From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 282 Lupine’s Lessons

"Good afternoon, Adams, how are those biting cabbages doing?"

William sat comfortably at the table and chatted with Adams.

In the morning, Adams said that there seemed to be something wrong with his biting cabbage - this magic potion that sounded suitable for cooking was one of the necessary ingredients for the bone spirit, and a batch was grown in the school greenhouse every year.

There is nothing you can do, the fracture is a minor injury...

"Last year's batch of mandrake seems to have special toxicity remaining in the land," Adams shook his head. "It is still being analyzed. After all, there is not much experience in growing that kind of herb."

In the plant world itself, there are many plants that secrete toxins in the place where they grow to monopolize nutrients, and among the herbs used daily in the magic world, this phenomenon is even more common - William is quite aware of this common sense issue - —Magic potions and herbal medicines are not very different from each other.

"That's troublesome..." William shook his head. In serious cases, the soil under the greenhouse would have to be replaced.

But he didn't plan to make any suggestions - Adams and the others were professionals, and if they couldn't think of it, they couldn't even count on his little knowledge.

"Isn't that right? We are still rescuing the soil at the moment. It took a long time to process the soil in the greenhouse before it reaches the current level." Adams looked melancholy. "Let's not talk about those unhappy things. By the way, William, I heard that in the morning Did you throw a bunch of students outside the classroom?"

"Just tell them in advance about the cruelty of the magical world," William shook his head. "They are all eager for internship, and their vigilance has almost been lost. They really think that there are no bad guys in the magical world."

"Good for you."

Adams smiled and said, "Thankfully you came to school late. If I had a professor like you when I was studying, I would probably have to sleep in the corridor before graduation."

"You're overthinking it, Adams."

Singed next to him interrupted, "Please push the apple pie to me."


Adams looked at him curiously as he took the plate.

"Thank you," Singed said very politely, "Nevertheless, I still have to say that your scores are not enough to advance to the higher class."

The two looked at each other, and then laughed together like madmen, causing Professor McGonagall to glare at them before they stopped.

Seeing them like that, William couldn't help but laugh, and then looked at Lupine next to him.

Compared to when William sat down just now, Lupine's face looked much better.

This new professor, who has not yet started teaching, has adjusted his class schedule to the most demanding one for various reasons.

Today is Thursday, the afternoon is for the four colleges of three years, and the whole day tomorrow is for the second and fourth years again. Just thinking about it makes people feel that the overtime mode is going to collapse.

William could more or less guess the reason - he was putting too much pressure on his new colleagues.

The crazy results in last year's OWLs not only cleared away all doubts for him, but also put endless pressure on the subsequent professors.

Because of last year's results, he could try to change some teaching methods according to his own ideas, but the new professor had to work hard to prepare for the first class.

It was okay for others to comfort him, but William could never be comforted. It would only increase his pressure.

‘I hope he will be fine. ’

William silently gave his blessing, and then watched Lupine finish his meal and leave.

"William, what do you think of Professor Lupin's class?"

After waiting for Lupine to leave, Adams leaned over and asked. He studied later than Lupine, and Lupine became the prefect of Gryffindor not long after he entered the school.

Therefore, he was one of the professors who cared more about this new colleague who arrived late - Lu Ping's background as a prefect made many professors care about this new colleague.

"It should be very good. Professor Lu Ping's education is definitely more professional than mine, and his strength is worthy of that professional education."

William nodded and gave the best evaluation he could give.

A strong and competent new colleague who has received the original systematic education - what else is there to be demanding?

He now very much needs to refer to the previous teaching system to further improve his teaching methods. Although there are some existing materials in the school that can be consulted, it is far worse than a living new colleague!

'Hope his lesson goes well. ’


‘Calm down, calm down. ’

Lupine warned himself, and did it.

Although before coming to school, he felt that his first goal was to protect James' children and arrest that guy Black, but now he really wanted to complete his first class well and prove himself.

As a werewolf, even if he was a prefect of Hogwarts, excellent grades were still of no use.

After receiving a large sum of money from the school, he donated most of the money to those who were also unfortunate enough to become werewolves.

'Although I probably won't be able to retain them after being exposed, I still want to teach those students something...'

He carefully prepared his first lesson, and even moved the class schedule to the back, just to be better familiar with the environment after a long absence from Hogwarts and to make the first lesson perfect.


He took a deep breath, then let it out, then opened the classroom door and stepped in.

'There are a lot of students...'

However, he did not feel nervous. Instead, he became more comfortable. The memory of being a prefect emerged unconsciously. In his opinion, those students were not much different from the troublemakers more than ten years ago.

"Good afternoon," his voice was unusually steady, even a little unhurried, "please put all the books back in your bag. Today is a practical class, you only need your magic wand."

Although he and Professor William discussed the content of the class, he still planned to follow his own judgment in most of the course content, and the enthusiasm of the students also told him that his choice was not too biased.


The children below exclaimed, which made him more familiar - it was still a Hogwarts classroom, it was still a Hogwarts castle, it was still a group of lower-grade children, and even - he was the manager of these children. By.

The memories overlapped inexplicably, and he couldn't help but laugh.

"Great. Now that everyone is ready, can you follow me?"

The students stood up like the troublemaker before, followed him closely, and walked out of the classroom.

'I caught two guys using big dung eggs in this corridor...'

The corridors became familiar, even more so to Lupine.

'That's it...'

He just remembered that the ghost, or the elf, appeared, exactly the same as more than ten years ago.

Peeves is over there, floating there as always, performing the same pranks that haven't changed much in more than ten years - he's floating head down in the air, stuffing chewing gum into the keyhole closest to him. .

"Ha, Lupin!"

It wasn't until he got closer that Peeves realized who he was. After quickly recognizing the person, he shouted out happily and sang that old song - it seemed that it was made up by the Slytherin children at the time? Because he severely caught their students who violated discipline many times?

'It seems now that Slytherin at that time was... well, still very annoying...'

"Stupid, confused Lupin," sang Peeves, "Stupid, confused Lupin, stupid, confused Lupin—"

'It's still the same tune...won't those Slytherin guys change the words a little? ’

He couldn't help but smile, and instantly recognized what that room was for.

"If I were you, Peeves, I would take the gum out of the keyhole," he said cheerfully. "Mr. Filch can't go in and get the broom."

However, Peeves ignored him at all. He hummed the tune to himself, as if it was not an old-fashioned thing made up by Slytherin students more than ten years ago. It was not until the end of the hum that something new appeared. Trick - Loudly blow out a wet raspberry.

"Okay," Lupine shook his head, sighed, and then looked at the child behind him.

“This is a useful little mantra,” he told the class. “Please watch it.”

"Wadi Wasi!" Lupine shouted the incantation and pointed his wand at Peeves.

The small piece of gum shot out of the keyhole like a bullet, directly into Peeves' left nostril.

Peeves immediately swerved away and rose steeply, cursing all the way.

'same as usual. ’

"That's great, sir!"

A child in the back shouted, much like the one before, "That's great, prefect."

"Thank you, Dean." He looked at the child's face and instantly remembered his name - because he had been a prefect, he was quite confident in remembering names and connecting names with faces.

Just like before, the younger students immediately began to trust their prefect - now probably the professor - after seeing Peeves being punished.

But it doesn't matter, Lu Ping thinks there's nothing wrong with it anyway.

After passing this corridor and turning the corner, the next step was the classroom he selected.

The destination was the teachers' lounge - he had never had the luxury of using this place as a classroom before, but now it was probably possible.

"Come in," he said, steadily leading everyone to the place they had been curious about since they were in school, and then went straight in.

"Ah, Professor Lupin, good afternoon."

In the innermost part of the lounge room, Professor William, who was controlling the quill pen to write on the parchment, spotted him and greeted him with a smile.

After looking at the students curiously, Professor William continued to read the book and command his quill, as if the students could not disturb him at all.

But the other professor was different. Near the door, Snape was lying on a low rocking chair, looking around. His eyes were bright and there was a sardonic smile on his lips.

‘Still the same as before…”

‘No wonder there are only two professors but I don’t see them communicating… It’s no wonder they can communicate! ’

This thought came to Lupine's mind for the first time. On the first night he entered the school, he figured out how much Snape had longed for his position all these years, but after all these years, he still failed. .

'What's even more terrible is that Professor William did a very good job...'

'If I didn't do my job well, all those sarcastic remarks would have come out a long time ago, but now...'

Lupine bet that Snape hated Professor William even more than he did last year.

However, Snape definitely has no good solution...

With this pleasant thought, he closed the door to the lounge after confirming that all students had entered.

Snape, who was closest to him, opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something. Even Lupine thought that he would stand up and leave his usual taunting, but to his surprise, Snape actually stood firm. Sit down.

Lupine looked at Snape, and then at Professor William next to him. Perhaps because his eyes were too obvious, Snape seemed to have started the fight casually.

"Lupin, no one may have warned you, but Neville Longbottom is in this class. I advise you not to ask him to do anything difficult unless Miss Granger whispers instructions in his ear."

The careless Snape almost used a fatal blow, and his light words were very harsh.

Such extremely unfriendly words were like pouring hot oil on the students, and almost all of them reacted to this declaration of war.

Neville, the person involved, blushed immediately. He lowered his head so deeply that his ears could even bleed. The other Gryffindor students also became unfriendly. Several students stared directly at Snape with extremely hateful eyes.

But it had no effect, and Snape became even more comfortable in the rocking chair.

But he soon turned pale - when he wasn't paying attention, a student secretly took out a hat from his bag and put it on his head.

Then, as if they suddenly remembered it, several children who had hats in their schoolbags put them on.

The students who realized what had happened immediately used the parchment in their backpacks after searching for their hats to no avail. They were already in their third year, and Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class taught many interesting things, such as - using Parchment becomes a hat.

Professor McGonagall's education was extremely effective. With the help of the magic wand, these students quickly completed the magic they wanted to complete, even faster than the Transfiguration class.

In barely a few minutes all the Gryffindors had their hats on.

At this moment, Lupine was still communicating with Snape on the rocking chair with a frown on his face - or, in other words, tit-for-tat that seemed to be communicating.

"I had wanted Neville to be my assistant for the first phase of the operation," he said. "I'm sure he'll do a good job."

Lupine didn't expect Snape's reaction to these almost direct words - maybe he would have been irritable when he was studying, but now he has been a professor for more than ten years.

But he thought wrong. Snape's face suddenly turned red, and he looked like he wanted to pull out his wand and have a duel with him.

The serious and angry face made him suspect that Snape had not changed at all from the pure-blooded person he had been in school.

"Okay, let's take a closer look to see how exciting this class is. Maybe because of timely rescue, fewer students will be hospitalized."

After a long time, Snape lay down again, glanced at William next to him, and then stared at Lupin.

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