Full Time Mage Lord

Chapter 510 Gaiden: Eternal Dragon Rider Dragon Rider Eternal Seventeen

He doesn't understand the mutated virus, but...

He knew a plan.


Although others don't know what the latest biochemical warriors look like, Yang Wenli knows that the current biochemical warriors have achieved some research results. Unless ion beam weapons can cause a certain degree of damage to them, there are only neutron cannons. can destroy them.

The ability of a single soldier to fight without mecha equipment will definitely lead to death!

But what is the connection between biochemical warriors and a virus?

Dulac continued, "But there is one thing that is very strange, and that is through the observation of brain waves, this person named Ham is dreaming, and he has dreams with memories!"

Dream? !

Yang Wenli is getting more and more confused...

"Doctor Dulac, this young man must be strictly isolated and record data at all times. If there is an emergency, directly back up the database!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Yang Wenli left the medical cabin. He still had more things to do. If this young man from Ham was really infected with the A virus, Yang Wenli had to start plan B...

In the endless darkness, Reinhardt wandered around. After being pulled into a different dimension by the black hole, the crazy cosmic storm quickly tore him into pieces. Even the body of a god could not resist it.

But Reinhardt's Dragon Soul Sea of ​​​​Consciousness was still there. He felt that he had become a strange shape without arms and legs, only consciousness. He could not speak or see things, but he could feel that he was floating and drifting in the universe. With.

Where is it?

Where is next?

Where is the left again?

Where is the right again?

Alas, the universe is really big...

Reinhard was very curious whether his sigh would spit out such a small storm in the universe.

There is no time, and there is no way to know time. Everything is darkness, and darkness is everything.

Finally, Reinhard suddenly felt a hint of warmth.

"So warm..."

Reinhard thought that if he had arms and legs, it would be like swimming in a swimming pool.

He tried his best to get closer to the warm place.

That's what he thought in his heart, but in fact, he did feel the warmth approaching, and it was... getting closer!

Didi - didi didi -



"Captain Yang Wen-li asks you to rush to the bridge immediately. Captain Yang Wen-li asks you to rush to the bridge immediately..."

Yang Wenli was suddenly awakened by the sound of sirens in his sleep, and the lights in the room turned red.

Red light flashed everywhere, and Yang Wenli finally realized, "Something happened!?"

He hurriedly got dressed and rushed along the passageway inside the mothership to the bridge, not forgetting to straighten his captain's hat on the way.

The traditional marine captain's hatband dating back thousands of years is enough to prove the Yang Wenli family's sailor tradition.

It's just that it's hard to find oceans on Blue Star now. The only two remaining oceans have been protected as endangered ecosystems. The only one that can be conquered now is probably this vast sea of ​​​​stars.

It's just that Yang Wenli is not in the mood now. If Plan B is carried out, this mothership will probably...


As soon as they entered the bridge door, a female correspondent immediately turned around and reported, "An unknown energy field was found at coordinates c123g987, similar to a space jump."

"A visitor?"

Yang Wen-li was a little nervous. According to the information provided by the Laixing Federation, the visitor's space battleship had basically been identified. It was a powerful military system much higher than the Laixing civilization.

"No, there is no ship shadow!" the female correspondent replied.

No ship shadow?

Yang Wenli was a little confused. The detector was detecting energy, the energy source of the visitor... How could it go wrong?

"Start Plan B, I order the Alice II space carrier to enter Plan B!"

Without any hesitation, the female correspondent immediately came to her senses and shouted through the headset on her head, "Plan B is activated, repeat, Plan B is activated..."

Reinhard has been chasing that warmth for a long time, at least that's what he thought. It's just that a long time has passed and the warmth has become stronger and stronger, but...

Still out of reach.

It took a long time, maybe a second, maybe a minute, maybe an hour, maybe a day, or more likely a year. In short, Reinhard felt that he was close to that warm place.


Didi didi——

All the lights in the mothership were switched to red lights, and the alarm sounded loudly in the mothership again.

"Captain, A energy response..." The correspondent looked at the display in front of him in disbelief. He was stunned and could not close his mouth for a while.

"What's wrong!?" The captain placed his hands firmly on the armrests of the captain's seat. What he had expected was coming.

"Distance, distance is zero!"


Now the entire bridge staff looked at the female communicator in horror. They really hoped that the mothership's detector was malfunctioning.

The first mate, Copernicus, who is sixty years old, has been standing beside the captain. In fact, he has reached the age of retirement, but he is unwilling to not see the visitors and the future of the Blue Star Federation. Shelter.

"How suitable is Plan B?" Copernicus suddenly asked at this time.

"The degree of adaptability of Plan B...100%!" The female correspondent also felt unbelievable. You must know that the launch of Plan B has only lasted two planetary weeks, how could it be full so quickly..."

The first mate Copernicus and the captain Yang Wenli looked at each other. From the eyes of the two men, they could see the same determination, even though they were twice as old as each other.

Plan b begins...

At this time, an electronic synthesized sound could be heard throughout the mothership.

Against the backdrop of a starry universe, the Alice II aircraft carrier seems to have grown longer...

No, a football-shaped hull is slowly detaching from its half.

"Captain, the creation satellite has been separated!"

The correspondent turned around again and confirmed with Yang Wenli.

Yang Wen-li nodded and stood up, "The Creation Satellite starts a random space jump. The target is the A galaxy. All the sounds and images in this battleship are sealed into the black box..."



Behind Yang Wen-li, the bridge door seemed to be being hit by a huge external force. The titanium alloy door was knocked out of shape in these three sounds. If it hits a few more times, the bridge will definitely be breached.

There was a sneer on the corner of Yang Wen-li's mouth, and the same was true for the first officer standing beside him. From the captain's seat, he could see the surveillance pictures of the entire mothership, and the surveillance pictures of the medical cabin, as early as when the zero-distance response just appeared. It was already a snowflake.

The first mate slowly took out a musket from his arms. Firearms from the old era are sometimes more effective than particle beams. After turning on the safety, the first mate pointed the gun at the captain's temple, "Captain Yang Wenli, you need me. Help?"

Yang Wenli saw that the black box program had been detached and the Genesis satellite had entered the subspace transmission state. He pressed his fingerprint without regret, and the entire mothership's data began to enter clearing mode.

After adjusting his captain's hat, Yang Wen-li said slightly, "Of course, isn't your mission exactly like this..."

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