From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 551 Susan is in action

"After trying so many times, I still can't cast spells in Animagus form...even the most basic wandless spellcasting skills can't be used..."

William glanced at the fallen trees in front of him and sighed.

After completing the Animagus transformation, he could no longer get help from books. Except for some common sense things that he could ask from Professor McGonagall, the rest could only be explored on his own.

There is no way, the probability of encountering an Animagus with the same transformation is too low, and there is really no way to find out anything other than general skills.

Could he ask Professor McGonagall if she liked eating dried fish? If so, do you like it more after the transformation or before the transformation?

Also, if you encounter a mouse, will you have the urge to capture it...

Don't ask this kind of question out loud - you have to muster up the courage to even think about it.

'So, the matter of sweets is really...'

William patted another tree, and with a bang, a huge thing fell from the air. It rolled a few times and then stopped - it was a honeycomb.

Subconsciously, William fiddled with it, and some listless bees came out.

Winter has not yet passed, and the bees are currently hibernating in groups, and they really don’t have the energy to bite.

William shook his head. Bear's paw subconsciously broke the beehive, and then he realized what he had done - he angered the bees and destroyed other people's houses in the winter...

The hibernating bees immediately began to move out, trying to find trouble with a bear - which was an ineffective attack as you can imagine.

William slapped the unwilling bees and tried to move his hands - or bear paws.

Resisting the urge to lick his hand, he released the transformation. After taking a look, he hesitated and took out some honey. Then he poured the sugar he had in his pocket to make sweets into a pile and used magic to make it. Dilute with some water…

Then, he quickly re-sealed the hive with his wand, then used magic to capture the bees and put them back, then hung the hive back up. Then he used the Disguise Charm and the Confusion Charm to eliminate the hostility of those guys before running away.

When he found another secluded location, he took out the honey in the container deformed by the leaves in his hand, and then changed the container, while thinking about another attempt just now.

First of all, Animagus transformation is magical - he himself does not have a deep enough understanding, but some experiences from Sirius are enough to prove this issue.

Even wizards can't resist the poisonous effects of the werewolf transformation, but Sirius and the other three were able to compete with Lupine in the transformed state after the Animagus transformation, and they were not affected by the poisonous effects of the werewolf transformation at all. .

'By the way, let's put it this way - if the magic power of the Animagus can be mobilized, it might be able to suppress the poisonous effects of the werewolf's transformation! ’

William suddenly thought of this, quickly took out a piece of paper from his bag, and quickly wrote down this idea.

The effect of the revision of Wolfsbane Potion is not ideal, but neither he nor Mr. Damocles has given up on this matter. They still maintain communication once a month to communicate about Wolfsbane Potion.

"Very good," William was in a happy mood after getting an interesting idea, "then let's bring the question back to the Animagus."

"It is currently known that Animagus is definitely protected by magic, has strong resistance to curses and curses, and can even suppress the curse of werewolves, so the question is - how to mobilize this magical power Come and use it?”

The invincible Andros can use the patron saint to fight. The Animagus form may not be used against the enemy. He does not even pursue the ability to mobilize the magic power that is more terrifying than the wizard form, but only requires the ability to mobilize a small amount of magic power. Some simple spellcasting is enough.

"There must be something I didn't consider..."

William looked at the sky and leaned against a tree - in theory, the wandless spellcasting skills he now mastered should be part of the key to unlocking the lock, whether it was gesture casting or simple wandless spellcasting. , all focus on mobilizing the magic power of the body in other ways.

‘Have I not had enough yet? In other words, is there some kind of problem with transfiguration? ’

‘Why don’t you stop trying to improve your Transfiguration Technique and try it? I’m still researching on human body transfiguration. Once I’ve fully mastered it, maybe this problem won’t be as big as it is now—who? ’

William pulled out his wand in an instant, and he heard the sound of the snow being stepped on before it melted away.

However, it was a student from Hufflepuff who came to look for ingredients.

To be precise, more than one, five people, people from one dormitory came together to cause harm to the Forbidden Forest...

So, three minutes later...

"Fifteen points from Hufflepuff..."

"Go back and submit for review! You dare to run around anywhere!"

"How about seventh grade! Is this why you broke into the Forbidden Winter Forest?"

"They even said that we, the professor himself, was holding a bag of honey!"

"That's right..."

The Hufflepuffs cursed and left the Forbidden Forest, then returned to the common room dejectedly.


"So rich..."

Susan happily took the package and counted the loot.

After some interrogation, she found that her job was simpler than she imagined - pretending to be herself, but there still had to be some flaws...

In short, it is to imitate yourself and show a little bit of Barty Jr.'s character.

This is not difficult, she just needs to have a sweet tooth and bring something like a hip flask with her - just wine to keep out the cold.

She even cast a spell on the hip flask, with actual Polyjuice Potion on the other side, so that she could return to her original self if necessary.

As for the wizard named Barty, he is still lying in the basement, controlled by both the Imperius Curse and the potion, serving as a constant provider of materials and a revealer of secrets.

"Let's go see that Buddy again..."

After Susan checked the supplies, she carefully went down to the basement - this Barty had escaped the Imperius Curse and was a character who needed to be careful and cautious. She felt that it was not an exaggeration to replenish the spell every day.

Especially the other party's plan is so vicious and terrifying - to use her identity to rally nearby residents to resist the Purifiers, and then prove herself in a series of victories, in order to gain the support of more people and become No. 1 Opposition parties.

This plan is really terrible - but if it were her to execute it now, there seems to be nothing that can be changed...

It's rare that the purgers are willing to report their action plans and procedures, and then send some heads of disobedient people to help 'Little Barty' build her prestige. She really can't refuse the other party's kindness...

Because this is a secret plan, even the purgers will not know that Susan is one of their own, in order to ensure the formality of the strike...

'Is the next attack in...a week? ’

Susan looked at the time and plan - it was just in time, she just happened to use the "years of savings" she had just bought recently to organize people for a training or something...

'There will be several actions next... until the prestige of 'me', the Death Eater, is raised very high. At that time, I can contact Mr. Grindelwald to negotiate with Dumbledore. Already...'


"Why did Aunt Susan call us here?"

In the common area of ​​this magical community, a group of wizards were whispering in low voices.

Everyone was not looking good - because of the chaos during this period, many factories were shut down, farms were closed, and shops were closed indefinitely, causing most wizards to lose their jobs.

But the most terrible thing is that after the Christmas attack, the No-Majs' investigation became more and more sharp, resulting in a serious shortage of supplies. Some of them even had to wear strange clothes to disguise themselves as Muggles, risk exposure and enter Muggle society to earn Muggle money to buy Muggle food.

If it weren't for the fact that the Magical Congress's control over the magical world was already extremely low, just this alone would cause countless people to get into trouble.

But now - times are tough, who cares?

Even the thugs have begun to turn a blind eye to some minor crimes. There are also problems with the channels of the Magic Congress. The prisons are almost running out of food. They are not kind enough to take people back to solve food and clothing problems. of.

So, since Aunt Susan said she would hand out some bread after the meeting, let's do it - it's better than going to the Muggle world and risking exposure to make a living. The Purifiers always like to sneak attack lone wizards.

However, to everyone's expectation, Aunt Susan, who didn't like to deal with people in the past, just came over with a large basket of freshly baked bread and distributed it without saying much.

Freshly baked bread is something that can easily bring people closer together - especially after she distributed it, she was the first to eat it.

After eating a whole loaf of bread and everyone having food in their stomachs, Susan sat among the crowd.

"We can't go on like this."

She patted the crumbs on her hands.

"The chaos has been going on for too long and they can't do anything!"

"Yeah yeah!"

It was unstoppable as soon as the conversation started - the riots have not subsided for such a long time, which is really disappointing, especially when everyone starts to get hungry, the disappointment is doubled.

"How long has it been? There has been no work, no supplies, no supplies, and the prices of everything have been so high that we can no longer survive!"

"No, there are news about purge attacks all day long, but those guys can't do anything. Do we need to apply for immigration?"

"Yes, yes... If this continues, we may have to wander into Muggle society..."

"Everyone, please be quiet..."

Susan struck the small table with her hand, making it tremble.

"We can't count on the Magic Congress. Not to mention Galleons, we first have to be able to afford clothes and food - I think this is a common thought among everyone, right?"

"Of course - but where to get the food?"

"Over the Muggles, they have too much food to waste!"

Susan said loudly. She was different from other wizards. She was influenced by Grindelwald and paid great attention to the power of Muggles. "I know that getting food from Muggles sounds very dangerous and there is a risk of exposure, so I Decided to create an agency that neither No-Majs nor the Ministry of Magic would investigate."

"Food is the top priority! How about gathering a large amount of food..."

"So we need to illegally use the Space Expansion Spell, and then bribe the No-Maj prosecutor to say that those are small packaged items that are not very compliant."

Susan nodded heavily, "As long as we pay enough taxes in No-Maj society, and then bribe enough No-Majs, no one will investigate - neither No-Majs nor the Magic Congress will care. "

"But how can we eat so much?"

"Give it to others - sell it at a reasonable price or a slightly higher price! We provide food as much as possible and don't touch any of the other industries!"

"But, those black market dealers..."

"We still have our wands, old John."

Susan took out her magic wand, "Someone has to start so that everyone will not be hungry - if others don't come, we will come. I have already obtained a sum of money, which is enough for our initial start-up!"

"Only food?"

“Only food!”

In the crowd, one hand, two hands, dozens of hands were raised.


"Have you heard that a food processing factory has opened over there?"

"Food processing plant?"

The gangster on the street shook his head and laughed at the lack of information about his companions. "That's a big company. It is said that they are doing it in the name of food sales - well, you know?"

"Wow - I said why their products are not available in the world. I said, how can a canning factory be sold as far away as Canada? I see. How is the other party's firepower?"

He gestured, wanting to do some business without capital.

"Don't even think about it - people look down on us, and there are even... um, do you understand?"



"Lord Dark Lord!"

Bertha hurriedly handed the letter to the Dark Lord - the Dark Lord was still very concerned about little Barty, and she came to report as soon as she got the letter this time.

"Read it and let me see what good news my loyal Barty has brought me."

Voldemort had a smile on his face - almost all the news during this period was good news, even the failures were anticipated failures, and those who died were those who were not very obedient.

"Mr. Barty said that he has now begun to supply chicken nuggets and potatoes to wizards in most areas, and has gained a large number of supporters through this, becoming a guard force slightly weaker than the strikers, and successfully ambush people on the black market. Wizards who hype food prices."

Bertha paused to see what Voldemort would say about this.

"Well done. We need the power of wizards. Hungry is just to make them dissatisfied. I don't want those real wizards to be seriously affected."

"Ask Batty to find a way to provide more food for the children to gain more support."

"No problem, Lord Dark Lord!"

"In addition, send a few idiots to attack the black market and kill those who conflict with Bati... Also, tell Buddy not to get involved in other industries. We need more dissatisfaction..."

He was in a cheerful mood—Barty was more capable than he had imagined.

"Besides," Bertha added quickly now, "Mr. Barty claims that he needs more Galleons..."

"Give it to him, give it to him, and help him clean up the No-Maj threat..."

The Dark Lord smiled and nodded - everything was getting better.

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