Groups of Riverbend cavalry galloped on the streets of Tongmen City.

"Quick! Seize the north, east, and west gates first!" Earl Landau calmly issued an order.

Then he personally led the army to the Bukele Family Fort in the center of the city.

At this time, the people of the storm in the city were still resisting, but because the scene when the city was broken before was too terrifying, many people were scared out of their wits, and their momentum was greatly weakened. When facing the Hewan army, it was as if they had bumped into a copper wall and an iron wall, and their heads were bleeding.

The people of Hewan with high morale waved sharp swords and mercilessly crushed the resistance forces in the city.

Teams of cavalry galloped across the city, looking for more valuable targets, trying to win.

That's right, it's about winning.

Sir Omer Oakheart wanted very much to capture Earl Ralph Buckler with his own hands at this very moment, and strive for great merit.

Don't look at the nobles who can still cooperate sincerely when the Hewan army marches eastward this time, but in fact, the horse party and the deer party inevitably have undercurrents in private.

Of course, the Ma Party is powerful now, and the core figures of the Ma Party will lead the entire army in this stormy march.

Take the Northern Route Army as an example, Tully and Caesar are obviously the ones who contributed the most, but all the nobles also know that the goal of the father and son is Storm's End, and no one else can compete with them, but the Stormlands Storm's End is not the only castle, the ownership of the rest of the castles can always be contested.

Sir Omer also knew that Earl Randall had sent envoys into the city before, proposing that Sir Oman of the Peak family marry Earl Ralph's daughter, which meant that he planned to hand over the Bronze Gate City to the Peak family for management.

But if he made a great contribution, Earl Randall would not be able to ignore the influence and forcibly hand over the Bronze Gate City to the Peck family, otherwise he would not be able to convince the public.

As a member of the Deer Party, the Oakheart family can't wait for the horse party's charity if they want to profit in this war, but must fight and grab it by themselves.

No matter what thoughts Omer Oakheart has, he must first complete his task.

The task Earl Landau gave him was to seize the east gate. When he led his army to the gate, it was already in chaos. Block the city gate which is not considered spacious.

Sir Omer left a team to take over the city gate, and then he led the team to rush to the castle of the Bukele family.

When he arrived at the Clan Fort, he saw that it had already been conquered.

Sir Omer was annoyed for a while, but after careful questioning, he found out that Earl Ralph was worried that the people from Hewan would bomb again, so he didn't dare to defend the castle, but led them away.

still have a chance!

Sir Omer was excited, and hurriedly interrogated several servants in the castle. After learning the whereabouts of Earl Ralph, he immediately chased after him.

And as Sir Omer moved southward, the resistance he encountered became stronger. After all, the Hewan army invaded from the northern city and advanced southward, and hadn't had time to clean up this area.

Tongmen City is the nest of the Bukele family, and there are always many loyal soldiers.

In addition, when the city was broken, the situation was already chaotic, and Sir Omer was involved in the chaos even though he was only thinking of winning.

"Kill it! Kill it!" Sir Omer yelled.

There was the sound of blades colliding, the neighing of war horses, and the shouting and cursing of soldiers. Rows of stormtroopers fell down, and piles of people pushed forward.

Ser Omer was bloodied from the killing, and finally felt that something was wrong.

This has become a bad fight.

And in such a narrow street, blocked by the enemy, the cavalry could not exert its greatest advantage at all.

Watching his men fall one by one, Sir Omer finally realized that he was still too impatient.

"Withdraw! Withdraw!" Ser Omer turned his horse and tried to charge back.

But at this moment, a cold arrow shot out from nowhere and hit Sir Omer's horse.

Amidst the shrill neighing, the war horse crashed to the ground, and one leg of Sir Omer was crushed under the horse, unable to break free.

The people in the nearby storm rushed forward one after another like sharks smelling blood.

It was no longer clear whether these people were soldiers of the Bukele family or civilians, but there was no difference at this time.

They have lost this war, but even so, they will make the people of Hewan pay the price.

The Hewan army did not dare to fight head-on, but a fallen knight became the target of their anger.

The people of the storm swarmed up and hacked the eldest son of the ancient oak city to death.


At this time, Samwell was still in the concave shape of the collapsed north city wall.

"This kind of power can't shake the walls of Storm's End?" Samwell confirmed to Melisandre beside him again.

The red-robed witch shook her head slowly: "Since the arrival of the red comet, the demon tide in this world is recovering. My lord Caesar, my strength is increasing, and I can feel the Lord of Light's guidance more clearly. Similarly, Storm's End The magic woven in its walls is growing, and it will only grow more impregnable."

Samwell sighed, a little helpless.

Melisandre looked at the man with piercing eyes, and said:

"If you want, I can help you take Storm's End."

Samwell didn't answer.

Of course he knew what Melisandre was talking about.

Isn't it just giving birth to a shadow killer with her?

This is how she helped Stannis take Storm's End in the original books.

Seeing that the man didn't respond, Melisandre said again: "What are you worried about? Miss Margery?"

Samwell shook his head, he didn't have any obsession with morality and cleanliness, if he could win Storm's End with the Red Robe Woman, he wouldn't hesitate.

"You said before that you need my fire of life. That thing will damage me."

"So you were worried about this." Melisandre said, "It will indeed hurt you, but the damage is not irreversible."

Samwell's heart moved, and he asked: "Tell me in detail, how much damage has it done to me? And how long will it take to recover?"

Melisandre reached out and pressed Samwell's chest, the heat from her white palm penetrated through the armor and penetrated into the flesh.

After a while, she withdrew her hand and said:

"Your fire of life is extremely strong, and you can withstand my two absorptions in a short period of time."

That is, half of the strength is damaged at one time. Samwell understood it this way.

"How long will it take to recover?"

"About a year."

So just do it once, and the attributes will be halved within a year. Samwell felt that the price was a bit high.

"Let's see." He decided to try another method first.

Melisandre didn't say much.

The two stood at the top of the city and chatted casually for a while, then Samwell entered the city and walked towards the castle of the Bukele family.

When I arrived, I saw a group of people gathered in the hall, and the atmosphere was a bit depressing.

"What's the matter?" Samwell walked over.

The crowd dispersed before revealing the corpse covered in white cloth on the ground.

"Sir Omer of the Oakheart family was unfortunately killed in action." Earl Landau said in a serious tone.

Samwell was about to express regret, but then realized the problem——

Countess Egwene Oakheart has two sons. The second son, Alex, was once the White Knight of the Kingsguard. He was killed by Samwell in Tianzhi City, and now the eldest son is also dead...

And he died on the way to conquer the Stormlands, under the command of Lord Lando Tarly.

Although Samwell believed that even if his father wanted to defraud the deer party, he would at most weaken their troops or suppress them in terms of spoils, but he would not intentionally kill the heir of Ancient Oak City.

But who knows what others will think.

Especially what would Lady Egwene Oakheart think?

Sir Alex is a white knight, of course he cannot marry a wife and have children, and this Sir Omer seems to be unmarried, so the main branch of the Oakheart family is actually extinct.

This feud has gotten bigger.

Samwell glanced at his father, and Earl Randall just happened to look over. The father and son exchanged a cold look, and then walked out in unison.

The two met in the hallway.

"I'm afraid the Oakheart family will not let it go." Samwell said bluntly, "I'm worried that they will secretly contact the Lannister family with the intention of revenge."

Earl Randall nodded: "Mrs. Egwene is not a simple woman, and it is indeed very likely that she will contact the old lion. However, our main focus now is to focus on the stormy side. As for the Oakheart family, we will leave it to you." Leave it to the Tyrells. I will write to Lady Olenna and warn her to be careful about releasing the Oakhearts."

Samwell rubbed his chin: "I was worried that Mrs. Olenna would not be cruel to the Hart Party. From the interests of the Tyrell family, the Hart Party is their real supporter. I am worried that she wants to play Balance, but on the contrary fueled the arrogance of the deer party, and even self-defeating."

"Of course Mrs. Olenna will be more inclined to the Deer Party. There is no way to do it. However, she knows the importance. Now is the critical period for the development of the river bend. She will protect the Deer Party, but will not allow them to destroy the overall situation. .”

Samwell shrugged and said, "Okay. Anyway, we can't deal with the Oakheart family now, so let High Court handle it."

At this time, a messenger walked in quickly and reported:

"Lord Randyll, we stopped Earl Ralph and his party at the south gate."

Earl Randall said: "What? Are they unwilling to surrender?"

"Count Ralph said he wanted to see you."

Earl Randall frowned, but turned to look at his son, saying:

"You go to Ralph Buckler."

Samwell's heart moved, and he nodded immediately:


After finishing speaking, he rode on Cleopatra and headed south, and he arrived at the south city gate not long after.

At this time, the city gate was closed, and hundreds of Hewan soldiers gathered in the square in front of the gate, surrounding a group of Bukele family members with their families.

Seeing Samwell riding a white dragon land, the crowd burst into exclamations and discussions.

Earl Ralph's eyes also became serious, he took a step forward and said:

"You are Lord Caesar, the Viscount of Yingzui Island?"

"It's me." Samwell jumped off the dragon's back, "Isn't it Earl Ralph? Are you still unwilling to surrender?"

"If they surrender, will the Bukele family still be able to keep the Bronze Gate City?"

"Yes, as long as you agree to our terms."

"For my daughter to marry Sir Arman Peake?"

"That was the previous condition." Samwell smiled slightly, "Because of your stubborn resistance, it has been increased now."

"What was added?"

"You must also swear allegiance to me." Samwell said.

Earl Ralph sneered: "You are only a Viscount of the Bend, so what qualifications do you have to accept my allegiance?"

Samwell wasn't angry either, and said, "What if I capture Storm's End?"

Before Earl Ralph could speak, a young knight beside him said, "If you want to replace the Baratheon family to rule the Stormlands, you must first ask His Majesty Stannis if he agrees."

"Who are you?"

"Bruce of the Buckler family." Sir Bruce said with a slight bow.

Samwell looked at the flaming red heart emblem on the opponent's chest, and said:

"You are a follower of the Lord of Light, why follow the wrong Son of the Holy Flame?"

Sir Bruce raised his eyebrows and said, "I heard that you also claim to be the apostle of the Lord of Light, I want to see..."

"Then take a good look at it." Samwell interrupted, and pulled out the giant sword [Dawn] from behind.

The moment the milky white sword was unsheathed, it emitted dazzling flames, which were gorgeous and dazzing, and the fiery breath that diffused made everyone retreat involuntarily.

Sir Bruce also looked out of his mind.

Samwell held a flaming giant sword and said:

"I heard that Stannis also has a flaming sword, known as [Lightbringer], Sir Bruce, see for yourself, which one is more like the prophesied red sword?"

Sir Bruce was silent for a moment.

Of course he could see the difference between Stannis's sword and the one in front of him, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that the fireflies were better than the sunlight.

More importantly, he never felt the heat from Stannis' Lightbringer.

But this one was as hot as magma.

As [Bright Messenger], how can there be no temperature?

And, there's that dragon.

...he will awaken the dragon in the stone, and draw the burning red sword... The fragments of the prophecy echoed in Bruce's ears, making his face change constantly.

Finally, Bruce made a decision. He knelt down on one knee and said:

"I, Bruce Buckler, dedicate my allegiance to the Prophet's Prince, Apostle of the Lord of Light, Son of the Holy Flame, Viscount of Eagle's Isle, Samwell Caesar, from now on, my long sword will Waving only for you, please allow me to follow you to overcome the coming long night and repel the darkness from ancient times!"

Samwell took a few steps forward, put the giant sword on Bruce Buckler's shoulder, and said:

"I accept your allegiance."

Then, he turned his gaze to Count Ralph Buckler.

Earl Ralph sighed, knowing that if he didn't surrender now, he might end up decapitated immediately, and then his cousin would inherit the Tongmen City with the support of the Hewan people.

Therefore, the lord of Tongmen City knelt down on one knee resolutely and said:

"I, Ralph Buckler, offer my allegiance to Samwell Caesar."

Samwell finally showed a satisfied smile, stepped forward and placed the giant sword on Earl Ralph's shoulder:

"I accept your allegiance."

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