From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 343 Use contract to ensure

Although William had never met the Dursleys, he had done his homework before coming.

The school attaches great importance to Harry. Although William has not yet figured out the reason for this, Professor McGonagall has told him in advance - 'Try not to have excessive conflicts with the Dursleys. A proper warning can , but don’t go overboard. ’

To put it simply, as long as he doesn't make a fuss, the school will send someone to show off.

So, he touched his toes lightly, and the next second, he appeared directly downstairs - although the training was somewhat difficult due to school venue problems, he has not given up the practice of apparation in the past two years.


William looked at Mr. Dursley and casually snapped his fingers. The gun flew up and fell into William's hand.

"Hello, Mr. Dursley, if I'm not mistaken."

Vernon stared at William, the veins in his temples were beating so fast that they were about to explode, but in the end he remained silent.

"The unwelcome visitor also carries a gun. Mr. Dursley, according to the castle law, I seem to have unlimited rights to self-defense."

"According to the law, you guys should be tied to a cross and burned to death!"

He shouted at William angrily.

"The teaching law is outdated, sir, but the castle law is still applicable..." William spread his hands and dragged the chairs and tables with a snap of his fingers, "But we don't need to discuss this matter for the time being. If possible, we can sit down. Let’s talk.”

He took the lead to sit on one side of the table and even handed the gun back from the table.

"Please take a seat, Mr. Dursley. Although this meeting is a little earlier than I expected, it is not bad now."

Vernon hesitated, and finally sat down and held the gun - although the young man in front of him downplayed it as worthless, the cold barrel was the best source of courage for him now.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is William, professor at Hogwarts."

William gestured to himself, then turned to look at Sirius and Harry, "Harry, Mr. Black, come here. I think this negotiation requires the participation of three of us."

When William said Harry's name, Vernon's hand twitched, but in the end he chose not to say anything. He was just looking at everything, trying to analyze the available information from the chaotic situation.

He looked from the table to the chairs to the surrounding decorations.

Garbage bags, game consoles, partially replaced furniture, sorted out old things...

In the end, he had to come to a sad fact - this group of guys who called themselves wizards did not occupy this place temporarily, but really regarded this place as their home.

"It's rude to say this, but Mr. Dursley, I don't think you've introduced yourself yet."

After Sirius and Harry sat on both sides, William said to Dursley opposite.

"I didn't mean to be rude..." The words themselves were full of rudeness, but William didn't seem to hear him, "But you have figured everything out, right?"


William nodded, and then began to tell lies with his eyes open.

"In fact, the reason why we came here is to investigate Mr. Dursley's serious violations and to make remediation and punishment."

"I'm not like you!"

William's words obviously angered the guy on the opposite side, and he directly separated himself with a roar.

"It's different, so you've violated both laws," William nodded. "The house has been magically soundproofed when I tried the gun, so roaring can't solve any problem, sir."

"According to Harry's description," William glanced at Harry, "it is confirmed that your family abused children and used child labor."

"You are a professor at that school, not an investigator of some damn group!"

Vernon's voice got louder, "I adopted him and fed him for thirteen years!"

"There is no doubt about it, Mr. Dursley, so Harry will pay you six hundred galleons, which is about three thousand pounds, as support when he comes of age and works."

William nodded, not refuting Dursley's opinion at all.

This huge number shocked Harry. He didn't want to pay a single galleon to the Dursleys, let alone six hundred galleons!

Despite this, he still did not object vocally and just cast his gaze on William.

"Three thousand pounds..."

Vernon's face was clouded and he no longer growled as before.

"Well, if that's the case, I don't have much of an opinion."

"Wait a minute, Mr. Dursley." William shook his head, "Because you did not provide a good accommodation environment. In fact, Harry had been sleeping in the cupboard before he was eleven years old - therefore, we need to deduct six hundred Pound maintenance.”

"Therefore, one hundred pounds needs to be deducted here. After conversion, Harry will need to pay fifteen hundred pounds in child support when he becomes an adult." After thinking for a long time, William finally gave Harry a figure that made Harry feel much better. .

"If there are no additional demands, we will probably be able to get such an agreement."

As William spoke, he let the quill work, and a final agreement was quickly reached.

"If you have no objection, please sign, Mr. Dursley."

The final draft is very simple, there are no patterns or anything like that, and the writing is clear at a glance.

Roughly speaking, the Dursleys will adopt Harry until he reaches the age of seventeen, and Harry will need to pay a maintenance fee of fifteen hundred pounds in the first year after he finds a job as an adult.

After confirming that there was no text trap and that it would not blackmail him, Vernon muttered and signed.

Although it still made him uncomfortable to stay with these strange guys, the unexpected income, which was not too small, made him more comfortable with Harry.

"So, that's it?"

He came over to threaten and signed a messy thing instead. Although he made some profits, he still didn't want to stay here for a moment.

"Yes, that's all, Mr. Dursley."

William nodded and put away the contract.


"Solved a big problem."

After Mr. Dursley left, William stretched and exhaled, feeling happy.

Harry, on the other hand, looked unhappy - paying the Dursleys three hundred galleons as an adult? What a joke!

"That's what you have to pay, Harry," William said to Harry while collecting the contract. "I know you definitely don't like that life, but there is no doubt that you have lived in the Dursley family for ten years. For one year, this payment is what you should pay.”

"The one that can be bought off with money is the cheapest, Harry." William said while looking at Sirius next to him, "Mr. Black, I hope you won't help Harry pay this money and let him use his salary after work. Paycheck to paycheck.”

"Okay..." Sirius agreed after a little hesitation - the amount was not large anyway, and the professor in front of him came with an inspection mission. He would not refuse such a small thing.

"That's really great."

William rolled up the parchment and put it away.

This result is worthy of his series of operations, first threatening, then talking nonsense, and then bargaining.

Adopt Harry until he reaches the age of seventeen, and then Harry pays child support. This is a two-way contract. Once signed, it cannot be changed. After all, there is magic on the parchment.

Adoption itself means that Harry becomes a member of the Dursley family. Unless Mr. Dursley suddenly masters magic to find the original and modify it with a power far beyond William's, even if he kicks Harry out of the house and severs relations with the newspaper, it will be useless. It's useless - the patch on magic only recognizes magic, not Muggles.

He didn't know what Professor McGonagall thought and arranged, but it was definitely a good idea to have more insurance.

Anyway, according to the feedback from the Ravenclaw scammers imprisoned in Azkaban, this method of using magic to supplement magic is quite easy to use. If they hadn't gone to Gringotts to sell more Muggle currency, they would never have overturned. of.


"So, Professor William, you finally signed this contract with Mr. Dursley?"

In Professor McGonagall's office, William was reporting on what he had learned during the holiday, and by the way handed over the original copy of the contract - of course it was better to throw something like this that could be a breakthrough to the school, and he was sure that Dumbledore would not be able to keep it. Can't hold on.

"Yes, Professor McGonagall," William responded while suppressing a yawn. In order to hand over this thing, he returned to school before even finishing his vacation. For safety reasons, the Knight Bus he took was shaken a bit along the way. Sleepy.

"If the contract guarantees it, at least we will have a way to deal with the situation like last summer, instead of having to convince the Dursleys to continue to accept Harry."

If it hadn't been for what happened last year, he wouldn't have used the contract to ensure that Harry wouldn't be kicked out. It was really...

"Thank you for your hard work, Professor William."

Professor McGonagall put the original contract away thoughtfully, and then asked another question with concern, "What do you think about letting Sirius adopt Harry?"

'The elf didn't have a score when I left...'

This was the first thing William thought of, but since Sirius said he was looking for it, there was a high probability that he would be able to find it.

"I'm still investigating. It seems that there are some minor problems at the moment, but Sirius is still working hard to make up for it."

"He's surprisingly reliable in this matter."

William didn’t know what to say for a while.

"Okay, that's it...if you don't mind, can you come with me to find Albus? I think he should be in the office today."

Of course I don't mind - Dumbledore is the most mysterious person in the castle, but as the first white wizard, he can stand up to half the library.

It's a pity that even the dean cannot always find this principal who doesn't know what he is doing.

It was easy for the principal to see Sirius when the rumors were at their most intense. Dumbledore was now much busier than usual. From what William heard from the professors' chats, the principal had gone abroad many times just from the time after Christmas to the current semester.



Dumbledore stood up from his chair, his face slightly tired.

William noticed that the diary he found last year was floating on the table. Next to it, the top piece of parchment paper had all its secrets written on it - origin, material, page number...

"Yes, contract."

Professor McGonagall repeated, "Professor William tried to use a contract to supplement the protective magic, but I am not sure whether it is possible."

"Interesting question, Minerva... I think it should be possible, but we'll need a little experimentation to prove it."

Dumbledore nodded towards Professor McGonagall, then looked at William.

"Sorry, Professor William, could you wait here for a moment? I think I need Minerva to do some experiments."

"Of course, no problem, Professor."

After all, it is a method often used by fraudsters. Even Dumbledore is not too sure - even if he is the first white wizard. He has specialization in the art, so it is still possible.

‘But… I can go too, right? ’

William was a little confused. Logically speaking, it would be better for his client to go to the simulation, but why did he leave him in the principal's office?

In any other place, one could say the reasons for possible distrust, but who would leave someone who doesn’t believe alone in his or her office?

But William soon understood why.

"Professor William."

The mural on the wall suddenly spoke - it was one of the past principals.

"Are you interested in making a deal that doesn't violate school rules?"

"About the sole heir of our family -" the oil painting said, "if you are willing, I think we can sign a contract."

‘The only heir? ’

William was stunned for a moment and immediately understood the identity of the man on the wall.

When the school decided to let Sirius recuperate at Hogwarts, William heard Professor McGonagall say that the Black family used to be the school's directors, and there was also a headmaster in their family.

"You mean, Sirius Black?"

"Yes, my worthless and useless great-great-grandson," Blake in the portrait looked at William, his sly squinted eyes half-closed to prevent others from guessing his true thoughts.

"Have you seen him? No no..."

William shook his head, "You should have just seen him!"

Even with the school's endorsement, it was impossible for the former principal's oil painting to trust a young professor at will, let alone make a deal with him related to his own heir.

To sign a contract, a price must be paid, and the other party's willingness to pay the price means that in his opinion, the matter is certain.

'where? ’

'It can't be Black's new home, there's no trace of magic there to begin with. ’

'Only the Black family's old house - yes, Sirius will definitely rush back to find the house elves after I return to school...'

"You can see another scene through the arrangement? Is it a ritual? A residual spell? An inherited instrument?"

William made a quick guess.

But the oil painting on the wall shook his head, "This is not a transaction, Professor."

"What I can offer you is a treasure worth at least three thousand galleons, guaranteed by Albus."

He set out his own price to prevent William from continuing to speculate - if he continued to speculate, the professor would guess all the remaining secrets.


"Prodigal sons are a problem that must be avoided in family inheritance, so we will not pass on all the wealth."

"So, Professor William," he looked at William, "This is beneficial to both of us, and Albus will not allow me to frame his professor... Are you interested in this transaction?"

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