From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 536 Chaos

"Get up and open presents? Or should we rest for a while?"

William lay on the bed, thinking about this problem.

Fortunately for Todoby, he didn't have to get up to deal with the owls that came to deliver gifts in the early morning, just like in the castle.

His gift had been entrusted to the Owl Post Office a long time ago. It was either on the way to be delivered or had already arrived, so there was no need to worry.

"It's better to get up and take a look. Maybe someone gave me a gift but I didn't give it to them, so I have to return the gift quickly..."

He muttered as he started to get dressed.

After putting on his clothes and adding enough protection to himself, he dragged the chair over and began to open the gifts one by one.

"Hmm... Hagrid's... wow, this is..."

Hagrid gave him a large bag of centaur mane. This was the last time he was preparing to do an experiment. He mentioned to Hagrid that he was going to see if Hagrid could help buy some. At that time, Hagrid also said that he was sorry for the centaur. I didn’t want to come, I didn’t expect Hagrid to secretly make so many…

"This is...Professor Lupin's...well, as expected, it's a book..."

"This is Percy's...a big bag of purple candies? I like this."

"This...Professor Slughorn will actually give me a gift...unexpectedly...a book on how to make candy preserves? Well...this gift is a bit novel. I will forward it to Adams to see if he can directly get the finished product..."

"We still have to consider giving Professor Slughorn a replacement gift. I didn't prepare his share..."

As he spoke, William pushed his owl, and by the way, he packed some of the extra souvenirs he got from Greece during the summer, and then packed them into packages. He also added some local special candies and handwritten greeting cards, and entrusted them directly to it. Bring things to school.

It doesn't matter if Professor Slughorn is not at school, the elf will find a way to transfer it.

"Then the next one."

William happily opened it and found a large package of specialty desserts from Australia - from Adams.

'Unfortunately, the gift given to him cannot be exported, so it can only be kept in Hogwarts.' William shook his head, and he assured that his gift was definitely in line with Adams's wishes - it was a seed of a rare herbal medicine. The wizard hired by the side has recently been keeping a close eye on the black market of the United States Ministry of Magic, so he has discovered several things that are difficult to obtain in the market.

"This... is so thin..."

William weighed it, then realized something, and opened the letter eagerly - this was a Muggle telegram! And it was an urgent message, an urgent communication message between him and the intelligence provider in a foreign country.

In order to avoid confidentiality law restrictions, some special words must be used, and they must not be used as general contact information.

It stands to reason that this thing will be sent to Hogwarts through special channels, but the elves may have sent it here with the gift.

"What happened, that you had to use this method to notify me?"

He checked it carefully to confirm that there was no obvious curse, then opened the letter and read it anxiously.

First of all, it was time. He looked at the time. It took less than five hours from the time this urgent telegram was sent to his hands, which was extremely fast.

'There is a five-hour time difference between the UK and the US...'

He didn't bother to calculate winter and summer time for a while, so he just made do with calculations - if he calculated like this, the thing happened last night? Christmas Eve?

"Riots, shopping streets were smashed."

The expedited telegram, which was priced according to the number of words, only had a few words, and even the punctuation was chosen by William himself.

"The shopping street was smashed?"

"Muggle shopping streets are not worth it...could it be...this group of people..."

William's mouth dropped open - a rare sight in Azkaban.

He still knows the shopping streets in the United States, which can be compared to the existence of Diagon Alley in London. If there is a hit there...

"Damn it, how many lunatics will be provoked!"

He knew very well what was going on with those guys in Azkaban - there were very few born criminals, most of them slipped away little by little after making mistakes but not being punished, and the rest were all kinds of strange people. criminal.

According to the situation in the American wizarding world, those wizards who make mistakes will most likely not get into trouble, and after tasting the benefits, they will not only try to make mistakes on their own, but also become important supporters of the Dark Lord...

"Steady...this is expected..."

After a long time, William finally persuaded himself not to be overly frustrated or show any other expression.

He had long known and judged that the Dark Lord would never let go just because he got an Ilvermorny. The Death Eaters assassinated and destroyed, and it was the same with the Purifiers. They were just more concealed and used more weapons. It's just a technique.

That's the Dark Lord...


"Wow, Ron really is!"

Harry was feeling emotional in his room at the moment. Ron gave him a very beautiful voodoo doll made of carefully polished wool. According to Ron's notes, the professor said that such ritual things occasionally Will bring good luck.

Harry had seen Ron knitting them - it took him almost a month to complete just under five dolls.

'I hope he didn't give it to Lavender, but maybe Lavender would like it very much. "

"The professor also gave me a gift?"

Harry hurriedly opened the box and found a small bottle of golden liquid inside - he picked it up and identified it uncertainly, and finally confirmed what it was.


Harry sighed, and quickly packed the small bottle of potion that seemed to be enough for one day, and kept it in a variety of ways that he could use.

"This one is..."

While Harry was happily unpacking Qiu's package, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Sirius' urgent voice sounded, "Harry, are you awake? Come out quickly!"

'what happened? '

Harry was stunned for a moment and reached for the wand - Sirius would actually urge him to get up?

But it didn't look like anything was happening outside, and Professor Lupin was there, so Harry didn't think anyone could do anything in this situation.

When he opened the door and walked out with some uneasiness, he finally understood what happened.

Two strange guests visited here, and they were currently talking to Lupine and Professor William. Except for Dumbledore, everyone's expressions were not very good.

"Harry, the socks are beautiful."

Professor Moody's voice sounded, and Harry's original plan to listen to something else was immediately ruined.

"Ah, thank you."

He answered uneasily, "What happened...Professor?"

Sirius looked at Harry, his eyes no clearer than Harry's - he didn't understand what was going on and why these people were so nervous.

Moody's magic eye looked at Harry, obviously not expecting him to ask such a question.

Lupine looked at Dumbledore, then at Sirius, and finally turned to Dumbledore.

"What can you say? We must consider the possibility of increased martial law in the future - this is what Harry reminded us."

William asked in a low voice, Dumbledore thought about it and nodded.

"Come this way, Harry."

William asked Harry to sit down, "Remember the fire in the Gryffindor lounge that happened between the Triwizard Tournament, right? It's related to that time - in short, you gave us an early warning, which allowed us to start exploring in some places. Clues of the Dark Lord."

He looked at Dumbledore as he spoke. Seeing that the principal didn't respond, he continued to dig deeper. "All the signs happening so far indicate that he is trying to subvert the rule of the American wizarding world and then steal the supreme power."

Before Harry could react, Sirius was dumbfounded - did you tell Harry about this?

However, William ignored Sirius, "You must keep the above words and the next words absolutely confidential. You are not allowed to tell your friends, including Miss Qiu Zhang."

"Because there is no doubt that it will cause large-scale panic and directly break all our deployments..." William was half warning and half scaring Harry - other things would not affect him. What he was afraid of now was Karkaroff's sudden If he ran away, it would mean that one-third of the European magical world would suddenly fall into chaos, which would be a big joke.

But even that doesn't matter - if Karkaroff wants to run away, he will run away with or without Harry. The former Death Eater is too cautious.

"I promise, I won't tell."

It was the first time that Harry was so trusted in such a big matter, and he quickly reassured himself.

"That's good."

William nodded, "According to the latest news brought by Principal Dumbledore, the Dark Lord's plan is about to surface, and the Magical Congress has handed over the impeachment of the Chairman of the Congress..."


Dumbledore let out a low cough - he didn't expect William to pour the beans out of the bamboo tube so neatly and reveal so much information inadvertently.

"That's roughly it. What we are currently considering is," William quickly changed his words, "if the opponent clearly displays the banner of the Dark Lord, you need to make some sacrifices."

"What sacrifice?"

Sirius started to protect the calf without thinking, but unfortunately William just smiled at him.

"To put it simply, we want you to announce that you bankrupted the Dark Lord's resurrection plan, causing him to have to move the resurrection location, and finally completed his own resurrection ceremony in the American wizarding world."

This is a way to help Fudge - you can't say that Minister Fudge's wisdom and martial prowess prevented the Dark Lord from being resurrected here, right? It is good for Harry to stand up. It is also good for the Ministry of Magic and for the stability of the British wizarding community. He must stand up.

First there was the riot on Christmas Eve, and then there was the impeachment on Christmas Day. These two moves scared even William - this basically does not indicate that the Dark Lord will take control of the entire American wizarding world this year.

Even Dumbledore had to admit that the man who called himself Voldemort was far more capable of subversion than anyone else. He was good at recruiting lunatics under his command, and then used various means to increase his so-called self. people.



Fudge opened his mouth in his office. Although today was Christmas and the ministry was supposed to be on holiday, he hurried back to work after hearing the news of the riots in the morning.

However, before he could settle down, more exciting news appeared.

"They are crazy! Under such circumstances, they dare to impeach their own Congress president?"

Fudge didn't understand, but he could empathize - if he was impeached, he would even hug Dumbledore's legs to maintain his power.

"How could it be, how could it be..."

His voice was so low that the assistant didn't hear him. He was giving Fudge the good news at the moment - "Your sudden announcement of measures to increase defense forces originally caused your approval rating to drop a lot, but now the entire Diagon Alley Everyone is praising your measures!"

Not only Diagon Alley, but almost all magical villages and areas are praising Fudge at this moment - except Azkaban.

Although some of Fudge's measures have caused prices to rise a bit, compared with his neighbors, he is really happy.

The reports of last year's Triwizard Tournament still made many people aware of the existence of this school. Now, there are riots there and various conspiracy theories have emerged. In comparison, Fudge's measures have changed. It's acceptable.

Just have as many beaters as you can - if the Muggles surrounded the Leaky Cauldron, we'd be in real trouble.


"Silly striker, he's almost neighbors with dementors!"

In Azkaban, the prisoners were scolding very vigorously.

During this period, their lives were not easy - because the Ministry of Magic recruited many more beaters.

Logically speaking, it has nothing to do with Azkaban recruiting strikers. It is almost like a distribution ground. With so many dementors around, who would let strikers gather here?

The prisoners inside don't like dementors, can the batterers outside tolerate them?

No way - unfortunately, that idiot Fudge didn't understand that the prisoners in Azkaban still came to the exact same conclusion after many discussions.

But what can be done? The Minister of Magic doesn't even come to Azkaban anymore to show off. In the past, people from the Ministry of Magic were given extra meals when they came, but now - Galleons don't even need to leave!

Because there were more attackers and even Aurors appeared occasionally, Azkaban's original material circulation system suffered a devastating blow.

Before they understand the tricks of the newcomers, the greediest former strikers no longer dare to transport things secretly, especially when there are Aurors around, even if they buy something at double the price, they will get it It's also the timing of those hitters who are not ripe yet, and wait.

'It stands to reason that it's almost done...'

The rich and well-connected people are looking outside eagerly. They are already looking forward to the supplies from the outside world. In theory, today is also a day to replenish supplies.

However, just as the entrained items were being taken out, an Auror with a not so good-looking face appeared. He glanced at the items, frightening both the striker and the prisoners.

Fortunately, he didn't make any more comments. He just shook his head and asked the batters to re-examine patiently and not allow any blind spots.

"Check carefully! Don't have any surprises!"

" each cell to prevent problems!"

He thought for a moment and added, and then the Auror left in a hurry.

Shortly after he disappeared, the striker cursed, and then the cell began to greet the Auror with cheers, as if celebrating.

For a moment, Azkaban was filled with laughter and laughter.

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