The appearance of the giant dragon made the banquet hall suddenly fall into silence.

But in the next second, the pot exploded again.

Earl Orton's complexion changed drastically, and he roared:


The side door of the banquet was suddenly opened, and the crossbowmen tried to rush in.

At this time, Samwell let go of Mrs. Tanya, rushed forward, and ordered:

"Dragon Flame!"

A burst of orange-red flames spewed out from the mouth of the white dragon, and went straight to the side door, burning the few crossbowmen who had just rushed in into charcoal.

The raging flames blocked the side door, making it impossible for the crossbowmen of the Merry Weiss family to step forward.

Samwell had already overturned the long table in front of him. Among the flying food and tableware, he grabbed a table knife and pressed it to Earl Orton's throat.

"Master Orton, if you don't want to die, tell your subordinates to stop."

"Stop! Stop!" Feeling the sting of the sharp knife on his throat, Earl Orton shouted an order sensiblely.

The people of the Merry Weiss family had long been frightened by the giant dragon. After hearing the lord's order, they all breathed a sigh of relief and put down their weapons.

The horse party knights who followed Samwell realized something was wrong at this time, they all broke out in a cold sweat, put down their knives and forks, and began to curse.

Obscenities such as the traitor from the Reach and the dog of the Lannister family immediately filled the hall.

"Okay." Samwell said, "Go and open the city gate to let our army in."

As he said that, he kicked out the only son of the earl, Russell Marilywes, who was trying to get under the table, and said:

"Bring this kid, in case the city gate guards are confused about the situation."

"Yes." Galth Hightower strode forward, held the crying Russell in his hand, and walked out.

A dozen Riverbend knights followed.

Silence returned to the hall.

Everyone was a little overwhelmed by this upheaval.

Only Cleopatra poked her head out to pick up the barbecue on the long table, and ate it on her own.

"Lord Caesar..." Mrs. Tanya leaned over cautiously, "This is actually Lannister's idea..."

"That's right!" Earl Layton immediately said, "We were forced to do it by Lannister. That boy Gerald Hisham is right next door, you must catch him!"

Samwell winked at Ser Hyle Hunt.

Sir Haile understood, and immediately took a few people to the next door.

A group of crossbowmen there were scared by the dragon flame at this moment. After seeing Sir Haier, they pointed to the open door and said:

"My lord, Jello Hisan has already run away just now."

Sir Hyle came back to report, but Samwell didn't care: "He can't run away."

There was a roar outside, which sounded like the sound of the city gate drawbridge being lowered, followed by the sound of a large group of cavalry entering the city.

Samwell knew that the situation was settled, so he stopped holding the knife to Earl Layton's throat.

Earl Layton felt relieved, cleared his throat, and said cautiously:

"Lord Caesar...the Marilynweiss family is willing to surrender, and please...have mercy..."

Samwell ignored him, found a leg of lamb that hadn't fallen on the ground from the overturned food pile, and gnawed on it.

Seeing this, Mrs. Tanya quickly poured a glass of red wine and handed it over.

But Samwell didn't go to pick it up, which made the woman stand there in embarrassment, not daring to put down the wine glass.

After eating a leg of lamb, Qieman Huya led a group of soldiers into the hall.

"Lord Caesar, the castle is under our control."

"There's a Lannister bastard, don't let him get away."

"I've caught it, do you want to see me?"

"Bring it on."

Qieman waved his hand behind him, and soon a young man with long blond hair was escorted over.

Because he was shot with an arrow in his calf when he was running away, he is now walking with a limp.

"Gero Hill?" Samwell asked, "Tell me, which noble families of the Riverbend the Lannister family has won over, and I can spare your life."

Jie Luo sneered: "First of all, I don't know all of Lord Tywin's plans, and even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you!"

"Very good. I like lions with backbone." Sam Well paused for a moment, "Oh no, you shouldn't be considered a lion, at least Tywin won't admit you."

Jie Luo's face changed slightly, but he still disdainfully said: "Stop playing such provocative tricks, Caesar, you don't want to get anything from me."

"That's not necessarily true." Samwell stood up with a smile, and finally took the wine glass from Mrs. Tanya's hand, but at the same time handed her a table knife.

Mrs. Tanya was holding a table knife, a little confused.

Samwell pointed to Gero Hisan and said:

"Lady Tanya, it's time to prove your loyalty."

Only now did Madam Tanya understand, her face turned pale in an instant.

Samwell said leisurely: "I told you before, as long as you are obedient, I will reward you with a castle. But if you don't cherish yourself..."

Mrs. Tanya finally gritted her teeth and stepped forward.

Jieluo Xishan tried to struggle, but Qieman grabbed his head, held his head, and exposed his neck.

Mrs. Tanya took a few deep breaths, but she still couldn't calm her frantic heartbeat.

She was actually just a commoner in Mill City on the other side of the Narrow Sea, and the reason why she was able to marry Earl Orton was entirely because the Marilynweiss family was in its most desperate period.

Earl Orton's grandfather, Earl Owen Merryweather, was once the Hand of the "Mad King" Aerys. During the War of the Reaver, due to ineffectiveness in suppressing the rebellion, the "Mad King" deposed several Hands of Kings one after another. Earl Owen was one of them.

After being deposed, the grandparents of Merry Weiss went into exile in the city of Mir, and only then did they meet Tanya.

At that time, the Mariweis family was extremely destitute, not only lost their official position, but also their family fief and title were deprived, which can be said to be extremely miserable.

Although Tanya is a commoner, because of her outstanding appearance, it is not a problem to marry a wealthy businessman or even a small nobleman. However, she disregarded the dissuasion of her family and married Orton Marevis, firmly believing that this exiled nobleman would eventually have A day of resurgence.

Later, Robert Baratheon ascended the Iron Throne, and sure enough, the fate of the Merryweather family got a turning point, and they got back their titles and fiefs.

And Tanya's "investment" has also been richly rewarded.

This ambitious Myr woman understands that at critical moments, she must dare to gamble!

Looking at the white dragon that was feasting on the long table, Mrs. Tanya felt that she must be right this time!

With a low growl, the determined Mir woman stepped forward and plunged the table knife into Jie Luo Xishan's neck.

Blood spurted out, splashing the woman's face.

The table knife was not considered sharp, and Mrs. Tanya was not very strong. After this knife, Jieluo Xishan was still alive, twisting his body wildly like a fish out of water.

Fortunately, Qieman helped hold him down, so he didn't break free.

"Pull the knife down again." Qieman kindly reminded the woman.

Mrs. Tanya didn't dare to open her eyes at all, but she still gritted her teeth and pulled hard.

The table knife finally severed the windpipe, giving the bastard Lannister a break.

"Very good." Samwell clapped his hands, "Mrs. Tanya, the Longtable is your reward."

Mrs. Tanya's long legs were still trembling slightly, and she turned her head in doubt.

But Earl Orton already understood what Samwell was implying, and ran away in fright.


A sharp arrow shot out, hitting the back of Earl Orton's heart.

Mrs. Tanya suddenly covered her mouth with her bloody hand, her eyes widened.

Samwell stepped forward and patted the woman on the shoulder, saying:

"I remember your son is only six years old?"

Lady Tanya nodded absent-mindedly.

"That's good." Samwell announced, "Now that Lord Orton has unfortunately died, according to the law, Countess Tanya Merryweather, you are the master of the Longtable until your son comes of age."

Hearing this, Mrs. Tanya's eyes regained focus.

A burst of ecstasy suddenly rushed into my heart, dispelling the fear, and Madam Tanya finally recovered, a blush appeared on her pretty face.

"Yes, Lord Caesar!" Mrs. Tanya bowed respectfully, "I will definitely remember your grace and be loyal to you forever!"

Samwell smiled slightly and reminded: "The Merryweather family is loyal to the Tyrell family."

"Yes." Madam Tanya smiled charmingly, "I will also be loyal to House Tyrell."

This time Samwell did not correct him, but instead asked:

"Where is Lady Olenna?"

"plz follow me."

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