From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 290 Theory of Equality of Magic

"Professor, since you have divided the intensity levels of magic spells, what about the spell itself? Does it also have levels?"

The students below accepted William's theory after a while of surprise, and some people immediately put forward their own new opinions.

Although the self-defense education courses at Hogwarts are terrible, the systematic education of magic still gives them enough knowledge reserves to understand new knowledge.

"Excellent question, two points for Slytherin."

William nodded towards the child who asked the question. Although it is not difficult to make this association, the only children in Slytherin who can do it so quickly are the children in Slytherin who have learned a lot. Compared with other houses, Slytherin does not care about levels. This kind of thing is more important.

"Although I would like to tell you that there is, in fact, from my personal understanding, there is no absolute level difference between magic."


The students were all excited. Compared with the previous theory that seemed acceptable, the professor's new point of view simply subverted their previous understanding.

"Yeah, no. Although it seems very cool to level up spells and then master an advanced spell, as far as I'm concerned, no."

William smiled and repeated that the professors' words about the club inspired him no less than a rare book on the dark arts.

"I think you all are not very used to this - after all, everyone is learning year by year, and the magic to be mastered is becoming more and more difficult every year. Even the subsequent magic is very difficult to analyze, let alone use. .”

"Or maybe you have graded the spells privately, so that first-year students are Level 1, and second-year students are Level 2?"

He looked at the students with a smile, and many of them showed hesitation - obviously, this may be how they divided themselves in private.

"It seems very reasonable. Spells that are difficult to learn are high-level magic, and magic that is easy to learn is low-level magic. It is very reasonable - but is it really like this?"

William looked around at all the students, who all looked back with confused expressions.

"Who can tell me what spells were taught in the sixth grade spells class recently?"

"Clear Water Like a Spring Spell, Professor."

A Gryffindor kid rushed to answer the question, and then realized something was wrong.

If the spell "Clear Water Like a Spring" is divided according to grade and learning difficulty, it is obviously a standard sixth-level spell - but how is this possible!

The surrounding students were also stunned. They all learned the same set of magic from the same professor. Some people haven't mastered this magic yet, but if they were to think that clear water like a spring was a level 6 spell, they would be really joking.

Even for the best students, the effect of using this spell is to summon a spring of water - it has no lethality, no defense, and no special function. It cannot surprise people like transfiguration, nor can it be like those complicated potions. It has an effect that can be called a miracle in the magic world.

If this kind of magic is promoted to the sixth level of magic, how should the other spells be calculated...

"So, Professor, are all magics equal?"

With the example of clear water like a spring, a Hufflepuff child reluctantly asked the question that he was unwilling to accept.

"I dare not say so, but except for a few magic and black magic, most of the other magics are not as different as you think."

William took out his wand as he spoke, "Come on, raise your wands, let's do an interesting experiment."

Although they didn't know what the professor planned to do, everyone became excited all of a sudden - they had done too many papers last year, and a class where you can use a wand is a good class.

"Move the table aside first. We don't need notes for this class yet. I need time to perfect my immature theory, and you also need time to find evidence that can refute me."

While watching the students move tables awkwardly, William shouted to everyone in a serious tone.

"Don't think I'm joking. I'm here to announce that if someone can come up with a complete theory that can be self-explanatory and refute my point of view before the end of this semester, you will not only be eligible to be exempted from the final exam, but also Get one of my spells directly, and trust me, it's an exclusive one."

"Of course, you can also exchange for three hundred galleons without the spell - I hope you choose this option."

Perhaps most of them don't know what the exclusive spell means, but everyone knows what three hundred galleons means - not to mention the exemption from the final exam!

The reward from the professor made everyone go crazy. They all paid 12% of their attention to listen to every word William said - after all, the professor's theory was too ridiculous and seemed too easy to refute.

"Russell, come to the front," William randomly nodded. The child was stunned for a moment and immediately ran to the front.

"Attention, I am going to use the disarming spell. You can attack or defend."

"Yes, Professor!"

His reaction speed was very fast. When he answered yes, he quickly pulled out the wand and cast the spell directly on William.

However, before his stun spell could hit William, his wand had already flown into the air.

"Excellent," William praised while avoiding the slightly slower stun spell, and then directly caught the student's wand firmly.

He waved his hand casually, and the wand flew straight towards its original owner. It slowed down and fell down the moment it got closer.

"The disarming spell," William turned to look at all the students, "This is a magic that can be mastered by lower-level students. Too many wizards have fallen victim to this magic. Losing their wands is not a good thing for wizards."

"But it seems easy to resist..."

"Of course, if this kind of magic is not easy to block, then I guess everyone will be forced to learn it on the first day of school."

"But...Professor, does this have anything to do with your theory?"

Another child boldly asked.

"No, it doesn't matter too much." William shook his head slightly towards the child who asked the question, "The disarming spell just now is just a disarming spell that meets the qualified standards."

"It's called the Disarming Curse, not the Wand Disarming Curse, and it's not a flying curse that targets magic spells."

"Of course, when I say this, I don't mean that the research on it will not increase its power. There are too many directions for research and improvement of a magic. What I want to say below is just my personal opinion. Although it does not increase its power, but…"

William began to inspect the classroom. Under the puzzled eyes of all the students, he quickly targeted a spider.

"The experiment below is a bit too inconsistent. I hope you will not think of using such spells on wizards, Muggles or other intelligent races in the future - if something like that really happens, I think I will give up my professorship. Applicant for Auror position."

While William spoke seriously to all the students, he used the flying spell to summon the spider.

"Everyone, watch."

He stopped the spider mid-air on the desk and shouted to the students.

Then, a piece of parchment was taken out and placed on the table.

William tapped the parchment with the fingers of his left hand, causing it to quickly enlarge to cover the entire podium. He waved the wand with his right hand, making the spider stop on it.

Then, William flicked the spider with his wand, causing it to expand rapidly to ensure that everyone could see it clearly.

At this moment, some people had already let out exclamations that were interrupted by them.

"I repeat again, during my tenure, if any graduate uses similar spells on intelligent creatures, I will deal with that student responsibly."

William raised his wand in front of everyone as he spoke, "Watch carefully!"


William recited the spell a little louder.

It was a disarming spell that everyone was familiar with, with the same light and the same spell. However, in everyone's surprised eyes, one of the spider's legs was torn off and flew towards the professor.

William stirred the wand slightly, and it immediately landed on the podium faster than before.

"With a slightly improved spell, if you change the definition of the weapon, you will get a pretty terrifying attack effect."

For a moment, there was silence in the classroom, only the sound of breathing was left.

"Then, Professor...if a wizard loses his wand, wouldn't his weapon be his fist..."

A Ravenclaw child reacted almost instantly. He couldn't help but interrupt himself in the middle of his conjecture.

But the people around him had already heard it, and like him, their faces suddenly turned pale.

"The same effect is the flying curse..."

William took a breath, then raised his wand again, "Spider legs are coming!"

In full view of everyone, the other remaining leg of the spider twisted into a weird angle, then separated from its original body and flew towards William, but was then knocked back to the podium by William.

This time, not even the sound of breathing could be heard in the classroom.

"More than that," William looked at the student, "When you have enough knowledge and understanding of a spell, you can modify it according to your understanding... Of course, violence is not the only method, and some modifications are just In order to weaken the power of the spell, or to enhance certain effects."

"I have also tried to improve some magic, although there are not many, but...if I try to develop them in a harmful direction, most of the spells will form a weird..."

William considered it for a moment, "The weird knot, it seems that most of the spells are improving in the same direction, even giving people the illusion that they are unified."

This theory is immature, but William still said it to the students. He hoped that some of the students could come up with some opinions - maybe it would be naive, maybe it would be illogical, but maybe it would be another wave of brainstorming.

However, maybe the theory is too advanced, maybe improved magic is still far away for these children, or maybe the effects of the two transforming magic just now were too cruel. In short, the students fell into an inexplicable silence.

"Nancy, what do you think?"

After a long silence, William had no choice but to put an extra burden on the good student - at least there was some communication...

If it were changed to last year, this situation would basically mean that the class was ruined, but this year it is not a big problem, after all, the student William is familiar with it.

However, to his surprise, Nancy rarely answered the question.


Nancy's face turned red after being named, "I'm really sorry, Professor... I haven't been exposed to the issue of improving magic... and what you said is too profound, I didn't quite understand it."

"You didn't quite understand?"

"Yes, Professor..." Seeing Nancy admitting that she didn't understand, several students around her had the courage to say that they didn't know how to do it, "I didn't quite understand - how did you do it?"

"Me too, professor, shouldn't our textbooks talk about silent spells..."

Another kid who had reviewed half of the book and was about to show off his skills also looked at William with a confused expression. He originally planned to get some points for his college - he had secretly mastered a silent spell...

William looked around at the students around him and found that they all looked confused and had no idea what he just said.


"Okay, are you all practicing silent spells?"

William nodded, then looked at the children.

"Yes, Professor."

The student who answered couldn't help but lower his head - although he didn't understand what William just showed, he knew very well that they were not two simple damage spells.

"Then let's talk about the silent spell," William changed his mood, then connected the two legs to the spider, then made it smaller and threw it back.

The moment it landed on the wall, it ran away as fast as possible without even looking back.

"The Silent Spell, as the name suggests," William glanced at the spider and then cast his gaze on the student, "It means that no sound is made when attacking - if we have to talk about the simplest Silent Spell, it is actually casting the spell with the smallest sound. .”

"This sounds incredible, but in the broadest sense, the silent spell is to cast the spell secretly without letting opponents or onlookers notice it. In terms of concealment, if your voice is low enough, it doesn't make much difference."

"But if you break it down, it won't work. Spells and waving of wands are the elements of magic we talked about in the lower grades. The real definition of silent spells simply omits the element of spells - this is not ordinary. It’s difficult…”

If the theory cannot be discussed, then leave it to the back. Anyway, it is only the beginning of the system...

If the discussion fails, you can think about it slowly. How can there be a formed theory?

He was not too disappointed, and his mentality was very peaceful, but there was a little problem to solve... These children were actually a little short of papers... Their theoretical foundation was too poor...

"Well, in fact, in foreign magic systems, there is also a magical method of gesture casting... which is completely different from the wand. You can just make gestures with your fingers. In fact, it can be regarded as a silent spell."

William was thinking as he spoke - they are already in sixth grade, how should we give them more homework?

PS: Suddenly, I wanted to code again, and miraculously I finished writing it - I won’t be confused if I can write it out, I’ll move it to after the holiday.

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