Full Time Mage Lord

Chapter 649 Blood and Fire Mercenary Group II

After a day of discussions, or rather quarrels, Xiuyin was hungry for a day. Finally, with the unanimous consent of several ministers, which was also the rare ministers who unanimously agreed without any differences, it was time to eat!

I hadn't seen Ianna for a long time, and they were supposed to enjoy their time together, but Tifa was sitting at the dining table, which made the atmosphere extremely awkward.

Xiu Yin also looked embarrassed and didn't even know what to say at this time.

Fortunately, Ianna's delicious food instantly conquered Tifa's taste buds.

"Wow, this is delicious! Brother Xiuyin, you have such a good one... Well, when are you going to get married!"

Xiuyin and Yianna looked embarrassed when they heard this. Xiuyin hurriedly changed the subject, "Hey, little Tifa, why don't you stay in the imperial city and run around in this crappy place like mine?"

"Hmph, Brother Xiuyin, don't think that I, a woman, don't understand anything. I came to Longhui Territory along the way. The one who was most praised in the songs of the bards was no longer the goddess of wisdom, but their great young leader, Xiu Yin. Because of Neumann!”

"That's all they talked about when they were idle!" Xiu Yin quickly explained.

"Don't lie to me, brother Xiuyin, I've seen it all. Even in the imperial city now, the faces of the people in charge don't show a kind of happiness here. I am even more determined. Only if I come, Xiuyin can you save him."

Of course Xiuyin knew who Tifa was talking about.

Trogg, the emperor of the Star Empire.

"Tifa, don't worry, I will save the imperial capital from the crisis. In this way, you can go back tomorrow and let His Majesty feel at ease. The Dragon Splendor Leader will not let down the glory of the empire!"

Seeing that Xiu Yin spoke resolutely, Tifa stopped talking.

The next day, when Xiu Yin woke up, it was already noon. Yianna saw that he was sleeping soundly and did not wake him up.

Tifa rushed back to the imperial capital early in the morning as Xiu Yin said, and Xiu Yin felt much more at ease.

The meeting was held again in the afternoon, and the ministers were still noisy.

Finance Minister Reiner, who did not speak yesterday, also expressed his position at this time.

"Lord, the current situation of Longhui Territory is just a balance of payments, but once a war is launched, a large number of young people will inevitably participate in the logistics work, and the balance within the territory that has been finally established will be broken. As for other disadvantages, I think the factors will become more and more prominent. If there is a war in the front and something happens in the rear, Lord, I think not having a war will obviously be beneficial to the development of Longhui Territory!"

Before Reiner could finish his words, Foreign Minister Milner jumped up immediately, "Lord, if nothing else, you have just been made a Grand Duke. If you refuse to serve the Xinghui Royal Family, people will be distracted. I want to say This is exactly what Longhui will look like in the future!"

The next person to speak was indeed Paro.

"Lord, even if you take advantage of the crisis in the imperial capital, will your lord stay in the imperial capital and wait for the celebration banquet? There are few examples in the history of the mainland of subordinates overcoming superiors, but there are countless virtuous people who were killed for their great achievements. number!"

As soon as Paro finished saying this, the quarrels subsided a lot.

Paro has made it very clear that when the crisis in the imperial capital is over, Lord Xiuyin will be in crisis. If anyone continues to make war statements at this time, isn't it because he wants his lord to take risks? !

Ministers would not be so stupid, so as before, when the most difficult problem to solve arises, everyone's eyes turn to Xiu Yin.

"We have always been arguing about these issues. Now, let me talk about the collection back from Lunterdam."

Everyone suddenly realized that Lord Xiuyin had just returned from Luntedan, and Reby immediately saw the wolf knight who came back with Xiuyin!

"This is Cass from the Blood and Fire Mercenary Group. He will advance and retreat with us from now on!"

Only then did everyone realize that while everyone was quarreling with red faces and thick necks, a dwarf was sitting in an inconspicuous position.

The location is inconspicuous to begin with, and the height of the dwarf makes it...

"Hey, you're welcome, I like the wyrmprint, and I like the dwarves here even more!"

Cass said while looking in Moffett's direction.

When he came back yesterday, Cass had already fought with Malphite and conquered Malphite with just two boxes of fruit wine. Cass felt very proud.

"Bloodfire Mercenary Group!"

Hearing this name, some of the ministers remembered, "The Bloodfire Mercenary Group has wolf cavalry!"

"Hey, someone really remembers my little possessions!" Cass's voice was full of pride. He did not have the glory of a knight. In his eyes, only his mercenary group could have the best possible outcome.

Leo provides him with a direction.

If Xiu Yin didn't come to Illidan Territory, Leo would find a way to get Cass and the others to go to Dragon Glory Territory, and would write a letter in his own hand.

But God is not as good as man. Leo never dreamed that Xiu Yin would take the initiative to come to Luntedan Plain, a place regarded as a barbaric place by humans.

So just like going with the flow, the Blood Fire Mercenary Group followed Xiu Yin to Longhui Territory smoothly.

Originally, Captain Cass still had some grudges, but seeing that his compatriots, Malphite, were enjoying noble treatment here, Cass made up his mind to stay here!

Cass originally established the Blood and Fire Mercenary Group in order to allow the races on the mainland that were oppressed by the human race to establish their own paradise. Of course, paradise is a bit difficult, but it is still possible to live a carefree life in a tavern all day long.

So Cass quickly organized a team of dozens of people, including dwarves, orcs, goblins, and elves. In short, they were looked down upon by the human race. In the end, they even joined the humans, because there were different people everywhere. equality.

When Cass's team expanded to hundreds of people, there was civil strife in Lunderdam, and his Bloodfire Mercenary Group quickly created a reputation.

But Cass knew very well that Lunderdam was not a promised land.

Only in the north, only in the fertile land, can these marginalized people find the meaning of existence.

Needless to say, when Cass's team entered Navaran, all the members were screaming.

The train was the first thing they saw.

He looked like a city official and asked dirty laborers to help load and unload the goods... This was impossible in Lunderdam.

Cass's team wanted to stay, and soon the city's defense team helped them arrange their tents in less than half a day.

This is efficiency!

Mercenaries are usually lazy, but they value efficiency more than commission!

Cass decided to stay here.

Therefore, Xiu Yin has an extra bargaining chip in his hand that he has never had before, and it is also a bargaining chip that will affect the balance of the future!

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