From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 317 Quidditch and Self-Defense Class

"The course progress is probably here. Professor William, you can use it as a reference."

In the staff lounge, Lu Ping placed the compiled lesson plan in front of William, "Sorry to trouble you, Professor William."

"It's okay, but they may not accept this fact," William took it over with a smile and looked through it - because he had joined the make-up class on Saturday, he really didn't know much about Lupin's courses.

"Hmm...have you learned everything?"

William pointed to the last few creatures on the lesson plan and said, "Professor Luping, your teaching progress is very fast. It seems that I have to make appropriate adjustments."

"Oh my god, have you really prepared the papers?"

Singed, who was listening happily, couldn't help it anymore. He stared at William with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Let's take a look and see how the students have mastered the courses during this period - is there any problem with this?"

William spread his hands and turned to look at Lupine, "Are the papers going to be put in your office, Professor Luping?"

Lu Ping hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded. Although he was not inclined to use test papers to examine students' daily learning performance, since the students were all handed over to William's hands and the exams were passed, he shouldn't be overly impressed by the papers. .

"Okay, it's settled, by the way -" William lowered his voice, "Have you found the reason for asking for leave? This statement must be unified. The students in the school are very curious."

"Isn't it okay to be sick?"

Lupine was stunned for a moment.

"Be more specific..." William shook his head, and then complained irresponsibly, "You underestimated the curiosity of those students - you might as well say that you were experimenting with the preparation of truth serum, and then got poisoned... After all, that thing needs In one lunar cycle, if you are hospitalized next month, everyone will just think that you tried again."

"Maybe this is an unexpected good idea..." Lu Ping smiled, obviously not taking it seriously, "Okay, I'll go check out what disease I should have..."

Saying this sentence made several professors gathered together laugh.

"Boom... Ouch!"

A childish voice sounded, and after the chaos came Aphra's solemn apology.

"Sorry, uncle, I just wanted to scare them and didn't notice you."

Professor Snape, who was apologized to by her, looked a little irritable, but mixed with other things. He didn't even say anything and left with a livid face.

After the door to the staff lounge was closed, Aphra glanced at the door, then raised her hands high, stuck out her tongue, and then ran towards William and the others, "Afra is here! Although She’s been found!”

"Professor Taylor is finally willing to let you come to school to play?"

Singed smiled, then took out a small box from his body, "Take it and play with it, Aphra."

"Thank you uncle."

Aphra stood firm, saluted to Singed in a dignified manner, and then eagerly took the gift.

"By the way, the fierce-looking uncle was eavesdropping with a strange expression just now, so Aphra bumped into him!"

As if remembering something, she loudly talked about her achievements just now.

‘I guess you want to teach? Lupine is on leave, so Professor Snape wants to take this opportunity to have some fun? ’

He shook his head in confusion, 'I have already published the papers, how could this happen? ’


'Lupin...Black. ’

Snape walked down the corridor, his heart filled with unspeakable complexity.

He hated Black and Lupine, but now he had to thank him for Black's persistence in hunting down Peter Pettigrew.

But he knew quite well why Blake was chasing the rat.

'Trash...can't you kill that damn rat? ’

'No... I should have done it... No no... I should have killed myself...' he told himself, 'How did you have the courage to survive... Wasn't this incident caused by you?'

'I have to protect hate him...'

Random thoughts emerged and settled in his mind, and then more bizarre thoughts emerged.

Sometimes he wanted to sneak into Azkaban and deal with the liar named Pettigrew with his own hands. Sometimes, he wanted to listen to Albus and survive until he killed the real murderer. But sometimes, he wanted to I also want to grab the two bastards Lupine and Black by the throat and question...


There was a sudden voice, it was Marcus Flint, his Quidditch captain.

"We need a stamp of approval... We have a game against Gryffindor and we need more training."


"Okay," Snape nodded, "Go to my office."


‘Oh my god…my class! ’

Harry ran wildly in the corridor - because tomorrow is the day of the game against Slytherin, Oliver Wood, their captain, would not miss even a little bit of time between classes, constantly giving new tips. As a result, he was still listening to the game formations in the corridor during class.

'Damn...what's the point of running away from Lupin's class'

He didn't know what to say for a moment - when he was chatting with Sirius yesterday, Sirius said that skipping classes was a common practice at Hogwarts, and as a result, he was skipping Lupin's classes today.

Not to mention that he promised to stay with Lupin for a while, but he broke his promise just after he agreed.

‘This way, right, it’s... finally here! ’

Harry rushed directly to the door, and without even calming his heartbeat, he opened the door and rushed in.

"Sorry, I'm late, Professor Lupin, I-"

But the person on the podium was not Professor Lupine at all but Professor William. The whole classroom was silent. Everyone stood up and looked at Harry.

‘Did I go to the wrong classroom? But Ron and, everyone is here? ’

"This class started ten minutes ago -" William looked at Harry with a smile, "But you didn't miss anything. The exam is still very long. Sit down and find a seat to start the exam, Harry."

Harry then noticed that everyone had a test paper full of questions in front of them. Judging from everyone's expressions, no one seemed to like this arrangement.

"Sorry, Professor, Lupine taught him?"

"Sick," William said, trying to look sad.

There was no way, because a child appeared in the castle, Lupine quietly asked him to check the Wolfsbane potion again - although Dumbledore assured that Professor Snape was trustworthy, he was still a little worried.

Of course, the examination was conducted in secret, and William watched Lupine take the medicine with his own eyes, incidentally applying defensive magic to his office.

But this caused William to really not worry about Professor Lupine's sleeping posture after drinking the potion - if it weren't for respecting privacy, he would even be curious about the sleeping posture after the werewolf transformed.

"The name of the disease is a bit hard to pronounce, and I don't know much about it, but it will definitely be cured next week."

William nodded, "So, hurry up and do the papers. Just like I said at the beginning, do it as seriously as possible. The grades must be given for reference - if the overall grade is too low, Professor Lu Ping may Change his teaching model."

This sentence was so devastating that even Harry, who was about to compete, suddenly forgot about the so-called arrangements and tactics, and concentrated all his energy on the paper.

You can figure it out without using your head. The so-called teaching mode change is definitely not easier, especially when this course already has a teaching mode.

'Well, this should be able to investigate something - the advantages and disadvantages of Lupin's teaching model. ’

"The difficulty of the questions is moderate, and there should be full marks." He looked at Hermione, who was the fastest in answering the questions, "I'm just not sure how many." ’

But of course, the other people all wore masks of pain on their faces - the previous self-defense course was the most popular. Everyone came to the classroom happily singing songs to prepare for today's course, and then suddenly I was hit in the face by the test paper.

"Very well, it's time."

William snapped his fingers, and then a pile of papers flew towards the podium, neatly stacked together - after practicing hard, William could barely understand the magic of controlling many objects at the same time.

"The exam time is over and we can go to class."

While packing up the papers, William asked the students, "Well, if I'm not mistaken, you should learn hinkpunk today?"

"Yes, Professor."

The students replied uninterestedly, but that was forgivable - anyone would be crazy to have to attend class after taking exams.

"Here are their wall charts..." William said as he let the wall charts unfold on the blackboard, and then pointed to the portrait.

"That's it." He pointed at the guy trying to avoid the portrait with his finger. "It's a leg that looks like smoke. It doesn't look scary."

"To give a brief evaluation, the direct damage ability is almost non-existent, the intimidation ability is almost non-existent, and the cuteness is almost non-existent..."

The children below couldn't help but laugh.

William spread his hands, "This is very important - good-looking magical creatures are rarely persecuted by wizards unless they are extremely aggressive...such as Puff Rong."

“But this guy,” William pointed to Xinkpunk’s only leg and asked the painting to lift it up, “pay attention, it’s that lamp, it’s very deceptive and can make people mistake it for a light. "

"Since this guy usually lives in a swamp, this tends to lead to..."


After a long introduction, William spread his hands and said, "These are all its effects on Muggles... For wizards, the swamp is not so lethal. Most wizards can use transformation or other methods..."

"Dong dong dong."

"Please come in."

A flash of red hair came in, it was Percy.

"Professor, the venue is ready."

"That's great, thank you, Percy."

William nodded at Percy, then smiled at the students below, "Well, there are still twenty minutes left. Our venue is set up. Quick, quick, let's take action. Let's go catch Xinkpunk!"

Harry, who was having an ear-to-ear with Ron, froze over there.

"I just said, Percy come to the classroom-what!"

Ron was also stunned. After taking the exam and attending half a class, all the students were no longer looking forward to practicing. As a result, the professor informed them that there was an activity?

The busy third grader followed him out happily and was taken to a small swamp.

"Pretty pretty, Percy!"

William praised again, then waved his wand to cast a spell, and the swamp was immediately covered with a thick layer of fog.

"Twelve minutes left!"

William waved his wand and released ten Hinkpunks, who quickly merged into the mist.

"Go and catch it! Three points for each one! Cooperative catches of this college will be counted as points. If different colleges catch the same one, it will be invalid. What are you waiting for!"

Without any further urging from him, a group of students rushed in directly.

He and Percy stood in the open space next to them, carefully observing whether there was any unlucky person who accidentally got too trapped in the mud.

"Professor, twelve minutes is a waste."

Percy plucked up the courage to raise his opinion - although the venue was not small, it was for individuals. If it were him, he would definitely let the students go to the trial alone or in groups of two or three.

So many people squeezed in, and they were all caught before they had any fun. If it weren't for the convenience of magic, the clothes alone would be enough to make people uncomfortable for a long time.

"Don't waste anything, Percy," William smiled and shook his head, "Thank you for your hard work, but I can't possibly spare a class for them to slowly experiment-"

‘Furthermore, the scene is not big, and if they are not carried out at the same time, the contrast between students will not be high. ’

"Okay, it's time!" William shouted loudly, and then the fog dispersed.

All ten hinkpunks were caught, about the same number, four or six - a little more than Gryffin, but not bad.

Harry and Ron were holding a petrified hinkpunk, standing in the mud, smiling stupidly.

William took out a modified camera and took photos to keep. He ignored Percy's strange look and called to a group of children, "Bring those poor guys up here."

"Well, there's still a little time, let's add some points," William did a simple operation and transferred the photo he just took to the blank hanging painting.

"First of all, Hinkpunkt's score, Gryffindor's twelve points, Hufflepuff's eighteen points."

"Then," he pointed to the hanging painting, "Miss Granger's wonderful transformation technique, a swamp was solidified. Unfortunately, it was not caught. One point will be awarded."

"This way..."

William pointed again, "One point for Hufflepuff."


"Then there is the point deduction event," William pointed out mercilessly as a crowd of students wailed. "At the end, he attacked his teammates with mud, and one point was deducted."

"Here, if you secretly create an ice path for your opponent, it won't be eliminated... Gryffindor will deduct one point."


"To sum up, Gryffindor gets nine points and Hufflepuff gets ten points."

William finished the calculation and destroyed the hanging painting, "Okay, get out of class is over, everyone come to my side."

He took Percy with him, one at a time, and they touched the students one by one, and then used spells to remove most of the mud.

"Let's go back."

After all the students were cleaned up, he turned back and said.


"Professor William's class is also very interesting, but it's too short."

"Oh, yes…"

Harry nodded.

"The exams were great, too," echoed Hermione, who got perfect marks.

"That's right! We still have exams!"

Harry and Ron suddenly changed their faces.

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

Hermione was puzzled, and then her face changed - "Oops, I forgot to go to class!"

She ran away in a hurry.

"Is she...confused?"

Harry looked puzzled, "She just got full marks!"

Ah_(:з」∠)_I almost forgot again... Starting from this month, titles will be given out every month. Those who are interested can participate in the event... Well, I almost lost the moderator again... As expected of me_( :з ∠)_

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