From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 194 Suddenly happy and like celebrating a holiday

"Dun, dun, dun!"

I remembered a short, strong knock on the door.

William raised his head and stopped his research work on the low-power curse.

"Who is it?" He guessed in his mind who might be knocking on the door, and he didn't stop working.

After carefully putting the parchment away and putting it in the drawer, William pulled out his wand and unlocked the protective spell in the office.

"Please come in!"

"Yes, Professor," a very familiar voice came from the door. As the door handle turned, a flash of red hair came into William's eyes.

'Why Weasley again? ’

After such a thought flashed through his mind, William felt better - it was Percy.

"What's the matter, Percy?" William asked gently.

Leaving aside grades and other matters, Percy is not afraid of hardship, tiredness, or boredom when doing things, and he completes the work well and quickly. Which professor would reject such a student?

Not to mention that Percy also provided two treasure chests - although William wanted to keep them to wait for the first experiment of the Felixir to see if the bug could be fixed, the chests were genuine.

"Professor, they want to cheat!"

Percy looked a little uneasy, causing William to grasp his wand instantly - he was familiar with this plot.

This was how Ginny Weasley sneaked up on Filch last time after settling a debt with Professor McGonagall. He clearly remembered that Percy also wore that crown!

"Don't be in a hurry, speak slowly," William maintained a smile, and secretly placed the wand in the position where it would be released the fastest.

"Well, Professor, my two younger brothers," Percy looked very confused, "You know them, thank you for leaving a place for them, but they plan to unite the students in school to cheat collectively."

"Collective cheating?"

William was stunned for a moment - he hadn't said anything about cheating yet, but those two guys had already asked in advance?

Did Professor Lockhart expose the matter while talking to the students?

"Yes, collective cheating," Percy said, not noticing the wand that was pointed at him at all. "The two of them tried to collect the books of current students and provide them to one student, so as to win through this method. "

It could be heard that Percy was quite distressed, which made William's idea of ​​knocking the person down and reading the memory a little less.

"Did they find you?" William's words were probing, "You have the best academic performance among the students staying at the school."

"Thank you for your compliment, Professor." Percy expressed his gratitude quickly, "I clearly rejected them and then came to see you——"

"I understand," William smiled and pressed his left hand, "but I can think of someone joining forces. I will reiterate this matter with them today."

He shrugged at Percy, "Believe me, even five books will make it quite painful for you to read without a wand."


"Ron, the holiday time is definitely cursed by magic!"

Harry complained in front of the common room fire.

"There's still time before dinner, let's watch for a while." Ron looked at the time and buried his head in the book again.

Not long ago, Professor William made a little additional explanation during dinner time. Although books can be brought to the examination room, you cannot use a wand to read them. The other students did not realize the problem at first, but they often played pranks. After the twins went back and actually tested it, they announced that their plan had been abandoned.

'The plan failed. No one can finish reading so many books. Without magic, it is not easy to find books if you bring too many books! ’

After the two experimented with using their hands to search for books, they said to their friends who still had hope.

This made the students who had vaguely heard the news become active again - concentration of books would make efficiency lower. If this is the case, wouldn't opportunities for students like them come?

This is why Ron and Harry are studying hard. Even if they can't remember those things, as long as they read it once and take the book with them, maybe they will bet right?

The two of them read the book for a while, and then ran from the lounge towards the auditorium at an extremely fast speed - after finishing dinner early, they could read some more books when they returned to the lounge!

There were many wizards who had the same idea as them. In the corridor, the running students saw each other without even saying hello. They smiled and ran towards the auditorium together.

When they arrived at the auditorium, they found that it was extremely quiet today.

The temperature in the Great Hall was much higher than outside, causing Harry's glasses to become foggy. He took off his glasses and tried to tell what was wrong around him.

"Ron," Harry panted and called Ron from behind, "are we late?"

"No," Ron's tone was a little floating, making Harry couldn't help but turn his head. He found that Ron's eyes were not looking at him at all, but looking towards the middle of the auditorium.


The people running behind made a sound of admiration - this made Harry so angry that he couldn't see anything when he took off his eyes.

"You two, hurry up," Hermione's voice came. She tapped her wand on Harry's glasses, whispered a spell, and the white mist dissipated, "Dinner is about to start - God!"

came Hermione's surprised voice.

Harry quickly put on his glasses and turned his gaze to where his companion was looking.

A ball of gold dances in the air, attracting everyone's attention, making people feel that that thing should be the focus of sight, the thing that people care about most.

Harry observed carefully and finally identified what the golden mass was - it was a large potion bottle containing only a small amount of potion.

There was a pitiful amount of potion that almost only covered the bottom of the bottle, but the eye-catching mass of potion made it impossible to imagine why it was so small.

'An existence that is more dazzling than gold,' Harry thought, and the name of this potion naturally came to mind. The prize that has been rumored in Hogwarts these days, the protagonist among the protagonists, the Elixir of Fortune.

‘This is how it should be. ’

Harry couldn't help but think that the pain caused by turning over books these days was suddenly gone.


‘If this thing is not for long-term preservation, it would be better to put it in a big bottle,’ William couldn’t help but think as he glanced at the elixir he had got in the air.

This is not a trick from Azkaban after all - leaving enough space for the potion to move will make the customer clearly aware of how good the potion is, and of course, the bottle should be flashy if possible. These can easily arouse customers' desire to buy.

"Professor Snape definitely doesn't understand this," William complained silently, but he felt a bit like eating a lemon - although he had never seen a potion signed by Professor Snape in the potion market, but he was the only one who had ever seen a potion signed by Professor Snape. As we all know, the top masters in the industry don't care about fancy skills at all. They just find an empty bottle, fill it up, and then sign it...

‘Sooner or later, the potions I make will be sold with signatures. The uglier the bottles, the better, and the signatures will be the sloppiest! ’

William nodded silently and swore, then got a potato.

The Hufflepuff students didn't invite him over today - to be precise, because of the exam questions he made, those children are currently studying hard and don't even have time to cook.

‘Does it count as cheating yourself? ’

William ate the last bite of bread and stood up.

He waved to the bottle of blessed elixir and caught it firmly, "I heard that everyone is very fulfilled during this time, which is good."

None of the students below said anything, everyone focused on the elixir.

"I guess you all want it," William put the bottle on the table and spread his hands towards all the students, "To be honest, I like it too, but this is the only one I can provide, and obviously it cannot satisfy all students. needs.”

"As you can see, the prizes are ready. I wonder how everyone has been reviewing during this period..."

He reached out and tapped the potion, causing it to splash into a golden splash, "The Christmas exam is a little too serious to say the least - I'm going to make the exam more interesting."

‘What is he going to do again? ’

At the Gryffindor table, Hermione suddenly felt something was wrong. She had been reviewing a lot these days and was very sure of winning the first place.

"Well, in order to let everyone understand that this is an entertaining exam, I decided to make an exception and lower the punishment for cheating. You can cheat using methods other than magic wands, but you will be caught. Every time you are caught, your name will be written down. One point will be deducted from the final score.”

The students were stunned—it was the first time they had heard a professor advocate cheating.

It's a one-point price, but if you succeed, it will be more than ten times the reward!

"Of course, this is not to say that I advocate cheating, nor do I encourage you to cheat. In fact, what I want to tell you is never cheat! You may think cheating is easy, but in practice it will be much easier to get caught. !”

William's voice carried through the entire auditorium.

"Actually, I can tell you here that cheating is okay here, but when it comes to the actual exam, once you are caught cheating, the lightest price you can pay is to be kicked out of school!"

William's voice became serious.

"In order to make the invigilation more rigorous, I specially invited Professor Lockhart to be the invigilator." William extended his hand, and Professor Lockhart stood up in response, showing his perfect smile.

"I'm very glad that Professor William invited me to invigilate the exam." Professor Lockhart showed his teeth again. "Although Professor Lockhart is willing to help you solve your problems, it is obviously not possible during the exam. Don't think about cheating, otherwise I won't be able to do it." No regrets, your points will be deducted.”

"Professor Lockhart, you are too formal," William answered. "While you can try and make mistakes this time, I hope you can use all the methods you think of, and then you will find that you will be deducted the corresponding amount." Scored."

He shook his shoulders, "However, that is not necessarily a bad thing. Don't take victory or defeat so seriously. Failure is also a good thing."

"Okay, I'm done," William put away the potion, "See you tomorrow on Christmas Day. The exam starts at nine o'clock. I will hand out the papers on time."

After taking a few steps, William turned around and added, "If you want to cheat, please rest. If you are not focused, you will be caught more easily. I hope you won't use this as an excuse!"


‘I haven’t finished speaking yet! ’

Lockhart squeezed his wand, but the students obviously had no intention of listening to him.

The news that William just said was so exciting that they didn't react for a while, but now they suddenly understood what happened - Professor Lockhart proctored the exam and was caught cheating and one point was deducted.

Originally, everyone was a little afraid that they would not be able to take the exam and others would go there. Now, if they open the test and cheat, they will have nothing to say if they fail the exam and others will go there!

"Does anyone have a refreshing potion?"

"Ten Sickles!"

The students didn't even eat anymore and started talking about business at the table.

Seeing the heated chatter of the people around him, Fred looked towards his brother.

George's eyes came to him almost at the same time. The two looked at each other and immediately understood what the other person was thinking. Then they quietly left the table together in an instant without disturbing anyone else.

"Harry, you can cheat, the approved kind!"

Ron put a hand on Harry's shoulder - the three of them had a quarrel over cheating, and now it seemed that he had won.

"It's just cheating. What's the use of cheating if you don't know how to do it?"

Hermione looked disdainful, "It's just an open-book exam plus cheating, and I'm still number one."

She ignored the two of them and walked away with her head held high.

"Is she angry?"

"Who knows? We might as well figure out how to cheat - we have all night!"

When it came to cheating, they quickly reached a consensus, and the rest of the students were no exception. They started to discuss it eagerly in the small groups that usually gathered together.

Cheating in public!

Only one point will be deducted for being discovered!

This is simply impossible. Although the invigilator has been replaced by Lockhart, a professor whose level is increasing day by day, it is only one point. Why don't you give it a try?

Originally, everyone's Christmas atmosphere was suppressed by the exam, but now they suddenly have a festive atmosphere. Even receiving gifts is not as exciting as it is now - you can cheat on the exam!


By the time Harry and the others returned to the lounge, all the good seats in the lounge had been occupied by students again.

"Harry, are you sleeping?"

"Why should I sleep? There are still many days left during the vacation. I won't be able to sleep if I don't prepare my cheating methods today!"

Before Harry could answer, someone else responded first.

Although it was not quite right to say this, Harry still felt that what the other party said was vaguely reasonable.

"Harry, have you ever cheated before?"

Ron asked softly, "Just when you went to Muggle school."

"I don't, but someone has a cheat sheet."

Harry whispered, recalling how others cheated when he was studying.

"There's no use for cheat sheets, you can bring any books in."

Ron lowered his voice to learn from the experience, which made Harry feel unusually satisfied - in the past, Ron was introducing him to things in the magical world, but now Ron started to ask him how he got the Muggle things. This was better than Weasley. Sir asked how much better he felt.

"When I think about it again, they seem to have coded answers, that is, if you don't know how to do it, make gestures or make sounds to ask me, and I won't know how to ask you."

Harry tried to recall it, and that memory seemed to suddenly become better.

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