Full Time Mage Lord

Chapter 450 Gaiden: Eternal Dragon Rider IV

The Royal Knights Academy of the Eternal Empire is the oldest, largest, and most famous school in the three major provinces that integrates soul skills, blacksmithing, blacksmithing, art, and other majors.

Knights are the top talents in the entire empire, and they are naturally trained in a comprehensive way. Therefore, if you can enter the knight academy, it is equivalent to having half a foot in the middle class society.

Of course, it's only half a foot, and whether it can be fully covered is not easy.

As early as hundreds of years ago, after the war between the human race and the Luntedan people, the Warcraft clan, and the undead clan, the people of the Eternal Empire faced a large loss of talents within the country, so they opened this training center for nobles and royal members. The academy for talents—the Royal Knights Academy of the Eternal Empire.

In the past hundred years, many imperial elites such as Paladins Omega, Alpha, Beta, etc. have appeared in the Knight Academy.

As the first dean of the Knight Academy, he was also the first emperor of the Eternal Empire, Michael.

The Eternal Empire was admired by the world, and the eternal glory began to shine on the continent.

Huge stone sculptures carved in the image of Michael I were placed in front of the palace and at the entrance of the Knights Academy for generations of students to admire and admire.

Members who can enter the Knight Academy will all be the future elites of the empire after graduation, and they may also be newly promoted nobles. A large number of nobles want their children to enter the Royal Knight Academy to revitalize their families in the future. Glory is the highest.

At the very least, knighthood is glory.

However, in the past hundred years, as members of the royal family and nobility have been recruited, and the recruitment is very strict, the number of students has gradually decreased, so that there has not been a strong person who has reached the status of a paladin in a hundred years, so a few decades ago In the war, the fighting power of the human race made other intelligent races look down upon, and they were even ready to attack the human race.

The best knights who have graduated from the academy in recent years are no more than earth knights.

Until the empire changed the enrollment system of the Knight Academy, the academy began to open to the entire empire, and even the entire continent. Anyone, even a Lunterdan or an elf clan member, as long as they could speak and communicate, could enter the academy.

However, some also need to pay a part of the fee. This fee can also greatly alleviate the economic pressure within the empire.

Guderian, a strong man in the paladin realm, came from the Knight Academy, was an earl, and was awarded the highest honor of the empire.

Of course, all this is to greatly inspire the ordinary people. The annual knight academy assessment in early summer is the most lively moment in Tianluo City, the imperial capital that has just changed.

Local nobles and commoners took the exam, and even the other two major provinces sent students to take the exam in order to get a chance to enter the best knight academy in the human kingdom.

The Knight Academy does not recruit many students every year. There is no certain number, but it usually does not exceed two hundred. If there are too many students, the academy's resources are limited and it cannot concentrate on cultivating them.

People who graduate from the Knight Academy are often the brains of the military, so this number is already quite large.

Children of the royal family and some powerful nobles can enter the Knight Academy without taking exams, while the few remaining places are selected from the children of declining nobles and common people.

Today, it is estimated that there are more than 10,000 people taking the exam, so there are very few children who can actually enter the Knight Academy, and most of the children are being eliminated.

And a small number of children who are selected to enter the Knight Academy may not necessarily have amazing achievements. Relatively speaking, as long as they can graduate from the Knight Academy, they are almost in the standard knight or great knight status.

You can also obtain corresponding positions in the empire's military establishment and escape from the poor life of civilians, but to continue upward and become a noble, you still need meritorious service or something else.

The annual examination is divided into preliminary examination and re-examination.

Judging from the number of people this year, the preliminary examination takes about ten days, and about a thousand people are assessed every day. Usually, after the first round, only one out of ten children can pass and enter the re-examination.

The re-examination only takes one day, and the remaining thousands of children are screened. In the end, often only a hundred children pass.

In other words, out of a hundred children, only one will be selected to study at the Knight Academy.

Moreover, the Royal Knights Academy only accepts teenagers under the age of fourteen, and those over this age cannot register.

As for committing fraud, that is treason and will be directly sent to the stake...

Of course, someone had done this in history. When the smell of his burnt meat spread throughout the streets of the imperial capital, no one dared to hide it again in a hundred years.

It is generally believed that the age of fourteen is the best time to discover soul power.

Some people are born with soul power, while for more people, the power of soul power is dormant and requires certain external factors.

The Knight Academy is endowed with this external factor.

As for whether you can master better soul power and reach different levels of knights, it depends on your own abilities...

Reinhardt and Jessica, who had sold all their valuables, paid the registration fee, took the numbers assigned for the exam, and were standing in the crowd, looking up at the magic on the wall of the Knight Academy. Rune Announcement.

Magic was first defined as witchcraft. After debates between some scholars and court wizards within the palace, the original witchcraft was finally regarded as a partial subject.

At least in the Imperial Capital, the use of magic will not be caught as a heretic. Of course, it is limited to the four normal magic systems: water, wind, earth, and fire.

If anyone dares to expose the power of darkness, he will be wiped out directly...

The magic rune notice is also a magical object that appeared in recent years to solve the problem of too many examinees. It can automatically glow. Even if you stand behind the crowd, as long as your eyes are not particularly short-sighted, you can see clearly. , the same is true for the emergency announcement of the imperial capital.

Reinhard applied for the Soul Technique Academy, and he recommended Jessica to apply for the Arcane Academy, which is to learn the power of magic.

Jessica's thin body really did not make Reinhard think that she could be an outstanding warrior.

The numbers in their hands are 587 and 595 respectively.

After reading the announcement for a long time, I finally understood the content of the exam.

It took half a day for Reinhardt and Jessica to find the place where they were going to take the exam. Like other civilian children from other places, they all found a place in the big square in front of the Knight Academy, because these children didn't have any I had money to stay in a hotel in the imperial capital, so the square was used as a resting place these days.

The school did not drive them away. The college understood that there might be a paladin among these children. The one at the beginning was a poor man, although this hope has passed for nearly a hundred years...

Reinhard bought some food, ate when he was hungry, and took a nap when he was sleepy. In the large square where the crowds were buzzing, the slightly cold night temperature in early summer was warmed by the popularity, so the time passed fairly well. quick.

Using the time before the exam, Reinhardt insisted on practicing every night. The practice method in the Dragon Diary, Reinhardt believed, was the key to becoming a knight.

Today is finally their turn to take the test.

Jessica, who was leaning on Reinhardt's lap, rubbed her sleepy eyelids and looked up at the sky. It was soon going to be exam time. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Brother Reinhardt, what if we fail the exam?"

Jessica didn't sleep well these days. Every time she dreamed of herself and Reinhardt being eliminated, then living on the streets, becoming beggars, and finally being sold to the mines as child labor. Finally, she endured He couldn't help but express what was most worrying in his heart.

"Don't worry. Even if we fail the exam, we will go to Yueyao Province in the south. It is said that there is a war with the Luntedam people there. I will become a soldier and kill the enemy and perform meritorious service. Life will definitely be wonderful then."

Reinhardt comforted Jessica with a smile.

However, he knew very well whether Yue Yao's army would recruit children as young as fourteen years old like him. Reinhard felt that it was not too late to work hard on the exams before considering other things, otherwise it would be too late. If one thing is not done well, then you constantly think about the future. That is a waste of time...

After eating some of the little food left, I had another conversation with Jessica. It was very close to the exam time.

Reinhard and Jessica got up and walked around the crowds in the square towards the exam location.

After entering the Knight Academy, Reinhard comforted and encouraged Jessica some more, and then came to the examination location of the Soul Technique Academy.

At this moment, the entrance to the examination room was crowded with children who came here to take the examination. Looking at their clothes, they were all civilian children in shabby clothes.

A staff member from the college came out to maintain order and loudly announced the order and precautions for the exam.

"Children, please be quiet and listen to me."

Seeing that the children gradually calmed down, the staff member continued, "This year's Soul Technique Academy exams are divided into ten people at a time. Please remember your number and come in when it is passed to you. If If there are any irregularities in entering the exam early or late, then it will be considered as a failure. Okay, everyone, please line up, don't make any noise, only those who hear their number come in."

Reinhard found a seat, sat down, and waited slowly. He wanted to calm down the tension in his heart. He was also worried about Jessica.

At this time, a tall man wearing civilian clothes came over and sat down next to Reinhardt. At the same time, he did not forget to say hello to Reinhardt and said, "Hey, brother, you are also participating in this soul meeting." He took the technical college exam."

This is not nonsense. What can I do if I don’t take the exam here?

Reinhard couldn't help but think.

But he still looked up at the tall man.

This guy must be more than a head taller than me. If it weren't for the childish look on his face, it would be hard to believe that he is less than fourteen years old.

"My name is Good, hey, what's your name?"

"My name is Reinhardt. By the way, are you really not fourteen years old yet?" Reinhardt still couldn't believe that this guy's real age was not fourteen years old. You should know how terrible it is to lie about your age.

"Well, I'm only twelve years old, how about it? I'm very strong, haha. It's also because of this that my father rushed me to come to the Knight Academy to take the exam. Otherwise, I wouldn't come here. It's really boring." De said.

Although it was a bit unbelievable, they gradually started chatting.

Goode is not a local, but a child of a remote town.

Because he was too strong since he was young, he often caused trouble for his father. Recently, he hit the grocery store owner's child and almost killed the boy. His father had no choice but to drive Goode away and let him either go to work as a miner. , or go to the Knight Academy to take the exam. He was allowed to go back to see him only after he had gained some fame.

After hearing about Reinhardt, Gude happily patted him on the shoulder. Of course, if Reinhardt hadn't practiced the contents of the book these days, this pat would have made him today. There is no way to take the exam.

"Reinhardt, you are so awesome. Since you are older than me, how about I make you the boss, hehe!"

The poorer the children, the more willing they are to make friends, because only when they are united together will they not be bullied by the rich children.

Seeing Gude's honest and honest look, Reinhard suddenly thought of Osgu, and didn't know what was happening to the three of them now.

Just as Reinhard was about to answer Goode, the teacher's announcement interrupted him, and he heard his number being called.

"Gude, it's my turn. I'll talk to you later when I come out." Reinhardt patted Gude on the shoulder and stood up to go in for the exam.

"Oh, okay boss, then I'll wait for you here." Good called the boss before Reinhard could agree.

There were ten kids on the field, including Reinhardt.

In the soul skill examination room of the Knight Academy, there was a long table placed in the middle of the examination room, with five assessment staff sitting behind it. When they saw the children coming in, they ordered the staff who had just gone out to explain the order of the examination. Nodding, indicating to him to arrange these children.

Under the instructions of the clerk, they stood in a row in order of numbers. Then, the clerk just said, "These are the assessment teachers sent by our Knight Academy this time, the teachers sitting behind the desk. They will Responsible for the selection of your results. Well, the content of this exam is divided into three items. The first item is to test strength. Did you see the stone barbell on the right? It weighs three hundred kilograms, and this Xiang asked everyone to lift the barbell. Of course, if anyone feels that they are not good enough, they can quit first. Because as long as one item fails, then today's exam will be considered failed. "

After looking around, the children were all standing there with no intention of leaving.

The children were thinking, what a joke, even if they couldn't lift it up, who would be so stupid as to give up automatically after walking such a long way.

The college teacher then continued, "Well, very good, we are all very brave children. Then, the second part of the assessment is to test your agility. Have you seen the cage on the left? After a while, you will go in one by one. After entering, the teacher will release dozens of light-feathered birds, and the bodies of the light-feathered birds will be covered with a layer of red paint, and some vanilla powder will be sprayed on your bodies. It is the favorite food of light-feathered birds. If any of you come out with paint on your body, you will be considered unqualified. Does anyone want to quit now?"

Looking at the children who were still standing there with no intention of leaving, the teacher smiled with satisfaction and then said, "Well, very good. Then I will go on to talk about the last item on the test today, which is also the most critical item. , a test of soul energy affinity. Children, you must know that in fact, there are various soul energy powers in our bodies, and everyone has this power to a greater or lesser extent. And to exert these powers, soul energy The strength of affinity is the key. Of course, soul power can be gradually accumulated the day after tomorrow, but you have to be able to feel it now. If you can't even have affinity with soul power, there will be nothing you can do about it in the future. Well, now we still have to Did anyone quit?”

As soon as he finished speaking, three or four of these children left the examination room.

Are you going to give up without trying?

Reinhardt was surprised. Of course he didn't know that the third item was the most difficult, soul affinity. In fact, Reinhardt didn't know whether he had this ability...

"Oh? It seems that these children are still very wise. Well, since you children are staying now, it means that you have enough ability, which is great." The teacher saw the remaining children He said happily.

Because there are less than ten children who can feel the affinity of soul power in the past few days since the exam began, this makes the Soul Technique Institute start to worry about whether the number of students this year is enough.

Now there were only six people left in the examination room, including Reinhardt.

"Okay, now the test begins. According to the order, we will start to test the strength first. You come up one by one and lift this barbell."

You can imagine how much strength children of fourteen years old and below have at most.

Of course, after practicing some basic soul skills, Reinhard naturally had no problem and easily lifted the barbell above his head. But he still doesn't know how much benefit that book has brought to him.

This move surprised the five teachers who were conducting the assessment. This child, who looked thin, was actually quite strong.

Yes, full marks to him this round.

Obviously, except for Reinhardt and two other kids who looked very strong, the other three were unable to lift the barbell. In this round, three more were eliminated.

Next, is testing agility.

Agility is the foundation of a knight. The first is strength, which is offense, and the second agility is dodge.

A knight who can only attack is not a good knight.

Since three students were eliminated, Reinhardt's number 587 was the first to be tested.

This is a large cage of only about twenty square meters, in the shape of a cube. After Reinhard walked in through the small door, the teacher signaled to him whether he was ready.

Reinhard nodded.

The teacher took out a black box and opened the other small door of the cage. Suddenly, a burst of red turbulence, accompanied by a chirping noise, filled the entire cage.

Reinhardt was ready before the teacher opened the cage.

After practicing these days, he could faintly feel a warm breath flowing in his chest. With a slight movement of consciousness, he could reach every part of his body according to his own thoughts.

His brain was also wrapped in a layer of such a heat flow. As long as he moved the airflow in his chest, this airflow would also be induced, making him see objects more clearly, and he could clearly see the flight paths of those flying birds. !

At this moment, he is entering that state.

The flight path and movement of the light-feathered bird that flew in slowed down a little in Reinhard's eyes, although only a little was enough.

The air flow continuously circulated in Reinhardt's limbs, making his movements faster.

With this gap between slow and fast, Reinhard easily kept dodging the light-feathered birds flying towards him.

This scene made the five teachers who were taking the assessment suddenly happy. This child is a good candidate!

Full marks for response.

The other two children opened their mouths wide when they saw Reinhard jumping up and down in the cage.


time up.

Reinhard walked out without any trace of dye on his body.

As expected, the other two children were carried out covered in dye, and were frightened when the birds and animals danced wildly.

Seeing that Reinhard was the only one left in this scene, the teacher was quite nervous because the exam was not over yet.

And we have arrived at the most critical item.

I wonder what the soul affinity of this seemingly good-looking child today is.

If it doesn't work, the Soul Technique Academy may be laughed at by the Magic Court this year.

"Reinhardt. Very good. You passed the first two tests. Congratulations first. But for this last test, I still have to remind you that this test is no better than the previous two!"

The teacher introduced the rules. Soul affinity is to see if you can sense the soul power. To put it simply, it is to use external force to interfere with Reinhardt and see whether he can resist the soul power of the outside world.

If the soul power of the outside world is resisted, the result is obvious, which can prove that the child has the foundation of soul power.

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