From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 422 Unexpected results

"The moment has finally arrived."

When the table was empty, Dumbledore finally began to speak.

"The Triwizard Tournament is about to begin..."

The name is really a bit of a joke - there are four contestants in the Triwizard Tournament.

But the problem is not big. The word Olympics still refers to the worship ceremony of the god Zeus. There are no protests from other countries and people of faith asking for the name to be changed.

"I want to explain a few words first, and then bring the box in..."

"I want to explain our activity procedures for this school year. But first, please allow me to introduce two guests, because there are still some people who don't know them. This is Mr. Barty Crouch, Director of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Magic."

Except for Slytherin House, the children in the other houses gave enthusiastic applause - this year Barty Crouch's name was remembered by almost everyone, and the breaking news that the Death Eaters were turned out and liquidated came to It hasn't completely stopped yet.

"This is Mr. Ludo Bagman, Director of the Department of Physical Education and Sports at the Ministry of Magic."

This time the sound was slightly weaker, but still loud. Bagman, a former famous athlete, was a popular person.

"Mr. Bagman and Mr. Crouch have worked tirelessly over the past few months to arrange the Triwizard Tournament," Dumbledore continued. Professor La and Madame Maxime formed a judging panel to judge the efforts of the warriors."

'Thank God, we don't have to be judges...If we work overtime, I don't have to boil the elixir. ’

William's heart was filled with joy, and then he curiously set his eyes on Filch, who was walking towards him.

He was holding a huge plate, and on it was a wooden box decorated with gems - if William guessed correctly, the box contained the Goblet of Fire, a prop used to select warriors.

Although saying this is a bit disrespectful to Dumbledore's work, compared to the regulations that Dumbledore introduced that he participated in the whole process, he was more interested in this long-standing magic prop.

According to the information obtained from Filch, the Goblet of Fire was not a prop passed down from the time when the school was founded. Instead, in order to hold the Triwizard Tournament, the principals of the three schools at the time collectively searched for the most suitable wood. Then together it is given the ability to discern and the ability to make contracts.

According to historical records, due to defects in the manufacturing process, the Goblet of Fire must undergo five years of self-repair and magic accumulation before it will have enough power to conduct the next review. This is also an important reason why the Triwizard Tournament is held every five years. .

The last Triwizard Tournament was hosted by Hogwarts. Therefore, the Goblet of Fire has been safely stored in Hogwarts over the years. It was not inspected by Dumbledore personally until it was reopened some time ago. Then some changes were made based on the new agreement reached by the four parties.

'It's still a lot worse than the Sorting Hat...'

Just as he was saying bad things about the Goblet of Fire, Dumbledore on the stage had already begun to introduce the Goblet of Fire.

"...the one who selects the warriors is a just selector, the Goblet of Fire."

Dumbledore took out his wand, tapped lightly three times on the box Filch brought over, and then brought out a large wooden goblet that could be described as poorly carved. At this moment, the inside of the cup contained It is filled with blue and white flames that are constantly beating, making people wonder whether the cup will be directly swallowed by the flames at the next moment.

"Every student who wants to run for the title of Warrior must write his name and school name on a piece of parchment and throw it into the Goblet of Fire." Dumbledore put the cup on the box and looked around at the students below. .

"Aspiring Warriors have twenty-four hours to sign up. Tomorrow night, Halloween night, the Goblet will select the four schools it believes best represent the

Warriors, four warriors will form a group to represent their school and win the highest honor. "

"Next, priority will be given to those students who have passed the assessment of each school to register. After their registration is completed, I will draw an age line next to the Goblet of Fire to prevent students who are not qualified and try to take risks to put their names in."

"However, before those underage wizards try to sign up, I must reiterate the fact to you - this competition is not a child's play. Do not participate rashly. Once the warrior is selected, he must persist in the competition, because then At that time, you have concluded a magical contract with the Goblet of Fire that cannot be broken. Okay, Professor William, please bring the underage wizards who have passed the selection."

Dumbledore nodded, and William quickly walked over, took the lists selected by each from the other three principals, and then began to read aloud to the students.

"First of all, welcome to everyone in Ilvermorny. The students who have passed the examination as minors are..."



"Finally, the students of Hogwarts, sixth year..., fifth year..., fourth year Hermione Granger! Harry Potter! Nora Jean! And Draco Malfoy!"

"The parchment is over here, and the quill and ink are next to it."

"However, I would like to reiterate here - I personally do not prefer students below sixth grade to sign up for the competition. You have proven your bravery and ability." He looked around at the students, "Many of you are not You know me, but I still want to persuade all wizards below sixth grade to give up the right to register."

"It's easy to invest in names, but it's painful to learn to give up. I always think that learning to refuse is a good quality that a wizard should have."

He stared at the students, "Please be careful, be careful, be careful again, and then make your own decision."

But even when he said this, no one hesitated - how could a student who could concentrate on passing the exam give up after hearing just one of his words?

Even Malfoy, who was painfully prepared to refuse, was avoiding his eyes. The temptation was too great... it was too great...

"Okay," William shook his head, "Then, start signing up."

"I give up…"

came Malfoy's pained voice.

"Okay, make a wise choice. You have brought enough glory to your college. It's time to put the responsibility on the senior class."

William nodded, trying to make his voice heard by the people on the Slytherin side - his words were very useful, and the Slytherins who were still angry suddenly became less angry.

If you give up, just give up - you can't let a fourth grader do all the work, so what are they, the old students, doing?

"Where are the others?"

William asked again, but no one was going to give up.

Under his gaze, paper balls were thrown into the Goblet of Fire one after another, which made everyone present's breath become hotter.

Although these junior students in front of them are all underage, they put their names in with honor - they still passed such a difficult assessment, and then gained the right to register this time.

"It's our turn, George..."

The twins looked at each other and threw in the paper balls with their names at the same time.

They even bumped each other's butts in celebration when Professor McGonagall wasn't looking over.

Such funny actions naturally attracted a lot of attention, and Professor McGonagall's eyes became less friendly.

But this did not affect Harry, who was behind them. He was almost at the back - when he and Hermione carefully put the paper ball into the Goblet of Fire, the underage registration officially ended.

William took them away from the Goblet of Fire, and then Dumbledore quickly set up an age line there to prevent people who were not old enough to sign up secretly.

There was no way, after a group of minors took the lead in signing up, even the shy adult wizards were now full of interest in the Triwizard Tournament - originally everyone was still worried, but now that a group of minors have signed up, they Naturally, there is nothing to worry about.

Therefore, when William and his group of professors were given the opportunity to leave the auditorium, a group of students crowded around the Goblet of Fire almost like crazy, and the parchment that William specially left behind was quickly swept away.


"You're literally tempting adult students to sign up, William."

"That's because they want to sign up themselves - there are four warrior places. If I were still studying, I would definitely want to try."

Singed interjected, and then received a look of disdain from Adams.

"Did you take defense courses when you were studying?"

"If you keep acting like this, you'll easily have no friends, Adams."

Singed rolled his eyes in response.

"Tch - by the way, where are those guys in Ilvermorny staying tonight - they came all the way and were stupidly riding broomsticks..."

Adams smiled happily.

"It seems that a large number of tents were temporarily reserved. I heard that all the unsold goods from the Quidditch World Cup that were in the warehouse were cleared away..."

Singed answered without hesitation that tents in the magic world are high-end products and must be coordinated with alchemy, so he is still very well-informed in this regard.

"The news that the owl brought to me while we were is said that the people who run the tents were overjoyed..."

So, here you are, and you have sent a large sum of money to the British wizarding community?

William raised his head and tried not to laugh out loud - there were students not far away from them.

"They will understand after this time... It's like spending money to buy a lesson - if this Triwizard Tournament is successful enough, it is estimated that there will be more people in five years."

"No - to be honest, I can't wait for the list of warriors. I hope Hufflepuff can be a warrior..."

Adams looked expectant.

The fact that the selection of warriors is guaranteed is also classified as confidential, just like Durmstrang has selected a warrior, which is something that only the dean level can know.

William and the others would not have known about it if they were not the direct makers, but because of the confidentiality agreement, he could only pat Adams on the shoulder and wish him that his dream would come true.


"It's really unimaginable... They can't even pass my assessment, but they actually have the courage to challenge Dumbledore's age limit..."

At the dinner table the next day, while eating turkey legs, William described to Adams the unlucky people he saw in the hospital today - especially Gryffindors.

However, Adams rarely had any interest in communicating. He just ate there without knowing the taste, as if these exquisite foods only served the purpose of filling his stomach.

Not only him, but also many professors around him had this look. As for the students, they were even more confused - everyone was looking forward to the final result of this selection, whether they were professors or students.

There is no way around it, because of the sorting ceremony, every professor and student is branded with the name of their respective college. The strong sense of belonging also creates the fact that they are more partial to their own college.

'It's been spoiled...'

William shook his head helplessly and looked at Mad-Eye and Lupin. The two of them also looked at William, shook their heads, and then together they picked out the best-tasting dishes while everyone was not thinking.

Just when many people wanted to grab the food and feed it to Dumbledore personally, the long wait finally came to an end.

The golden plate became empty again, and the auditorium returned to a spotless state - when this happened, students and professors from wherever they came almost held their breath and focused all their attention on Dumbledore there.

Dumbledore stood up and said, "Okay, the Goblet of Fire has to make a decision. It will take about a minute."

After he briefly announced what the warrior was going to do, he waved his wand widely - the brightly lit auditorium dimmed instantly, making the beating flames of the Goblet of Fire appear even brighter.

The blue-white flames bursting with sparks were simply dazzling. Everyone is watching and waiting...

Suddenly, the burning flame turned red, and crackling sparks splashed everywhere.

A tongue of fire appeared from inside, rolling out a piece of browned parchment.

"The first warrior - Durmstrang, Viktor Krum."

There is no doubt that Karkaroff has been begging for a long time just for him.

‘Is Dumbledore’s modification of it reliable? ’

It was rare for William to have such doubts in his mind - this thing took too long, and the modification was too obvious.

Fortunately, the next ones were all students from Durmstrang, which made him feel relieved.

Next is Ilvermorny - still successful, all the students are cheering in turn, obviously, everyone in their own college has been selected.

"It seems that in the end we are the warriors of Hogwarts."

Dumbledore laughed.

"So, number one."

He glanced at the parchment and read the name - "Hogwarts, Cedric Diggory!"

Then, there is the champion of Slytherin, a sixth-year student, Graham Montague.

Then came the Ravenclaw champion, Nancy.

The Goblet of Fire stirred again, causing the entire Hogwarts students to take a deep breath, especially Gryffindor, who had not yet had a warrior. If they did not have a warrior, then they would lose this time. Adult.

The parchment was quickly rolled out with tongues of fire, and Dumbledore took it into his hand.

Even William became curious - who is the warrior of Gryffindor?

There seems to be no outstanding children in seventh grade. If it comes to sixth grade, will they be twins or...

He noticed that Dumbledore's expression changed once and then again, and his eyes turned to him with a hint of surprise.

"what's the situation?"

William thought curiously, and then, the next second, he and everyone in the auditorium were shocked.

"Hogwarts, Harry Potter!"

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