From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 300 Journey to Azkaban

As the most recognized Death Eater in the wizarding world, Sirius naturally lives in the deepest part of Azkaban.

Although William wanted to see how his former cellmate was doing, before that, he had to get the business done.

"I need to go to the depths of Azkaban to meet those Death Eaters. Is that okay?"

He asked the staff from the Ministry of Magic next to him.

"Of course not, you can do anything except free the prisoner and kill the prisoner-"

The receptionist hadn't sent the message yet, but the beater on the side had already started to answer it.

While answering, he winked at William, obviously implying that there was a lot of room for movement in the middle.

"Follow me," the striker led the way directly at the front. "The Death Eaters' guarding tasks are very strict. Many of them have identities. If something big goes wrong..."

He didn't say the rest, but his meaning was clearly expressed.

During the last war, due to the sudden disappearance of the Dark Lord himself, the Death Eaters who originally followed him were defeated one by one, sent to trial, and then imprisoned in Azkaban.

But here comes the problem. Due to the slogan of the Dark Lord himself, the core team of Death Eaters are almost all wizards from pure-blood families. In the magical world, pure-blood is the point from which most problems cannot be escaped.

There is no death penalty in the laws of the British wizarding world, and the biggest offense is simply imprisonment in Azkaban for life - but the imprisonment of other prisoners is different from the imprisonment of Death Eaters.

Although the Death Eaters are locked up in the deepest part, except for those prisoners who have already determined that no one will help them, if the rest of the Death Eaters are obviously abused, the outside world will immediately reflect on it.

"Don't worry, it's just a few simple questions and maybe some truth serum."

"If you are using Veritaserum, please control the portion appropriately, sir, otherwise..."


"Antonin Dolohov, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange..."

William followed the striker's actions while looking at the list of felons.

Then his eyes focused on the name at the bottom.

Barty Crouch (death)

‘This name…why does this name look so familiar? ’

He began to desperately remember - he seemed to have seen this name before.

'Have I really seen this name before? ’


The person next to him interrupted William's thinking, "We have to verify the identity. You have to show them the letter."


William politely took out the letter provided by the Ministry of Magic and handed the list to the person next to him to read.

"Barty Crouch, do you have any impression of this person?"

"Barty Jr.?" He was surprised. "So Barty Jr. died? But I haven't heard of it. Could it be that Mr. Crouch..."

"Sorry, Professor, I'm overthinking it," said the Ministry of Magic employee whose name is widely known as Albert. "Mr. Crouch almost became the Minister of Magic, but it was because of the fact that his son was a Death Eater. , causing his public support rate to drop suddenly, but even so, there are still many people in the ministry who support him..."

"He is now the Minister of International Magical Exchange and Cooperation... Well, he probably suppressed this matter..."

Minister of Exchange and Cooperation…

William suddenly remembered that this minister was previously the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Because of his dual identity, he had been sparing no effort in combating smuggling crimes - after all, the department's responsibilities included importing and so on...

'No wonder I've heard of's strange that I haven't heard of it...'

"I see," he still felt a little strange. It was not the time to explore in depth now, "these prisoners are really... not easy to mess with..."

"No, they are all pure-bloods. Professor, please be careful," Albert said while the striker was not paying attention. "There are also Death Eaters among the Hogwarts School Directors. They made excuses or found people to escape the trial. , but if you go too far here, those guys will definitely put pressure on the school."

"Take the Malfoy family, for example. They were die-hard Death Eaters back then. They escaped from Azkaban by donating money. You have to be careful."

"OK, thanks."

William nodded slightly, and then the two walked into the depths of Azkaban under the leadership of the striker who had completed the communication.


"***, is this for real?"

After William and the others left, the originally serious-looking team of hitters fell into disarray. A hitter with messy hair said a curse word, and then complained while looking in the direction where William and the others disappeared.

"Of course it's true. The newspapers outside are almost saying that this government is rubbish, and Sirius can't even catch him after trying for so long."

"It's true that we can't catch him. Can we conjure up a Sirius? Besides, it's not like he was lost when we took over the job temporarily. If the guards are not good enough, it's the fault of those black men themselves. I didn't see it. Are all the tasks of arresting them theirs?”

"That's right, a large group of black men chased him out like crazy, and so far they haven't even found Sirius' hair - if you ask me, Black is definitely hidden by a certain family, maybe it's the Malfoy family."

"Huh? Why?"

The new beaters interjected and asked - they who were assigned to Azkaban and Dementor shifts basically had the most time and the most time to listen to gossip.

"Think about it, who in the entire wizarding world doesn't know that the Malfoy family can make money and is willing to spend money. They escaped from the court trial. If I were Black, I would definitely go there to eat at the rich family. If I don't obey, I will cast a curse. It will blow up your house, not to mention that Black will definitely have some dark information about their family."

"That's not necessarily true - don't forget, there are many people who escaped punishment together."

"But isn't the Malfoy family the richest and most active?"

"That's true."

Several hitters around nodded, "But can this new professor really find out things?"

"What does it matter whether it is found out or not?"

An elderly batter interjected, "If we can't find out, I want him to teach my children. Didn't you hear that all the students in the self-defense course passed the OWLs exam last year?"

"What self-defense technique? Is there a new class at Hogwarts?"

"It's Defense Against the Dark Arts, with a different name, and I passed all fifth grade classes throughout the year!"

"so smart?"

"No, otherwise the higher-ups would think he is an expert?"

"That's really awesome. If I had such an awesome professor when I was in school, maybe I would be an Auror now, and would I still have to take shifts with those black men?"

"Pull him down, you secretly poured a lot of alcohol into the prison. If you can become an Auror like this, we will probably see you in a few years - but in prison."

A group of thugs laughed and joked for a long time, thinking about their life at Hogwarts back then, and then bragging about what they would have done if they had been back then, and then they dispersed and started doing small business with the prisoners in the prison. .


"Are you sure you don't want to talk, ma'am?"


A series of curse words came out of the mouth of the lady opposite William, but unfortunately they were not very lethal and even made William want to laugh a little.

Although these Death Eaters imprisoned in the deepest parts of Azkaban are the most feared existences in Azkaban, almost everyone has a life on their hands, and their personalities are horribly twisted, but as far as swearing is concerned, She's just so bad.

If she were locked up in the outer area of ​​Azkaban, without the help of a wand, she would most likely be scolded incomprehensibly, and then she would be so angry that she vomited blood after barely understanding the meaning of a sentence or two.

However, William had no intention of scolding her. It would not be helpful if he won the scolding, and he did not need to use this to attack her opponent's mentality.

"You really don't want to know how those who escaped punishment are doing? You should know that many people escaped that trial. How are they living outside now? Do you really don't want to know?"

William showed a large stack of newspapers, "There is a news jam in Azkaban. I think you must want to see how those people are doing."


A more disgusting curse word, but not that much vicious - purebloods really have a small vocabulary for swearing.

"Not interested in this? You think they are disgusting, but if you betray them, it would still be like betraying the Dark Lord?"

William randomly conjured a chair for himself and sat across from her across the cell door.

"You know that Sirius? The first Death Eater, the Dark Lord's favorite, the most terrifying man in the depths of Azkaban, the one who avenges the Dark Lord."


The other party had gone a little crazy and lost her mind. She even wanted to attack William with her teeth and nails - this was the most typical problem among people deep in Azkaban, but William didn't believe it.

After leaving Azkaban, due to various special reasons, William has been collecting information on Dementors, and finally obtained a series of information related to Dementors, plus some of the experimental data obtained later. Now he has a deep understanding of the relationship between People who have been in contact with dementors have a more detailed understanding.

The first stage is to encounter dementors by chance - there are not many, but they exist. There are different feelings of nausea and fear based on personal memory and contact distance, but they will completely improve after being out of contact.

The second level, frequent contact but not targeted - similar to the striker, still feels disgusting, but because of the Dementor's ability to actively collect photos, it is better than the first level.

The third level, light criminals - William classifies himself here. He was targeted by dementors in Azkaban, but because dementors are not here all the time, in addition to being easily afraid of dementors, when contacting them In addition to the severe reaction, the spirit is only slightly affected, and it will gradually get better afterwards, but it will take a long time.

The fourth level, serious criminals, does not have much information - there will be a relatively sober period after leaving the dementors, but even sober people are still crazy.

The fifth level, dark wizard felons - mentally extreme, but it is impossible to confirm whether it is due to black magic or dementors...the rest of the information is unclear.

But there's more - skilled dark wizards are immune to Dementors and can even control them.

"Stop pretending, Bellatrix Lestrange."

William leaned on the chair and watched the other party's performance, "Dark wizards are not very affected by dementors. You are not some lame guy who just learned black magic and called himself a dark wizard."

Upon hearing this name, the other person's expression suddenly changed, and a smile even appeared on his face - a hint of arrogance and contempt.

"Look, this is great. I'm not one of those beaters who gets distracted during class. I don't even know this bit of common sense. There's no need for you to pretend to be neurotic."

But what disappointed William was that after he revealed the truth, the other party left the cell door directly and hid in the darkness, without giving him a chance to communicate again.

This meant that the negotiations had broken down and William could no longer obtain useful information.

Although he could knock the opponent unconscious, try Veritaserum, and try Legilimency, it was useless - it was said earlier that the Veritaserum was just to make his inquiry look more formal, but it was really useless.

As stated in the information he read, due to the existence of Occlumency, Veritaserum and Legilimency were ineffective when interrogating this group of Death Eaters.

It was useless at first, and it is even more useless now - Occlumency is so powerful that no one who knows a little bit about it will miss it.

But what does that matter?

William had gotten what he wanted - after confirming that she was pretending to be crazy, that fake madness explained enough.

The most intense reaction was the sentence about Sirius being the number one Death Eater, which showed that the other party had no idea that Sirius was the number one Death Eater, and was even jealous of it.

'The previous investigation was still useful. The crazy personality cult that existed in the previous club has continued, and as someone who clearly considered himself number one when he was in prison... he couldn't stand this. ’

'She doesn't even know Sirius exists...'

'But it doesn't explain much... Peter's hasn't been checked yet... But it should have nothing to do with this person. Her previous status cannot be a recommender - but for the sake of being conservative, I will test it after it is completed. ’


After that, it was just a matter of trial and error.

It's boring - maybe it's a matter of the choice of Death Eaters. Anyway, the Death Eaters imprisoned in Azkaban don't even have anything new to say when they curse, they just keep saying the same thing over and over again.

But basically everyone is paranoid and unwilling to communicate. The only exception is that he wants to trick William into grabbing the wand, but his hands are not steady and he cannot do this kind of work at all.

‘Almost no one knows about Peter, there is no useful information at all, and I don’t know whether they are still vigilant after living in Azkaban for so long, or whether they are too high-ranking to care about it. ’

'I have a headache...'

'All the Death Eaters in this prison are just envious and jealous of Sirius, but they don't include doubts about the abilities of the people they know... They really don't know about Sirius's rebellion...'

'But this is not evidence. It only deepens suspicion... Do I have to find a lower-status Death Eater? But Azkaban doesn't exist...'

‘Who can prove it, or have any evidence that can be presented openly to tell everyone the truth of what happened? ’

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