From the man behind the football king to the football king

Chapter 148 The third championship of the year

It took Real Madrid 13 minutes to get back one, but just three minutes later, Udinese opened the score again.

This was during an attack by Udinese. Bruno was pulled down by Kroos just as he dribbled the ball through the center circle. The referee blew the whistle and then awarded Udinese a frontcourt free kick.

Udinese took a quick free kick, Kante passed the football, Muriel headed the ball over, and Guilherme stepped in from the back. Guilherme, who was supposed to be roaming on the left, suddenly changed his position to the right. He pounced directly on Cross.

I saw Guilherme's deft movement of the ball with his left foot, accelerating, making an emergency stop, moving the ball again, accelerating again, two consecutive emergency stops that made Kroos breathless, and then when Guilherme started for the third time , Cross could only watch as Guilherme took the ball and killed him.

The 24-year-old German midfielder won the World Cup with the German team in Brazil, and then moved to Real Madrid. He didn't get much rest throughout the summer. He fought hard for nearly 90 minutes today, and his physical strength was basically exhausted. He was already a little tired. No more rhythm.

He just pulled Bruno down because he couldn't keep up with Bruno's progress.

After shaking hands and saying goodbye, Ronaldo suddenly came back to his senses. I remember that in his career, this guy has won one Serie B championship, one Toulon Cup championship, one World Youth Championship, one Italian Cup championship, and one Europa League championship. The championship, plus today's European Super Cup champion, has not won any runner-up!


In the next two weeks, that is, before the start of the new season, Udinese still needs to play two Champions League play-offs. Their opponents are Athletic Bilbao, fourth in La Liga last season, and the tenacious Basque team. Not an easy opponent to deal with.

The camera showed a close-up of Bruno hugging Muriel as he thanked his Colombian partner for his selfless assist.

The Real Madrid captain stretched out his right hand and said: "This time we lost the championship. If we meet in the Champions League, we will win it back."

Muriel faced the attacking Casillas without any hesitation and selflessly passed the ball. Bruno followed up and shot a low shot into the lower right corner from the edge of the penalty area.



Although it is only a warm-up European Super Cup, if Real Madrid loses to Udinese, his team will definitely suffer huge criticism and pressure.

"I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon, Bruno." UEFA President Platini shook hands with Bruno and said very happily, "Your performance was great, you scored a hat trick. You deserve the victory and the victory." champion!"

"It's okay, I'll get used to it gradually." Bruno joked.

Bruno really didn't know what to say. Ronaldo was such a weird guy. He really wanted to comfort Ronaldo just now.

When Ronaldo was thinking this, Cancelo was also asking Bruno: "Bruno, when did you win the runner-up?"

However, this is also the consistent behavior of this kid. Last year he was selected for the Portuguese national team twice, and every senior he faced was very polite.

Real Madrid players were the first to take the stage to receive their awards.

Bruno smiled and was about to speak. Ronaldo waved his hand and said, "Don't comfort me. I don't need false comfort."

After a pause, Bruno said: "If you are the one who miserably received the silver medal, you will be more eager to win and cherish every opportunity before the final whistle sounds."

Although Serie A will not start until the last day of August, and the Italian Super Cup will not be held before the season, Udinese's season officially begins today.

"Incredible match! Incredible Bruno Fernandez!! Incredible Udinese!!!"

"The goal was scored by Udinese's No. 8 Bruno Fernandez. He scored a hat-trick in this game!"

After the Real Madrid team received the silver medal, it was Udinese who took the stage to receive the award.

The climax came when Udinese captain Antonio Di Natale received the UEFA Super Cup trophy from UEFA President Platini, and then followed his teammates' "three, two, one" "As the countdown sounded, he raised the trophy high.

Coupled with the busy season ahead, Udinese needs to save as much energy as possible, even if the season has just begun.

Subsequently, Guidolin replaced two young men, Guillerme and Vidmont, with Badu and Pinqi to strengthen the defensive strength.

Ancelotti yelled and directed the game from the sidelines, and Real Madrid tried every means to score.

"You deserve a beating like this." Ramos said angrily.

After listening to this, Cancelo was deeply impressed and felt that what Bruno said was too reasonable. Then he asked: "What if we lose to Real Madrid and only finish second?"

In any case, Bruno's attitude still satisfied Ronaldo. The young man raised his tail in front of him after not winning.

However, Real Madrid failed to break through Udinese's defense until the end of the game, and could only reluctantly accept the result of 2:4.

With the victory basically sealed, Guidolin very rationally chose to retreat with his troops.

"Then where did you get the feeling of winning second place?" Cancelo asked again.

At least, that's what Ronaldo thinks at this moment.

The two exchanged simple greetings.

"I want to praise Muriel, the Colombian is really unselfish, he could have shot it alone, but he passed it to Bruno Fernandez who was in a better position. This is Udinese, this is coach Guidolin's The team, the atmosphere in the team is really great.”

This is also Udinese's third championship trophy in 2014.


On August 12, 2014, Udinese defeated Real Madrid 4:2 in the European Super Cup, creating a big upset and winning the 2014 European Super Cup championship trophy.

In the media area of ​​Cardiff City Stadium, commentators from all over the world exclaimed in various languages.

Forget it, since the other party said so, Bruno just went with the flow, so he said sincerely: "I understand, I understand what it feels like to stand on the runner-up podium."

"I have long said that Udinese cannot be seen as a dark horse. The Udinese team that coach Guidolin spent four years building has the ability to surprise everyone. The previous three This season, they have been at the top of the Serie A standings. Bruno Fernandez, who joined last summer, has completed the most important piece of Udinese's puzzle. They have also completed their transformation into a championship team from a spoiler! "

Bruno laughed, he was really refreshed at this moment. Being able to make fun of the Real Madrid captain like this feels like a needle-prick!

When the referee blew the whistle for the end of the game, the Cardiff City Stadium cheered loudly. More than 10,000 Udinese fans cheered, hugged, shouted and shouted wildly.

"No." Bruno shook his head.

The two have been on the same team since the Toulon Cup last summer, and he can't remember when he won runner-up.

The cheers in the stands of Cardiff City Stadium continued from Bruno's hat-trick until the end of the game.

Cristiano Ronaldo gave a bitter smile. He hated silver medals and runner-ups. He only gave trophies and gold medals to the champions. The so-called awarding of silver medals to the runner-up was simply adding salt to the wound after losing the game and humiliating him in public again.

But now this scene is actually happening in front of the whole world!

In the match against the star-studded super giant Real Madrid, Udinese actually won 4:2. In the past, would you have believed this?

"Failure is the mother of success. If you lose, life will go on." Bruno clapped his hands indifferently and said.


Guillerme dribbled the ball forward. After getting rid of the pursuit of Isco and Marcelo, he attracted Ramos to intercept and sent a horizontal pass.

Ronaldo stood in front of Fang Jue and stretched out his hand to him with a straight face: "Congratulations, you won."

Bruno said seriously: "I watched the awards live on TV and felt the same way."

"4:2! Udinese exceeded the score again!"

Bruno scored Udinese's fourth goal of the game, rewriting the score to 4:2 and also scoring a hat trick himself.

Bruno chatted on the sidelines with Real Madrid captain Ramos, who was waiting to finally take the stage to receive the award.


If Udinese won the Coppa Italia and Europa League double last season, and ranked third in Serie A, beating Naples, Inter Milan and other Serie A giants, it only made the world pay attention to their dark horse. Today, in a serious battle with Real Madrid, a super giant, Udinese scored four goals and was two goals ahead of Real Madrid. This really surprised many people.

"Welcome to revenge." Bruno smiled.

The Real Madrid captain was born in the Sevilla youth training camp and played for the Sevilla first team for two seasons. He said with some emotion: "I was in the stands three months ago when I saw Sevilla defeated by you and was heartbroken. In the Europa League, this time I tasted the feeling of failure.”


Udinese can only participate in the next Champions League match if they defeat Athletic Bilbao.

"Thank you." Bruno responded politely.

Compared with the more aggressive Guilherme and Vidmont, Badu and Pingqi have more experience in the game and are more helpful to defense.

This smile seems really awkward to Ramos, just like Cristiano and Pepe. Are all Portuguese people so annoying?


At that moment, black and white fireworks were flying over the podium!

The players ran, chased, and came to the sideline with the trophy in their arms, holding it high over and over again, drawing huge cheers from the fans.

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