The atmosphere of the banquet became lively again, but there seemed to be something different.

At least when the nobles of the Horse Party looked at the young king wearing the crown on the throne, there was some awe in their eyes.

Earl Rowan and Earl Peake started a fight for wine. The two of them seemed to have not had enough of the fight just now, and they were ready to decide the winner in the wine field.

Noah Rowan originally stayed obediently by Samwell's side as a wine server, but after a while he couldn't help but went over to persuade his father not to drink too much.

Of course, Earl Rowan ignored his youngest son's advice, and continued to drink one cup after another, as if alcohol would be banned in Westeros tomorrow.

After a while, it seemed that he was really drunk, and he danced awkwardly in the hall.

While dancing, he sang "The Bear and the Pretty Girl" loudly.

"Bear! Bear! The whole body is black and brown, covered with plush..."

The rude voice combined with serious out-of-tune makes it unbearable.

Just when Samwell was thinking about whether Noah should take Earl Rowan down to rest, a servant walked into the hall and whispered something in Earl Randall's ear.

Afterwards, Earl Randall turned his head to look at Samwell and said:

"A messenger from Highgarden has arrived."

"Bring him in."

Hearing the arrival of the Gaoting envoy, everyone fell silent.

Even Earl Matus Rowan returned to his seat obediently under Noah's comfort.

Soon, Sir Giles Flowers strode into the banquet hall.

This man is the illegitimate son of the Steward of High Court. He is tall and strong. At the tournament in King's Landing, Samwell had fought against this man.

"Lord Caesar," Sir Giles bowed and said, "On behalf of Lord Mace, I would like to extend my sincere greetings to you. He deeply regrets what happened to you on Blood Cay..."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense." Samwell interrupted coldly, "Instead of saying this hypocritically, Gaoting should just hand over my murderer, Mrs. Olenna."

Sir Giles said:

"Master Mace is willing to make up for what her mother has done."

"What compensation?"

"Kevon Lannister." Sir Giles said after a pause, "He is in High Court now, trying to confuse Lord Mace to form an alliance with the Lannister family, but has been rejected by Lord Mace. Sincerely, Lord Mace is willing to entrust this person to your disposal. However, I also hope that you can release Ser Loras Tyrell."

"Kevan for Loras?" Samwell frowned.

There were also whispers in the banquet hall.

As the younger brother of Duke Tywin, Kevan Lannister is not well-known in the Seven Kingdoms, but he is actually a powerful figure.

Duke Tywin has always been regarded as his right-hand man.

General Gaoting dared to detain this person and give it to Caesar, obviously he was ready to break with the Lannister family.

After Duke Tywin knew about this, he would definitely list the Tyrell family as unending enemies.

Considering that Kevan's weight is enough to exchange for a Loras, Tyrell's move is indeed a gesture, sincerely asking for peace.

But unfortunately, Samwell was not satisfied, because he wanted Olenna to die!

"No. If you want Loras Tyrell back, hand over Lady Olenna."

"Are you sure? That's Kevan Lannister."

"All I want is Olenna."

Sir Giles wondered:

"Lord Caesar, how can there be any vassal who forces the lord to hand over his mother? If you do this, you will tarnish your own reputation."

"From the moment Highgarden colluded with outsiders to plot to kill me, I was no longer Mace Tyrell's vassal. Moreover, keeping a sinister woman like Olenna Redwyne by my side is the most important thing." The greatest stain on High Court's reputation."

Just as Sir Giles was about to speak again, he heard Earl Matus Rowan yelling:

"Olenna Redwyne murdered her grandson-in-law, and killed her two grandsons in order to kill the rebels. It is a blasphemy to the gods that such a poisonous woman exists in Highgarden! Go back and tell Mace that such a mother It's better to give up as soon as possible!"

"That's right!" Earl Titus Peake also echoed, "I'm afraid Olenna is only thinking about the interests of the Redwyne family on the Arbor Island, so why does High Court keep her!"

"Yes, is an old poisonous woman more important than the last heir of Lord Highgarden?" Ser Baelor Hightower asked quietly.

"Hand over Olenna Redwyne!"

"Hand over Olenna Redwyne!"

"Hand over Olenna Redwyne!"


I don't know who started it, and the nobles of the Horse Party in the hall started clamoring.

This momentum made Sir Giles turn pale instantly.

Samwell clapped his hands, stopped everyone's yelling, and said to Giles:

"Go back and tell Mace that if you want to get back your son, you have to hand over Olenna Redwyne."

Sir Giles had no choice but to say yes, then turned and left.

After the envoy left, the horse party members in the banquet hall talked again.

"Gao Ting actually dared to tie Kefeng up. This is really about to break with the Lannister family."

"I think Olenna was really helpless, so she pushed Kefeng to help her take the blame."

"Mace probably doesn't have the guts to hand over his mother to us."

"Mace has a guts!" Earl Matus Rowan's loud voice sounded again, "Caesar, in my opinion, Olenna may have the final say in High Court now, how could she agree to hand herself over. "

Samwell smiled slightly and asked:

"Count Matus, what do you think we should do if High Court refuses to hand over Lady Olenna?"

"Send troops directly to attack Highgarden!" Earl Matus Rowan shook his head and shouted.

Samwell frowned, but before he could speak, Earl Landau said coldly:

"Matus, you're drunk."

"Not drunk, not drunk." Earl Rowan staggered and said, "We are now strong and strong, and we will directly capture Highgarden, and then let Lando you be the master of this bay!"

Unfortunately, Earl Landau didn't appreciate it: "Matus, you said you weren't drunk. You're talking nonsense."

Samwell smiled and said:

"Earl Matus, the Rowan family is superior to the Tarly family in terms of strength and prestige, so if someone really wants to replace the Tyrell family as the master of this bay, it should be you."

Earl Matus shook his head like a rattle:

"No matter how powerful the Rowan family is, in terms of strength, the lord of Old Town, Lord Leyton Hightower, should be in command of the River Bend."

Earl Layton wasn't here today, so his eldest son, Ser Baelor Hightower, got up and smiled when he saw this:

"Our Hightower can't be the Lord of the Bend. On the contrary, the Peak family is top-notch in terms of strength and prestige, and even has the blood of the Gardener King, so I think Earl Peak is more suitable."

Earl Peake leaned on the back of the chair with his sleepy eyes narrowed, and laughed out loud when he heard this. He didn't know if he was really drunk, or he said what was in his heart through the strength of alcohol:

"All of you are too timid! What kind of thing is Tyrell? He was just a dog for the gardener king! Such a family can dare to occupy the title of Duke of Highgarden for three hundred years. Why can't we?" !

In my opinion, this time we should directly send troops to capture Highgarden and destroy Tyrell! "

As soon as this remark came out, the banquet hall suddenly fell silent.

After all, the horse party had all pointed their finger at Mrs. Olenna before. Although the Duke of Metz was completely ignored by this move, at least on the surface everyone maintained restraint and did not directly confront the monarch's opponent.

But now, someone actually took off this fig leaf in public.

He actually said that he was going to kill Tyrell.

Everyone looked at Earl Peake with different eyes, some were angry, some were disdainful, and some were thoughtful.

"Master Peake, it seems that you are really drunk." Samwell said with a smile.

Sir Arman Peake also noticed that the atmosphere in the hall was not right, so he quickly got up, put his arm around Earl Peake's shoulder, and said:

"Father, I'll take you back to rest."

Earl Peake didn't refuse either, and leaned on his son, muttering something about whether he was drunk, and the two walked out just like that.

After leaving the banquet hall, Sir Oman whispered in his father's ear:

"What you just said is a bit too much!"

Earl Peake leaned on his son and muttered:

"Who will take what you say after drinking. And what do you know, sometimes, if you don't make some temptations, you will never get what you want."

"Are you testing Caesar?" Sir Oman asked thoughtfully.

Earl Peake hummed and stopped talking.

It was inconvenient for Sir Oman to ask further questions, and helped his father back to the room.

Just as he was about to ask the servants to prepare the bath water, he met Samwell in the corridor.

"Caesar... my lord."

"Sir Oman, is Master Peck resting?"

"Not yet, please come in." Sir Oman stepped aside thoughtfully.

After Samwell entered the house, he closed the door.

"Lord Caesar."

"Master Peake." Samwell greeted with a smile.

The old earl in front of him, who was too drunk to walk just now, now has clear eyes and clear speech, so he doesn't look a little drunk.

Earl Peake got up and poured two glasses of red wine, handed one of them to Samwell, and asked:

"Caesar, you won't be thinking about your old love, and you can't bear to attack the Tyrell family, right?"

Samwell took the wine glass, shook it lightly, and said in a cold tone:

"After Blood Reef, the Tyrell family has no friendship with me."

"That's good!" Earl Peake's expression was excited, "I know you are concerned about your reputation, and you can't do it yourself, so let the Peake family do the dirty work for you. But after it's done, I want High Court!"

"Okay." Samwell smiled and agreed happily.

But in his heart, the Peak family has been sentenced to death.

Earl Peake didn't realize it, he laughed loudly and said:

"Would you like me to help you change a queen? My daughter Margot is also a little beauty!"

"Let's talk after Tyrell in Highgarden is dealt with first."

"Yes." Earl Peake held up his wine glass and touched Samwell lightly, "I will enter Highgarden in two days, and the Peake family will be the vanguard!"

"Okay!" Samwell drank the wine in his glass.

A trace of wine spilled from the corner of his mouth, which was as red as blood.

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