Lynn asked Rodart to take fifty cavalry soldiers first, and go down to clean up the scattered ghouls around the spiral staircase, and first open up a temporary foothold.

Otherwise, if everyone swarmed down at the same time, the bottom would be too crowded and it would be inconvenient to fight.

Soon, there was a faint sound of slashing and slashing from the bottom of the bilge,

Lynn waited anxiously above.

The fierce battle below lasted about half an hour.

During the period, wounded soldiers were constantly being helped on deck, and Lynn kept asking those wounded soldiers how the battle was going.

It wasn't until he saw the tenth cavalry soldier climb the stairs to the deck that Lynn breathed a sigh of relief.

This time it was no longer the injured.

The soldiers who came up to report the letter walked onto the deck, came to Lynn, and saluted respectfully.

"Sir, Commander Rodart has cleared all the ghouls near the stairs and killed more than ten blue-eyed people. It's temporarily safe below, and you can go down."

Rodart wasn't lying.

Taking the rest of the soldiers into the lower deck of the cabin, Lynn saw a dozen or so corpses lying in a row near the stairs, most of them had their heads chopped off, or had long slits cut from their abdomens.

There are stumps and broken arms everywhere.

There were also two blue-eyed men lying near the porthole not far away, twitching constantly. Their bodies were doused with sesame oil, and the flames scorched their bodies.

"Sir, the neighborhood has been cleaned up, and the rest is in a separate cabin inside. The door is ajar. Only a bunch of silhouettes and a pair of blue eyes can be seen. It's impossible to tell how many."

Rodat watched Lynn come down, and hurriedly stepped forward to report.

On his shoulder, a scarlet cut was also cut by the blue-eyed monster's sailor knife. Under the flame of the torch, the wound looked a little black.

The ghouls are actually the same as people. They also use weapons. Except for their rigid actions, their fighting methods are actually not much different from normal people.

The only difference may be that they are not afraid of pain or bleeding. If they are not fatally wounded, even if they die in battle, the White Walkers can still resurrect the ghouls.

Lynn nodded and followed the firelight to a separate cabin not far ahead.

It could be vaguely seen that there were several wooden beds that were neatly arranged and nailed to the cabin floor.

There are also discarded sackcloths all over the place, rolled on the ground in a mess.

Lynn looked around and found some containers scattered around under his feet.

Several broken wooden cabinets even dumped dried bacon and fresh fruit.

This ship is similar to a medieval sailboat with a two-story structure. The lower layer is the rest area for sailors and the snow storage area for cargo.

And the place where those blue-eyed monsters gather should be the daily lounge of sailors.

Everyone was waiting for Lynn's next order. Vayne broke the silence. She looked at the dead ghoul on the ground and said in surprise, "Why don't these corpses wear clothes?"

Lynn also found out that the ghouls that Rodart chopped or burned just now were all naked.

This really doesn't make sense.

This is not usually the case when the White Walkers resurrect corpses, unless the people are dressed like this before they die.

Everyone turned their attention to Vayne, and she felt her face reddened.

Harry Kane asked at this time: "You seem to be very concerned about other people's clothes."

Wei En knew that she had made a mistake, but she quickly restrained her embarrassment and said, "Yes, sir. In the sea in the north, it is impossible not to wear clothes. Even if they are in a dull cabin, they must wear sailor uniforms. Otherwise, when sailing, the sea breeze will blow in and the hands and feet will freeze quickly."

Lynn put their conversation aside and looked at the place where the hatch was hidden.

The ghoul in the house didn't seem to have any intention of coming out.

This made him feel a little uneasy.

With a hint of coldness in Lynn's eyes, he thought of a way and ordered.

"Pick up the bedding on the ground, light it with torches, throw it into the door, and drive out those ghouls. I want to see what they are up to."

Several soldiers of the cavalry regiment took photos, and the interior of the room was quickly ignited by fire.

Soon, more than a dozen black figures rushed out of the door, all with blue light in their eyes.

Lynn found that the last ghoul to come out was an unusually tall man with long hair and blue eyes.

With long hair and blue eyes, Lynn hurriedly shouted, "It's the White Walkers, everyone be careful!"

Everyone instantly raised their weapons and torches and became vigilant.

The Long-haired White Walkers finally walked out of the hatch, and the fire was blazing behind him.

The White Walker's chest heaved and he spit out a mouthful of blue ice mist. He raised his hand with sharp and narrow nails and pointed at Lynn in the middle of the crowd.

Lynn squinted at the White Walkers, and he looked at Lynn the same way.

The next moment, from the White Walkers' deep eyes as empty as death, Lynn seemed to understand something.


Lynn pulled out the Valyrian steel short blade from his waist and ordered, "Kill them!"

After receiving the order, everyone in the cavalry team burst into a roar of enthusiasm.

"For Lord Lynn!"



For a time, the infantrymen of the cavalry regiment raised their weapons and rushed towards the group of ghouls not far away.

Under the urging of Harry Kane, the archers also lit the rockets in their hands and opened the bowstrings.

The Long-haired White Walker held a sharp sword in his gray-white hand, and his face was expressionless. The dozen or so ghouls around him were equally expressionless.

Watching the cavalry regiment roaring and charging forward.

The White Walkers opened their fang-filled mouth and let out a piercing screeching sound.

The ghouls around him instantly moved when they heard the sound, whimpering with strange noises, and drew their swords to face the approaching cavalry infantry.

The sound of swords and swords, the collision of limbs and limbs, resounded in the cabin of the ironman ship.

Rockets fly, swords chirping.

The scene was chaotic for a while.

The assembled ghouls were directly swept away by the first wave of the cavalry charge. The cavalry took advantage of it, but they were unable to complete the repair. Several ghouls that were cut down by knives and axes quickly stood up again.

Only arrows with fire can make these ghouls howl.

However, after entering the close-quarters fight, the archers of the cavalry group were unable to shoot accurately for a while, so they could only pull out their long swords and pounce on them.

The ghouls were suppressed by a large number of cavalry but Lynn's men were unable to completely end them.

After wave after wave of slashing, the enemy stood up again wave after wave.

Everyone knew that the ghastly-faced White Walker with the blue and white cape in the ghoul group was the key.

However, the cavalry team tried several times to attack the White Walkers, but they were all blocked by the tall and burly White Walkers who seemed to have infinite power.

In several consecutive battles, several soldiers of the cavalry regiment were even damaged.

In the long-haired White Walkers' singing, the dead cavalry soldiers turned into new ghouls.

Lynn remembered something.

The White Walkers are dead and come for everyone in the real world, and in a sense, they live (and die) to destroy.

Lynn knew that he couldn't hesitate any longer. He had to take action, otherwise, if the stalemate continued, something big would happen.


【Explosive system activation】

Turn on the blaster system and spend 200 points to exchange for two Valyrian steel knives.

After the battle started, female swordsman Wei En was in front of Lynn. When she felt Lynn's palm on her shoulder, she turned around in surprise and saw Lynn handing a sheathed weapon to her. come over.

Just from the material of the hilt, this is another Valyrian weapon.

Vayne was taken aback.

I don't know how Lynn pulled this thing out like a trick.

She involuntarily took the steel knife and was stunned.

When Lynn handed Rodart the same steel knife, Vayne was completely dumbfounded.

Lin En, however, looked as if nothing had happened, and said to the two of them in a deep voice,

"Kill all those ghouls, take down that white ghost, and hand over its head to me to kill myself!"


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