Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 548 Let’s go all the way to the top.

"Do you want to modify yourself into Adam Hammer?" The prosthetic doctor looked at this young man who was constantly transforming himself. He never expected that this kid who once helped him sell pirated Mewtwo would now look like this.

"Adam's Hammer? Isn't this a legend?"

When I saw David again, he had already taken on the appearance of Thane. The little brat he once was had the tendency to become a big man.

These prosthetic limbs symbolize a heavy burden, and the more he carries, the larger David becomes.

He was still young and didn't learn many principles in the aristocratic school. Many of the principles he could understand were instilled by Mann.

Like Mann, he began to install all the prosthetics on his body that could make him stronger.

Everyone advised him not to add any more prosthetics and to put them down, but David always refused because he knew that once he put them down, all his dreams, love, and friendships would collapse.

Just like the Mann who never surrendered.

David lived as Mann, and Rebecca also lived as her brother Pyrrha.

Although she did not equip herself with slender fingers, she began to perform juggling like her brother to make her teammates happy in this depressing and twisted place.

When Rebecca first appeared on the scene, it was easy to be mistaken for a charming otaku character who was destined to kill.

A little lolita with meaty legs, only XP and no story. She only makes some kawaii gags and will usually be forgotten after the show ends.

It’s never a sin to model your character according to XP. There are such characters in almost all anime.

But not Rebecca.

Behind her seemingly crazy and violent appearance, she has endured countless struggles to survive. She does not live a bloody life and likes to enjoy herself with big guns.

Everyone in the cyberpunk world has a pull on life, except Rebecca, who chooses to accept it.

Impermanence is impermanence.

Rebecca is the only tenderness in this uncertain life.

And she has never concealed her feelings for David. She just likes David, even though she knows that David likes Lucy.

Rebecca is different from Lucy;

Lucy feels that Night City is a neon cage, where she hides the past of being tortured by Arasaka while living in the rules of the street, just so that one day she can go to the moon, or find where she belongs. place.

In the anime, Rebecca does not have a growth story, but it also proves that she can live her own life without confusion in the Night City.

We don't know her past, but everyone can see that she enjoys everything she can get in the City of Night. She lives with her brother carelessly during the day, and has fun everywhere at night as always. If a mission comes, Then go all out to complete your duties and enjoy the pleasure of the necessary violence in the mission.

A trustworthy soldier is loyal to his partners, happy with his grudges, magnanimous and free, and lives a transparent life.

Rebecca is crazy and has no burden to kill wantonly. She often talks about "killing you", but in this world, she values ​​humanity more than others.

"I really don't want to...see you like that." When Rebecca lowered her head and said these words, both of them were silent for a moment. David was still eroded by the prosthetic limb, even though he always said ' It's okay, I'm special. ’

Cyber ​​lunatic, a word that neither of them wanted to mention.

And this wish is shocking to everyone in the gaming world, because what she cares about and wants to protect is precisely the least valuable thing in cyberpunk, human nature.

And this is also the core of the cyber tragedy.

Everyone here seemed to have lost their hearts. When David's mother was injured and the cost of treatment was less than the cost of selling the prosthetic limbs, the doctor would remove the prosthetic limbs from her body and sell them to scavengers.

On the day she discovered that David had been corrupted, Rebecca also began to change.

She asked David to downgrade the prosthesis, but David, like Mann, always said, 'It's okay. ’

She began to stand up and stood in front of David, her small figure speaking protective words.

When David trembled and collapsed on the ground, he handed Rebecca the inhibitor the prosthetic doctor gave him. He said that he had no one to entrust except Rebecca.

Rebecca couldn't see David's humanity disappear, so she was trapped when David said those words.

When David fell into a trap and had to wear a prosthetic King Kong, Falk did not object and just said,

“It’s a one-way ticket to cyberpsychosis.”

He accepted David's self-destructive ending calmly. After all, this is a cyberpunk world.

But Rebecca didn't, she just complained helplessly, "You actually pretended, you big idiot!"

If you don’t want to see the one you love go to destruction, then there is only one ending, kill Faraday, rescue Lucy, and let Lucy guide the hero back to normal.

Rebecca gave David more care than he had given her, and would express her feelings to David openly, even if she didn't get a response.

She will be furious because David still needs to use Sianwei Stan when he has half his life left. Rebecca can do anything that Lucy is willing to do for David. Only when it comes to life and death, David will pretend to be righteous without hesitation. Rebecca was furious when she was in the body, but she calmed down and cooperated with David in injecting the inhibitor.

Because she knows that David now needs to fight his way out for his partners and Lucy.

When David needed someone to help him regain his sanity, she would help him inject inhibitors. When David needed Lucy, she would take David to find Lucy.

She became a mother when David needed a mother.

After David was equipped with a prosthetic King Kong, he kept losing his mind, and then quickly recovered under the influence of inhibitors.

Whenever the system detects that David has lost his mind, a tube of inhibitor will be quickly injected into his body.

Over and over again.

But when he saw Arasaka Tower, David temporarily lost his mind. It was his mother's dream, and she hoped that one day he could reach the top of Arasaka.

In this materialistic world, in this twisted night city, people without money are not worthy of talking about dreams. Those at the bottom will always be able to live at the bottom, eating carrion and lingering. ,

The mother once wanted to change her child's destiny by studying, but she couldn't afford the tuition. He wanted to cross the class by becoming a borderline walker, but he couldn't fight against the army.

He was born poor, and now, Arasaka Tower is in front of him.

Looking at the Arasaka Tower, which is higher than the City of Night, David's mind disappeared.

"Mom!" David's mother's figure appeared in the world of David's consciousness, and his mother's words of hope rang out, "I hope you work hard, become an elite, and climb to the top of Arasaka Tower."

"I know you have such talent, you can definitely do it."

As soon as the suppressant was gone, David still did not regain his senses. His mother's wish during her lifetime was his undying obsession.

Rebecca, standing in front of David, just looked at David's irreversible humanity in despair.

On the verge of madness, David had hallucinated her as his mother.

"Thank you, Mom, I will, I will climb to the top of Arasaka Tower!"

She lowered her head and looked at David with helplessness in his eyes.

At this moment, everyone really felt that this girl who looked like a loli had grown up in an instant, and her love was not just a child's play house.

At this moment, she became David's mother when David needed a mother.


"Let's go all the way to the top."

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