Full Time Mage Lord

Chapter 485 Gaiden: Eternal Dragon Rider Glory of the Dragon Part 5

"Old guy, now that your disciple is loyal to the third prince, is it possible that I want to kill my disciple? The prince is the legitimate successor. In the history of the Eternal Empire for thousands of years, the prince has ascended the throne. What's wrong with this? ?! Why are you stopping me? No, I’m going to kill this little beast. He’s young and doesn’t know how to serve the country with loyalty, so he will imitate others’ rebellion!”

Fang Xiuli was looking at Richard Bowman with an angry face.

"Why do you say that the prince must be the emperor? I like the third prince, and I am happy to help Reinhard to ascend to the throne. What do you want to do?"

Richard shouted not to be outdone.

"I...I want to duel with you!"

Fang Xiuli rolled up his sleeves, revealing his bony arms underneath, and staggered forward to rush forward and fight Richard hand-to-hand.

However, this action obviously aroused ridicule from Richard's group opposite. Fortunately, everyone at the Magic Court hurriedly stopped the old man's crazy move.

"Old bastard, if you think you live too long, I don't mind giving you a sure kill. Hahaha, look at your virtue. You are still old...old...I want to challenge you to a duel. Hahaha, it's so funny. "

As Richard said this, he imitated Fang Xiuli's behavior just now, making everyone in the Magic Court so angry that they were ready to move.

"Okay! Everyone, please be quiet. I asked you to be quiet. Are you all deaf?"

The dean's roar almost broke through the surrounding magic shield!

The dean's majesty made the people around him quiet down immediately.

The dean touched his beardless chin and was very satisfied. After a while, he continued, "Well, what you just said makes sense, but the Magic Court has the principles of the Magic Court, and the Soul Technique Academy has the principles of the Soul Technique Academy. Who do you listen to? Don’t you have to listen to me? I’m going to explain it now. You all go back to teach and educate people. For a bunch of old guys, who gets the throne? It’s not the business of his Eternal Empire family. It has nothing to do with you. What's the relationship? In the past thousand years, except for the time when the college was involved in an imperial crisis five hundred years ago, the college has never interfered in any imperial affairs in the past five hundred years. This is what the college should really do!"

Picking up a glass of water on the table and taking a big sip, the dean looked at these old guys who had settled down and said, "As for the prince, why don't you care about the third prince? Reinhardt is our knight academy." students, and they are still good prospects. The current situation is chaotic, and there are many forces involved. How can you make generalizations and be blinded by the immediate interests? So I decided that tomorrow’s ceremony, no matter what the situation, our Knight Academy The senior management just needs to keep silent, students, they have dreams they are chasing, success or failure is their business, do you all understand?"

After listening to the dean's words, everyone felt that it made sense. After all, whoever becomes the emperor does not have his or her turn to speak, but his students must be protected no matter what, and no mistakes can be made. With the current strength of the Knight Academy, even if the abyss comes, A group of powerful undead generals and undead souls will not be ignored either.

Seeing everyone nodding in agreement, the dean still did not forget to yell in the end, "Then you all - get out of here!"

The dean drank a whole cup of tea in one breath, and the office was quite quiet!

At dawn, the imperial capital was in an uproar.

Many citizens got up early and gathered around the Imperial City, looking up at the Eternal Altar, the tallest building in the Imperial City and the site of today's enshrinement, hoping to catch a glimpse of the prince who was about to become the king.

However, the Imperial City Guards were tightly guarded and dispersed these citizens to prevent spies from being mixed in and affecting the large group of people heading to the Eternal Altar.

At the gate of the imperial city, groups of guards wearing heavy armor carefully inspected the passing officials one by one. Today was an extremely special day. The emperor ordered that all civil and military officials not carry weapons into the city.

On the other side, the Royal Knights were all riding on the best war horses in the empire, wearing bright red attires and holding colorful banners. They lined up to wait on both sides of the road below the Eternal Altar. The breeze passed by, and the banners were flying. Dancing in the wind is really beautiful.

Hundreds of inner court guards guarded the Eternal Altar, standing guard every ten steps, in sharp contrast to the Imperial Guards that lined the city wall in the distance.

The sun gradually rose in the morning, and a large number of civil and military officials, as well as teachers from the Royal Knights Academy and those enforcing the title of Zen, had gathered at the Eternal Altar.

Reinhard accompanied the prince and stood on one side of the eternal altar.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is wearing a golden python and brocade robe, and an exquisite leather armor is worn on the outside. This is the tradition of the Eternal Empire. Eternal has been a country since the era of chaos. Force and glory have always been the foundation of the empire. Therefore, even the emperor also has force. Not weak.

The prince was in high spirits, and officials around him kept coming to congratulate him and express their loyalty to the prince. Some even directly recommended their own daughters to marry the emperor.

The third prince not far away was being ignored by everyone. He didn't mind, and looked around unhurriedly, with a calm demeanor. Only occasionally when he looked at the prince, his eyes suddenly shone.

Most of the morning passed, and the bailiff's voice finally sounded, "Your Majesty has arrived..."

As the sound fell, a cavalry team wearing golden inner court armor was seen slowly approaching from a distance.

In the middle of the team was a chariot, in which sat the old emperor of the Eternal Empire.

At this moment, he was hugging the empress while struggling to eat the fruit brought by the servants. The way he chewed it made people worry whether his old teeth would fall out.

Beside the chariot, Holy Knight Matthew is riding on a tall horse with a broad sword at his waist. He is also the only person in the imperial city who can carry weapons besides the regular army. Today, his task is to protect the emperor. safety.

It has become obvious that the emperor and the empress have power over the harem, and now that his son is about to ascend the throne as the emperor, everyone is now thinking about how to curry favor with him. Naturally, no one is stupid enough to think about the empress confounding the emperor.

The emperor came to the eternal altar. With the support of the empress, he shook his legs slightly and sat at the top.

When the officials below saw these situations, they couldn't help but look at each other, and they all understood in their hearts that although the emperor's decision was a bit hasty, it was right. In the history of the empire, emperors passed their positions to their sons before they died. Now the emperor's body is No wonder he was so impatient to pass on the throne to the crown prince.

"Eternal glory be with the Emperor!"

Seeing the Great Emperor, everyone on the Eternal Altar and below immediately knelt down and worshiped.

The emperor held his breath and couldn't shout. He could only wave his hands. The emperor said in words, "Your Majesty, no courtesy."

Seeing the important ministers getting up after listening to her words, the Empress felt extremely proud and continued, "The Emperor is unwell and cannot issue the order in person, so I will pass it on. Everything will be arranged by the ceremonial officer! Perform the ceremony!"

After the Empire finished speaking, he stood up and knelt down in the direction of the Eternal Altar, and others followed suit.

After the ceremony, the Empress stood up, looked around at the crowd, and said according to the emperor's imperial edict, "Today, I am the crown prince, His Highness Barossa. The eternal empire, the glory will shine forever, and the glory will last forever!"

"The glory is with the Emperor, and the eternal glory is with the Emperor!"

Everyone under the altar shouted in unison.

But immediately a different voice came in, and everyone looked up. It was Matthew.

He was seen holding the big sword at his waist and wearing bright silver light armor. He lowered his head slightly, stood in front of the old king, and said, "Emperor, Empress, I have something unclear, please ask the Emperor to clarify my confusion!"

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