Full-level Director

Chapter 88 Winning

"Hello Director Lin, I'm Guna."

A woman with a ball head, delicate and sweet face, and a white fishtail dress stood in front of Lin Juan and greeted him.

To be honest, when I saw Guna, Lin Juan had a thought in his mind, that is, if she was the heroine when filming "Journey to the Center of the Earth", would it be more suitable?

This vase is really beautiful.

Lin Juan secretly remembered her, smiled and nodded.



"Who is this guy?"

At table No. 26, a blond white old man asked his companions, this crew is the crew of "Black Front Man" who competed with "Hou Yi", and the director of this old white man is regarded as a second-tier director in Hollywood.

The actors around them didn't know, but the Huaxia translator they hired said: "This is a young director who just debuted in our country last year. The cumulative box office of the two films has already reached 5.5 billion yuan."

"Oh." The group looked at Lin Juan with some admiration, and a fair-skinned Dutch actress with blue eyes said with a smile, "Maybe we should also get to know each other."

The white director glanced at Lin Juan, asked the translator about the themes of the two movies in detail, and laughed when he found out, "So he made a superhero movie? Hahaha, your Chinese superhero movies can only come out of mythology." In China, there is no market for your sci-fi series in the world.”

The translator nodded with an embarrassing smile on his face, but he secretly scolded the other party for his arrogance in his heart, but he couldn't help but feel that what the other party said was the truth.

When mentioning superheroes, the first thing that comes to mind must be Hollywood's DM series, and it's no wonder the other party is so arrogant. Strictly speaking, Huaxia's mythical universe is not a superhero, it's just a series of universes.

Hollywood superheroes have long been popular around the world.

Now domestic sci-fi films are starting to make their mark internationally, but the momentum is still a bit weak.

Seeing this, the old white man smiled and joked to his companions: "If his superhero movie dares to be released in North America, then he will know what failure is."

There was a lot of laughter.


Here, Lin Juan smiled and chatted with many celebrities who were introduced by Zhang Shan and others. Among them, he chatted best with Deng Chao, and other celebrities always felt a little awkward.

It's not good to stand here all the time. Everyone chatted briefly, and after getting to know each other, they returned to their seats. When Lin Juan was sitting, people kept looking over and even saying hello, but what Lin Juan really remembered was Actually not many.

Every time this kind of ceremony is actually a grand social occasion, depending on the level of the ceremony, the people who hold the tickets are also different. Now the people sitting here are basically the top part of the Huaguo entertainment circle. It exploded, and the outstanding output of Huaxia movies will decrease a lot in the next few years.

Amid all the turmoil, the grand ceremony began. The hosts were Teacher He and Lin Ling, the Goddess of Immortality. After some opening remarks, the award ceremony officially began, starting with the online movie session.

There are relatively few awards in this link, there are only 13 in total, and the estimated awarding time is only half an hour.

After more than ten minutes, Mr. He said on the stage: "Next is the 'Most Creative of the Year' award. There are four films shortlisted this time, so which four are they? Please watch the big screen."

After the clips of the two films, the picture style of the third part is quite different.

Grainy pixels, gloomy tones.

It is Lin Juan's "Going Home"!

Lin Juan sat under the stage and watched the big screen, a little distracted, thinking that it would be great if he could invite his grandparents to the scene...

The screen flashed back several highlights, the classic movie frame, Lin Juan running out of the room in a panic, the turning camera, the door opened for no reason, and the final scene seamlessly connected, the short ten-second shot made people At this moment, many people who have not seen this movie are sweating like white hair.

But these people are afraid that they will recall the scene just now, and suddenly want to watch the full version!


"The reason for this film's selection: This film is the first mobile phone film in the world. Director Lin Juan spent three months to complete this film independently using a mobile phone. The release quickly became popular on the Internet, and it also made director Lin Juan famous in one fell swoop."

Accompanied by a thick and passionate male voice commentary, a series of data and evaluations of this movie appeared on the big screen, and the impressive results are proclaiming Lin Juan's excellence to the world.

At this time, in Jiangcheng, the whole family was watching the live broadcast on TV in Lin Juan's new house. Chen Lin was so excited that she burst into tears, and her brothers and sisters-in-law nearby comforted her.

"Why are you crying, my son is so promising."

"Let her cry for a while, and you cry too."

"Now we have a capable person in our house."


There was a lot of chatter, the house was extremely lively, and Father Lin was sitting in the corner of the sofa, watching the pictures on the TV and smoking a cigarette.

If I had a little more ability to pay for him to go to a professional school, how could the child work so hard.

Almost delayed him.


"Next, we invite our award presenter, Ms. Li Lanli from Chenguang Films, to come to the stage to announce the winner of the online movie 'Best Creative Award of the Year'!" Teacher He announced loudly.

Lin Juan in the audience showed a surprised expression, Aunt Lan? I haven't heard her say that.

"Director Lin, this is yours after all." Zhang Shan applauded excitedly.

Even Li Lan was invited to the stage. If the award was given to someone from another company, wouldn't that be an offense? How stupid people must be to arrange this.

When the nominations were just announced, Lin Juan didn't even have any real feelings, but now that Li Lan came to the stage gradually, he suddenly felt like he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

really me?

Li Lan stepped onto the stage with a gentle smile, holding an off-white card in her hand. After shaking hands with the two hosts, she stood in front of the microphone and said with a smile: "Hi everyone, I It is Li Lan, the director and manager of the purchase department of Dust Light Films."

A burst of applause rang out again, Li Lan's popularity in the circle was not low.

"Thank you everyone. Next, I will announce the winners of the Best Creative Award of the Year in the online film unit of the 32nd Golden Dragon Awards."

Li Lan took out the envelope as he spoke, glanced at the name and then turned to Lin Juan and said, "Everyone should know who the winner is when they see me on stage, right?"

Some people in the audience chuckled, some were puzzled, and some were expressionless.

"Yes, congratulations Lin Juan."

Li Lan smiled lightly and said the answer.

At this moment, she was actually proud and emotional.

At the beginning, the young man who tried hard to appear calm in the office, but was actually nervous all over his body, has now truly become a great director.

It's only been a year and a half.

What kind of person will he become in the future? Li Lan was looking forward to it.

Applause started.

Countless thoughts flashed through Lin Juan's mind for a moment, then he got up with a dumb smile, hugged Zhang Shan and others, and walked to the stage step by step.

All attention.

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