Game Entertainment Empire

Chapter 1160: I saved her as my goddaughter at first, but now she should be my wife, right?

After Elizabeth and Booker reconciled, they continued to explore the city in depth. Along the way, Elizabeth used her ability to manipulate cracks to provide Booker with various help.

But as the journey progresses, Elizabeth discovers that this ability will have various effects on Booker and other residents of Columbia Sky City in reality.

This deeply disturbs Elizabeth, and after they pass through one of the cracks, they unexpectedly end up in a parallel world.

In this parallel world, Booker is honored as a hero, because in this parallel world, Booker gave his life for the organization "Voice of the People".

And here the Voice of the People is also engaged in an all-out war with the founders of Columbia Sky City.

But as Booker and Elizabeth came into contact with Fitzroy, the leader of this world, the other party believed that Booker's arrival had greatly reduced the original effect of Booker's sacrifice in this world, and might even threaten to weaken the fighting spirit of the People's Voice.

So she attacked Booker, trying to kill Booker.

In the process, Elizabeth attacked Fitzroy from behind and killed him in order to prevent him from harming a child.

After that, in the game, Elizabeth changed her image again because she was stained with blood.

She cut her hair short, made her makeup a little lighter, and put on a blue dress.

Looking at Elizabeth who had changed her appearance, Chen Xu in the game couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Compared with Elizabeth's previous look, this new look is obviously more mature and sexy, especially the low-cut shirt.

It made Chen Xu look at it for several seconds.

After all, who is not an old pervert?

Back on the airship, Booker comforted Elizabeth.

Now that they had the airship, Elizabeth asked Booker next to her where they were taking her.

Will they go to Paris together as planned before, or will Booker insist on taking her back to New York?

But before Booker could answer, the sound of a strange bird sounded.

The Nightingales attacked them, forcing them to fall back into Colombia again.

Finally Booker and Elizabeth realized,

Perhaps only by subduing Nightingale could they successfully leave Columbia Sky City, so they began to look for tools to control Nightingale.

As the search deepens, the conspiracy and various truths behind the founding history of Colombia are gradually revealed.

The Sephen Machine allowed Mrs. Comstock's ghost to pass through the crack and come back to life. The couple they met several times before were not actually lovers, nor were they so-called brothers and sisters. Lutes and the others were the same quantum physicist. Just different versions in two different worlds.

Female Lutes are natives of this world, while male Lutes are from another world.

There are more and more mysteries, making the whole game seem to be trapped in a deep whirlpool.

At this time, Chen Xu also clearly felt the difference in the game.

There were too many confusions in his mind.

For example, from a few words, it seems that the first lady, Comstock's wife, was killed by Comstock himself.

Later slandered by Comstock to the People's Voice.

At the same time, there is also the origin of the Lutes brothers and sisters, who always talk about it.

These have become some doubts in Chen Xu's mind.

With these doubts, Chen Xu continued to advance the plot. When they were preparing to go to Comstock Mansion, Booker and Elizabeth were attacked by a nightingale again.

In order to protect Booker, Elizabeth was voluntarily captured by Nightingale and taken into the mansion.

This is the second time in the game that Booker and Elizabeth are separated.

"Horse!!" Looking at himself who was alone again, Chen Xu sent out an elegant and easy-going greeting.

It was different from before when Elizabeth knocked her unconscious with a wrench and then separated.

In the game, I have experienced so many previous stories.

Just like Joel and Ellie in "The Last of Us", Chen Xu also has very deep feelings for Elizabeth at this time.

Another important thing is that Joel raised Ellie like a daughter.

But "BioShock Infinite" doesn't feel like this.

Booker's various behaviors towards Elizabeth do not show that he treats Elizabeth as his daughter.

So this is the official CP?

Future wife?

Chen Xu thought happily.

There is no separation between games and anime, all beautiful girls are wives, there is nothing wrong with that!

"The operation to save my future wife begins!" Chen Xu's expression became serious.

issued his own declaration.

He changed his wife again!

The new wife is Elizabeth!

With the idea of ​​​​getting back his wife, Chen Xu controlled Booker to keep moving forward.

But when he arrived at a hall, he met someone.

From the sound of her voice, she was Elizabeth.

She told Booker that she was the one who led Booker here.

And it took all her strength.

She then pulled Booker into the future.

War raged, and Booker saw New York.

New York under fire.

"The son of the prophet shall sit on the throne and be supported by the people. Say what you want about Comstock, he is a fortune teller."

"What defeated me was not torture or education, but time."

"Time corrodes everything, Booker, even hope!"

This future Elizabeth is the Elizabeth decades later, who inherited Comstock's cause and waged war on the earthly world.

She told Booker that every rescue attempt he had made over the years had been blocked by Nightingale, and that she had also lost hope in time.

So she gave Booker the method to control Nightingale and begged him to prevent this future from happening.

Returning to reality, six months had passed since Elizabeth was captured.

During this period Elizabeth was imprisoned, but she still believed that Booker would come to rescue her.

He even went on a hunger strike to resist.

Passing through the long corridor and inside the gloomy operating room, Elizabeth was tied to the operating table and was about to undergo surgery.

Looking at Elizabeth in pain, she looks like Booker in the game.

At this time, Chen Xu's heart was also filled with anger.

Damn Comstock!

The plot of this scene gave Chen Xu the feeling of re-experience the scene when Joel saved Ellie at the end of "The Last of Us".

Ellie is also tied to the operating table, and the player needs to control Joel to race against time to save Ellie.

Every second every night, Ellie faces an additional risk.

And the same is true now.

For every second every night, Elizabeth is in danger.

It’s just that I saved my goddaughter at the beginning, but now I think I should save my future wife, right?

Chen Xu controlled Booker in the game to kill and rush all the way, while thinking in his heart.

He has even thought of the name of the child in the future.

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