were also present. Arianne was sitting in Viselis’s Beside.

But Renise and Daenerys did not attend the dinner, they ran to the city of Pantos to play.

This is a grand dinner.

All the guests present toasted together, wishing Veserys regain the Iron Throne as soon as possible, and wishing him a long rule.

And during the dinner.

The third of the Sand Snake sisters, the sweet-looking Tereni with long blonde hair is still quietly seduce Viselis.


A pair of light blue eyes were locked on the handsome side face of the silver-haired young man.

"His Majesty..."

"Am I pretty?"

Then the girl quietly held Veselis's palm under the dining table.

Then she took the initiative to lead it into her dress, kneading her fiery body, and Tereni's cheeks suddenly flushed, and water seemed to drip out of her eyes.

Sister Sand Snake wanted to climb onto Visiris's bed and become his lover. It was no longer a secret in the palace.

But Arianne didn't seem to care about it, she had never expected Visiris to be the only woman.

Dorn people are slutty by nature. It is normal for a man to have several mistresses or a woman to have several lovers. Oberon's play can be more fancy than these.

Just what Veserys had heard of was unheard of.

Oberon and his lover, Aralia, during their stay in Pantos, they often picked some handsome men and invited him to join them.

According to Ramsay's description, Oberon would first watch Aralia and the selected ‘lucky guy’ fighting fiercely.

If he rises up, he will play Arhat from the back, and Oberon can stay in any position on the upper, middle and lower floors.

Because Oberon is a guy who eats everything for men and women, he thinks that God created both sexes. If he only prefers one side, he loses the fun of the other half.

"Really...deserves to be a man who is inspiring to **** all over the seven countries."

At that time Viserys heard the news, and suddenly felt some scalp tingling.

He often feels out of place in this world because he is not perverted enough.

I was even a little grateful that I accidentally fell asleep in the bathtub of the Sea King Palace, but nothing happened in the end.

Although Oberon was slutty, he still had to talk about the Basic Law, and he didn't deal with an eight-year-old boy.

Then after the dinner.

Veselis also drank a lot of wine, but because of his special physique, he still remained basic sober.

"My love, slow down."

In the corridor.

Arianne helped Viselis back to his room, Feng Yun's chest was pressed against his arm, and the light was pushed open the door.

And in his room, there was already an uninvited guest at this moment.

Of course it wasn't that the slutty Sand Snake sister took off her clothes to warm the bed for him.

It was the **** cat with a bitten crow in his mouth, which appeared to have crawled in from the balcony.

The bitten crow was placed on the window sill, and the black cat squatted aside, not in a hurry to taste the delicious food, but licked his paw and wiped it on his face.


"Kill a crow?"

And Veselis, who had just drunk a lot of alcohol, was taken aback when he saw this scene as soon as he entered the door.

Since the last time Viserys instilled black mist into the black cat's body, Bellerion had not shown any special changes.

Veserys observed it for a few days at first, but then simply gave up.

But time passed so long, Viselis paid little attention to the black cat.

Only then did I realize that the other party seemed to have become thinner, and his eyes became more agile.

Once Bellerion was struggling to climb trees because of his size, not to mention climbing trees to catch birds, but now he has killed a **** crow.

Bellerion's progress made Veserys impressed.

More importantly, he initially had some speculations about the effect of the black mist on Bellerion.

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