Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 352: How to Train the Dragon

"Your Highness Quentin, are you really not going to the Dragon Queen's wedding?"

"No." Quentin Martell was lying on the railing, holding a jug of red wine in his hand, with unwillingness and resentment flowing in his tone.

He looked in the direction of the Holy Grace Temple, and hearing the faint cheers from afar, his heart became more and more uncomfortable.

what to do?

Do you just give up like this?

Return to Dorne empty-handed?

He did miss home, he missed the Greenblood, he missed Sunspear and the Watergardens, he longed to breathe the air of Dorne again.

But what about the father's entrustment?

And the hatred of my father...

When Caesar came to Meereen before, Quentin even thought of assassinating him.

It's a pity that Caesar didn't stay in Meereen for long, and soon left after a big quarrel with the Dragon Queen.

After hearing the news, Quentin didn't know whether he should breathe a sigh of relief, or regret that he couldn't kill his enemy with his own hands.

But Caesar's departure is a good thing after all.

Quentin thought he had another chance to marry the Dragon Queen, but unexpectedly, the Dragon Queen agreed to marry Hizdahr.

He took another big gulp of wine, choking and coughing because he drank too fast.

Footsteps sounded behind him, and Sir Garris Dingwater trotted over and whispered in Quentin's ear:

"Your Highness, Melis and the others are going to answer the call of the Ragged Prince and help the Yunkai people open the east gate. Shall we... go?"

"Help the Yunkai'i open the city gate?" Quentin frowned, "But there are Unsullied guards at the city gate."

"They seem confident, and say Meereen will soon be in chaos, and the Unsullied will no longer be a threat."

After Quentin thought for a moment, he still shook his head:

"We don't want to get involved. It doesn't matter if the Yunkai'i take Meereen or not. All I want is the Dragon Queen..."

"I'm afraid it will be very difficult..." Sir Garys hesitated for a moment, but still persuaded, "Can't you see that the Dragon Queen doesn't want to fulfill her brother's agreement at all."

Yes, Quentin thought dejectedly, she doesn't love me.

This is not something that can be changed by a piece of yellowed parchment.

Seeing that the prince was depressed, Sir Garys comforted him:

"Daenerys Targaryen is not the only woman in the world, and you don't have to marry her."

"But Dorne needs it." Quentin sighed. "Dorne needs her dragon."

"Then why don't we go directly to the dragon?" Sir Archibald said suddenly.

These words stunned the other two.

Quentin's dark eyes suddenly lit up:

"Yes, I can go directly to the dragon! As long as I can bring the dragon back, I can save Dorne!"

"You mean... stealing dragons?" Sir Garris asked with a complicated expression.

"This is the only way!" Quentin's eyes gradually became firm.

"But can you control the dragon?"

"I could ride a horse when I was six."

"A dragon is not a horse..."

"I also have the blood of the real dragon in my body." Quentin said.

This is indeed true, because Aegon IV married his daughter to Prince Marlon Martell in order to bring Dorne under the rule of the Iron Throne.

But that happened more than a hundred years ago, and now, after seven or eight generations of inheritance dilution, Quentin himself may not be confident in how much "real dragon blood" is left in his body.

"I've decided!" Quentin forced himself to make up his mind, he never wanted to go back as a loser, "I know that Daenerys locked the two dragons in the basement of the Great Pyramid, and while she was going to get married, Let's steal a dragon and run away!"

Sir Archibald said: "One more question, Your Highness, how do we bypass those guards and reach the basement?"

"It's not difficult." Sir Garris dug out a package, and took out three hooded cloaks, three short swords, and three polished brass masks—

Made three lifelike animal figures.

"The Unsullied have been sent to protect the queen and the city gate." Sir Garris said, "Now the pyramids are guarded by beast-faced soldiers. We can get in by wearing this mask."

"But the Beast Face Army has a code."

"The password is—dog."

Sir Archibald took a deep look at Garris: "Are you sure? This is a gamble of your life."

Quentin couldn't help asking, "Where did you get all these equipment and codes?"

Sir Garys smiled:

"Meris gave it to me. This is what they dare to rely on to open the gate to the Yunkai'i secretly."

Quentyn nodded thoughtfully, realizing at once that there were Yunkish spies in the Beastface.

This is not surprising, the Dragon Queen's foundation in Meereen is too shallow, and it is too easy to infiltrate. If she hadn't mastered the Unsullied, a perverted army with strong combat power and cannot be bought, the Yunkai'i would not be needed. Lin Gui could drive her out of the city by himself.

"Then it's settled!" Quentin made up his mind, "We'll go now, steal the dragon before the wedding is over, and then go join the Yunkai people!"

After finalizing the plan, the three quickly put on the equipment masks of the Beast Face Army, pretended to be patrolling soldiers, and entered the Great Pyramid.

In front of the bronze gate, a soldier wearing a fox mask stopped the three of them and asked:


"Dog." Quentin's heart beat faster.

The fox nodded and moved away.

The Dornishman secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly walked into the gate.

The bottom of the Great Pyramid is like a maze. Fortunately, Quentin came here before and remembered the way.

Walking into the steep slope leading to the basement, the light gradually dimmed.

Quentin only felt that it became difficult to breathe, and there was a sense of unreality that was top-heavy, like a game, and like a nightmare from which he could not wake up.

Finally, they came to the double iron gate on the bottom floor, with thick and long iron chains wrapped around the gate, and two Unsullied standing beside it.


Not the beast face army!

Quentin's pupils shrank for a while, and his palms were instantly covered in greasy cold sweat.

"What are you doing here?" an Unsullied asked, his tone mechanical and dull.

Quentin and Garys beside him quickly exchanged glances, and then growled hoarsely:

"Get in!"

Before he finished speaking, Garys had already thrown the torch at one of the Unsullied, then rushed forward and drew his sword to slash.

Archibald also roared and rushed towards another Unsullied.

Quentin drew his short sword and joined the fray.

The three of them had an advantage over the two Unsullied, but the Unsullied couldn't use common sense to figure it out.

Archibald had clearly stabbed the short sword into the chest of an Unsullied Man, but the man still thrust the spear towards Quentin without hesitation.

It seems that he would rather die than pull a back.

The point of the spear pierced the mask, leaving a trail of blood on Quentyn's face, but he dodged quickly, otherwise the blow would have pierced his throat.

Archibald also impaled the Unsullied in the chest.

On the other side, Garys was in a difficult situation. The Unsullied's desperate fight made him completely overwhelmed, and he had four or five scars on his body in just a short while.

Fortunately, Archibald came to support in time, and the two joined forces to kill another Unsullied.

"Quick! Get in!" Garys urged, fearing that the sound of the fight had attracted attention from outside.

Archibald groped around the Unsullied's body, found the key, and opened the chain.

Garys grabbed the hot iron door and pulled it aside.

Rusty latches squealed, and a wave of heat swept over, smelling of ash, brimstone, and burnt flesh.

This is the smell of dragons.

Quentin took a deep breath and strode through the door.

There was a deep darkness in front of him, and Prince Dorne could feel something lurking in the darkness, staring at him eagerly.

Gods, give me courage.

He secretly prayed, and walked slowly, to the edge of the deep pit.

Two eyes raised in front of him, bronze eyes, like tempered iron.

Ser Garris followed, holding the torch aloft, illuminating the scene before him.

It was a piece of dark green dragon scales. The dragon's head was about the size of a horse. The dragon's neck stretched continuously, like a boa constrictor unfolding its body, followed by a towering back and smoky wings.

"The green one is Rego." Quentin said hoarsely. The courage he had finally mustered up disappeared the moment he saw the dragon.


Lei Ge suddenly opened his mouth, and light and heat came together, like a toppled furnace, a hundred times brighter than the torches in their hands.

"Aren't there two?" Gary asked.

"There!" Archibald pointed to the ceiling.

Quentin took a sharp step back, raised his torch, and looked up.

Above it was the brick vault scorched black by the dragon flames, and a golden figure was hidden there, countless ashes fluttered down, and crumbling bricks fell down one after another.

Its eyes gleamed like molten gold in the darkness, and its huge wings flew open in a fiery gust of wind.

"That's Viserion..." Quentin's mind went blank.

Do you want to control this creature yourself? He suddenly regretted it.

But at this time, he had nowhere to go.

Unless he conquered a dragon, let alone save Dorne, he couldn't save himself.

"Bring the meat!" Quentin said, his tone trembling.

A well-fed beast will become docile. He comforted himself like this.

Archibald threw a huge package into the deep pit, which contained cooked leg of lamb.

Viserion flew down to the ceiling, his wings kicking up a cloud of ash in the scorched air.

"This one is eating us, or is it the only one?"

"Okay." Quentin could only bite the bullet and slide down the deep pit, slowly approaching Viserion.

Rhaego let out a growl, which frightened Quentin to freeze on the spot.

Fortunately, he saw that the other party was being held by the iron chain around his neck, so he was relieved and continued to approach Viserion.

The golden dragon was still eating the leg of lamb, and it didn't seem to resist Quentin's approach.

Quentin became more courageous and came to Long's side:

"Get down!"

Viserion ignored him.

"Unchain him!" Garys shouted from above.

Quentin approached cautiously, and Viserion turned his head suddenly.

Pale flames burned deep in his throat like a shining dagger, and his eyes were like lakes of molten gold, emitting a frightening light.

No, I can't back off, I can't let the dragon perceive my fear.

At this moment, a horn sounded suddenly outside the Great Pyramid.

Quentin's heart trembled.

"The Yunkai'i are attacking!" Garris reminded.

Quentin gritted his teeth sharply, rushed forward, and unlocked the clasp on Viserion's body as fast as he could in his life.

The scorching heat made his hands burn.

But the dragon didn't attack him.

Encouraged, Quentin shouted again:

"Get down!"

Viserion stretched his body, threw off the chains, raised his head and let out a growl, as if celebrating his freedom.

"Get down, Viserion!" Quentin yelled again.

Hearing his name, Viserion lowered his head abruptly, flapped his wings, raised ashes and smoke all over the sky, and then a loud roar echoed in the scorched black pit.

"No!" Garys and Archibald yelled frantically.

Quentin raised his hands in a daze to protect his body, but how could flesh and blood block the flames.

His hands were on fire, his body was on fire, all on fire, the hellish flames engulfed him.

Quentin screamed.

Just then, another horn sounded.

The two dragons in the deep pit became irritable at the same time. Rego spread his wings and wanted to fly, but was caught by the chain.

And Viserion, who was unchained, rushed out at such a high speed that by the time the Dornishmen reacted, the golden figure had already disappeared outside the door.

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