From Refuge To Doomsday

Chapter 67: Mutated Man-eating Rat

When Susan heard that it was a man-eating rat, she panicked all of a sudden. She didn't panic when she saw the pterosaur.

The reason is very simple. Once the mutated man-eating rat encounters it, there will be no turning back.

Mutated man-eating rats, after they mutate, they can have the size of a large dog, and they are still in groups. They eat everything and attack whatever they see, and their blood contains extremely strong radiation. When they get close, they It is to use strong radiation to kill the surrounding creatures.

These guys have completely mutated, they are no longer afraid of radiation, but there are strong radiation substances in the meat, so they can't eat it, and they can't get close to it. They also travel in packs and can travel through burrows. This is almost invincible existence.

"Cheetah 2, B15, approach me immediately. I have encountered a large number of mutant man-eating rats here. The navigation has marked it, come here immediately."

Cheetah 2 and B15 rushed here immediately after hearing the news about Yu Guo, but it took time for them to come here, but the mutant man-eating rat was already in front of them. He's definitely going to have to face these things, and can't let the rats attack the base.

"Go back and listen to me."

Yu Guo didn't listen to Susan, and even drove her to leave immediately.

Because he knew that Susan was of no use here for the time being.

"You... oh, yes, it really can't be done. There is a fuel flamethrower here in the base. Do you want to try it? I took one to prepare for cleaning up the mutant cockroaches."

"Where is it?" Yu Guo's eyes lit up, and Susan hurried to get it, and it didn't take long to get a set. This is a military weapon, and it is indeed a flamethrower. And it can also adjust the amount of fuel injection. This kind of thing is to directly ignite the nozzle of the flamethrower. When it is in standby, the fuel is the minimum requirement to maintain combustion. There is only one flame at the mouth of the flamethrower. When a large amount of fuel is injected, it will form a The fire snake will fly far away through the high-pressure spray gun!

Yu Guo held the spray gun, and Susan helped to ignite the nozzle, and then there were bursts of creaking sounds in the tunnel. Through the dark tunnel, Yu Guo saw red lights the size of ping-pong balls. The light is the reflected gaze of the mutant man-eating rat.


When Yu Guo saw those mutated man-eating rats that were the same size as German shepherds, he couldn't help but swear.

Obviously, these guys are too difficult to deal with, but Yu Guo hasn't got the flamethrower on his back. He is about to take it, but Susan snatches it, and then sprays it directly at the mutated man-eating rat.

call! ! !

A tongue of flame flew out, and then the passage began to burn. Many mutated human-eating mice burned into fireballs. They ran around in pain, and finally ignited the other mice that rushed up from behind. Yu Guo was roasted by the hot flames. His face was in great pain, he didn't put down his mask, he could clearly feel the heat wave, and the hot air he breathed in almost scalded his nostrils.

However, the hot fire snake killed many mutated man-eating rats in an instant. The rats made a mess after being attacked.

Seeing that Susan's hand seemed to be scalded, Yu Guo snatched it away, and then stood at the intersection, holding up the flamethrower and shouting: "Dare to make trouble on my site, you bunch of worthless rubbish, don't give up to me!" die!"

call! ! !

There was another blast of scorching flames. Not to mention the continuous spraying, it really worked. In an instant, it was the smell of burnt rat corpses. This smell was quite choking.

Moreover, the radiation readings instantly exploded. I have to say, these mutated man-eating rats are really evil!

The burning was on fire, when Yu Guo found a rather embarrassing thing, he ran out of oil.

He put down the fuel carefully, then took out his pistol, and looked straight ahead. What he didn't expect was that there was a strange sound coming from under his feet, and then Yu Guo felt as if his feet were going to sink, he was so frightened He hurriedly dodged, but the moment he dodged, a big mouse was picked out from the ground!

The ground of the passage is all dirt and stone roads, these guys are simply home!

However, Yu Guo's reaction speed was quite fast. The moment the mouse jumped up and bit him, he held the gun directly against the mouse's stomach and pulled the trigger instantly.

The large-caliber pistol smashed the mouse's belly with terrifying lethality!

Blood splashed with strong radiation!

[Attention, you have been damaged by radiation! 】

The system kept reminding, Yu Guo hurriedly turned around and shouted: "Susan, go away! The radiation here is too strong. Go back immediately and close the safety door! Quick!"

Susan knew that if she stayed here, she would be slowed down. She turned around and ran to the cable car in a hurry, then closed the safety door, and ran straight to the base in the cable car.

At this time, Yu Guo also found that his vision began to blur, which was caused by radiation damage!

Yu Guo took out the anti-radiation medicine, and he drank a bottle first, his vision became much clearer in an instant, and his mind was not so confused.

At this time, a large number of mutated human-eating rats came out of the holes in the ground. Yu Guo quickly put down his mask, and then continued to shoot those rats with a pistol. Swinging a fist directly broke the spine of a mouse.

The rest of the mice saw Yu Guo killing their companions, and these guys pounced on Yu Guo frantically.

There were too many of them, and it was too much for Yu Guo to fight against them, and soon the radiation warning sounded again.

If he grows up like this, Yu Guo feels that he will become their dinner!

"B15 is here to help!"

Just when Yuguo was in despair, several bullets suddenly hit the jumping mice very accurately, followed by a series of rattling, rattling gunshots. B15 took the automatic rifle and shot these rats frantically, and the bullets ran out. Afterwards, B15 immediately drew out the dagger and easily killed the approaching mouse. In front of B15, these mice are simply vulnerable. At this moment, Yu Guo finally understood why the Valkyrie was so expensive.

It really makes sense, the Cheetah 2 was surrounded by a large number of mice within a few times of rushing up, and it didn't take long for the strong radiation to cause the complete failure of electronic components.

Soon Cheetah 2 shows scrapped...

"Fuck! My battle robot!"

Yu Guo watched Cheetah 2 being dismantled by the mutated man-eating rat, and then looked at B15. This woman was basically never injured by the man-eating rat. The fighting and killing instinct made Yu Guo finally understand what a killing machine is. up. These androids are made to kill, and B15 kills every threat she sees with abilities beyond human cognition.

When B15 stopped, Yu Guo looked at her, and she replied mechanically as always: "The danger is clear, the radiation intensity will be weakened, and it is recommended to strengthen the ground."

Hearing B15's reminder, Yu Guo smiled: "Okay B15, thank you."

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