Full-time Lottery System

Chapter 165 Macau

"Is the current popularity value over 6,000?"

Looking at the popularity value in the system, Chen Ze muttered to himself, seeing this number, he was very happy, with a smile on his face.

Although he knew that after the live broadcast of the game, his popularity would definitely increase greatly, but he never expected that it would rise so sharply, from 2,000 to more than 6,000, a rise of 4,000 in one breath.

After understanding the system during this period of time, Chen Ze knew that the increase in popularity was not a simple increase. It was not the kind where ten people could increase one popularity, so one hundred people could increase ten popularity.

But the further the rise, the more difficult it is to increase the popularity value. But ten people can increase one popularity point, but ten popularity points need more than one hundred people, and one hundred popularity points need more than one thousand people.

That is to say, the further you go, the more people you need may increase geometrically. This is also a headache for Chen Ze. The accumulation of popularity in the front is easy to say, but the further back, the more difficult it is.

This time, when the popularity value exceeded 2,000, Chen Ze knew that it would be difficult to increase the popularity value after drawing the Gambler's Power and Gambler's Ear. I thought that at least the popularity value was over 5,000, and it would take a month or two to be able to draw a lottery again, and it might even be something that couldn't be completed even after the task time expired.

Who knew, who knew that in just a few days, they surpassed the 5,000 that could be drawn again and reached more than 6,000 popularity points.

This made Chen Ze really happy. At the same time, he also realized that the spread of this network seems to be very beneficial to the increase of popularity.

Maybe in the future when increasing popularity, the Internet and this live broadcast can be used.

But no matter what, let's go back to the present first. At this moment, Chen Ze is thinking about one thing. If his popularity exceeds 5,000, he can draw another lottery.

So he was very happy, and immediately opened his mouth in the system: "System, I can draw the lottery again."

"Of course, the popularity value has exceeded 5,000, host, of course you can draw another lottery." The system's mechanical voice came out.

"That's great, then I'll start the lottery draw."

With that said, Chen Ze came to the lottery page, and started to draw a lottery. Immediately, the lottery page flickered.

"God of Gamblers' Eyes, God of Gamblers Rolling Dice, God of Gamblers Cut Cards, just give me one of these.


Looking at the flickering pages, Chen Ze muttered to himself.

During this period of time, he actually had some understanding of the skills of the God of Gamblers, and he knew that the remaining more important ones were these few. There are many other skills, but they are not as important as these skills.

With all these skills, you can basically approach the realm of the God of Gamblers, and you can use the power of the God of Gamblers.

Therefore, Chen Ze's goal this time is none other than one of these few.

Slowly, the flickering page stopped. Then four large characters were displayed on the page: "The Hand of the God of Gamblers."

Following the four big characters, as always, there is a row of small characters explaining: "The hand of the God of Gamblers, the hands of the God of Gamblers. Owning the hands of the God of Gamblers is equivalent to possessing the gambling skills that the God of Gamblers use with both hands."

"Gambling, the hand of the God of Gamblers?"

Seeing this skill, Chen Ze was shocked. Then, an ecstatic expression appeared on his face: "The Hand of the God of Gamblers, this is the hand of the God of Gamblers. Hahaha, how could I forget, the God of Gamblers still has such a skill."

The hands of the God of Gamblers, just like the explanation in the small print, are the hands of the God of Gamblers. Having the hand of the God of Gamblers is equivalent to learning all the gambling skills that can be used with both hands.

Then there is no need to draw dice rolls or card cuts anymore, this God of Gambler's Hand contains these skills. It can be said that the skills drawn this time can be compared to several times in the past.

Therefore, Chen Ze was very happy, and laughed excitedly: "Hahaha, now I am completely relieved, with the hand of the God of Gamblers, plus the ear of the God of Gamblers drawn before, the luck of the God of Gamblers, the The power of the gods, this is almost gathering the skills of the God of Gamblers. If this is the case, then this trip to Macau, and even the champion of this international competition, is completely out of the picture."

Ding ding ding!

Just when Chen Ze was laughing excitedly, Chen Ze's cell phone rang. He took it out and saw that it was Fang Qing calling.

Although he didn't know what Fang Qing meant by calling him, Chen Ze vaguely felt that this would be another good thing.

"Hi, it's me." Chen Ze answered the phone.

"Good news, good news, Chen Ze, your Hong Kong and Macau travel permit has been processed. Thanks to my classmates working there, I expedited the processing for you, so it can be processed so quickly." Fang Qing smiled.

"Great, really great." Hearing Fang Qing's words, Chen Ze murmured to himself. He is really happy today, it can be said that it is double happiness.

"The Gambler's Hand is also available, and the passport has been issued. Now, it's time to go to Macau."

Chen Ze muttered to himself, and after going to get back the Hong Kong and Macau Pass, Chen Ze immediately bought a high-speed rail ticket and drove towards the location of Macau.


"Is this Macau?"

Coming out of the train station, Chen Ze looked around and said.

This was his first visit to Macau. Although Macau was famous in the past, he had never been here. If it wasn't for this match, maybe he wouldn't be here for quite a while.

Therefore, Chen Ze was very interested at the moment, looking around.

But in fact, there is nothing to see in Macau, the location is too small, and the infrastructure is not much better than that of the mainland. The only thing Chen Ze is interested in is the casinos in Macau.

There are more than 20 casinos in Macau, which cater to gamblers from mainland China, Hong Kong and even Southeast Asia. Every one of them is doing very well. There is even a saying that Macau relies on gambling.

And Chen Ze has also heard of the legend of Macau since he was a child, so he is very curious about this place, and has long wanted to learn more about it. He wants to know what is going on with the casino in Macau and whether it is the same as the one in the legend. .

So after arriving in Macau, he walked straight towards a casino without stopping.

But when he was about to enter the casino, Chen Ze frowned, and another question came to his mind:

"After all, how can I get one of the three representatives?"

The representatives of this competition are selected by the major casinos all over the world, and Chen Ze knows that he has no contacts here. To get this representative right, Chen Ze knows that it is very difficult.

And now, he has not thought of a way. (To be continued.)

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