However, Petir Berishi's bold words fell, and there was indeed silence in the room.

Littlefinger thinks that his words should be right on the sea king's heart. After all, Braavos secretly supported Targaryen, although there is no direct evidence to prove it, it is indeed something that everyone knows.

Just as Dorn was also secretly supporting Andaloth's development, the large amount of supplies he transported over.

Otherwise, no matter how great the ability is lent to Visiris, when he had nothing at all, he would not have created such a huge foundation out of thin air. Even the craftsmen who built the castle were borrowed from Bravos and Dorne. .

The reason for Braavos to do this is also very clear. After the reunification of the Seven Kingdoms, the volume is indeed too large.

Once Targaryen's rule was deeply rooted, it was difficult for them to intervene, but now Westeros is in a state of change. The Targaryen dynasty is overthrown and the dynasty is changed to the Baratheon dynasty.

So Braavos naturally hopes to use this good opportunity to reach out to Westeros.

Nowadays, I don't know how many nobles in the Seven Kingdoms have been on the verge of bankruptcy. They only managed to survive by secretly obtaining loans from the Iron Treasury.

To be favored by others today will surely be repaid twice in the future.

Viselis is just one of Braavos's pawns to disrupt Westeros.

But this chess piece is now gradually growing towards the direction of the chess player, which will inevitably hit Braavos' bottom line.

This is the key point Petir thinks he has mastered.

And Sea King Braavos was lying on the hospital bed and staring at Petir Berishi, with a pair of withered eyes without any expression.

There was a long silence, and then his chest rose and fell for two breaths.

"Master Belish, why is Andalus the biggest threat in front of Braavos?"

Ferrego's tone was flat.

And this young man from King's Landing slightly raised his spirit.

The situation he feared most was that Sea King Braavos denied it, unwilling to talk about it with him, and even wanted to drive him away.

No matter how great the little finger is, he can't accomplish the task assigned by King Robert.

As long as Aquaman is willing to continue talking with him on this topic, Petir Belish is sure to persuade Braavos and Targaryen to be enemies, form the encirclement network planned by Lord Tai Wen, and put Targaryen’s The remnants are locked in this land.

Andaloth's growth scale has now reached the upper limit, with Braavos in the north, Pantos in the south, and Novos surrounded by mountains to the west. Andaloth must break through if he wants to continue to develop.

And if the Iron Throne’s original plan followed the battle of the Nine Bronze Plate Kings and launched an expedition to completely wipe out the Targaryen remnants, there would be no follow-ups.

But winter is not at the right time.

Tywin had a long conversation with Robert. He was not afraid of the dragons of the Targaryen family. After all, the dragons would not grow much longer in two or three years.

As long as building more giant crossbows during this period is enough to threaten the dragon in the sky.

Although there is no guarantee that they can shoot the dragon Milassis like the Dornians back then, at least these dragons cannot attack unscrupulously.

In the war on the ground, even if the huge seven nations are fighting across the sea, their strength and armaments far exceed that of a small Andalus, and the boundless army will drown this city-state.

This is the power of a great power. After all, the main body of war is the army, not the dragon.

Therefore, the Duke of Kaiyan City is most worried about when the Seven Kingdoms are struggling to get through the winter, Andalus once again took the opportunity to expand, and even broke through the encirclement network composed of trading city-states.

If Targaryen really becomes the overlord on the continent of Essos, then the Seven Kingdoms will be unable to do so if they want to destroy each other on their own.

The Duke of Tywin can be considered a cohesive strategy, and the rapid development of Andalus will inevitably pose a threat to the surrounding free trade city-states.

As long as you make good use of this fear, even if you can't organize the coalition forces to encircle and suppress Andaloth, at least they can unite to suppress Andaloth's development.


And little finger spread his hands, and emphasized once again.

"Master Aquaman, you don't know what kind of creature a dragon is."

"As far as I know roughly, there is no limit to growth in a dragon's life."


"The dragon of Aegon the Conqueror's sister, Queen Wisania, had lived 181 years old when it died. It was the oldest and largest dragon in Westeros, almost comparable to the Black Death. Bellerion, its roar can make Windbreath tremble."

"And so is human ambition."

Petir had a heavy tone, as if he was really worried about Braavos's future.

What an infinitely growing dragon means means that in the next hundred years, the power of Targaryen will be infinitely magnified as the dragon grows.

If the three dragons of Targaryen had grown to the size of their ancestors, I am afraid that at that time the descendants of Weselis would also engulf everything in the entire continent of Essos, and Braavos would not be spared.

"The lion will not walk with the deer."

The youngest little finger on the five-finger peninsula gave a warning, as if it meant something.

And Braavos Sea King, who was lying on the hospital bed feebly, showed an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth when he heard these words, and then spoke in a calm tone.

"You mean, is Braavos a deer or a lion?"

However, before Belishi could explain, Aquaman shook his head slightly.

"Bravos is neither a deer nor a lion, but a Titan."

"Giants are not afraid of dragons."

Then Ferrego coughed violently again, and then closed the door to see off the guests.

"I understand what you mean, Lord Belish."

"Please tell King Robert that Braavos has no intention of intervening in the power struggle of the Iron Throne, whether it is Baratheon or Targaryen, the true king or the false king."

Sea King Braavos was about to drive him away suddenly, Pettil was caught off guard, and a handsome cheek was filled with astonishment.

But Neptune had already spoken, and he had no choice but to bow slightly politely and then left Neptune's bedroom.

Soon Aquaman’s bedroom fell into Antarion lay quietly on the hospital bed with his eyes closed, no one knew what he was thinking, then He opened his eyes again and said.

"Quiro, I need the help of the Black and White House."

"Master Aquaman?"

And his chief swordsman was slightly surprised, he didn't expect Master Aquaman to actually use the power of the Faceless.

This force is not that easy to use, and Neptune rarely uses this part of the power on weekdays.

"I need to find out what the Visiris kid did."

"It's not just the superficial ones."

Aquaman's words made no secret that Braavos had been monitoring Viselis.


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