Fury Ocean

Chapter 30: :veto

"The Federal Government and the Headquarters are satisfied with the work of the Fourth Battalion, especially in the past few days. You have accomplished almost impossible tasks. The Federation appreciates you and is proud of you. Bayi Chinese Network W√wwwく. く 8 ★ 1 ★ zW. ★ C ★ OM '

A slightly deeper voice came out of the loudspeaker, rushing in all directions like waves, and the wall bounce overlapped with the subsequent sound waves, resonated and echoed, layer after layer, and continued to hit the ear drums.

"It is Lieutenant General Meng Kai." Young Thomas reminded softly.

Niuben nodded.

In the federal military, Meng Kai is the general who will not be regarded as a famous general, but he will never be ignored. He is not as glorious as Huo Qing, of course, it can not be compared with the **** of war, and his life participates 3. He has commanded many battles, with few big winners and never big defeats.

Qi Shouyue once commented on Meng Kai: Never miss, but can't expect to create miracles. The meaning of this sentence is that Meng Kai will definitely win the battle that can be won; he will not be able to turn over the battle that must be lost.

This federal offensive was determined to solve the problem once and for all. When the military department decided to use Meng Kai as chief commander, it was not unrelated to the evaluation of the army god. The federal army is capable enough to defeat Star Thief, and since it can certainly win, stability is the natural choice.

This time the cloud tide suddenly came and the situation changed suddenly. Objectively speaking, Meng Kai has some responsibilities. If he is bold and the offensive rhythm is faster, he might cross the Seine before the cloud tide, and even have the opportunity to win the cable. Wall City. However, as the philosophers said, things have two sides. It is because of Meng Kai's pursuit of stability that Star Thieves had the idea of ​​"resistance" and did not immediately fall to the two empires. If Meng Kai took the risk, it might be another situation: the Star Thief was frightened by the federal offensive, the two empires entered the war in advance, and at the same time the back defense was unstable due to the rapid advancement of the federal army, which led to a catastrophic ending.

"In that case ... boring." How could there be any assumptions on the battlefield, Niu Ben mocked himself in his heart.

In this situation, all parties can only face, calmly plan, kill the enemy bravely, and pursue the most beneficial results for themselves.

"Four battalions completed the previous task well. Next, everyone needs to continue to work harder to meet more difficult challenges and fight for the ultimate victory."

In his thoughts, Meng Kai's voice came out steadily, from praise and encouragement, to the substantive content gradually.

"In the current situation, there are roughly three aspects that need special emphasis. The first ..."

While listening to the commander's analysis of the current situation, Niu Ben took out his brain and read the battle information that had been deduced and prepared in the past three days, and compared it with the conclusions jointly drawn by the command and the military.

"It's so serious ..." Niu Ben's expression gradually dignified as he listened, his eyebrows locked tightly.

The status quo of the federal army can only be described as critical. First, the headquarters and the front line are still in a state of disconnection, indicating that apart from the fourth battalion, no other troops have found the quantum communication equipment carried on board the No. 6 boat, or they have found but cannot use it. On the side of the Fourth Battalion, as soon as communications resumed, they sent people to the front line under the command of the headquarters. At present, they may not have arrived, and they may even get lost.

It should be mentioned here that the batch of sub-communication equipment supported by the Brazilian Republic is powerful and can eliminate cloud tide interference, but its communication can only be used between the same type of equipment. In other words, the Fourth Battalion may be the only point of contact between the command and the front line, and the order given to the front finger needs to be relayed here. Because of this, so many officers and men will be gathered in the conference room, and Meng Kai will talk about a battalion. Most of the talk is not related to the four battalions, but someone needs to be passed to the front line.

This one alone has completely dispelled all the accumulated joys before, and the information and judgments on the front line since then have made the people present uneasy. For example, after summing up the situation before the advent of the cloud tide and the weather conditions of the past few days, the General Command concluded that the Seine River has become a turbulent flood, and that instead of forcing the federal army to cross it, it will be forced to retreat by the river. Armored forces are trapped in muddy swamps and cannot move.

Can't fight, what about Shou? After a comprehensive analysis of the material, personnel, and weather owned by the frontline troops, it was concluded that even without fighting, the frontline team's material reserves are seriously insufficient, the two most important of which are energy that can support three months, food Forty days, other shortages such as clothing, ammunition, machine parts, medicines, etc. all existed.

In short, it is difficult for troops to survive the winter in the wild.

Compared to the frontline and garrison troops in various places, the situation of the four battalions is not bad. In terms of personnel, in the past three days, there were 73 new trainees and 58 mechas. There should be more in the next few days. In terms of food, the biggest benefit comes from the Dragon boss. Although the Longmen Inn is ruined, a large amount of food hidden in the cellar is still intact. At this time, it is naturally used. In terms of energy, if there is no need to fight, Huang Shaofeng plans to disassemble some of the mecha energy blocks to make up for the need. The total number of zeros and zeros is calculated, or it may survive this winter.

At this difficult time, the two empires entered the war and have found their way through the front and deep into the federal rear. During the interrogation of the butcher, it was learned that the mech unit that was deep in the Kakira Mountains was drawing a map while walking and sending reports. When it met Shao Qiang's team, it was about to return the final content.

The house leak happened to rain overnight, and this is the situation facing the federal army. The butcher, who was only employed inside the Star Thief, was not very clear about the specific action plan of the three-party coalition forces and could not provide more information. Today, the interrogation of the butcher and the rest of the captives is continuing ... In this matter, Huang Shaofeng devoted a lot of energy and worked very effectively. He arranged for people to bombard the butcher, interrogating day and night, digging out what he had done, what he saw, heard, and analyzed by experts of the federal government, and obtained a lot of information about the star theft. Many of them are extremely valuable.

Unfortunately, that information is useful for attacking Sower, but it does not help.

These are the overall situation. In more detail, the General Command is obscured with two eyes. The Fourth Battalion does not know this side. It can only make efforts to understand and report upwards.

After talking about these things, ten minutes passed, Meng Kai once again praised the performance of the Fourth Battalion, and mentioned several names directly, first Huang Shaofeng, Shao Qiang, Thomas Thomas, Andrea, and search and rescue. Officers and soldiers who performed well in the operation, and some military academy students.

It was unexpected and seemed normal. There was a long list of praises, but there was no Niuben name.

"The situation is critical and we cannot afford to hesitate. After a comprehensive analysis of the situation by the military, the federal government, and the headquarters, we decided to re-plan the deployment and tasks of the frontline troops."

Yaque was silent in the conference room, and people controlled the expression on his face without squinting. Huang Shaofeng stood in front of the podium with a look of excitement to a little disappointment, and then became a little worried; beside him, Huang Junan's performance was the opposite, first worried, and finally relieved and exhaled.

The reason for the change in the two people's looks is exactly the same. Some things that should have been born have not been born yet.

"Order now."

Meng Kai's voice became serious: "First, order the garrison troops around the front line, with the exception of leaving a small number of personnel to monitor, the main force will use the Central Army Corps as the core contraction, local materials, and build a permanent base on the river plain to prepare for the severe winter. "

"Second, as the troops march, try to collect available materials, food, warm clothing, and everything."

"As long as the weather conditions permit, Hou Yi will organize forces to airdrop material to the front. Please rest assured that the rear will create conditions at all costs and fully protect the material supply."

"Three, considering the practical difficulties, the construction of the base can be simple, but the area should be enlarged as much as possible. A draft should be drawn up as soon as possible, the focus is on the range of areas that the army can control and search, and the report will be submitted to help find the correct location when there are airdrop opportunities in the future. Get ready. "

"Fourthly, in response to the situation where the two empires may directly participate in the war, the federal government has actively worked to prevent the situation from deteriorating further. Frontline troops must strengthen their alertness and investigation and actively prepare for war. Once the enemy ’s tracks are present, they must be passive and take advantage of them. The inclement weather intensified its harassment with a small amount of troops, delayed its offensive rhythm, and delayed it in the poor mountains and rivers. "

"Five, in view of the fact that the Fourth Battalion is the only unit capable of maintaining communication with the rear, with great responsibilities, to ensure security, the General Command ordered it to go out immediately and merge with the frontline main forces. As for the search and rescue and garrison tasks, they should be replaced by other teams.

Five consecutive instructions can be summarized in two sentences: helplessness. Space for time.

Helpless because of the climate, in fact, only gods can change. Swap space for time against the empire. Assuming they come from the secret way, they will also face the predicament experienced by the federal army. If they are constantly disturbed along the way, the rhythm will be chaotic and the degree will not rise. In the end, when they found a centralized federal army, it was difficult to say who would win or lose at the end of the crossbow. In the case of Hualong, as long as it can survive the severe winter, the day when the cloud tide dissipates in the next year is the time of a major counterattack, and the war situation can be reversed in an instant.

There are two aspects that need to be emphasized here. First, the two empires and the Star Theft Alliance have ground access, and there are backups to look forward to. Secondly, the planned assault requires someone to carry out. It is a severe winter, covering the clouds and fog, and the difficulties faced by the federally dispatched teams are unimaginable. It can basically be concluded that this is a mortal task.

"In a difficult period, the Federation needs everyone to contribute all their strengths, including life. Regardless of which team, officer or soldier, or someone else, the command hopes that everyone will let go of the past, unite as one, fight hard and not be afraid of sacrifice.

This sentence seems to point, as if stones were thrown into the lake, causing a small commotion in the conference room. After speaking, Meng Kai stopped and spoke again, the voice became abnormally low, as if tied with a heavy burden.

"In order to ensure the successful realization of the above objectives, I announced in my capacity as Commander-in-Chief that from now on, the military ban on 101 will be temporarily lifted."


The people looked at each other, suspecting that their ears were wrong.

A moment later, there was a loud noise, which suddenly caused a lot of noise.

"One hundred and one lifted?"

"No way!"

"Forcibly grabbing, killing and setting fire, what is the difference between us and the Star Thief?"

"How do you say that?"

"If you don't say that, how do you say it?"

"Reason? The reason is that there is no way, we can't ... let us die?"

"Unbreaking the ban is just letting you die? What a reason!"

Fierce arguments and even quarrels, the focus is on the nature and content of the 101 ban.

This is an international ban. It is a convention, and the core sentence can be fully understood.

During the war, the army must not attack innocent civilians.

Only when there is war, civilian casualties are always inevitable. No warring party is willing to wear a demon hat. It always finds reasons for itself and accuses the other of brutality. And anyone understands that the so-called "innocent" is actually an excuse for the war party, which can be used anytime, anywhere.

In the war, innocent and pitiful everywhere, it can be said that no one is really innocent. In this case, everyone understands each other while arguing, scolding, and blaming each other.

Understanding is one thing. Lifting the ban is a completely different concept. At this moment, when Meng Kai announced the lifting of the 101 ban, alert people quickly thought of the second order previously announced to collect as much material, food, clothing, etc. as possible. Wait for everything ...

How to collect it? From whom?

The answer is clear.

Realizing the horrors contained in this order, people have a deeper understanding of the difficulties facing the federal army. If it is not too pessimistic about the situation, and if there is really no way, how could the Command and the Federation allow Meng Kai to give such instructions!

It is conceivable that Meng Kai will most likely become a victim of this command in the future. Perhaps this is the price he paid for the disadvantage of this war-recorded by history books, scolded by future generations, and stink for thousands of years.

During the quarrel, more and more people realized this, their mood became extremely heavy, and it was difficult to quarrel as before. At the same time, Niu Ben looked at the war chart deduced by Defu and asked about another result.

"how about it?"

Utilize the war model designed by Defu to bring in the latest information and make reasonable assumptions about the enemy's actions to derive this real result.

"See for yourself."

Defu dialed a few times with his hand, and a war simulation picture appeared on the light-brain screen. Three deductions, in exchange for three big red characters: death! dead! dead!

So bad?

Her heart sank, Niuben couldn't believe what she saw: "Can't you handle the lowest difficulty?"

Defu sneered and replied: "The climate is based on the data of previous years, assuming that the two emperor teams are only slightly higher than the star theft, the number is similar to that before the war, plus the intermittent airdrop at the rear ... Do you think this is not considered Calculate the lowest difficulty? "

"That won't work?"

"Yes." De Fu whispered in a low voice: "The General Command is just making a fool. According to that plan, all garrison troops need to bring all their belongings to find their way in the misty mud. Roughly estimated that only 30% of self-damage alone will be over After that, as the material is continuously consumed, the combat power will decrease linearly until it is almost equal to zero. "

Niuben was silent for a moment, and asked, "Is there any way to improve?"

Defu said: "The federal government must have done deductions, and there is a way to think of it. So I will tell you ... To survive, only under one condition is possible."

"What conditions?"

"The bluffs of the two empires were only for the benefit of the Star Thieves. They did not send troops at all, or sent soldiers symbolically."

"..." Niuben shook his head silently and asked, "What do you mean, the headquarters is making plans based on this assumption?"

Defu sneered and said, "Presumably yes. The two empires really raised their soldiers. They hope that the assault tactics will achieve extraordinary results. Hehe, it is best to drag a soldier to a hundred, a thousand ..." Sigh Defu continued: "By the way, they can only hope so."

"What to do then?"

"Crossing the river in the shortest time and winning Sauvol, the problem will be solved."

"... How do I get it?"

"I do not know."


"Don't stare at me like that, I can only tell you what must be done, specifically how to do it ... the computer doesn't care about this."

Whenever it is necessary to shirk responsibility, Blessing will recognize his own identity. Niuben has no mood or reason to take him, but can only frown and stare at the war situation on the light brain.

This is meaningless. Niuben and Blessing are very clear in their hearts. If there is another way to think about it, the federal government will not issue such orders and pin their hopes on the empire not to send troops and to brave the individual.

Sorver must be taken down.

Can only win Sower.

There is a method called reverse inference. When no solution can be found on the front, first list the goals that must be achieved, analyze the basic conditions according to its requirements, and then use the conditions as a result to inverse the secondary inference and continue to deduced to the actual situation. Finally, reverse this process, analyze the difficulties that need to be overcome, and find workarounds.

According to this idea, Niu Ben was thinking in his heart that in order to win Sauvol, three conditions were needed. First, the army had to cross the river, second was to restrain the three-party coalition forces, and it was necessary to understand the situation in the city.

Then ... contemplating, Meng Kai's voice sounded again in the conference room, low and solemn, with exhaustion that could not be concealed.

"The frontline situation is the clearest for the soldiers who are on the frontline. Although the command side is doing its best, it is after all a discussion on paper. Any comments and suggestions, or any points that are unclear, please say them together."

After such a long silence, it is probably considering the shock and controversy brought about by the lifting of the military embargo. Perhaps some miracles are also expected.

Dozens of people have fallen into silence, waiting silently there.

For a long time, there seemed to be a sigh across from him, and Meng Kai spoke for the last time.

"If there is no problem, execute the order."

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Huang Shaofeng picked up the microphone and responded loudly.

"I have an opinion." Niu Ben couldn't wait any longer, and stood up from the corner.

With a swipe, everyone focused their eyes.

Huang Shaofeng turned suddenly.

"Niu Ben, what are you doing?"

"Niuben?" There was more than one voice from the command.

At the same time, the communication lights on behalf of the federal government began to flash.


"it's me."

Without responding to Huang Shaofeng's question, Niuben stepped through the crowd and came to the podium.

"Do you have an opinion? What opinion can you have!" There is no reason why Huang Shaofeng's expression is extremely angry, and his dismal appearance is just like two people.

"What's your opinion?" The command side also asked.


"Can't you tell?" Huang Shaofeng sneered.

"Not opinion," Niu Ben said, "I disagree with the command."

When I heard this sentence, there was a loud noise in the conference room, and a lot of murmurs were remembered. There were mocks, surprises, sighs, and cheers. There was only one blessing to cheer.

"Excessive." Lin Shaowu sighed bitterly.

"This guy ... dare to speak." Andre shook his head again and again.

"****!" Thomas almost knelt to the ground.

"Do you disagree?" Huang Shaofeng stunned first, then laughed, looking at Niu Ben's eyes full of sarcasm, as if he was a pig who voluntarily hit his neck against the butcher knife: "Haha, you do not agree!"

"Yes, I don't agree." Niu Ben glanced at him and reached for the microphone from his hand.

There was no expectation that he would do this, Huang Shaofeng instinctively retreated, but for some reason, the microphone clasped in his hand was still taken away.


"I asked to speak directly with the senior officials of the military." Niu Ben didn't look at him again, and said seriously into the microphone: "Yuan Dong, senior soldier god, or president."


... (To be continued.)

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