From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 428 Professor Moody, I am very disappointed in you

"Has any of you seen Harry?"

"No, Professor."

"Didn't see it."

After questioning more than a dozen Gryffindor students at once, Hagrid finally found the Gryffindor who was informed and learned from him that Harry had run out of school and went to Hogsmeade for a date.

'Run to Hogsmeade... No... I have to inform him to come to my cabin and follow me at twelve o'clock tonight...'

Restricted by the confidentiality agreement, Hagrid could not tell Harry that the competition event was the fire dragon, but this did not affect Harry secretly wearing an invisibility cloak to follow him and then discover the content of the competition - the tradition of the Triwizard Tournament In this way, various ways are used to find loopholes in restrictions, so that one's own warriors can gain greater advantages.

It's not that he doesn't want to inform the other warriors, but that this kind of thing itself involves responsibility, and not everyone will trust him like Harry, who can sneak out of the castle to his house in the middle of the night.

Of course, the most important thing is that he has an important date in the evening - he doesn't feel embarrassed to be seen by Harry, he even desperately hopes that Harry can sincerely bless him, and the rest of the warriors, Hagrid didn't expect anything from them...

"We can only inform Hermione or Ron..."

"I hope it's too late..."


"The most important step...fusion..."

In front of the crucible, William carefully controlled the flame, controlled the temperature with great care, and carefully sprinkled the ground materials into the crucible bit by bit.

After completing this step, he could temporarily breathe a sigh of relief.

Next, you just need to maintain the fire and prevent debris from mixing in. It will take two months of cooking before starting to add the next stage of ingredients.

"Theoretically, the next liquid medicine will appear as blue as the sky, and then emit spiral pearl-like steam."

He even felt his wand tremble a little - it had never felt like this since he got it.

"Soon, soon."

He muttered in a low voice that the potion had already turned a beautiful sapphire blue, and if it was allowed to blend better for a while, the state he needed would emerge.


Just when he was patiently trying to incorporate the last bit of powder into the potion, the magic used to alarm buzzed.

He poured in the remaining powder in an instant, rolled on the spot, and quickly moved away from the dangerous potion - he was not the kind of fool to expose himself for the sake of a pot of potion being restricted.

No matter how expensive the elixir is, he can still boil it again, but he can't - with a death curse like Avada, he can only wait for Dumbledore's possible revenge.

The buzzer is a defensive measure after the door's defense is breached. Once it sounds, it means that the spells outside that most students cannot break silently have been silently broken. Even if it is a false alarm, he will have to fight ten times. Be very careful.

The protection he had prepared in advance saved him the opportunity to set up defenses for himself. Just as the place was rolling, William had already used the Disillusionment Spell to connect himself to the surrounding environment, and then quickly fired a shot in the direction of the alarm. He is best at freezing black magic.

When the entire office door was quickly covered with thick frost, he quickly snapped his fingers with his left hand.

The glass that had been strengthened by magic materials multiple times exploded instantly, and countless sharp glass shards covered with magic potions exploded in the air. Then they were swept by the storm and began to clean the entire room.

As another important entrance to the room, William began to modify this place that was easy to sneak into on the first day he came to Hogwarts, and today, the trap he carefully prepared finally came into effect.

With the help of a potion made with reference to the poison used on centaurs' arrows, the sharp glass shards did not even let William's own magical protection go. Like a brush, they crazily weakened William's armor spell with a messy and harsh sound. , while wantonly destroying everything in the house.

Books, tables and chairs, parchment, candies, fireplaces, chandeliers... and even the chandeliers on the ceiling. Except for the crucible that William had previously protected with heavy magic, everything else was cut into pieces in the killing vortex rolled up by the glass and the storm. It's being crushed.

Except for the thickening ice at the door, which has a dark aura that makes people feel like their souls will be frostbitten, everything is being destroyed.

William stood in the corner expressionlessly, with his wand raised, ready to launch another attack on the intruder who couldn't hold on, while strengthening his own protection.

He suffered heavy losses in a real sense this time. Not to mention the large amount of materials and potions spent on setting up this defense, just the destruction of the books and materials under the defense system would make many outside wizards heartbroken.

About five minutes later, the storm finally subsided, but the mysterious infiltrator never showed up.

"Escaped? Or..."

Ignoring the cold wind brought by the broken windows, William began to summon clear water like a spring to cover the entire house, and then let the water flow wildly, rolling through every corner of the house.

The water carrying debris and glass shards quickly washed away the corners of the room, and William took the opportunity to observe every corner of the room - if there was still someone who could hide now, he would recognize it if he was tricked - then It was already a magical power far beyond his knowledge.

"Not here."

He finally breathed a sigh of relief, but still ignored the pot of boiling elixir that was still boiling and unknown whether it was damaged or not.

"The last thing - you can't just leave without leaving any traces, can you?"

He carefully came to the door. At this moment, the ice frozen by black magic was more than a foot thick, mixed with black ice, covering the door, sealing the entrance to the house tightly.

He sighed, waved his wand, and slowly and carefully melted the ice - this was not an easy job. If he hadn't been taught how to break the spell, the frostbite caused by this black magic would be almost irreversible.

The ice slowly melted, and the temperature in the room also dropped a little bit as the ice melted. It was even a bit cold to the bone, and the cold wind that penetrated the broken windows made William's robes rustle.

But William ignored it completely, carefully peeling off the ice layer by layer, patiently removing it without damaging any trace.

"No… no crack?"

He stared at the exposed door, feeling shocked - was it a mistake? Or is the opponent so smart that he ignores the defense in front of him?

"Who? Those principals? Or a certain professor? Or, which school has a genius like Dumbledore's student when he was studying?"

"But does such a being still need to steal information about the Triwizard Tournament from me?"

He shook his head in confusion, and then carefully searched for any clues.

"This way?"

He made a new discovery - a half-dead beetle stretched out its legs feebly because it had just been thawed.

"What a joke!"

William was stunned. He knew about the existence of this black magic before he came out of Azkaban. He taught himself in Azkaban and after he was released from prison. Until now, this is what he is most proficient in. One of the spells, but couldn't even deal with a beetle?

"Is...using small animals to steal intelligence?"

"Is it...a modified alchemy product?"

He carefully controlled it with magic, then used ice to weave a small cage, reinforced it with all the known protective magic, and then carefully sealed the beetle.

"Check again..."

After fixing the cage, he carefully began to check the door - to his surprise, the basic magic used to protect the students was not triggered at all.

This was a serious matter. Although he kept saying that it was basic protection, it was by no means something that ordinary students could deal with easily... As for dealing with it silently, it was even more impossible to do.

After confirming again that the defense outside the door had not been triggered, William shook his head, and then summoned the elf.

"Bart, come here."

With a bang, Bart quickly appeared in the room, "Professor William, is there anything I can do...hell, here?"

As a qualified house elf, it shouldn't scream, but now it can't calm down at all. The originally well-kept office has now turned into a ruin-like existence. The floor, walls, ceiling, fireplace, table The chair...everything was destroyed.

Even if a giant dragon crushes it, it may not have such serious consequences. Bart even suspects that a foreign enemy has invaded.

"There has been an invasion here. Bart, help me notify Professor Moody and ask him to come to my side..."

William's expression remained unchanged, "Remember, Professor Moody's room is inaccessible, so please knock on the door first, and then wait until he informs you to enter before you can enter."

"Okay, Professor, but this way?"

The elf looked around hesitantly - as a house elf, he could not accept the chaos in front of him.

"Don't deal with it here yet, Bart. After Professor Moody and I make the most basic judgment, we will notify Professor McGonagall."

"Yes, Professor!"

Bart saluted and disappeared.

Only then did William have time to look around his poor, dilapidated house that had been made uninhabitable by the intruders, and then focused his attention on the elixir that was still brewing.

'Be very careful with your potion, you never know what will happen to it. ’

The good application of this rule allowed William to keep his best cauldron and the pot of Felixir - although he now doesn't know whether it can continue to be boiled.

"Check it...hope it's okay..."

"Fortunately, I carry the best medicinal materials with me and leave all my precious books in the residential area..."

He sighed while patiently checking it, and then showed a heartbroken expression.

Sure enough, the miracle did not happen - although there is often a story about a pharmacist's mistake that led to the improvement of potions, the goddess of luck did not fall in love with him.

But it's not that bad - although the potion is not as blue as sky, it is already much darker than sapphire blue.

If he had to describe it in terms of scores, the expected goal was to reach more than ninety points, but his first step only reached a level of more than eighty and close to ninety.

Theoretically, as long as the final result exceeds sixty points, it will be fine. Mistakes are inevitable, but which pharmacist doesn't want to brew a high-quality potion?

There is no such thing as a sixty-year-old medicine...

"Keep using it..."

William sighed - he hoped that this would not lead to failure in the final success. He could not do such a wasteful thing as being picky and throwing out the potion that had allowed him to get through the first stage safely.

Just as he was sighing, the sound of wooden legs could be heard outside the door.

Moody hurried over, "What's going on - God, are you going to redecorate your office, Professor William?"

"It would be nice if it was..."

William sighed, and then summoned the magic item locked in a cage with a wand to show Moody - if there were intruders, he would first capture the intruders, but if the other party only left such a controlled beetle, he decided Ask a professional.

Although some prisoners in Azkaban are professionals, and William has learned a lot, when it comes to experts, Moody is definitely the most professional among the experts - he can be considered a re-learner.

"This? A locked up beetle?"

He grinned, then his smile suddenly faded, and his face became extremely serious.

"Professor William, you're saying - it invaded your office and did what it did to you?"

"Yes, by the way, this beetle resisted one of my black magic attacks head-on."

"A shot of dark magic?"

Moody's face grew angry - he knew exactly what this meant.

He had been working with William for some time, and he still somewhat recognized some of William's spellcasting methods. Taking a shot of magic head-on was no joke.

This can be regarded as a formal invasion - especially since William is busy brewing the elixir and Lupine is following the fire dragon. During this time, he is responsible for the campus guards. This invasion is like giving him a cruel face. A hard slap.

His magic eyes stared at the closed beetle, trying to distinguish something from it.

But it was useless, the sharp magic eye seemed to be broken, and all he saw was an ordinary beetle anyway.

If it weren't for William's ruined, uninhabitable office, he would have thought it was a rather boring joke on him.

Unfortunately not.

"Can I open the cage?"

Moody asked in a voice that allowed no rebuttal.

"Please feel free to do so. I want to know whether it is an alchemical item or whether it has been modified. It would be better if the instigator could be investigated."

"It'll be fine soon."

A twisted smile appeared on Moody's face - he didn't want to continue to be pointed at the remaining half of his nose and expressed disappointment.

"Deceive the magic eye, right?"

Moody removed the protection on the cage one by one, and then forced the cage open.

He raised his wand, ignoring the beetle's weakness.

"Heart-piercing and bone-cutting."

The Unforgivable Curse that the Aurors were authorized to use immediately emerged and hit the beetle directly.

The beetle's legs all shrank up and clung to its body. It flipped over, while its body twitched violently, shaking from side to side.

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