Full Time Mage Lord

Chapter 710 Judgment of Fate III

"Commander, the temple has been occupied!"

"good, very good!"

Hadkar had long heard that the saint girl led by Long Hui was quite pretty. He had already told his men that the saint girl must be captured alive.

"But, no saint was found."

The news made Hadkar a little depressed, but this place was already surrounded by people, and no one could escape.

"Holy girl, wait for me..."

Just when Hadkar's mind was filled with the image of being with the saint, a scorching wave of heat and screams pulled him out of his fantasy.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Hadkar hurriedly hid behind one of his huge guards.

"An ambush was found on the mountain wall. They are using kerosene. Sir, please retreat to a safe place!" The guards did not care about the commander. The sudden appearance of the ambush caught those in the rear team by surprise.

The kerosene rolls down the mountain wall with flames. At the bottom of the mountain wall, there is a clever upward slope.

It was like a huge slide. When the roller filled with kerosene rolled down the mountain wall, it bounced off the angled landslide and took a carefully calculated arc directly towards Lunderdam's army on the mountain road. Bump away.

There are many shamans with water attribute souls in Lunterdam's army, but their water bombs sprayed on the large amount of fire oil are simply a drop in the bucket.

Behind were flames, and in front was the defensive formation composed of the real main force of the Longhui Territory. The wolf cavalry, which had no room to display, could only bump into each other in the narrow mountain road.

In the middle of the mountain road, in front of the camp, when Lunderdam's vanguard rushed here at a huge cost, they had no way of retreat because the area was already full of flames.

More than 10,000 warriors wanted to move forward, but the crossbow formation led by Long Hui was no joke.

The Lunterdam soldiers, whose morale had dropped to the lowest point, could not think of charging. Most of them thought of retreating backwards.

What awaits them on their retreat is an endless sea of ​​fire.

The burning temperature of kerosene is so high that as soon as a little bit of it touches the armor, the first thing you will want to do is take off the armor.

Otherwise it will be too hot!

Hadkar began to despair, where was the safe place around him, or where was the safe place? He wanted to know, he wanted to return to Illidan City, he wanted to go home.

"Keep throwing."

Seeing a soldier stop what he was doing, Xiu Yin asked him to continue working.

There was already a burning smell coming from the bottom of the mountain wall.

At the entrance of the valley to the west, Xiu Yin had already arranged scrolls of flame magic and a large amount of gunpowder under the ground of the fortress. From the moment these Luntedan warriors entered, they could no longer get out.

The people of Lundtdam in the east are still saying that Hardka has gone too far and set such a big fire in it.

The stench of burnt corpses can be smelled here.

However, they immediately discovered that something was wrong, because the Longhui warriors at the mountain fortress on the east side not only did not have any panic, but on the contrary, they were excited.

Chris has repelled three waves of attacks from the eastern front. Although they are just feints, if he lets go unfavorably, the opponent will rush in.

Chris is really reaching his limit here, because he only has a combat strength of 200 people.

The elite of the Knights of the Temple and the Order.

The appearance of Xiu Yin unexpectedly united the Temple Knights and the warriors of the Knights. If it were in the past, his orders would not be accepted by any Temple Knights.

The thick smoke behind them can only mean one thing, that is, they won.

He looked at the orcs below with some sympathy.

Even with the strength of a paladin, Chris would not dare to face the attacks of five powerful orcs at the same time.

I have to say, they are very strong.

Chris admits this, but these orcs also have weaknesses.

That is, their mental reactions will be slower. If the strong military power had not covered up this fact, and the Qiyao family had lost control of the mainland, the Luntedan people would not be so arrogant.

Several bells sounded, and the corners of Chris's mouth raised slightly.

He smiled at the Lunterdam people below the fortress and said, "Let's go."

With a flick of his cloak, Chris felt that he had never been so handsome as he was today.

He can go back and see the beautiful Miss Ianna again...

But, so what if I see it...

The people of Luntedan on the eastern front are still waiting to see how these stubborn wyrmlight leaders on the fortress will be eliminated by attacks from behind. Until the sun sets, they can still wait for the signal of Hardkar's victory. .

Instead, there was a huge roar.

The mountain walls on both sides of the fortress were blown open, and countless huge rubbles smashed into the fortress. In just a few minutes, the fortress was reduced to nothing.

"This is... the work of that guy Hardkar?"

The Lundtdam people on the eastern front were a little confused.

They thought it was caused by Hardkar's attack.

Long Hui was finished, they thought, but when they wanted to move in, they found that huge rocks blocked the mountain road to the east.

"That fool Hadkar!"

Leaving behind the angry voices of the orcs on the eastern front, Chris rushed to fight the large army.

Next, they have an important plan.

The flames did not go out until night, and burned for a whole day.

However, when dawn shone on the mountain road, it was discovered that only a part of the Longhui Territory citizens were busy here. They were not clearing the mountain road, but constantly building roadblocks and setting traps from the east.

Except for the two security teams composed of more than 20 people, the knights and temple knights of the Longhui Territory are not here.

Tens of thousands of the more than 200,000 territorial residents also left at this time.

These people went to the west side.

This was a bold plan, the work of their beloved lord.

Bold, but effective.

The result was the burnt corpses on the ground and the annihilation of 20,000 Luntedan people.

There could be prisoners, but Xiu Yin did not say anything. The trauma caused by the Luntedan people to the southern part of the continent can only be healed with their glory.

Either roasted by flames, or pierced by ruthless crossbow bolts and spears, this is the end of the twenty thousand elite Luntedan.


It's this era.

Xiu Yin could only promise them that their descendants would never live this kind of life of killing and licking blood.

The army went all the way west, not far to the south of Keha Mountain Road, which was the first important city of Lunterdam, Illidan City.

Since the southern part of the continent has been controlled by Illidan, these places that should have been the border with humans now have no patrol teams.

The troops marched all the way, except for the symbolic resistance of a few injured Lunterdan warriors in the villages and towns along the way. It was not until they came to Illidan City that the orcs discovered that an army of tens of thousands was actually in their hinterland!

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