From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 333 After the prophecy

"What? Peter Pettigrew is crazy? Like the rest of the prisoners?"

When Minister of Magic Fudge opened the information to be processed today, he was quite surprised to see the report from the striker.


Fudge shook his head, "I thought that guy could last a long time, just like Black back then."

According to the report sent by the secretary at that time, there should be two more follow-up reports.

'But at least let this matter go. If Sirius continues to abscond, it will be really troublesome...'

"He is the real criminal after all - maybe the Daily Prophet could do a special report on this?"

The secretary on the side put forward a feasible motion.

"You take care of it, Dan," Fudge nodded, "while the public is still interested in him."

"Yes, Minister."

The residents of the wizarding world are short-sighted. If they don't report the matter now, their attention will soon be attracted by the upcoming Quidditch match. At that time, they will not be able to realize that the Minister of Magic is in the small town. The tremendous effort put into the Sirius case.

"Speaking of which, what is our former fugitive doing now?"

Fudge became curious when he mentioned Pettigrew, and he casually asked his secretary.

"He is still living in Hogwarts. According to some information, he seems to be busy doing volunteer work at the school - helping to repair the castle."

"This is such a pity. The Black family is a very famous pure-blood family..."

"But Minister..." the secretary hesitated, "Although Sirius is also Black and has clear inheritance rights from the Black family, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to be recognized by other pure-blood families. The fact that he was removed from the family has been widely circulated..."

Fudge shook his finger - "Of course not, Dan, I mean campaign financial support, just like the Malfoy family..."

The Malfoy family is a strong supporter of Fudge. It has provided abundant financial assistance since Fudge was still a minister. Minister Fudge is also worthy of this investment, helping the Malfoy family step by step to get rid of the bad consequences caused by the trial that year. Influence.

This friendship was inherited from Minister Fudge’s predecessor. As the minister’s secretary, Dan was very aware of this history.

"Yes, Minister, I will arrange a visit for you to Hogwarts - how about before Easter? Just use your concern for the upcoming second negotiations of the Triwizard Tournament as an excuse."

Fudge nodded, then turned to work on the next document.


"A true prophecy..."

William sat in his office, staring at the ceiling in a rare daze.

Dumbledore has not shared the prophecy yet, and there is a high probability that he will not hear the prophecy.

There is no way, according to reliable historical records, the true prophecy cannot be changed basically - the vast majority of wizards firmly believe in this, and even the stronger wizards believe this more.

Although it may be a bit one-sided to say this, the Divination class at Hogwarts...

From that point of view, it is very likely that Dumbledore believed the prophecy, so it was impossible for him to share the prophecy with the professors before he figured out the content of the prophecy and understood it.

‘The question is, what should I make of this formal prophecy? ’

‘What should I do if the principal shares it? Do you want to try changing it - is it a particularly vague one as the book says? ’

William was very curious and confused.

To be honest, he wanted to ask Professor Trelawney now, but he probably couldn't - according to reliable information, the person who made the prophecy had no memory himself.

‘Professor Trelawney, what a prophecy you suddenly made! ’

Finally, he gritted his teeth and complained.

No way, a prophecy is a prophecy, and fortune telling is fortune telling - after fortune telling figures out something, it mostly tells you how to do it, and then you can deceive the gods and change the day, while prophecy is about peeking into your destiny. One corner cannot be changed.

'It's best to be vague...that way there is room for maneuver...'


At the end of his planning, William angrily closed the books on the table and left the office - to go have a drink with Hagrid!


"Don't tell anyone what happened today, Potter."

In Professor McGonagall's office, the vice-principal was warning Harry - she didn't hear much, but she was already sure that it was a true prophecy.

The last time this prophecy, which was said to be unaffected by accidents, appeared, the mysterious man who had reached the peak of his power almost disappeared.

Although the prophecy itself is still secret, after years of publicity by the Ministry of Magic and speculations by evil wizards, the entire magical world has no doubts about the existence of the prophecy.

As one of the parties involved, Professor McGonagall knew very well that it was not a lie.

And now, a new prophecy has appeared. If it spreads out for a while, the entire magical world will panic - a real prophecy is not something like a running account recording who and who ate what, it predicts everything. They are all capable of shaking the entire magical world.

"I understand, Professor, but what is that?"

Harry looked at Professor McGonagall in confusion.

He was not a fool—all the professors, including Dumbledore, changed their expressions. That was definitely great news. ,

Professor McGonagall hesitated, but finally chose to tell him.

She has always known what Gryffindor can do. Compared with spreading the prophecy to Harry, it would be less harmful to let him know about the prophecy - the child in front of her can directly bypass a lot of traps. The troublemaker who went to take out the Sorcerer's Stone, the twins together didn't have Harry to worry about!

"That is a true prophecy. In most divination books, it is regarded as a manifestation of destiny. The things described in the prophecy will definitely happen."

Professor McGonagall finished her explanation in a hurry and warned Harry again.

"It is vital that you do not mention this to Miss Granger or Mr. Weasley, or to Hagrid or Black, Potter."

Professor McGonagall looked at Harry closely, with an extremely serious expression.

Under the pressure of such gazes, Harry finally nodded heavily and promised not to share this matter with his friends.

After watching Harry leave, Professor McGonagall sat on a chair in the office and began to think about the true prophecy.

What is it about?

How much did Albus hear?

Is the so-called coming back the mysterious man that Albus has been saying will come back eventually?

And...what do you think of Sybil in the future?

He went on to say that it was inappropriate for her to use deceptive means to teach students... But she pretends to be a ghost every year to scare students!


'A true prophecy...'

‘Never reveal it to others. ’

Harry walked down the aisle, confused.

Professor McGonagall's explanation did not clear up his doubts, but made him more curious about the prophecy itself.

And, for some reason, he was a little scared - Professor Trelawney, who could make true predictions, was really like what Hermione said, a big liar who had no knowledge and only knew how to cheat?

That was a prophecy that even Dumbledore had to listen to carefully!

The fear that had been dispelled by the centaurs' divination surged up like a mist, and uneasiness occupied his mind.

I want to talk to someone - but who can I talk to?

He had promised Professor McGonagall not to talk about the true prophecy to anyone. But without prophecy, he would have no way to explain his current fear.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in Harry's mind - yes, if it was him, no problem!

"Dong dong dong!"

There was a knock on the door of Hagrid's hut, and the two people who were drinking looked at each other - didn't they call anyone else?

"Hagrid, are you there? I'm Harry."

Harry's voice was very low and floated out from the crack in the door. But even so, the uneasiness and panic hidden in the voice can be heard.

‘Although it’s not lights-out time yet, the castle door is almost closed, right? ’

William thought as he secretly took out his wand and pointed it at the door.

The person who came was indeed Harry. He was wearing his own invisibility cloak and standing outside the door, with only his head floating in the air.

"Come in, Harry."

Hagrid greeted warmly, "Why did you come here so late at night?"

Obviously, as a professor, Hagrid didn't care about students ignoring school rules and leaving the castle in the middle of the night - but William didn't intend to care about it.

If every Gryffindor was caught breaking the rules, then Professor McGonagall would never see the House Cup...

"I encountered some troublesome things, and I really don't want to stay in the castle anymore..."

Harry tried not to tell lies - he still remembered Professor McGonagall's request.

"You're here too, Professor."

Although these words were false, Harry's heart was filled with joy. After anxiously knocking on William's office door for a long time, he realized that William was not in the office.

After many inquiries, I learned from a nearby oil painting that William left with wine.

He immediately boldly guessed that William had come to Hagrid's side, went back and put on his invisibility cloak, and then lied to Ron with difficulty before he escaped and came to Hagrid's side.

'The Firebolt will still be available to you when you're not training next week, Ron. ’

With this apology, Harry sat down next to William and Hagrid.

"Underage drinking is not good."

William pushed the bottle away from Harry, then tried to look up at Hagrid.

"Hagrid, could you please kill a rooster? While Harry is still growing, I think we should get him something to eat-"

"I almost forgot!"

Hagrid muttered quietly, then clapped his huge hands on his head, making a terrible noise, "I'll go and be right back - William, you know cooking magic?"

"It's a little simpler, at least it's not unpalatable."

The smuggling life is hard, and he has to rely on himself for supplies and other supplies. William still has a little experience in cooking magic - although this is not modest at all, and his cooking skills are only a little better than those of people who can eat the undead.

Hagrid left with a huge wind and went straight to the courtyard to start preparing extra meals for Harry.

"Let's talk about it. Why are you so anxious that you come to me in the middle of the night?"

William stared into Harry's eyes and poured himself a glass of wine.

"Professor, that prophecy..."

As a person present, speaking to William was naturally not within Professor McGonagall's prohibition, and judging from William's change of expression, Harry believed he could get the answer.

"That prophecy...have you finished listening to it?"

I knew it was this...but...did you really hear it clearly?

William looked at Harry with doubts in his eyes.

The wind was very strong at that time, and the contents of the prophecy were blown to pieces. It didn't matter that the Seeker's insight was good, but his hearing was so good?

"No... I only heard the beginning, but Professor McGonagall told me not to tell anyone else."

Harry explained honestly.

"Can't you tell anyone else?"

William was stunned for a moment, what would he say to Adams tomorrow—he watched a fireworks show from the VIP position at the Astronomy Tower tonight?

After all, he had never studied divination systematically, and he underestimated the influence of real predictions.

"Well, yes, the professor also reduced my confinement for two weeks, but by claiming that I used magic on a whim on the astronomy tower, the confinement was extended."

Harry poured beans out of a bamboo tube and talked about everything in detail.

"Professor...are you telling the truth that Trelawney taught her..."

Harry spoke of his fears...slightly shyly...this was the second time he had sought help for the problem.

What a ghost - the Leek stock has risen a bit and you think you are a stock god?

Although for some special reasons, William would not speak ill of Professor Trelawney on any occasion, the professor's daily teaching consisted of intimidation and intimidation, making it impossible for anyone to know her true strength.

Divination is not an ordinary magic, it can be compared, and she also describes her omnipotence every day - she is proficient in all divination, and she is a born divination master.

The most terrible thing is that she predicts the death of one student every year, but many others are still alive and well.

Everyone is destined to die, there is no escaping this. If she has the ability to predict which child will be admitted to Azkaban?

I dare not say more, but William is at least 60% sure of accurately judging whether a graduate has the possibility of going to Azkaban in the future. Isn't that much more accurate than divination?

But today he is also a witness to the real divination, and now he himself is a little hesitant...


William organized his words, looked at Harry, and spoke slowly.

"Let's put it this way, recently the fifth graders were attacking magical creatures that needed to be dealt with. In the relevant exams, Selma's classmate won the first place with an overwhelming advantage."

"I have read her papers carefully, and many of the methods even gave me a new understanding - I even personally experimented with those methods and confirmed their feasibility."

William considered not to say any offensive words.

"However, whether it is last year's open-book exam or most of the current test papers, Selma's grades are mediocre, and last year's open-book exam was even more creative..."

"So, Harry," William looked at the students in front of him, "don't take the rest of the things as inevitable because of the so-called true prophecies... There are many magics, and there are many prophecies..."

It was the mildest criticism he could manage.

ps, if I get stuck tomorrow, I’ll probably have to take leave... It’s too uncomfortable... Gu...

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