From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 222 Routine and Routine

If Ron were his student, he would be able to start making up classes during holidays to improve his classes now - it's a pity that Professor McGonagall refuses to give him power.

William thought as he listened to Ron's complaints.

During this period of time, he lived an extremely comfortable life. There was no rooster or secret room. He designed courses based on his own ideas, then applied them to the classroom, accepted feedback from students, and modified subsequent teaching based on these feedbacks.

Enriching students with knowledge is much more interesting than dealing with a basilisk hiding underground.

"Memory magic is indeed difficult to crack," William responded kindly, "but there are ways to make up for it in the course, it's just that it's a bit harder... it takes a lot of practice to make up for it."

"That's why I hate Lockhart," Ron openly expressed his dislike for Lockhart, "and he said such outrageous things to Hermione!"

Although he wanted to know what the so-called excessive words were, William chose to avoid the topic - it was probably not a good thing.

'But these three unlucky kids actually went to see's incredible...'

"Rockpie is here!"

Hagrid appeared with a large plate of rock biscuits, causing William to instantly lose his intention to continue the conversation.

Making an excuse, William packed up a few rock biscuits and took them away, leaving the four people with grim faces and Hagrid behind.


After Professor William left, the trio immediately became active, and Hagrid's room became as active as a self-study class after the head teacher left.

"Hagrid, what does Professor William want from you?"

"A normal visit between friends, or drinking and chatting," Hagrid looked at Harry with a smile and scratched his head. He was in a much better mood now and no longer struggled with the basilisk bones that Percy had assembled over there. .

"drink wine?"

Harry was slightly surprised, "That Professor William also drinks?"

He really couldn't connect the professor who was chatting with Hagrid with the professor who had just lightly used magic to give him a special treatment not long ago - it was just like Snape telling a joke in Potions class. I feel incredible.

There were a lot of complaints about the professor in the lounge, and from time to time, students who collapsed under their papers would be heard shouting something depressing.

There are several versions of the joke about the professor’s office parchment…

Such a stern professor drinking and chatting with Hagrid?

"Of course, how can you not drink? Professor William rented a small room in the Leaky Cauldron when we met. He often came down to drink, and his jokes were also novel. Even bragging was much more enjoyable than others. …”

Hagrid smiled and shook part of William's penis, but he quickly stopped talking and said, "Harry, why are you asking this? William is not your professor, either?"

"I'm just curious about what kind of person Professor William was before."

"It's not a good habit to ask about a professor's past, Harry," Hagrid said seriously, "but you must be asking because you are grateful to him for what happened in the Chamber of Secrets, right?"

"Speaking of which, I haven't thanked William properly for this..." Hagrid muttered as he rummaged through his things. After searching, he noticed Po who was working on the basilisk skeleton over there with a serious look on his face. West.

At this moment, Percy was still carefully piecing together the bones, and didn't feel the three new arrivals at all.

"Percy, you did great!"

Hagrid praised Percy loudly, "Sure enough, the old professor is right. You are the best student in the Care of Magical Creatures class in the entire school."

Such praise made Percy's ears turn red when he came back to his senses. He stared at his half-finished snake bone model and said humbly.

"Professor, he is overly praised...this basilisk is too big..."

"Harry, this is what you met in the Chamber of Secrets!!!"

Ron exclaimed next to him - he had just seen Percy.

"Yes," Harry felt that his legs were hurting again. He stared at the snake head that had not yet been installed on one side, and looked at those sharp fangs - it was only a slight scratch from those fangs that made him lose his temper briefly. cut one of his legs.

'Same magic,' Harry looked at the broken section on the snake's head, which was exactly the same as his own broken leg, and felt very panicked.

"Hermione, do you know the magic that cuts off snake heads?"

"This is…"

Hermione was stunned. She seemed to have seen it, but she seemed not to have it - the loss of memory was far greater for her than for others, and the reading lists that had been prepared had to be pushed back...

"This is a commonly used cutting magic, used to deal with some harder potion materials."

Percy added, making an already angry Hermione even angrier.

Although she knew it was wrong to blame Percy for this, she still felt angry when she should.

'You shouldn't have trusted those people who said this morning that Lockhart is now incredibly knowledgeable! ’

She was sulking to herself.

"Harry, how did Professor William kill this basilisk?" Ron saw the real thing for the first time. He originally listened to Harry as if he was telling a story, but today he wanted to hear it again.

"Two magics," Percy's eyes suddenly lit up, and he took over the right to explain. During this period, he, an insider, was forbidden to tell anyone about it. Today, he finally met a group of people who knew about it. I couldn't bear it anymore.

"Just two magic spells!"

Percy's voice became louder, "An eye curse destroyed the basilisk's eyes, and Professor William's own mutated voice magic scared the basilisk to the point of paralysis, and then cut off its head easily!" "

"Just a moment, this one -" Percy pointed at the specimen he had pieced together, "It's just so big and so long. You see, the guy who was more than twenty feet long collapsed into a puddle of mud!"

"You don't know!" Percy looked excited. "You don't know that Ron is so handsome, so handsome. I think Dumbledore was like that when he was young!"

He imitated William's voice, "What's so scary about a basilisk whose secrets have been thoroughly studied? I checked the information for a long time just to find out the vital point and kill it with one blow, Percy!"

"Percy, remember, the most terrifying thing is the wizard. Always be prepared and don't let the other side figure you out, otherwise you can take down most wizards with a sneak attack!"

"Yes, that's it, that's it!" Percy's face turned a little red.


"Is that really true, Harry?"

After ending the conversation and leaving Hagrid's hut, Ron asked the other client, Harry, curiously.

"It seems so, but it seems not..."

What Percy said was so categorical that Harry wasn't sure - that's what he meant, right?

But Harry always felt that Percy had changed some unimportant parts and said something that was not originally there.

"Just like Hermione..."

Ron complained aimlessly, "But at least we know it really happened..."

He was answered with angry looks - neither of the two friends looked very friendly...

ps: Some people always say that killing snakes is not pleasant...Would writing a chapter like this make it fuller...

Let’s do this for today, adjust our schedule...

I obviously want to update more...Why is there so much going on on May Day?

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