From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 318 Marauder’s Map and Quidditch

"'s so cold...did I kick the quilt away again?"

Half asleep, Harry felt a chill on the back of his neck, and then realized something was wrong.

Without any hesitation, he directly reached out and touched the side of the pillow closest to the bed.

The next second, the magic spell directly tore through the darkness and hit the place where the cold wind came from.

"There are many obstacles!"

"Dong - eh..."

A black shadow hit the ground heavily, and Harry became nervous - couldn't it be that he was nervous and attacked the guy who played a prank?

But the truth quickly reassured him.

"Potter who did dirty things! Potter who attacked sneakily!..."

Peeves's voice came and then went away, cursing all the way through the wall. It was obvious that his prank had failed - the strength and mood of this magical elf were both mysterious and impossible to guess.

'Damn, it's still dark. ’

Harry looked out the window and saw that there was a strong wind and heavy rain outside.

'There is still a game today...the game will not be postponed due to rain. Will Sirius go? ’

"Harry, was it Peeves just now?"

Simon, who lived in the same dormitory, asked drowsily, and then fell asleep again before Harry could answer.

As for Ron and the others, they didn't even wake up.

'There are downsides to being too vigilant...' Harry put the wand back and couldn't help but think of this teaching - now that he thought about it, the professor was absolutely right.

He couldn't sleep at all now. The thunder, wind and rain outside the window were so noisy that he couldn't sleep at all.

Although he knew that he needed to maintain sufficient physical strength during the game, the current situation could not be solved by falling asleep.

'Forget it...don't sleep...'

After trying for a long time, Harry finally gave up. He quietly put on his clothes, put on the invisibility cloak, and left the lounge directly.

Although he didn't know where to go, it was still more comfortable than watching them sleep in the dormitory.


Hogwarts in the early morning was much more boring than school in the middle of the night, and because it was raining heavily outside, it made people feel particularly uncomfortable.

Harry wandered around for a long time, only making himself more and more irritable.


As he passed the corner, he was suddenly called to a halt, and then he began to get excited - it was Sirius's voice.

"it's me."

Harry simply lifted his cloak, and then he saw Sirius around the corner.

"Isn't there a game today?"

"Awakened by Peeves' prank."

Harry briefly told what had happened to him, making Sirius laugh.

"It's still the same as before, it likes to play pranks."

Sirius shook his head and smiled, "We met that guy many times before, and then we became familiar with it - well, after all, we were able to play pranks at that time. Did I tell you, Harry?"


This was the only question that Harry wanted to hear but didn't really like hearing.

For him, father has always been a word that can be heard but cannot be touched - although in these years, his relatives, friends and teachers have used various forms to describe the image of his father to him, but he still has not I can't accept their description.

But anyway, probably because of his aunt's family, he subconsciously believed that his father was a stable person who could save him if he showed up.

If his father were here, neither people like Aunt Petunia, nor people like Dudley, nor people like Malfoy would be able to target him like this - yes, that's it.

But Sirius's story completely subverted his imagination.

The steady, reliable father who could solve all problems as soon as he appeared and was trustworthy has become the guy in the story who likes to break rules and explore...

He doesn't like such a father, but because of Sirius, he accepts this kind of father the most - I don't know why, if others say such things, Harry will be disgusted, but when Sirius says it, he will Somewhat convinced.

'But the professor said...Sirius is a paranoid fool...'

Looking at Sirius who was caught up in the response, Harry silently swallowed the professor's words - yes, but he was also a pretty likable idiot.

"Peeves..." Sirius woke up from his memories, completely unaware of his godson's complex psychological activities.

"I should have told you that since I was a student, I will not sleep when the moon is full."

Sirius looked at Harry and resisted the urge to put his arm around Harry's shoulders.

"Well, that's why - we're going to have fun on campus with Moony, your Professor Lupin, us, um, the four of us."

"However, there are always ups and downs in relationships..." He shook his head, "Although we trust each other...well, there is a guy who is not worthy of trust..."

"But don't talk about him anymore."

Sirius shook his head, "For that reason, Moony always has some sleepless times, and out of the three of us... James and I have the best relationship."

"Okay, I'm going off topic again."

"To put it simply, there are actually secrets in the castle that Lupine doesn't know about...and neither does the mouse."

“It’s not that we’re trying to trick them, it’s just that they weren’t chosen.

That's the literal meaning - you may not even think of selecting someone, yes, that's right, that elf, the most powerful troublemaker, Peeves. "


Harry finally couldn't help but interrupt Sirius. He really couldn't think of any special choices that this crazy guy who only tortured people all day long would have.

"Yes, Peeves.

Although it looks crazy and its behavior is unreasonable, it is indeed different.

Later, James and I checked various information and found out that that guy has been playing pranks in Hogwarts for almost a thousand years, and it has existed since the day the castle was built. "

"A thousand years of memories?"

Harry was a little surprised - Professor Binns, who was often praised by Professor William, did not have so many years of experience.

According to the professor, learning the history of magic makes one wise, so wouldn’t Peeves...

"There should be..." Sirius himself wasn't sure, "But it's almost always crazy. I'm afraid he can't even remember it."


"But that time James and I met it when it woke up..." Sirius said nostalgically, "It was like a random encounter... We used that opportunity to create great inventions..."

"a great invention?"

"Yes, a great invention -" Sirius looked nostalgic, "The Marauder's Map."

"The Marauder's Map?"

" was confiscated..." Sirius smiled awkwardly, and then explained, "A complete map of Hogwarts the size of a piece of parchment, which can monitor every corner and every person in the castle."


"Yes, everyone." Sirius confirmed, "Including the one you are thinking of - we can easily find it as long as it is on the land of Hogwarts."

Harry didn't believe it. As a wizard who had studied in his third year, he had gradually understood the greatness of Dumbledore.

"Yes, it's just what you think. When we saw that name on the map, we were scared." Sirius recalled with a look on his face, as if describing something great - although it was indeed great.

"In order to verify that discovery, we had to be deducted thirty points by the professors..." Sirius said, making himself laugh, "The expression on Professor McGonagall's face at that time makes me a little scared now... But we didn't care about that at all at the time. "

"A map that even Dumbledore can spy on! A genius idea..."

Sirius said with a slight exaggeration, "But later we discovered that this invention could not be copied... It was not our own power, but Peeves had authorized us to monitor Hogwarts... Although we did not have it at the time I guessed it, but after reviewing a series of information, we still came up with this conjecture.”

"Perhaps Peeves is older than those recorded in the data. It is the collection of all the magic in the castle..."

"Whether it's the map that was created to monitor everyone, or the subsequent vague memories, they all illustrate the authenticity of that incident."

Sirius shook his head.


"Well, we just remember that Peeves suddenly became very powerful, and then said what we passed...we forgot about everything else...even the method of the map was forgotten."

"Later, after everything James and I went through, we planned to let Remus and the others see the real Peeves, so we have been secretly investigating...but we have never been able to find started to play tricks crazily... "

"Then there's no way to tell Lupine...James was already very careful at that time, and he was afraid that this would make Remus feel that there was still something unacceptable about him..."

"As a result, we didn't find a way to make Peeves normal until graduation... He continued to play childish pranks as if he never grew up. Everything we saw that day seemed like a dream. If it hadn't been for that map, we would have done it ourselves. I doubt whether what I saw is real.”

Although Sirius tried his best to describe everything, it was too far away from Harry.

He couldn't imagine how powerful that map was - what Sirius had described was even more outrageous than Malfoy's boasts.

"So," Sirius looked at Harry, "get in touch with Peeves more and check more information. Maybe you can find all the secrets that James and I didn't find at the beginning."


Harry was stunned for a moment, then answered solemnly.


When Harry returned to the common room, he was still thinking hard about Peeves.

Although Sirius always said that it was just something he tried to do in his spare time, Harry still put it on his schedule inexplicably.

"Peeves' inexplicable test...choice...a memory that will be forgotten..."

If the speakers were twins, Harry would not believe it, but Sirius said so...

"Harry, what are you doing?"

Wood asked nervously and carefully.

"The game was too stressful, so I went to relax."

Harry lied, but Wood didn't care much for the answer.

"Let's go to the restaurant. Maybe we can study something else later."

This was a lie, of course - everyone was nervous.

Professor Snape has been crazy lately, and points have been deducted from Gryffindors of all grades in his hands. Under this situation, if they lose the game as a house team, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

Compared to the others, Harry paid more attention to Sirius watching him play for the first time. He didn't want to miss Quidditch, which he was best at, especially when the opponent was Malfoy.

He had talked to Sirius about Malfoy several times, and if he lost this time...

This allowed him to successfully put Peeves out of his mind.

"Don't be nervous, are much better than the expensive Slytherin Seeker opposite!"

Before the game started, Harry received one last word of encouragement before all his words were muffled by the violent storm.

'Anyway...come on...'

Before the game was announced, Harry took off his glasses and tapped them with his wand.

“Waterproof and moisture-proof!”

The spell of hard training during the holiday was successful, and the water droplets attached to the glasses disappeared completely - the professor said that maintaining a good field of vision is one of the key points to protect yourself, and he, who wears glasses, must master a series of controls Spectacle casting.

'If I'm not competing, I can even give myself far-sightedness...'

Harry put on his glasses, suddenly thought of this, and then quickly threw the thought away.

But the other side obviously didn't think so.

The Quidditch captain opposite called the referee with a wicked smile, and then Mrs. Hooch walked towards him and began to check his glasses.

The inspection was naturally not a problem, but such a small conflict made the other side very proud. The cheers from the Slytherin side even broke through the rain curtain and reached this side.

This made the two captains, who shook hands with each other and wanted to pinch themselves to death, even harder.

After a long time, the two captains finally felt that it was too silly to compete in the pouring rain, and they were willing to let go.

Taking this opportunity, Harry began to look around.

But soon he began to laugh at himself - there were so many teachers and students, how could he possibly see Sirius?

'I am so silly. ’

As he complained, Mrs. Hooch mouthed something like getting on a broom.

Then she put the whistle to her mouth and blew hard, making a sharp whistle. Although it sounded like it came from a distance, it was confirmed that the game had begun.

Everyone took off instantly.

Harry was soaked quickly, but the other side wasn't having it easy either.

He met Malfoy, and they made a tacit agreement not to interfere with each other, and then started looking for each other.

A huge bolt of lightning struck, and Harry immediately took advantage of this opportunity to search more areas.

Then he saw a huge black dog. It was covered in thick and long black hair. More importantly, its head was a little bald...

'he came. ’

This thought came to mind, and Harry couldn't help but laugh.

Although the rain was still heavy, Harry suddenly felt that he was not cold at all.

He took another careful look over there, and then directly raised the broom - well, just like that, he caught the snitch and ended the game.

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